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Essay on Slavery and The New Negro Movement

3 Pages 1170 Words
Early Anglo-American colonizers were unable to imagine systems of shared land tenure and governance with Indigenous polities. They perceived Indigenous people to admit themselves to the racialization, and the justification they provided for the strategies they utilized to eliminate, displace, acculturate, and conceptually disappear American Indians. European settlers asserted an exclusive right to own the land based on their claims...

Essay About Slavery

3 Pages 1315 Words
Take a minute to think about this. In the world today. In 2019. In a world where slavery is not an issue that is at the forefront of the public consciousness. There are approximately 40.3 million, men, women, and children, who are victims of modern slavery. That’s almost twice the population of Australia. 40.3 million people are owned, bought, sold,...

Essay on School Shooting

4 Pages 1598 Words
Introduction School shootings in the United States and a few other countries such as Canada and Germany have continued to elicit debates among stakeholders. While there is considerable optimism about the possibility of eliminating institutional violence such as school shootings, the diversity of the assumed causes of school shootings complicates the positivity. In response to a series of school shootings...

Essay on Same-Sex Marriage

2 Pages 881 Words
“People around the world face violence and inequality—and sometimes torture, even execution—because of who they love, how they look, or who they are.” [1] LGBTQ+ is a controversial topic in today’s society and has been on the political agenda in Australia for several reasons, with enormous pressure from the public and widespread coverage in the media. Studies from the International...

Essay on Racial Profiling

3 Pages 1422 Words
Racial Profiling in opposition to African-Americans in America Racial Profiling is an arbitrary action initiated by the usage of authority based absolutely on race, ethnicity, or the United States of America wide opening alternatively than on a person's behavior. Discrimination is when you are denied chances and equal rights due to the fact of prejudice or other arbitrary reasons. (Schaefer,...

Essay on Pro Life (Abortion)

1 Page 534 Words
Abortion can be described in a variety of ways but the end result is always going to be the same as terminating pregnancies. Abortion can be performed in a variety of ways including unplanned, surgical, and medical abortion. For decades abortion has been a controversial topic or subject. Some people view, they see abortion as a sinful act taking an...

Essay on Plessy Vs Ferguson: Right to Equal Protection of the Laws

1 Page 634 Words
The Equal Protection clause states that it will not “…. [D]eny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The clause is violated when someone is treated differently due to their race, ethnicity, or protected class. Throughout history, the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause has been used to strike down state laws that promote inequality and discrimination....

Essay on Letter from Birmingham Jail

3 Pages 1282 Words
In 1963 prisoner Martin Luther King Jr. was limited to a Birmingham Alabama city cell. Numerous ministers saw King's activities as 'imprudent and less than ideal'. It was exceptionally extraordinary that King even reacted to the announcements made about his developments or words, yet King felt enabled to answer these announcements. Dr. Ruler utilized many contention systems to build Letter...

Essay on Immigration

3 Pages 1551 Words
Immigration is embedded in our country's roots, and the history of immigration in our country is long. In today’s society, immigration has become an ethical dilemma and it has developed decades of debate. It is easy for some people to have an issue with immigrants in America, but there’s a part that a lot of people forget about in this...

Essay on Harlem Renaissance and The New Negro

6 Pages 2692 Words
The ‘Black Capital’ of the twentieth century, Harlem served as a cultural nexus of black America. It was a refuge for African Americans fleeing from oppression in the South and a new home for those seeking new opportunities. Harlem was a haven, a place of self-discovery, cultural knowledge, and political activism for African Americans, especially during the first half of...

Essay on Gun Violence

3 Pages 1341 Words
As a nation of people who retain the right to bear arms through our second amendment to the constitution. We usually see ourselves at a crossroads when we see the violence that can come from using firearms in our nation. Every day in the media we are met with stories of people being shot or shot at in their own...

Essay on Freedom of Speech

2 Pages 776 Words
This essay includes a discussion of the analysis of freedom of speech and community safety. Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right so is community safety. It is believed by many that freedom of speech is the freedom everyone should have. However, freedom of speech should be limited because some speeches cause harm and discomfort to individuals and communities...

Essay on Frederick Douglass

2 Pages 845 Words
Southerners during the 19th century believed slavery was a valuable commodity. According to the Historical Statistics of the United States, it was estimated that there were around three million slaves throughout that time period (“Statistics on Slavery”). Also, during this time, women were denied many governmental rights. In a time of social oppression regarding the human rights of women and...

