Health Care essays

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Why Alzheimer’s Disease Should Remain On The National Health Priority List

2 Pages 1120 Words
Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, is a neurodegenerative health condition which causes memory failure and other brain-related functions, such as speech, behaviour and awareness of surroundings. (Colin L. Masters, 2015) Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative and progressive disease therefore increasing risk significantly in the older generations and tends to be more prevalent among women. Potential risk factors could include;...

The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence

2 Pages 825 Words
“Gun violence is not something that appears just in a bad neighborhood or in another part of the world. It appears right here, right outside your door.” (Mendell, 1998,) This large world we exist in, presently there is gun violence right outside our own front doors. Gun violence is the beginning of upsetting the human race yearly in the United...

New Public Health Approach and Contemporary Health Challenges

4 Pages 1698 Words
Introduction I would like discuss about the most public concern health challenge, that is homelessness. It is the most experiencing challenge in India. It is also a social issue. Homelessness is defined as living in housing that doesn’t meet the minimum criteria or not even minimum secure. It is security of occupancy, services acceptability and so on. The major health...

Health Promotion: Peer Influence on Underage Drinking

2 Pages 1094 Words
Executive Summary This report explores underage drinking among year nine students and what influences the drinking habits of these Australian teenagers. The data collected through this investigation suggests that peers have a significant influence in year nine students choosing to drink alcohol. This investigation aims to reduce alcohol consumption and encourage safe drinking habits within the year nine cohort. This...

Malnutrition And Dehydration In Nursing Homes

1 Page 558 Words
Healthy nutrition is essential; especially for the elderly because at this stage of their lives, they have a lower tolerance to hunger and a weaker immune system; which makes them more prone to suffer from diseases. Unchecked malnutrition and dehydration can lead to severe health complications and worse still, death. Therefore, the need to carefully monitor the eating pattern, fluid...

Psychological Health Promotion Aspects

3 Pages 1353 Words
“Survival of the fittest” a common phrase originated from the Evolutionary Theory of Darwin to describe the mechanism of natural selection. As humankind experience pandemic today, their physical health and mental health is being put into test on how to survive this disaster. Each day people are facing an invisible enemy that threatened them and their family. Hence, during this...

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Healthcare

3 Pages 1157 Words
Healthcare professionals are obligated to avail care to ailing patients by minimizing any form of suffering as well as alleviating pain. Because of this, every action taken by healthcare personnel or physician constitutes both a moral and ethical dimension. These dimensions are supposed to be in alignment with a set of ethical principles that aim at enhancing the quality of...

Literature Critique of Advanced Nursing Role Theories Supporting Health Promotion

3 Pages 1460 Words
Overview As the profession of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) continues to evolve within the healthcare system, the utilization of theory-guided practice is imperative for the deliverance of purposeful and effective care to patients. The use of theory in nursing gives APRNs the ability to organize and structuralize knowledge to guide patient care (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Multiple nursing...

Wash your Hands and Fight Corona

1 Page 489 Words
The sudden outbreak and fast - unexpected and underestimated - spread of the new Coronavirus has indeed stunned millions of people everywhere who weren't at all prepared to face such a disease especially since the virus is of unknown origin and has caused hundreds of deaths til date in many countries. The Coronavirus has stirred up various and unequal public...

The Decisions for Managing Patients with Paranoid Schizophrenia

2 Pages 1106 Words
Introduction Assessing and treating patients who have been diagnosed with psychosis and schizophrenia often creates a challenge to the PMHNP, as one has to choose the most appropriate treatment approach that would not cause any harm to the patient. This study involves managing a 34-year-old Pakistani female who had earlier been diagnosed with psychotic disorder, based on her symptoms, but...

The Importance of Washing Hands

1 Page 600 Words
It seems evident that we are not aware of the importance of maintaining good hand hygiene. Otherwise, the fact that only two thirds of adults use the toilet after going to the toilet would not be explained. However, it has been shown that the hands are one of the main routes of entry of infections to the rest of the...

How does Obesity Affect Public Health and How can we Deal with its Medical Consequences?

2 Pages 784 Words
Obesity is a medical condition which involves the build up of excess body fat to a degree at which the risk of obtaining chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, cancer or heart failure) is increased. It is commonly defined by using a person's BMI (body mass index) which is simply calculated by dividing weight (kg) by height (m2). After taking muscle...

The Role of Nurses and Health Promotion Used for HIV Prevention

2 Pages 804 Words
The role of nurses to the global health challenge of HIV and AIDS prevention is to deliver care following the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) professional code of conduct. It focuses to prioritise people, ensure that people’s health need is recognised, assessed, and provided based on their preferences, goals, and values. Nurses are own a responsibility to recognise, value and celebrate...

Global Health Challenge Policies and Intervention For HIV Prevention

3 Pages 1439 Words
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), is an HIV prevention policy mostly for gay and bisexual people living in the UK. It involves using ARVs on those that are HIV negative and other comprehensive packages to prevent HIV transmission (Steward Kate, 2016), The importance of the policy is to create awareness and initiate people on the effective of ANT by health professionals to...

Could Poor Dental Hygiene Be A Risk Factor For Alzheimer’s Disease?

