Crime essays

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How do Powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act Disproportionately Affect BAME Community?

2 Pages 920 Words
It is apparent that the relationship between the police and BAME communities is vastly damaged and this is due to the ill-judged use of policing powers. Police powers remain among the most controversial components of British police force to stop and search individuals in public. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act was first introduced in 1984 as a reform against...

Psychological And Sociological Reasons Juvenile Delinquency

3 Pages 1203 Words
Juvenile delinquency is defined as “failure to follow the law by a young person or group, the act which labels young people as deviant or delinquent” (Open University, 2020). Since Juvenile Delinquency is multifaceted, this essay will look at two social science approaches, sociological and psychological, to understand juvenile delinquency whilst reviewing the similarities and differences between these approaches. On...

Gender And Crime: Serial Killers

4 Pages 1752 Words
Introduction Within this end of course assessment, I am going to be talking about Gender and Crime. A brief explanation into the differences in male and female criminals, criminological theories including the chivalry thesis. Crime & media in popular culture also falls into the category for this assessment which talks about cultural criminology and representations. The main body of this...

Restorative Justice As A Way Forward To Reduce Reoffending In Youth Delinquency

2 Pages 1048 Words
Restorative Justice (RJ) is a relatively young discipline in the Criminal Justice system, aiming to enable a safe communication between victims of crimes and offenders. Evidence suggests that restorative interventions have been successful in serious and complex offences, and now a significant amount of work is focusing on the use of restorative approaches to support young offenders to provide opportunity...

Social Construction Of Youth Crime

5 Pages 2160 Words
This essay will analyse and evaluate the historical and contemporary contextualisation of the development of the social construction of youth and evaluate the states response to the youth offending. It will appraise the process of distinguishing childhood from little adults to a life stage synonymous with vulnerability and in need of protection. It will further evaluate how differences in social...

Stanford Prison Experiment And The Era of Unethical Research

6 Pages 2600 Words
The malpractice and distrust of physicians, Doctors, and clinical researchers has caused for uneasiness on both sides of the argument on medicine and clinical research. The topic of malpractice is not limited to practicing medicine, of course. Many researchers conduct experiments in order to attain the wealth of knowledge; however, this different path may not always dissuade them from any...

Teasing, Rejection, and Violence: Case Studies of the School Shootings

2 Pages 967 Words
Introduction According to the journal article that is being reviewed, approximately 40 students had their lives taken away and numerous students had gotten injured due to school shooting since 1993-2003. This article looked into the contributor of school shootings in between the year 1993-2001. Moreover, the study gave a look at some other factors of school shootings. The authors had...

Understanding Police Brutality and Excessive Force

4 Pages 2131 Words
Abstract This paper talks about police brutality and excessive force and how it is affecting people perspectives and attitude toward police officer. Police brutality and excessive force has and is a big issue around the United States. Innocent people are being killed or mistreated by officers who don’t respect protocol and who take advantage of their power. This paper also...

Manson Family: A Psychological Review on Susan Atkins

5 Pages 2385 Words
Introduction Susan Atkins was a member of the infamous 'Mason Family', where she was convicted of murdering eight people under the orders of Charles Mason. How Old was Susan Atkins when She Died? She was given the death sentence and lived the rest of her life from a jail cell until she died on September 24, 2009 at 61 (Jensen,...

Juvenile Delinquency: Programs and Impacts

7 Pages 3311 Words
Juvenile delinquency has always been considered as a psychological problem rather than a legal challenge which it particularly is. The question though remains, how can it be solved? Juvenile delinquency also known as “juvenile offending” is the situation where the minors engage in illegal activities. Juveniles are the young people who are below the age of the majority as the...

Reflection On Criminal Justice: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 746 Words
It is important for high school students who are interested in going into the criminal justice system to be educated on the field and the different careers made available to them. Careers in the criminal justice field are in high demand by United States citizens for both increased protection and better prison facilities. According to Johnson (1998), “students interested in...

White Collar Crime: Sociological Positivism Strain Theory And Differential Association

4 Pages 1897 Words
This essay will talk about sociological positivism strain theory by Merton and differential association by Sutherland. The strain theory is a sociological theory in Criminology. Merton explained deviancy and said it is a very hard for society to achieve the societal goals. These goals were classed as the American dream which is wealth, freedom, ownership and prosperity. Everyone wants to...

