Child Development essays

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Adverse Childhood Experiences: Review of Studies and Literature

Adverse childhood experiences are so prevalent today, that a quick search in the research database Academic Search Ultimate produced over 10 million peer-reviewed articles on the topic. The title of the article I chose is, “Childhood abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction and the risk of illicit drug use: The adverse childhood experience study. The authors of the article are Shanta R. Dube, Vincent J. Felitti, Maxia Dong, Daniel P. Chapman, Wayne H. Giles, and Robert F. Anda. The article was...
2 Pages 689 Words

Self- Concept and Emotional Maturity among the Adolescent Children of the Unemployed and Employed Mother: Analytical Essay

Abstract Aim: To evaluate the self-concept and emotional maturity among the adolescent children of the employed and the unemployed mothers. Introduction: Self-concept and emotional maturity play a very important role in society. Currently, the situation has changed and women have started seeking employment outside their homes for their necessities. One of the significant contrast between grown-up psychiatry and kid appraisal help is that in grown-up mental, looking for help is the primary wellspring of the data. Materials and methods: A...
4 Pages 1669 Words

Impact of Early Adverse Childhood Experiences on Development and Educational Progression of Children

This assessment will explore the impact early Adverse Childhood Experiences can have on the development and educational progression of children and young people who are looked after in Scotland. In order to understand the impact that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have on the behaviour of children in the classroom and attainment, first a definition of “looked after” and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) must be determined. This assignment will also, with reference to literature discuss what support and interventions that are...
2 Pages 960 Words

Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood?

We all know that the culture now has a big difference than the old days. It is so obvious how the modern culture affects the childhood of the young generation. Now, we will discuss how the modern culture affecting or ruining the childhood of every children. The modern culture that we are talking about is a culture full of technologies, gadgets and social medias. According to the article of one photojournalist Suhani Bhanvadia, explained that technoloy is so fast to...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Serial Killers: Childhood Influence

Drilling a hole into the top of a man’s skull which he would pour sulphuric acid in (How Serial Killers are born). This process was acted out to make his victim brain dead: almost zombie-like. The victim would typically be dead within the day. Once the victim died, the murderer would dismember the body, disposing of the victim’s parts into vats of acid, except for the skull. (How Serial Killers are born) This was the mind of notorious serial killer...
2 Pages 967 Words

Impact of Coronavirus on Child Education

Abstract Online learning often means that the parents themselves are well educated to assist with the lessons and have enough time. Moreover, it will make it more burdensome for parents who are also affected by COVID-19 to provide equipment for online learning. Face-to-face learning will resume on 8 March 2021. All primary school students will resume the school term on 20 January 2021 with face-to-face learning. Impact on Child Education The education of nearly 1.6 billion pupils in 190 countries...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Symbolism of Innocence and Childhood in Catcher In The Rye

J. D. Salinger’s novel, Catcher in the Rye, captures the attention of several readers by featuring Holden Caulfield, a young protagonist struggling through his transition from childhood to adulthood. The demise of his younger brother, Allie, challenges Holden to maintain his innocence by allowing him a path to adulthood. Allie’s death causes Holden to perceive society differently than those around him by considering his peers as “phonies”, or dishonest people. Because of Holden’s view of society, he encounters the challenge...
2 Pages 956 Words

Examine the Causes, Symptoms and Effects of Childhood Trauma

Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causing feeling of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013, p271). Childhood trauma is a serious adverse of childhood experiences. There are a lot of factors that cause childhood trauma for example domestic violence, physical substance and sexual abuse, terrorism, grief and neglect. When one is starting to...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse in Female Offenders

Substance abuse is one of the factors related to female offender’s pathway into the criminal justice system (CJS), it has been correlated with the after-math of childhood abuse and the repeated involvement in crime (Bloom et al, 2003). Vast numbers of women in prison have been arrested for drug offences or have reported to have a drug abuse problem (Henderson, 1998). In the UK the average percentage of women who are in custody that have been reported to have a...
5 Pages 2061 Words

Sociology of Childhood: Gender and Sexuality

In this essay I am going to be writing about gender and sexuality and I will be using sociological theories to compare the differences between being a male and what is expected of them and being a female and what is expected of them and I will be writing about how sexuality is dealt with in the school curriculum. The difference between sex and gender is that sex is the biological factor for example you are born with a penis...
5 Pages 2227 Words

