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Effects Of Heavy Metal Concentrations On Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) Plant Growth

Throughout time, our country has had many pollutants in our soil throughout time. Some are natural, but as we look closer to the industrial revolution, many are man-made. As this began, we realized many plants were not surviving near rivers and streams that were highly polluted, they also did not survive well near mines, because of the high amount of metals, or what other things were being mined (Denchak, 2019). Due to all of these pollutants, there is a lot...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Vaccination As The Most Effective Way To Stop Pandemics

Vaccination is the Injection of a killed microbe to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system can recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to ward off disease. To immunize against disease-causing microorganisms, the microorganism used in the vaccine has been weakened or killed to...
2 Pages 685 Words

Understanding The First Aid Kit Use In Saudi Arabia

Introduction How can we better educate individuals on using first aid people in Saudi Arabia? How can we give these individuals a better understanding of how to use the first aid kit? How can improve their knowledge on this topic to act upon emergency situations? The usage of the first aid does show high importance in Saudi Arabia, many people have a general understanding of this topic. I choose this topic to help people to improve their knowledge on this...
5 Pages 2098 Words

The Effects Of Aging And Its Relation To The Effectiveness Of Vaccination

As we age and get older we typically think that these changes manifest physically in our appearance, but the change also affects us genetically and on a cellular level specifically the immune system. As we age the immune system is progressively deteriorating which cause normal functions such as metabolism and immune defense to not function as they did at a younger age, this is known as Immunosenescence. Oh SJ, Lee JK, Shin OS (2019) stated that “Immunosenescence is characterized by...
1 Page 503 Words

Stem Cell Therapy For Cerebral Palsy

In his brilliant and award-winning, yet slightly disturbing and controversial novel “Stuck in Neutral”, Terry Trueman narrates the fictional story of Shawn McDaniel, a fourteen-year-old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Shawn, self-portrayed as happy and more intelligent than most, is robbed of his ability to control his muscles, suffers from frequent seizures, and is viewed by others as retarded. This leaves him feeling trapped in his own body, and completely dependent on caregivers, mostly his mother, for his activities of daily...
1 Page 627 Words

Ketogenic Diet: What It Is And Why It Works Against Epilepsy

In recent years there has been a boom in the variety of healthy fad diets , for the better, since the same form of eating, no matter how healthy it may be, does not always work equally well throughout the world. Among these diets, the famous Mediterranean Diet continues to stand out , which together with the DASH Diet continue to be the winners in the Harvard University ranking . On the other hand, there is the Paleo Diet ,...
2 Pages 990 Words

Why Finding A Coronavirus Vaccine Takes So Long

Between the discovery of a virus and the development of a vaccine, it usually takes several years. But the health emergency can speed up the process. Eighteen months: this is the time evaluated and hoped for by the researchers for the development of a vaccine against the new coronavirus. This period may seem long for a confined population, prohibited from leaving for lack of treatment. However, the health emergency of the situation has meant that this period has been greatly...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Speech And Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy is recommended for anybody who has problems with their speech and/ or communication, perhaps due to a developmental or neurological disorder. Conditions which usually affect speech include developmental disorders like autism which can cause problems with social skills and the use of additional communicative techniques such as facial expressions and body language, leading to a lack of the ability to communicate their desires with others. Medical conditions such as strokes and cancers, particularly of the mouth...
6 Pages 2969 Words

Blood Contamination, Transfusion And Donation

Before the 1990s, FVIII was obtained from whole blood donations (Figure 1), then transfused into haemophilia patients. Blood transfusions began in 1818 when James Blundell, an English physician, performed a human-to-human blood transfusion. Although the patient subsequently died, Blundell was committed to achieving a successful blood transfusion. Throughout the early 1800s, he experimented with a series of patients, of which, over half survived. This remarkable achievement may have been due to luck, as no scientific understanding relating to blood groups...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Health Benefits Of Music Therapy For Child

Hans Christian Andersen said “When words fail, music speaks”. Our world is full of choices. Parents world-wide are bombarded with these choices to help their child in the best way they can with the current information available, but despite our efforts the National Center for PTSD still reports about seven or eight out of every 100 people will likely have an encounter with Post-Traumatic-Stress at some point in their lives. (“Post-Traumatic”) While many seek out psychotherapy if symptoms persist long...
4 Pages 1801 Words

