Student essays

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Essay topics
1 Page 627 Words
According to Ober, (2012) “Plagiarism is a form of scientific misconduct defined as authoring ideas or words produced by someone else or from one’s own previous publication and attempting to publish such work without properly citing to the original author and publications.” Plagiarism policies are for all students, researchers, writers, scientists, philosophers, teachers, and for anyone who publishes the writings....
1 Page 413 Words
In this day there are more students consider cheating and not just on tests, it can be many ways such as plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty…etc. Of course, it is highly undesirable for students to cheat. However, to treat a cheating student as a bad person, does the school just remember to give it a clear score and give it...
3 Pages 1197 Words
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Elimination of Standardized Testing Before standardized testing, the only way to measure students’ growth and knowledge was through oral testing. In 1915, Frederick J. Kelly published a book containing the first standardized test as well as its instructions for anyone administering the test. Now standardized tests are given to students usually starting in kinder, or even pre-kinder, all the way...
10 Pages 4457 Words
Abstract The experiment was taking an in-depth look at how the sound, the tempo, and the pace of music can affect a student’s concentration, study habits, and performance. The goals of the study were to determine if, in fact, music has an effect on comprehension and accuracy. Students participated in this research study that consisted of ten study problems, and...
6 Pages 2758 Words
Cheating has always been a phenomenal issue, both in the academic setting and in romantic relationships, it is undeniable that it questions one's loyalty, and thus wears off the safety pin of trust. In this study, cheating can also be referred to as infidelity. Infidelity has been defined as “a violation of a couple’s assumed or stated contract regarding emotional...
8 Pages 3562 Words
Lasting Problems with Law School Culture Introduction We as law students have recently entered into a lifelong journey in the legal profession. The journey began in our respective undergraduate programs where we considered our next path in life. With this, we did our very best to get high grades and studied tirelessly for the LSAT. We sat down for hours...
3 Pages 1379 Words
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I believe I consider myself a suitable candidate for Opportunity Funds Program because I am a determined and industrious student who will devote herself to efficiently taking advantage of the prospect that the scholarship will offer me. Having the belief that my passion for learning is fascinatingly allied with my desire to help others, not only do I excel as...
6 Pages 2934 Words
Integration and diversity This planet, socially and culturally speaking is becoming smaller, our borders are being erased a point considered a threat by many right-winged parties, it is easier for people and goods to travel further and cheaper which is great news for the service sector companies, we are able to share our knowledge and opinions more freely to the...
9 Pages 4016 Words
Fighting The Good Fight I. Introduction Witnesses of a 2013 shooting at Sparks Middle School in Nevada recall the 12-year-old shooter telling a group of students, 'You guys ruined my life, so I'm going to ruin yours” (Lurie). This student had been bullied for years, neglected by his peers, and finally had enough. Unfortunately, this is the consequence of the...
2 Pages 1044 Words
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Most people want to get a good job and have a future out of high school but don’t know if it’s worth it to proceed to college because of its high cost. Every year millions of students attend college to have a chance at a better life by receiving a college degree. Every single student has to pay an immense...
2 Pages 730 Words
Going to a different country for university studies is getting more common all over the world and definitely, it has a lot of benefits for a student. However, why is it necessary to change your country for university and why should students make such a choice? Is it worth of leaving your family at home and go to a foreign...
4 Pages 2038 Words
When I think about the knowledge and skills that I have acquired during the past three years, I can’t help but feel excited about my future career, proud of my achievements and grateful to my family, for having supported me in every possible way. Even though my parents have always encouraged me to educate myself and to seek new opportunities,...
4 Pages 1780 Words
I will never forget March 25th, 2016. It was the day that turned my life on its toes. It was the day I was granted the opportunity to pursue a truly unmatchable educational, experiential vision. I was flooded with overwhelming feelings of relief, gratitude, excitement. The time leading up to my freshman fall quarter was defined by conversations on whether...