4 Pages 1969 Words
Introduction This review will be investigating how poor dental hygiene can be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a progressive brain disorder that results in a decline in cognitive functions such as thinking, memory and behaviour (Holmer et al., 2018). It is the most common type of dementia (Gaur & Agnihotri, 2015) and is categorised into 3...

Definition Of Health and Health Promotion

5 Pages 2211 Words
Florence Nightingale a nineteenth century medical pioneer defined health as a phenomenon which is as a result of multitude of influences and beyond the ‘sick -care ‘model of the day. She believes that when sickness is disobeyed it results in health (Rosa, Upvall, Beck and Dossey, 2019) The World Health Organization (WHO) evolved this definition by describing health as a...

A Study on Impact of Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction among Doctors of Teaching Hospitals

6 Pages 2824 Words
Abstract Job satisfaction has different perspectives. Considering the point of view of an employee, it reveals the benefits people might be looking for while taking the job. And these benefits are agreed by the employer considering their own strategies, benefits and profits. Moreover organizational factors that affect their satisfaction articulate employees’ aspiration to utilize their potential to make a valuable...

Reflection On My Own Beliefs About Caring And Caring For Others

2 Pages 1008 Words
Caring Reflection Paper Values and attitudes inform the way in which health services are delivered and received. To achieve this, nurses should have the ability to perceive the independence and diversity of clients in different steps in their journey. This paper tries to explain the definition and the necessities of caring. This article also considers the challenges that may be...

Laboratory Safety Training in Educators and The Impact on Student Safety

3 Pages 1494 Words
Abstract Laboratory safety training in educators has become an increasingly studied issue. Although there are some drawbacks, there are multiple benefits to training and providing educators information about laboratory safety. When educators are formally trained in laboratory safety, they are better able to demonstrate proper techniques their students can learn. Formally trained educators are also able to think critically during...

Ovarian Cancer: Difference between BRCA1 5382insC Carrier and Non-carrier FOC Patients

2 Pages 877 Words
Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the important causes of death within gynecological tumors in the western world, with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 30% in advanced-stage disease(152). About 10-15% of all OC patients report a positive family history of the disease and can be included as “familial ovarian cancer (FOC).(11,12) FOC patients were defined as those with a...

Ovarian Cancer: Biomarkers-Emerging Applications of Biomarkers in Healthcare

4 Pages 1941 Words
Biomarkers are small protein or peptide molecules which are part of cell receptors, cell signalling molecules involved in cell-cell signalling or cell protein kinase activation and transfer of signal to the nucleus with the regulation of gene transcription. Biomarkers have functional significance in the recognition of different stages of cancer, therapy for cancer, and identification of different types of cancer...

Arguments Against And For Lying Or Withholding The Truth From Patients

3 Pages 1333 Words
Withholding the truth about a patient’s health, health outcomes, or treatment can be taxing for families and medical providers. Doing so could also be in direct violation of a patient’s autonomy, their right to make rational decisions and choices regarding one’s overall well-being (Vaughn, 2013, p. 71). Based on the case study provided, the decision of the doctors and patient’s...

OSHA: Health And Safety Measures In Hospitals And School Lab

5 Pages 2472 Words
Health and Safety The scientific organisation that I will be evaluating is a school laboratory. In this laboratory there are a number of health and safety risks and these risks can be prevented by the use of preventative measures. The laboratory must follow the legislation set out by COSHH as they produce chemicals and waste products when carrying out practicals....

The Effectiveness Of Public Health Measures In Fighting Tobacco In Gothenburg, Sweden

4 Pages 1912 Words
Background: According to a World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), “every year, more than 8 million people die from tobacco use, and more than 1.2 million people die from secondhand tobacco smoke-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.” (WHO). Furthermore, smoking costs the global economy more than $1 trillion a year. when reflecting on the extent of tobacco use...

Public Health England: The Contemporary Issue Of Suicide In Adult Males

5 Pages 2075 Words
This essay is going to explore the contemporary issue of suicide in adult males. I will be using epidemiology to justify this; epidemiology is the study of the determinants and distribution of population diseases. It is the key quantitative discipline that supports public health, this is often defined as the efforts taken to prevent disease and promote health by society...

Caring Defined by a Nursing Student

7 Pages 2956 Words
A nursing student has the unique task of learning how to professionally care for another human being. But what does it mean to ‘care’? By evaluating the publications of nursing professionals trying to answer that very question, one can begin to understand that caring is a very complex action that requires several different interpretations in order to make sense. In...

Equality And Diversity Within The Health Care

3 Pages 1574 Words
Introduction In this essay, we are asked to write an essay on diversity and equality within health care. We are to answer two case studies in this essay. I will start by answering the case studies and use assessment criteria as sub-heading to make my essay much easy to understand. Case study 1 A trainee has approached you with a...

Key Concepts Of Care And Importance Of The 6C’s Within The Healthcare Profession

2 Pages 1118 Words
The following essay focuses on the principle purpose of care and discusses the importance of the 6C’s within the healthcare profession. The 6C’s of nursing were established so that care is delivered to the patients in a constructive and structured manner Secure Healthcare Solutions, (2016). Nurses who function on these core values ensure that the patients are safe, protected and...

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