Music Therapy As A Method Of Mental Health Support

Music is all around the world and is a major part of all cultures. It has been around since the beginning of time and it is something every human being can experience on a deep level, bringing forth emotions or memories. Music therapy developed from this connection between emotion and music as a method to support mental health and it spans from just simply listening to music, playing music, or dancing to it. Led by a trained therapist, music therapy...
3 Pages 1306 Words

The Impact Of Music Therapy On Emotional And Physical State

“Music Therapy” is a well known technology that impacts many lives nowadays. Musical therapy is a type of therapy which is proven to work after conducted research which you may also call “ Clinical evidence-based therapy”. The creator of music therapy was E. Theyar Gaston and found in the year 1789 while it appeared in an article Columbian Magazine which was called “Music physically considered”.Even though it was invented in that time some people think music therapy goes way back....
2 Pages 733 Words

Effectiveness Of Music Therapy As A Form Of Treatment

Music Therapy: A Medical Application of Music Listening to music has become an integral part in society. Whether someone is walking along the street, driving around, or even sitting in a room, chances are that they are listening to music. Music has inexplicable capabilities. It is a gateway, having the ability to transport the listener to different worlds. It has the ability to make a room full of exhausted wedding goers get up and dance. It has the ability to...
6 Pages 2577 Words

The Importance Of Music Therapy Throughout Adolescents

Music therapy and other music-based interventions in paediatric health care Music therapy can be considered a safe and generally well-accepted intervention in paediatric health care to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. None of the included systematic reviews reported adverse effects of music-based interventions for children and adolescents. This is in line with the findings of a study on the acceptance of specific complementary and alternative medicine modalities, where acceptance was highest for music therapy (Thomas, Monika, Eva Phan,...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Importance Of Blood Donation

The Critical Need for Blood Donation and Its Life-Saving Impact A lot of people ask the question ‘Why should I give blood?’ and the most appropriate response to that question is … why not? In under one hour, one person can give just a single unit of blood, which can help to save the lives of multiple people. Blood donations are essential for patients in all forms of care such as those in emergency care, for example people who have...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Blood Donation Essay

A lot of people ask the question why should I give blood? The most appropriate response to that question is … why not? In under one hour, a single person can give one unit of blood that can help save multiple lives. Donating saves lives. Donations are essential for trauma patients and people in a variety of situations, including surgeries, transplants, chronic illnesses, blood disorders and cancer. Seeing as over 90% of people who are eligible to donate do not...
2 Pages 815 Words

Why Organ Donation Should Be Mandatory?

Introduction to Organ Donation Organ donation is an act of pure kindness. However, it is often debated about whether it should be mandatory or not. Donating your organ is a social cause which is all together a decision of the person who is willing to donate his or her organ. Saving lives is the noblest thing a person can do, and an organ donor can save the lives of approximately eight people so it is a cause without harm and...
4 Pages 1953 Words

Observation Of Medical Equipment Inventory Importance

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A vital part of the health-care technology management system is equipment inventory which needs to be frequently updated to provide an accurate look at the status of durable medical equipment in the hospital or clinic. The topics of importance should include original data collection, updated information on the equipment, or when the hospital receives new equipment or discontinuing the use of the equipment and during yearly inventory inspections. Inventorying of medical supplies also includes inventorying extra properties such...
5 Pages 2320 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Human Organ Donation

Abstract This research essay provides insight into an argumentative factor of if a mandatory opt-in and opt-out system would be beneficial when it comes to human organ donation. Through in-depth research and academic source’s, it is clear that there are multiple aspects to consider when it comes to the organ donation system. These aspects will be discussed throughout this research paper which, include the increase in demand for organs, the next of kin and families role in the process of...
4 Pages 1866 Words

The Aspects Of The Current Rcuk Guidance In The United Kingdom

In the UK in 2018, 30,829 patients were treated during an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA), with 29.4% admitted to hospital with a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and 9.3% surviving to discharge (Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Registry Epidemiology Report, 2018 p.18). The current RCUK guidance state ‘Provide artificial ventilation as soon as possible in any patient in whom spontaneous ventilation is inadequate or absent’(Resuscitation Council UK ,2015 p.7) but it has been said that the standard ‘Airway Breathing...
4 Pages 1895 Words

