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Compare and Contrast Essay on Rome and Han Dynasty

2 Pages 1090 Words
In this essay I will discuss the cultures of Classical 5th century BCE Athens, the Classical Han of China, and Classical Republican Rome. I will identify the philosophical beliefs that formed the foundations of these cultures and how they were exemplified by their creations. I will use examples of art, literature, architecture, and dramas that reflect their classical approach to...

Cause and Effect Essay on Hurricane Katrina

2 Pages 1010 Words
Over time there has been a major quantity of migrations in Texas that have affected this state with its effect on the current political landscape. The four major migrations that have happened in Texas would be the northern migration, the great depression, the southern-western migration, and lastly the California migration. Four big migrations have affected Texas each in its own...

Why Is Rosa Parks a Hero: Critical Essay

2 Pages 872 Words
You might be familiar with the story of Rosa Parks from history lessons. However, we should consider her story is perhaps more relevant today than ever before. With tumultuous times in American politics and the rise of nationalism in the UK and Europe, we should all be grateful for Rosa Parks's actions, and how she affected society in the modern...

Essay: Rocky Ends the Cold War

1 Page 654 Words
More and more modern films resort to geopolitical tricks to diversify the movie and increase the audience to increase the box office. This trend was maintained even back in the early 90s. So, the movie ‘Rocky IV’ released in 1985 from the Rocky series directed by Sylvester Stallone used a parallel between the box and the Cold War to somehow...

Essay on Why Was the US Responsible for the Cold War

2 Pages 991 Words
The Cold War was a period of tension whereby the Western world and the communist democracies of Eastern Europe were in conflict as a result of an ideological and geopolitical struggle for global influence. Tensions never led to direct military engagement, but the conflict was through diplomacy, arms race, and proxy wars. The Soviet Union, also known as the USSR,...

Essay on the Threat of Communism during Cold War

5 Pages 2350 Words
Historians have often disagreed on the origins of the Cold War placing the blame on either the United States, or the Soviet Union, or even maintaining a neutral stance. This is apparent with the various schools of thought as Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who is an Orthodox historian, argues that the Soviet Union was aggressively trying to expand its sphere of...

Essay on Rosa Parks Character Traits

3 Pages 1477 Words
Back in the 1960s, an African American woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a White male to bring awareness to racial equality. Although this was against the law at the time and caused one of the biggest political controversies known to date, Rosa Parks stood up for her own...

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Eulogy for Rosa Parks

3 Pages 1311 Words
Dying is a phase we all go through when we are ill, murdered, or through any other form of death. As I think about dying I think about the process people go through when they are losing their loved ones. When we lose someone, we go through different stages of coping such as grief, mourning, and the overall funeral experience...

Essay on Latin America and the Cold War

5 Pages 2155 Words
'The main cause of instability in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America between 1945 and 1990 were the domestic politics of those regions.” Do you agree? Discuss with detailed empirical examples of countries in at least two of the three regions mentioned. Introduction During the 19th century, a global transformation rearranged the basic structure of the international order.[footnoteRef:1] The...

Essay on How Did Rosa Parks Influence Others

3 Pages 1289 Words
It is said that we learn history to appreciate a variety of cultures, but most importantly to have knowledge about the past and not repeat it. Social movements have had a very significant role in history, as they help society develop a greater understanding of issues in politics that are unfair to all. Through the decades, America has seen an...

Essay on Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

2 Pages 1026 Words
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world”- Mahatma Gandhi. Social movements usually are one of the basic social forms where a variety of organized and coordinated people work together to support a goal, typically a modification within the society’s values or structure, or to induce social modification. Social movements come in different sizes, however, they're essentially collective and...

Communism Vs Democracy during Cold War: Essay

1 Page 695 Words
The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. -Malcolm X This quote by Malcolm X details that propaganda is promoted by the media and it is used to control people and groups and...

Cold War and Decolonization Essay

6 Pages 2833 Words
Why did Africa become a theatre of Cold War conflict in the period between 1957 and 1962? The Cold War, originating in the aftermath of the Second World War, colored political, social, and cultural development during the second half of the twentieth century. The phenomenon of decolonization was no different, with newly independent states in both Africa and Asia finding...