How Modern Culture is Changing Childhood

Abstract As the generations evolve the culture of people change as well. Many people believe that the people of today should learn to be intellectual and that this is necessary to be taught from the young ages for a child to able to adapt to the changing environments. Often this consumes a child preventing them from exploring their true qualities and attributes. Instead of playing outside, verbally and physically communicating with friends, relaxing, pursuing their hobbies and being creative they...
6 Pages 2503 Words

Media’s Influence on Adolescents Body Image

The film “Killing them Softly” was about how women’s body images are being portrayed by the media today and throughout history, also how big of an influence it has on our cultural views and values. In the beginning of the film, the speaker placed a huge emphasis on advertisements in our culture and how exposed we are to them. She mentions at one point that we will spend around two years of our lives watching advertisements. Although many people will...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Adolescent Obesity and its Effects on Social Participation

Michael A. Pizzi, Kerryellen Vroman 2013 April did their study on Childhood Obesity to find if obesity had caused impact to children’s participation, psychosocial and mental wellbeing. Their study aimed and investigated the psychosocial issues due to obesity, the variant sequelae of psychosocial factors have been revealed with childhood obesity which includes the children being targeted and marginalized and being discriminated on weight bias and that these children deserve same opportunities for participation. Children who are bullied, teased often undergo...
5 Pages 2234 Words

The Causes And Solutions Linked To Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract In this generation, temptation among youth is higher than ever. It is easy for kids to fall into this trap due to easy access around them. The number of youth involved in juvenile crime in the past years has increased immensely. The purpose of this research paper is to figure out the main causes of why the number has skyrocketed so high. I will search for the most reliable sources, and use human sources as well. Juvenile delinquency is...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Adolescent Suicide: The Dangers And Seriousness Of Taking One’s Own Life

Throughout the ever changing world, and the innovations of technologies substantially increasing, there is seen to be a direct correlation between that and the increase of personal responsibilties and social pressures. These pressures and responsiblities of the individual, in some cases can be too much to handle. More Specifically, with the change of society there are higher pressure on adolescents to succeed faster and earlier in life. Despite the positive connation with success, this societal view can result in negative...
6 Pages 2849 Words

Should Teens be Smoking?

Teen smoking is not okay and it is not healthy. There is some scientific results that it doesn’t relieve stress, it just becomes addictive due to the harsh chemicals that are in it. It’s scientifically proven even, that preventing teen smoking will save those 1300 deaths that happen each day. Nicotine is a chemical that becomes addictive, and can cause someone to get high and kills brain cells. Teens shouldn’t be getting high and smoking anything. Once a person smokes...
1 Page 697 Words

The Labeling Theory On Juveniles And Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction to Labeling Theory and Its Sociological Significance The labeling theory says that people become classified and alter their behaviors in courses that echo how others seem to label them. The theory is the most commonly categorized with sociology for crime along with deviance. Labeling and considering someone as criminally deviant can promote and support deviant behavior. For example, labeling a person as a criminal causes other poeple to consider them with more negativity than positivity and the feedback to...
4 Pages 1823 Words

Early Childhood Adversity in Indigenous Canadian Communities

It is no secret that how a person was raised and what they experience shape who they become. However, when we think of childhood experiences shaping a person, we often forget that the experiences they face in childhood can become a factor related to mental health issues they are experiencing as an adult. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2018) there is a fifty percent chance of a Canadian experiencing mental health issues by the time they...
7 Pages 3347 Words

How Violence Can Affect The Mental Health Of A Child

Violence on children or kids from a young age can affect them psychologically in the future. Upto 80% of the children that go through abuse or violence in their childhood end up with medical conditions either being therapy or antidepressant pills. Despite using a little violence on children in order to discipline them many cases which usually report child abuse its aminly due to financial stress or unemployment. Most people who go through issues such as financial stress unemployment tend...
2 Pages 901 Words

An Analysis Of A Juvenile’s Violence And Delinquency

ABSTRACT The Retribution given to an adult is not as the same for a child though the crime committed by them are same. Juvenile delinquency is an act or omission by a child or young fantasy, which is punishable by law. The Delhi gang rape in a bus where the juvenile offender had been released after 3 years of term at the probation home, the adult offenders still has a pending review plea for their hanging. The Juvenile Justice act...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Reasons Why Holden Caulfield is Not A Normal Adolescent