The Barriers And Motivators Of Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Introduction Red Cross Blood service is one of the divisions of Australian Red Cross which funded by the whole Australian government in order to collect volunteersblood for saving life. In 1929, the first Australian Blood Transfusion Service as founded in Victoria state. Today, Red Cross Blood Service is the exclusive organization that help people to donate their blood, and then it is operating over 100 blood collection centres were built around the country and supported by over half million people....
5 Pages 2417 Words

Corrective Medicine As A Type Of Plastic Surgery

Corrective medical procedure is a typical subject among individuals as an approach to hoist one 's condition of magnificence and to identify with the excellence standard that is set for both genders. In America, individuals experience restorative methods to fulfill their longing to have certain highlights that they accept to be delightful, for example, greater bosoms, littler midriffs, enlarged lips, more tightly skin, and so on. Be that as it may, this rage is nothing contrasted with South Korea. As...
3 Pages 1187 Words

The Nutrition Diet And The Lifestyle As Main Factors On Human Health

Introduction: This century is a century of medical improvement. all over the world, understanding of the pathology of many diseases has extremely increased, as a result, more effective treatments have been developed. It was a sight near the end of the twentieth century that was at the end, we can develop a drug for any disease in order to completely eliminate the disease from the population. However, this generation began to realize that a drug might not be what we...
4 Pages 1784 Words

Observation Of Early Childhood Center At CSU

During my observation at the Childhood Center at CSU I made sure to keep an eye out for the three domains covered in the chapters. The children I observed were between ages four and six, and the hour and a half I was there mainly consisted of playing, eating, and watching movies or reading books. I observed them on November 8th between 9:00 and 10:30am. I found several examples of psychosocial relationships between what a child seemingly thought and how...
2 Pages 865 Words

The Skills And Knowledge Needed To Become A Phlebotomist

A phlebotomist is a valued member of a health care team and plays an important role. They are responsible for collecting, processing, and transporting blood specimens to the laboratory. A phlebotomist is skilled in the art of venipuncture which the puncture of a vein with the intention of drawing blood is carried out. A phlebotomist obtains blood samples, there are 3 ways blood can be taken by a phlebotomist which are venepuncture, drawing blood from a vein, capillary puncture, obtaining...
4 Pages 2007 Words

One Of The Important Duties In Phlebotomy Is Nursing Record Keeping

According to The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (NSW State Archives and Records 2008), information is the primary organizational asset needed now and in the future, and good record-keeping can help people find the information they need. It can also help to promote information sharing and collaboration. If the information is accessible and trustworthy, it can be used to make more informed decisions and take appropriate action. Since health care is considered professional, caregivers need to...
5 Pages 2474 Words

Nutrition Influence On Vietnamese Health

Introduction It is generally believed that the Vietnamese has always been considered slow developed in physical strength and appearance. The community supposes that the main reason for this problem is genetic factors. However, many scientific researches have proved that it is not true. According to Mueller (1982), people’s height is basically defined by heredity, but if the nutritional and environmental conditions did not satisfy basic requirements, height development would not be adequate to the rate which was defined back then...
6 Pages 2737 Words

Unhealthy Weight Loss Or Gain From Eating Disorders

A popular disorder that affects millions of people is an eating disorder. It's estimated that at least 30 million people of all ages and gender suffer from this disorder in the U.S. Eating disorders are portrayed as mainly affecting females which may be more than men, but men are just as affected by this disorder, it’s just not talked about. I personally believe that eating disorders should be more talked about, I know when I was in high school no...
3 Pages 1224 Words

Marijuana In Health And Disease

Marijuana becomes the major topic of debate these days but I only choose its uses and effects for the research essay. Its demand is raised day by day over the past few years. Marijuana also known as Cannabis. It is a medicinal drug which is commonly used among the young people. It is made from dried leaves, flowers and stems of cannabis and mostly affected by smoking but there are also some other ways to take marijuana like in pipes...
2 Pages 902 Words

Guidelines On Drawing Blood And Best Practices In Phlebotomy

During my observation in phlebotomy section of pathology lab, I learned how the samples were collected from the patients. According to my ease I can divide the whole procedure into following parts: Making the Patient Comfortable: The first step in performing a successful venipuncture is to make the patient comfortable. For this purpose make the patient sit down in the chair and talk to them in order to reduce the possible stress that they are feeling; Locating the Veins: In...
1 Page 406 Words

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