Canada's Role in the Cold War: Essay

2 Pages 1069 Words
The Cold War was a conflict lasting forty-four years between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). This all happened post-World War 2 when the United States and the USSR two superpowers were in a nuclear arms race to see who could make the most nuclear weapons. With fear surrounding the globe tensions were...

Analytical Essay on WW2 Propaganda

2 Pages 1052 Words
Propaganda shaped the Second World War like no other war. Propaganda is the 'spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person'.The United States of America declared war on Germany and Italy on the 11th of December, 1941. What ensued was a constant effort to spread propaganda to get...

Exemplification Essay on WW2

1 Page 590 Words
On June 28 1919 on the sides of Paris and Europe crowded into the Palace of Versailles to sign one of history’s most hated and also the most significant treaties. Commonly known as the Treaty of Versailles, it was a way all the countries ended World War I, but not knowing laid the foundation for the Second World War (WW2)....

Essay on New Freedom Vs New Nationalism

2 Pages 765 Words
Nationalism is a driving force under which a country can unify. There are certain individuals whose actions have promoted nationalism. Many of these individuals wanted independence while others wanted to build powerful empires. Two individuals in history who have been nationalist leaders are Adolf Hitler and Mohandas M. Gandhi. Although these political figures used opposite tactics to achieve a nationalistic...

Overview of Stephen Kinzer's ‘Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq’

2 Pages 1033 Words
Stephen Kinzer, the author of ‘Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq’, is an American author whose literature focuses on the United States taking over governments that appear to be a threat. The approach of this book is through the point of view of the United States beginning in 1893 with intentions to tie it with the...

Biography Essay on Harriet Tubman: Civil Rights Activist, Underground Railroad Conductor, and Spy

3 Pages 1396 Words
Did you know that there was more to Harriet Tubman than the Underground Railroad? Harriet Tubman was a very goal-oriented and trustworthy person hired by the Union Army to accomplish the mission of freeing the slaves. In modern America, Harriet Tubman is viewed as a civil rights activist, but back then, she was viewed as a dangerous African American woman...

Essay on Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King

1 Page 492 Words
Disagreement and dissent have been defined as synonyms of one another by numerous amount of Americans; however, Daniel J. Boorstin, the author of The Decline of Radicalism, believes that these two words should not be associated with each other. Boorstin is convinced that disagreement is the “lifeblood of democracy” while dissent is “cancer[ous]” to society, which is completely absurd because...

Essay on Napoleon Leadership Style

1 Page 512 Words
Napoleon Bonaparte is arguably one of the most famous and well-known villains in British history, with his conquests in Europe drawing Britain into one of its bloodiest and most prolonged conflicts in the region. These wars would also see the rise of some of Britain’s most prominent heroes, with the Iron Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson to name but...

Causes and Effects of the Holocaust

3 Pages 1183 Words
The Holocaust was the most catastrophic mass murder ever known in human history. So catastrophic that new words had to be invented to describe it (genocide). It is estimated that over 6 million Jews, gypsies, disabled, and mentally ill people were murdered. The word Holocaust stands for destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. The Nazis were trying to wipe...

Malcolm X: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1547 Words
Malcolm X Malcolm X once said, “If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary”. This quote describes one of the ideologies that he would preach about. This essay will go on to talk about his early childhood and jail experience like how his father died and when he converted to the Nation...

John Brown Essay: Life, Achievement and Legacy

5 Pages 1498 Words
Introduction John Brown, an iconic figure in American history, remains a subject of fascination and debate. Born in 1800, Brown dedicated his life to the abolition of slavery, embodying the complex interplay of morality, violence, and idealism in the pre-Civil War United States. He is best known for his audacious raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry in 1859,...

Why Did the Weimar Republic Fail: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1218 Words
At the end of the First World War, after the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany’s Social Democrat Party (SPD) set up a new democratic government in the town of Weimar, which soon became known as the Weimar Republic. Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the SPD, was elected president of the new republic. The history of Germany from 1919 to 1933...

Essay on the Anti-Vietnam War Movement

3 Pages 1281 Words
The anti-war movement was a reflection of a time period when individuals started to vocalize their opinions on political and social issues. The era of conformity and submission to higher powers was commencing its decay with the rise of the common man’s recognition of his or her authority and rights in response to certain societal dilemmas. This particular movement fully...

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