Power And Inequality: Role Of Inequality In Increasing The Crime Rate

5 Pages 2175 Words
The increasing crime rate all across the world is a great concern for the legal authorities and also the researchers have identified numerous factors behind the increased crime rate. The major dimensions that are considered the real causes behind an increased crime rate includes poverty and inequality. But recently the numerous research studies have identified that inequality is considered to...

Forensic Backlogging In Great Britain

5 Pages 2491 Words
Introduction Forensics is a key role in the criminal justice system which is nationally recognised in Britain. It is used as scientific evidence in the court of law to support the prosecution or defence in a criminal case. (The Telegraph, 2018, Sandra H) Within the last 40 years forensic science has gloomed in the eye of the public and has...

Comprehending the Perspective of a Graffiti Artist as a Profession

3 Pages 1564 Words
Graffiti art is an uncommissioned urban art revolution by any sense of movement and cultural heritage and a radical contemporary art movement that artists used as a social expression of protest that illustrates ideas from an environmental perspective to convey political or social opinions. It involves the unauthorized spraying, painting or scratching of words and images on buildings, bridges, streets...

The Legislation Of Rape And How Rape Has Been Dealt With Over History

3 Pages 1323 Words
Rape is a sexual assault that occurs when one or more individuals put themselves on someone without there consent. This can be done in many ways for example this can be done by force or by being threatened or by being manipulated, it is the name of statutory crimes in the united kingdom, northern islands, Scotland, California, and new york...
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Vandalism: Is Urban Graffiti a Force for Good or Evil

2 Pages 1156 Words
In The Guardian article, “Is Graffiti a Force for Good or Evil?” by Athlyn Cathcart-Keays, reader learn that some artists get positive attention for their graffiti, while others get penalized with fines and prison sentences for doing the same thing. In 2008 there was a major public museum called “Tate Modern” which displayed graffiti and street art. Six international artist...

Application Of Beccaria’s Theory Of Deterrence To International Crime (Genocides) And Transnational Crime (Drug Trafficking)

7 Pages 3054 Words
Why do people commit crimes? The one question that this class has revolved around taking theories and applying them to international, and transnational crime trying to break down what causes a person to commit a criminal act. One theory that has caught my interest throughout this class is Beccaria’s “Theory of Deterrence.” Beccaria’s three characteristics of punishment, Swiftness of punishment...

Gang Violence: The Crime Of The Streets

6 Pages 2838 Words
In 1980, a brutally violent civil war broke out in El Salvador. Thousands of Salvadoran refugees poured into the United States seeking a better life. One of those refugees was a boy named Nelson. Nelson and his family landed in a guetto neighborhood of Los Angeles. While his parents worked numerous jobs, Nelson spend much of his time by himself,...

Serial Killers Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Harold Shipman, and Dr. Jack Kevorkian: Nature Versus Nurture

4 Pages 1949 Words
A serial killer is defined as a killer who kills three or more people in the same way. By looking into the early lives and years of Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Harold Shipman, and Dr. Jack Kevorkian the answer to the question “Are serial killers born or raise” is never truly uncovered but the direction it points is apparent. Most...

Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency

5 Pages 2329 Words
Abstract Juvenile Delinquency has been an ongoing phenomenon for years and will unfortunately continue in future years to come. Biosocial theory, social structure theory, and Hirschi’s social bond theory are just a few of many theories that help to explain how and why juveniles engage in delinquent behavior. These theories go in depth on factors that can and cannot be...

Examination Of The Neuropsychological And Intellectual Differences Of Murderers

5 Pages 2215 Words
In history over the years, human civilization has brutally overturned each other, bringing murder and harm into existence. Various cases sprung into the public eye as killings blossomed nationwide. Every day people were tricking society, hiding, and waiting for their next innocent victims to cross their path. Once killings became more common, different types of killers began to be named...

Causes Of School Shooting

4 Pages 1687 Words
In 2018 alone, there were 82 school shootings around the world, in today’s society as dishearting as it may sound school shootings have become more and more abundant. There have been many cases around the world causing students to be scared to attend school and arising fear in many faculty and staff to attend work. Many times the shooters typically...

Key Issues Within The Criminal Justice Profession Which Pertain To White Collar Crimes

3 Pages 1233 Words
In this paper I will be discussing three key issues within the criminal justice profession which pertain to white collar crimes. The issues which will include: money laundering, racketeering and fraud. I will address the key points regarding these issues, create a time line from earlier crimes to crimes today as well as identify and describe multicultural and diversity issues....

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