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Role of Mao Zedong in China's Political Reform: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 974 Words
China's political reform is not the political system reform understood by many western scholars, which does not involve the change of the basic political framework, but a reform focusing on government governance or government management system. The Chinese path is characterized not only by its proven diversity, which cannot be replicated in the west but also by the fact that...

Opportunities and Challenges of Climate-Smart Agriculture: Analysis of Shortcomings of the Green Revolution

2 Pages 961 Words
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is AN approach for reworking and reorienting agricultural systems to support food security beneath the new realities of global climate change. As reiterated by Taylor (2018), it comprises a unified governance framework designed to defuse agricultural methods and technologies that increase the productivity of a given crop while simultaneously building resilience to global climate change and reducing...

Admiral Zheng He’s Voyages to the West Oceans: Analytical Review

4 Pages 1659 Words
Unseen glory and history: uncovering the historical significance of the Qinghai Temple in Nanjing, China Most Asian temples are built for religious purposes, often for worship and ritual practices. This is not surprising since the Asian civilizations are largely influenced by their rich spiritual beliefs, which are usually associated with the divinity of natural entities, thus their polytheistic tendencies. Aside...

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Mao Zedong: Comparative Essay

4 Pages 1997 Words
Leadership is a research area and a skill that is defined as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (Northouse, 2019, p.5). Anyone has the potential ability to lead and guide other individuals, teams, or organizations, and that ability is present in many different situations whether we know it or not. However,...

Colin Kaepernick and His Disrespect to the American Flag: Research Paper

2 Pages 840 Words
Colin Kaepernick is without a doubt one of the most controversial people in today’s society. Kaepernick is most famous for his decision to take a knee during the National Anthem before an NFL football game. While everyone else was standing and supporting the flag, he sat/kneeled down. He chose to do so because he thought he was making a stand...

The Birth of Independent Latin American Nations: Role of Simón Bolivar of Venezuela

4 Pages 1927 Words
Latin American colonies built their independence off a foundation of colonization and conquest. In search for unity and peace, the colonies worked hard to obtain their freedom from the Crown. Although there was a struggle, the journey of Latin America stems from its inhabitants. Friction caused by prejudices, discrimination, and exploitation from the Spanish Crown on the residents of Latin...

Impact of American Revolution and American Colonies on British Empire: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1622 Words
In his controversial pamphlet, The True Interest of America, Irish clergyman Charles Inglis forewarned death and despair if the American colonies separated from Great Britain—no matter the victor. If Mother England squashed the colonists, Inglis feared to “receive terms from her in the haughty tone of a conqueror.” If she lost to the ragtag rebels, Inglis could not imagine “what...

Concept of Moon Landing in Articles and Poems: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 690 Words
The speech “In Event of Moon Disaster” by William Safire was written for the occasion that the moon landing did not go to plan, with the purpose of the speech being to inform the people that the Apollo 11 crew had passed, but they sacrificed themselves for science. Ethos was established with the speaker, Richard Nixon, who was the President...

Cuban Revolution and Che Guevara’s Journey: Critical Analysis of the Book

4 Pages 1650 Words
Che’s Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image is a book written by Australian author Michael Casey, published in April 2009. It spans 400 pages of Latin American history revolving around the famed Korda photo of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. The thesis of this text is that, while Che Guevara’s image has relatively maintained its ideological magnetism, it has been used too...

British Failure in the Second Boer War: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1283 Words
Sir Redvers Buller, was a British Army officer, which some historians argue that is to be blamed for the British failure in the Second Boer War of 1899, this would, however, be unrealistic due to the external effects that were on the attack strategies. Some of these issues Buller, was not able to address because he was unaware, for example,...

Simon Bolivar and Bolivarian Revolution: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 953 Words
Currently, in the world we live in, there is a growth of corruption in governments all around the world, which negatively affects the lives of millions of people. This ultimately undermines the values and institutions of democracy. However, there is a specific country in South America that is currently undergoing one of the most tragic crises of all time. Hello,...

The Impacts of World War II in the 1950s: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1555 Words
After the Second World War at 1945, Churchill Stated that “America at this moment, stands at the summit of the world.” The status of America during the 1950s is proof for what Churchill said. America was at his best after WWII, though it caused so many destruction and mass killings, Americans believed that after the war there would be prosperity....

Analytical Essay on Technologies Used in Apollo 11 Space Shuttle

2 Pages 1155 Words
The US needed win the space race to represent the dominance of the free world of witch it was the leader of the 50s and 60s However john f Kennedy had stressed the importance achieving a difficult goal and the success the Apollo 11 mission despite many disasters and setbacks allowed all mankind to be proud of this momentous achievement...

Argumentative Essay About the Moon Landing

2 Pages 830 Words
Just over 50 years ago NASA launched Apollo 11 and landed on the moon. Yet through all this time conspiracy theorists still believe that this great achievement was faked. After digging a bit deeper into the issue some things might not seem to add up. Rob Bretherton is a psychologist who speaks about why we love conspiracy theories as a...