1 Page 470 Words
Studying abroad is considered by many “ A once in a lifetime extravagant experience”. This experience is thrilling as students take the first step into a new journey. This first step isn’t just about going to university, but also the first step towards adulthood, independence, and most importantly a step into the of discovering one’s true self and purpose. Even...
3 Pages 1519 Words
Commercialization of Education in Standardized Testing The commercialization of education is defined as private ownership of educational institutions that make investments for the motive of earning profit. Recently, the commercialization of education has proliferated on a global scale because of the reliance of standardized testing for acceptance into higher educational institutions. Marketing tactics used by corporate entities have shifted the...
1 Page 491 Words
My desire to contribute to efforts aimed at addressing health inequalities especially in rural areas initiated from awareness of malnutrition and poor health condition of my students which affected their participation in class and academic performances. Most of the students drop out of school as result. This scholarship offers me an opportunity to study MSc Nutrition and public health Management....
3 Pages 1371 Words
Conspiracy theories have been around for decades there will always be people who will believe in conspiracy ideation examples: assassination of John F. Kennedy, 9/11 terrorist attacks or government cover-ups of alien visitation. Aaronovitch (2009) describes conspiracy belief as “the unnecessary assumption of conspiracy when other explanations are more probable”. Does this mean that there is something wrong with believing...
2 Pages 726 Words
Special education give learners with identified disabilities specific instruction intended to meet their one of a kind learning needs, giving them the chance to create to their fullest potential (IDEA). Special education may be best depicted as an intentional mediation planned to overcome or dispose of the impediments that keep children with inabilities from learning. In other words, it is...
4 Pages 1632 Words
Before the automobile, before the computer, before the creation of the vast majority of concurrent colleges today, the rising cost of higher education has been shocking the American public. With the expense of a higher education soaring to new heights everyday, it has begun to cause people to question the effects it may have on future generations. Although, it is...
3 Pages 1304 Words
Sir Ken Robinson is a British author and speaker who took the TED Talk stage to speak about how the culture of American education contradicts three things that help humans and human life thrive. Those three things outlined in his TED Talk are diversity, curiosity and creativity. In his speech, he talked about gaps in the American education system, and...
1 Page 504 Words
INTRODUCTION Every Human without noticing is learning things through whole life from being a little child end ending as a student this period can be called as active period of learning then follows the passive learning period when any adult is learning from seeing things hearing things, touching, doing, and many any other. all this can be called as a...
4 Pages 1656 Words
Procrastination is an issue that confronts millions of people every day. While it may not be affirmed to be in the lives of every student, it is certainly prevalent in the lives of many. Procrastination, like many things, has a cause-and-effect mechanism. Luckily, there are resources on and off-campus. Some of these resources are simply available, and others were made...
2 Pages 913 Words
Most educators believe that the purpose of education is influenced by their own personal beliefs and experiences. Growing up, students have experienced many different situations that make them question the point of even coming to school. Every student has asked themselves at least once as to why they learn certain things and why can’t they just be done already. Research...
1 Page 506 Words
College success Entering in college is a step toward success but succeeding in a college is a dream come true. Success in college means that you have enough knowledge, confidence and skill that you can adjust yourself in any environment and any place. Success in college means more opportunities and more successful life. Succeeding in college means respect, you are...
2 Pages 897 Words
A world without poetry would be unimaginable and dry. Poetry can be written in so many different ways, different ways that fit everyone. Poetry can tell a story, as well as connect thoughts, images, people, places, and experiences. Reading and writing poetry helps students and elders appreciate others’ points of view as well as making themselves step out of their...
6 Pages 2836 Words
Today more than ever, people are watching what they say and are paying attention to who is around them when they speak. Before mentioning something that might sound controversial to others, it must be carefully crafted so as not to hurt anyones feelings. In many cases, it might seem easier to avoid the topic altogether; the last thing anyone wants...

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