Environment essays

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Is The Exploration Into Space A Good Objective That Can Benefit Society On Earth?

Space exploration helps us on earth in many ways as well as expand our knowledge of the universe. New technologies are created as well as medicines to and further cures to illnesses on earth. Jobs are created from this area and it inspires new generations to explore the sky above. Many innovations from space can even protect earth from extinction level events like meteors striking the planet. Much of the research obtained was from NASA’s official site so the data...
6 Pages 2533 Words

Analysis On The Effects Of Population Growth

As a consultant to the United Nations, I have been asked to examine how the continued increase in the use of natural resources by the global population is partially leading to the release of greenhouse gases and how their release affects developing countries, namely Sierra Leone, West Africa. In this analysis, I will have background information on what 'greenhouse gasses' are, what are the effects of 'greenhouse gasses' on Sierra Leone, and, ultimately, how 'greenhouse gasses' lead to global warming....
4 Pages 1637 Words

Animal Cruelty Laws In The United Kingdom

Animal abuse is a serious topic that occurs every day of our lives. This happens every day, everywhere. Animal abuse is a major cause all around the world that is causing millions of animals to get hurt and killed, from the smallest animal, to the largest animal known. Almost every animal is being abused by careless people, animals such as chickens, dogs and elephants. This is now in modern time against the law and anyone caught could be prosecuted. Cruelty...
1 Page 660 Words

Experience Of Service Learning At Mecklenburg County Park

Whenever I thought of service-learning, I would usually only connect it to just volunteering. Going out into the community to lend a hand, and help out with no expectation for financial gain whatsoever. Hearing about the service-learning requirement for this biology class, I thought I just had to go out and just get hours for cleaning up somewhere with an organization. However, upon reading the rubric for this project I came to gain a better understanding of what was required...
4 Pages 1766 Words

The Effects Of Overpopulation On The Earth

The society is now facing an extremely serious issue. It is considerable and it can lead to the extinction of human and all other animals on the earth. Many countries and national leaders and even us thrashing around the pollution, global warming and poverty when none of them would exist if the population is under control. We have to look closer at this issue with understanding of its causes, the effects of overpopulation and how we can terminate it. Our...
2 Pages 1036 Words

None Of The Animals Deserve Abuse

We already use animals for food clothing, etc.… so there is no reason to abuse them. Places like factory farms keep animals in small closures. Animals being harmed terribly for clothing is also happening nowadays. Animals should be treated humanely. According to The Human Society of the United States animal cruelty is common in both rural and urban. Animals are being mistreated in factory farms as well. NAMI (North American Meat Institute) said that 93 billion pounds of meat were...
2 Pages 933 Words

Animal Cruelty In Science, Zoos And Sport

Preconceived concepts of how animal cruelty has for long loomed over the minds of our unfortunately ignorant society. Citizens like to think that the police are handling it, cracking down on the abusive owners and poor breeding conditions but, the issue stretches much further than these simple acts of backyard brutality. In contrast, sports events attended by thousands all around the world, the pharmaceutical giants stocking our medicine cabinets and the makeup companies gracing our bathroom counters being the offenders...
2 Pages 895 Words

The Role Of Technology And Science In Population Growth

Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century, world population increased exponentially in accordance to immigration, technological advances that improved quality of life as well as elongated lifespans, and exponential growth in food production productivity. These factors have created persistent population growth even as mortality and fertility rates decrease. In the United States alone, through demographic transition, there has been ascending growth as family size decreases. However, surging problems have aroused in accordance to sustainability in relationship to quality of life. Human...
6 Pages 2758 Words

Globalization Impact: The World Economy And The Environment

Globalization is when different nations come together through international trade, investments and technology as a way to interact with each other, forming allies as a way to enhance their resources including the economic rates. This way businesses all around the world can communicate with each other easily and also by doing this they are trying to help undeveloped territories by giving them a platform to showcase their goods and services in the market. From this, you can see that globalisation...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Measures Required For Healthy Urbanization

Introduction Urbanization can be defined as drift of population from rural and agricultural land to urban and non-agricultural sectors (Gollin et al 2002; Michaels et al 2012). The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2018), has reported that world’s urban population has accelerated from 751 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018 and will reach to 6.4 billion in 2050. Desire to achieve better housing and health-care facilities, sanitation, education, better employment opportunities, socio-economic benefits and modern technology...
2 Pages 1106 Words

Leviathan And Thomas Hobbes

By developing of Machiavelli’s political theory and ideas based on the government in a philosophic way that influenced the important names such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, being among the founders of modern political philosophy, emphasized the importance of the social contract and the state of human nature in his well-known work called Leviathan in the 17th century. Thomas Hobbes is considered as a substantial English philosopher since not only his reputation still goes on,...
7 Pages 3014 Words

Animal Killings And Abuse In Shelters

Animal abuse can happen in many shapes and forms, from starvation to beatings and from cats to horses, animals are always being abused. But unfortunately, it's not only owners that abuse animals, but shelters too. And I know some people think animal shelters are places of sunshine and full of happy puppies and kittens ready to meet you, but in fact many pet shelters abuse animals by not caring about them or putting them in small cramped up cages or...
2 Pages 806 Words

Role Of Media In Environment Awareness

Environmental awareness Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies, conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others. Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future...
3 Pages 1215 Words

Animal Abuse Is Very Common In Both Rural And Urban Areas

Animal abuse is never acceptable, all animals have souls just like humans and should be treated with respect and love. It’s true. Animals can feel pain, they can feel emotion. Just because they don’t look like a human, doesn’t mean they aren’t the same as us. Animals should not be treated the way they are. They deserve a caring home and habitat to live in, and we should stop destroying their natural habitats. Animals are people too, they just look...
2 Pages 902 Words

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