Aboriginal Rights, Then and Now: Analysis of Boer War

4 Pages 1892 Words
Aboriginal rights have drastically changed over the past century from the 20th-21th century. Things have gone from The Stolen Generation, soldiers being denied the right to return home and Women getting abused in the workplace to today where women can work any job, men getting recognized for their achievements on the battlefield, and children only now finding their long-lost siblings...

Importance of Moon Landing Mission of Apollo 11: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 488 Words
This year marks the 50th anniversary since the moon landing mission of Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins exploded off into the now legendary mission of the Apollo 11. At 6:52 am on the dot, Buzz Aldrin as Luna Modul Pilot, Neil Armstrong as Commander, and Micheal Collins as Commander Modul Pilot hopped into the lift to...

Representation of Real Story of Pocahontas in Disney Movie: Critical Analysis

1 Page 444 Words
In 1995, Disney™ released 3 movies; ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Toy Story’ which are amazing movies with great storylines and not to mention their beautiful animation. The final film was ‘Pocahontas’. Honestly, I was very disappointed when I watched this movie because Disney™ made a lot of mistakes; the iffy plotline being one of the biggest. That said, I believe...

Political, Economical and Social Analysis of 1950s

2 Pages 895 Words
“People today understandably feel that their lives are out of balance, but they yearn for something totally new-a more equal distribution of work, family, and community time for both men and women, children and adults” Coontz states as she refers to how unlike we do now, the 50s did not offer equal right. It is often said that the 1950s...

Analysis of Principal Achievements of the Cuban Revolution

2 Pages 980 Words
How did Cuba manage to end up a communist state in 2020? Cuba was founded by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The society developed after Spain colonized in the 16th and 17th centuries. Cuba awakened in the 19th century because of the growth of the US as an independent country and because of the collapse of a Caribbean...

Poseidon Cult in Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Film Analysis

4 Pages 1911 Words
Introduction Atlantis: The Lost Empire has been a movie I loved watching ever since I was little due to Milo, the dorky young scientist, who sets out on an adventure to discover the lost city of Atlantis with a questionable crew looking to capitalize on the mysterious power. The hues of blue throughout the movie and the magic of it...

Descriptive Essay on China’s Exploration: Voyages of Naval Admiral Zheng He

3 Pages 1243 Words
With the goal to establish that China was the first to discover and map the ‘New World,’ Gavin Menzies beings to “trace the voyages of [Admiral Zheng He's] great [Chinese] treasure fleets in the ‘missing years’ from 1421 to 1423” in his book 1421.[footnoteRef:1] With the introduction of two “artifacts” of carved stone, which were erected in the Chinese cities...

English Literature and Composition: Critical Analysis of Henry V by Shakespeare

5 Pages 2437 Words
AP English Literature and Composition Name: __Carmen Cerrito____________ Major Works Data Sheet Title: ___Henry V__________________________ Author: __William Shakespeare_________________________ Date of Publication: __1600_______________ Genre: __Historical__________________________ Biographical information about the author: (Provide information that gives insight into the author’s historical experiences.) William Shakespeare was born roughly around April 23rd, 1564, and he later became a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor. He...

Application of Master Symbols in Posters: Reflection on the Effect of American Flag

3 Pages 1378 Words
Application #1 – Master Symbols Part 1: Analyzing Three Posters Poster #1: Q: What are the names of the posters that you selected? (Copy and paste the links to the posters in your submission) A: When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Hitler! https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/powers_of_persuasion/use_it_up/images_html/ride_with_hitler.html Q: Describe the imagery used in each poster. What text is included in the poster? What...

Roles of Athena, Poseidon, Calypso, and Circe: Analysis of Relationship between Gods and Morals in Homer’s Odyssey

4 Pages 1950 Words
This essay will be answering about the relationship between gods and morals in Homer’s Odyssey and particularly how do the lives of mortals differ from those of the gods and also how similar they are, then drawing a conclusion from this. In Homer’s Odyssey, the major gods that share significant roles are Athena, Poseidon, Calypso, and Circe with minor gods...

Brief History about Taiwan: Analytical Essay on Ming Dynasty’s Famous Explorer Zheng He

5 Pages 2307 Words
A brief history about Taiwan During the Yuan dynasty (1206–1368), when the Mongols ruled China, the P’eng-hu (Penghu) Islands within the Taiwan Strait were brought under China’s control. In 1430 the Ming dynasty’s famous explorer Zheng He (Cheng Ho) landed on Taiwan and obtained from the aboriginal people herbal medicines that were said to possess “miracle powers.” Meanwhile, perhaps as...

Historical Accuracy of Henry V by William Shakespeare: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1336 Words
Henry V, also known as Henry of Monmouth, is one of the most well-known kings that have ever ruled under the English crown. Henry V was made into a play from William Shakespeare, which focused on his domination of France, and the patriotic homage to the heroic king. The degree of how accurate the play is is a more complicated...

Fate of Poseidon: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1240 Words
Everything started with 'Master Erebus' the lord of Trenches when he trespassed against his siblings by entering the god's chamber without the ruler of the god's assent so far as that is concerned and intentionally taking the cutting edge of Olympus without considering the results because of a demonstration of his disloyalty, he left Mount Olympus on the blocks of...

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