Essay on Discrimination in 'Zootopia'

1 Page 507 Words
Zootopia makes use of the distinction between female and male animals in the movie to replicate the trouble of sexism in society, particularly in the job field. Although girl animals have the equal job as males, they are constantly underestimated and fail to be dealt with fairly. This truth was once used in the movie to exhibit how gender biases...

Essay on Death Penalty

4 Pages 1579 Words
Reviewed double_ok
The death penalty is the punishment handed to people found guilty of capital criminal offenses. Capital punishment is also called the death penalty, and it is carried out through the execution of the offender (Balleisen, 2018). Through death penalty involves killing the offender; it is essential to extrajudicial killing since the latter is done without following the due process stipulated...

Essay on Civil Rights Movement

3 Pages 1494 Words
The traditional image of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States is one that spans over a decade and has its roots in the deep south, in places like Montgomery and Memphis. However, in lieu of new information, a theory has developed that widens the movement's scope both chronologically and geographically. First coined by Jacqueline Dowd Hall, many Historians...

Essay on Black Lives Matter

1 Page 621 Words
Online platforms have become powerful components for the emergence of social movements in the new millennium. It is believed that social media has assisted social movements to ‘scale up’, which is described as the procedure that diversifies the influence of the movement and helps to bring social change (Mundt, Ross & Burnett 2018). Moreover, modern activist movements like the Black...

Essay on Animal Cruelty

1 Page 425 Words
Although animal cruelty is not limited to these areas, changes in farming, animal testing, and fishing achieved through implementing an additional legal basis and providing financial support are possible ways to reduce the global animal cruelty scale. Animal cruelty is the deliberate infliction of pain that leads to the death or injury of an animal. Without a proper assessment, animal...

Essay on Abortion

3 Pages 1174 Words
Abortion is the act of killing an unborn baby medically and legally. Most people hear of abortions and act like it is a normal thing when it is very far from that idea for others that think the opposite. The act of abortion takes away a human’s life without giving it a single chance at life. The official definition of...

Essay on 9/11

4 Pages 1664 Words
September 11th, 2001 would be remembered as the worst tragedy to ever happen to the United States. On the morning of 9/11, four planes would be hijacked in hopes of crippling the American economy. Two of the four planes would then crash into the World Trade Center in New York City leaving the twin towers destroyed. Nearly 3,000 people lost...
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Emergent Black/Asian Interracial Relationships in the Shows 'ER' and 'Grey’s Anatomy'

2 Pages 887 Words
The author examines the pattern of popular culture that recently interracial relationships have become represented on several prime-time television shows, and that Asians and Blacks have been paired together on television shows. Usually, we see on prime-time television shows Blacks and Asians have relationships where they are in love and don’t have sex, or where they have sex and aren’t...

Consequences of the Me Too Movement in China

3 Pages 1370 Words
In an effort to improve the integrity of the human race, there have been diverse policies, declarations, and movements that seek to make the world a better place. The existence of human rights forms one of the most fundamental basics of human living and practices, which are supposed to be inherent to every individual. These rights are definitive regardless of...

Celebrities Should Have More Privacy Rights: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 423 Words
Not every day you’ll see a celebrity have time for themselves, not even have their own privacy. Nowadays, there are always articles or pictures of almost every single celebrity on the news or social media exploiting their personal lives. All over the media, a great amount of attention has turned towards the personal lives of stars that are admired or...

Analysis of Quality Versus Quantity of Longevity of Life in Accordance with Society and Bioethics

4 Pages 1818 Words
This paper analyzes the quality versus quantity of longevity of life in accordance with society and bioethics. This is followed through by the analysis of Dr. Emmanuel’s “Why I Hope to Die at 75” article and a rebuttal to it from “Bioethics and Why I Hope to Live Beyond Age 75 Attaining Wisdom!” by Miguel Faria. Dr. Emanuel discusses the...

Analysis of Me Too Movement in India

1 Page 579 Words
A sexual offense is not a new concept especially to women, in every society one or the other woman has to go through the experience of sexual assault. Many women around the world in their lifetime have experienced sexual violence, assault, and harassment or have been pushed into a situation where they feel unsafe and uncomfortable at times. They have...

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.: Comparative Essay

1 Page 462 Words
Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr are both leaders and have influenced countless people with similar beliefs and wanted to achieve goals that were almost identical to one another. Both men were leaders at different times in history but they both fought for civil rights for African Americans. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address and Martin Luther King Jr’s open letter...

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