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Physical Effects of Cerebral Palsy in Children: Analytical Essay

Cerebral palsy is a condition often found in children that impairs their physical ability. The physical effects of Cerebral palsy mildly hinder a child's ability to move easily (cite). Some of the cognitive effects for children with Cerebral palsy include apprehension delayed learning and hindered verbal communication (cite 2). Children with Cerebral palsy use more energy just to walk and as a result, they naturally decrease their physical activities (cite). Maltais et al. (2016) identified how past research has found...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Marriage as a Dubious Goal in Mansfield Park

Jane Austen’s 1814 novel Mansfield Park begins and ends with the topic of marriage. In this regard, it seems to fit into the genre of the courtship novel, a form popular in the eighteenth century in which the plot is driven by the heroine’s difficulties in attracting an offer from the proper suitor. According to Katherine Sobba Green, the courtship novel “detailed a young woman’s entrance into society, the problems arising from that situation, her courtship, and finally her choice...
1 Page 399 Words

Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

Marriage is a social custom in which a man and a woman form a new family together. In today's world, there are two types of unions. Arranged marriage and love marriage are two types of unions. While this is true, arranged marriages have been widely practiced since the dawn of civilization, love marriage is becoming increasingly common today. However, because of mutual understanding, deep knowledge of the individual, and existing independenc, I would argue that a love marriage is superior...
1 Page 570 Words

Essay on Family History and Sociological Experience of Steve Jobs

Introduction The social experience of a person shapes his life from a very early age. The impact of sociological theories such as structure and agent theory is also prominent in the person's overall experience in very sectors such as family, race, ethnicity and social inequalities. As a person grows his learning and experience from an early age also becomes mature (PANAGIOTOU, 2019). Steve Jobs is known as one of the most successful entrepreneurs, industrial designers,s and media investors of all...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Essay on Community Assessment of Elderly People of a Lower Socioeconomic Status

I decided to write a community assessment paper regarding the elderly population with a lower socioeconomic status. Elders desire a life with good health, dignity, economic independence and finally a peaceful death. They long for care, love and affection. Understanding their needs and concerns will ensure their good health. It is important to research beneficial services for older people because they are a vulnerable age group. According to World Health Organization, “Senior citizens are considered a vulnerable population, even if...
5 Pages 2379 Words

Essay on Body System Changes in the Older Adult and Nursing Implications

Body System Changes Throughout our lives, our bodies begin to change in ways that result in a decline. The elderly population may think these changes are not normal, but in most cases, the changes that occur are typical with aging. Our bodies most often undergo similar stress, but some of these changes depend on lifestyle and genetics. When the human body ages, the cardiovascular, respiratory, and integumentary systems decrease in functioning. Nurses must be able to diagnose and assess, implement...
6 Pages 2609 Words

Descriptive Essay on Cerebral Palsy in Children

Cerebral Palsy is an intellectual disability and neurological disorder with which professionals estimate that approximately 10,000 babies are born every year. Cerebral Palsy affects muscle movement, tone, and necessary motor skills, which overall hinders a person’s ability to move and live in a coordinated and healthy way. Since there is no cure for this disability, there are exclusive remedies to live with it and ways to become more aware and understanding of how this disability affects an individual’s life. Cerebral...
4 Pages 1907 Words

Child’s Woe: Lowering the Age of Criminal Liability

Does imprisoning children who commit criminal offenses safeguard the law and uphold justice or is it a crude and immoral way of making them aware of what the law can do? Nowadays, our essence of justice is subtly deviated due to the excessive corruption among politicians, increasing rate of poverty, continual consumption of prohibited drugs, and many unmentioned social issues wherein juvenile crimes are just a symptom of the present immoralities. Children are ignorant of what the law can do...
5 Pages 2452 Words

Analytical Essay on Malnutrition: Nutritional Status of Children

Literature review 1 Nutritional status and its indicators The concept of nutritional status has been referred to as the condition of the body with respect to each nutrient and to the entire state of the body's weight and condition (UNAP, 2011). This nutritional status equilibrium is antagonized by three processes namely, reduced intake of food; changes in utilization of food and nutrients and increase in nutritional requirements. A destabilization in this equilibrium will normally imply a loss or reduction in...
6 Pages 2548 Words