Adolescence is the time period between ages ten to nineteen where in many of our lives we begin to look to our parents for advice about our future as well as build new stronger connections with peers whom we depend upon. In J.D. Salinger’s famous novel The Catcher in the Rye the main character, Holden Caulfield, our 17 year old narrator who’s telling the readers about a series of events that happened in his life when he was 16 years...
3 Pages 1197 Words

The Purpose of Cognitive and Behavioral Perspectives

In Psychology, the study of Cognition and Behavior go hand in hand. However, they are also two psychological perspectives that can be compared. Cognitive Psychology is the study of how humans create thought process. Whereas, Behavioral Psychology or Behaviorism can be defined as the study of why humans behave the way they do. Behaviorism observes patterns in the behavior of humans and attempts to interpret what leads them to behave a certain way. They are both the study of how...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Etiology of Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Abstract This paper explores many aspects of the etiology of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) including specific characteristics, cause of pathology, impact on subsystems and an overview of a full assessment. Bernthal, Bankson and Flipsen (2017) discuss that childhood apraxia of speech is a speech sound disorder with distinct difficulty in motor planning and execution. There is no cumulative list of exact features children with childhood apraxia of speech possess, but the American Speech-Language-Hearing association released a position statement in...
6 Pages 2608 Words

The Impact of Childhood Education: The Roles of Importance in Education

Abstract Elementary education is analyzed thoroughly and definitively while major questions and aspirations are discussed at length. Major roles and professionalism in teaching are also discussed. Experiences, beliefs, and biases are explained in detail regarding the role of teachers in Early Childhood Education. The author discusses his or her past elementary educators and describes why he or she believes the teachers are so impactful. Concerns about the future of the career are also brought to attention while the author describes...
3 Pages 1348 Words

Factors Contributing To Juvenile Delinquency In Malta

Summary The main aim of the current research is to identify the main factors of juvenile delinquency among the youths in Malta. Statistics show that the Juvenile delinquency rate in Malta is continuously increasing and it is important to know from where it is originating. If the factors will be known, then it will be easier for authorities and professionals to find strategies to help the youth to not get introduced to delinquency at a very young age. Furthermore, consequently...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Childhood Poverty and its Effects on Adulthood

Childhood poverty is an unfortunate pandemic that is difficult to get a handle on. Impoverished communities are evident in every city or town, even the seemingly wealthy ones. While poverty certainly takes a toll on adults, it can hit children harder as they are more vulnerable. Childhood poverty is an unfortunate pandemic that is difficult to get a handle on. Poverty affects children’s physical health, mental health, and keeps them trapped in a cycle that leads into adulthood. Before assessing...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Adolescence and Smoking: Reasons, Factors and Effects

Adolescence is a time in someone’s life that can shape the future and who they are as a person. Introduce smoking –a highly addictive habit- to an adolescent at this time of rapid growth and change, that could negatively impact their life forever. Despite the fact that not all adolescence choose to smoke, for the ones that do, it can cause serious health problems in the future, and even negatively affect them shortly after or during the process of smoking....
6 Pages 2605 Words

Juvenile Crime And Violence As A Effect Of Socioeconomic Conditions

“Environment is the parent of revolution and crime.” similar to Aristotle's quote. Juvenile crime is the effect of the social environment that kids grow up in. Each case is unique and it is caused by different factors as family, drugs, education… It's one of the nation's most serious problems. Every country cares about their child, but what is really worrisome is not the short run trend but their sense that violent crime has been climbing steadily for a long time...
1 Page 403 Words

Adolescence in Sylvia Plath’s the Bell Jar and J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

First of all, Holden and Esther share the common obstacle of being unable to conform to the standards and expectations formed by society. Holden and Esther are both adolescents in a 1950s United-States, a less progressive time where you had almost no choice but to follow the path set out by society as you enter the adult world. However, neither of them can seem to conform to these standards. Firstly, Esther is torn over the expectation for her to marry...
1 Page 434 Words

Nutritional Behavior On Adolescence

Adolescent is the transition period between childhood and the adulthood - age range from 10-19 years where child undergoes emotional, physical and social changes, nearabout 16% of the world population is made up of adolescents. (UN, 2018). Healthy dietary behavior and the lifestyle acquired during these stages may have a greater influence on their growth, health and wellbeing; high intake of sugary food, low consumption of fruits and vegetables, inadequate supplementation of iron, calcium are the cause which may have...
5 Pages 2265 Words

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