Analysis of the Theme of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice has a well-knit, coherent plot where all events and characters are integrated and exemplify the same theme. The Lydia-Wickham episode is one of the subplots of the novel and contributes much to the main plot of the Elizabeth-Darcy courtship and marriage. Wickham as a Foil to Darcy Wickham's first importance is to deepen Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy. Darcy appears proud and forbidding when he mortifies Elizabeth by refusing to dance with her for she is not sufficiently...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Student Essay about Responsibility

Being the oldest of three has been one of the toughest obstacles that I have gone through due to all the responsibilities: taking care of my sisters; earning good grades so they can view me as a role model; being the first one to speak English in my family and having to translate for my mom. “ There’s agua in la casa mommy!!” The night was pitch black and the water was up to my knees the rain outside was...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Relationship between Parents and Children: Essay

The relationship between the parents and the child is amongst the most prominent relationships in the life of an individual. Young children depend on their parents to provide them with fundamental needs as well as their parents provide their children with guidance and support to build their future generations. Communication is the source of social structures and the value of the partnership or its collapse lies in it. Communication entails listening, communication, comprehension, empathy towards each other, and emotion. Communicating...
4 Pages 2179 Words

Relationship Between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Essay

10 Lines On Grandparents For Kids Unconditional Love: Grandparents shower us with unconditional love, always ready with open arms and warm hearts. They create a loving environment where we feel safe. Wisdom and Knowledge: Grandparents are like walking encyclopedias, filled with stories and wisdom gathered over a lifetime. The Importance of Family History: Grandparents help us understand our roots. They link to our past and keep family traditions alive. Role Models: Grandparents often serve as role models. Their life stories...
9 Pages 4048 Words

Essay about My Parents

Growing up, I was extremely lucky to have many great literacy sponsors that I had the ability to interact with and learn. Each one has furthered my knowledge in ways that benefited me in one shape or another. But one sponsor out of them all, had the biggest impact on me growing up into who I am today, and that is my parents. Whether it is telling me what I can’t watch or listen to as a young child, or...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Essay about My Mother (200 words)

Every day, I am reminded to believe in myself under any circumstance. Every day, I am reminded about how I am not different from the person across from me and to do the best I can in everything I do. Every day I am reminded of how far I’ve come and how much I have made this person proud. Every day I am reminded about how much this person believes in me. Every day it’s from the same person. A...
1 Page 620 Words

Essay about My Home

The house, is basically a nonliving concrete building with four walls, doors, and windows, what makes it a lively, pleasing, and extraordinary place for us? Why we don't get a similar feeling to our home when we are at our friend's house? What uniqueness does our home have that makes it feel at home for us? Every person has different answers to all the above questions. Here are some of the reasons that give me feel at-home vibes. It's true...
1 Page 650 Words

Essay about My Grandmother

My grandma was born in the year of 1937. When I went to research what generation that year belongs to, I found the term “The Silent Generation”. I have not heard of this before. “This relatively small generation found itself sandwiched between the war hero G.I.s and the large and influential Baby Boomer generation,..” (Sanburn, J, 2019). The Silent Generation belongs to individuals born between 1925 and 1942, “who were children during World War II but too young to fight.”...
5 Pages 2143 Words

Essay about My Favorite Person

Self Introduces I am from Bangladesh and also from the Khulna division, Chuadanga district; My name is Razia Sultana, Shove. My father's name is Md. Tofazzel Hossain. I have completed the MSC department of computer science and Engineering at Islamic University, Kushtia. Bangladesh. My favorite role model is always my Father Who is my favorite role model?: The most significant truth is that I have seen the light of the world first, who is the reason only? Undoubtedly, for this...
1 Page 440 Words

My Dad Is My Hero: Essay

A hero is a person who helps other people, saves lives, and risks their life for others. A hero can also be someone who is brave or cares for someone else. There are always people in our lives that can be our heroes in many ways, but my life hero will always be my father. He influenced my whole life from I was born until now and also sacrificed a lot to make my life better. He made me who...
1 Page 602 Words

Influence of Parents Vs Peers: Essay

Adolescents look for a way of identity or a way of personal identity through a search and interrogation of personal values and beliefs and goals. Adolescent identity plays a vital role because it's the primary time when physical development, cognitive skills, and social expectations coincide that enable adolescents to know childhood identifications so as to construct a viable pathway toward their adulthood. Adolescence is the period that observes the feeling of personality or identity. Erikson believes that every individual experiences...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Essay on Importance of Family Traditions

As a proud Chinese Malaysian that grew up in Malaysia. The traditional holidays were my favorite times during the year. The biggest celebration of the year for me was the celebration of the lunar new year or also known as the Chinese New Year, and the spring festival. Thankfully we live in a multicultural country that celebrates different kinds of traditional holidays throughout the year. I loved celebrating every culture’s traditional holiday as it also meant I had public holidays...
5 Pages 2280 Words

I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay

It was the month of April 2013 and my birthday was coming up later in the month. My family and I only had one dog in our household at the time and I was continuously raving about how we should get another one. My fondness for dogs was endless, so after weeks of contemplating, I knew exactly what I wanted for my birthday. I pranced toward my Mom delightfully singing, “I want a dog for my birthday, Mom!” Ever since...
1 Page 668 Words

I Shot My Brother: Essay

“Then Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth and whoever finds me will kill me.” - Genesis 4:13 Here is a secret that no one in my family knows: I shot my brother when I was six. Luckily, it was a BB gun. But to this day, my older brother Jonathan does not know who shot him. And I have finally promised myself...
2 Pages 1052 Words

I Am Miami Essay

For my written task I have chosen to write a travel article about my hometown of Miami, Florida. I want to focus on the vast amount of activities one can do there. I also want to focus on the cultural aspect of it as Miami has a large Hispanic community and see how it integrates with American society and culture. In this article I will attempt to showcase why Miami is one of the best cities in the world; give...
2 Pages 918 Words

I Admire My Mom: Essay

The special one. To begin with, the special person who I admire and try to emulate the most is my mom. My mom doesn’t just help me when and is there for me when I need her, but she is a doctor, which means that she also helps other people. She is always there for me when I need her no matter what it is from listening to my Quran, to helping me reach something high, and to anything else....
1 Page 495 Words

How Does Environment Influence Personality: Essay

SUPEREGO is part of the personality that is later developed under the influence of the social environment that the individual lives with. It contains values and ideals. Basically, up to 6 years of age, we can say that our behaviors are affected by our family members. The first years of our life are a reflection of our parent’s behavior. But what happens next?! Our personality changes over time because we change the social environment. From a small environment like home...
1 Page 400 Words

How Do Veterinarians Contribute to Society: Essay

Almost every American home has pets of some sort and at some point in the pet's life, it is more likely to get sick than not. Veterinarians are basically just doctors for animals instead of humans. Many people see veterinarian offices every day and never think twice about what they are or even what they do. Having a love or passion for both animals and humans is hugely important. This is because every day you will be dealing with both...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Essay about Hometown

Hometown, I do think Malvern is my hometown, those are the streets I walked when I was learning to walk. In my hometown, it's where memories are created, and friendship, family, and laughter never end. The town that I love the most, it gives me peace of mind, there are parks with big trees and dams. Malvern is a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. Situated east of the Johannesburg CBD, it lies south of Kensington and north of the industrial...
1 Page 417 Words

Essay on Growing Up without a Father

Does growing up without a father figure affect the child? Introduction: I chose this topic because it seemed interesting to me because I'm one of those kids and I don’t think it affected me much but I'm hoping to find out whether it affects others in some way and if it does I want to find out how and if there is more than one way. I have been interested in this topic for a while. I am also hoping...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Working in an Office Vs Working at Home

One of the most crucial aspects of any organization is providing a very conducive, productive atmosphere in the office since it is where innovative ideas are created. Highly skilled people are hired, meticulous, fearless decision makers and goals are driven. Working in an office can be a pleasant experience in the case of proper organization of workplace and dynamic working culture within an office. It gives specific advantages for employees. Like employees are provided with supervision and support by the...
3 Pages 1168 Words

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