Gender Diversity essays

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Research Essay on Computer Science

Abstract: The number of women pursuing computer science majors in college has dropped almost 20 percent in the last thirty years. Even though many tech industries claim to have found solutions to fix the gender gap problem, this issue has not changed over the years. My contribution essay will analyze the reasons behind the wide gender gap in computer science. I will look at various scholars and their studies on what they think causes the gender gap in tech industries....
5 Pages 2457 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about My Colour

Being an African American woman in the workplace means always having to walk a thin line, stabilizing your feelings and emotions with the judgments and motives of others, providing comfort, and being approachable versus uncomfortable and anxious in the process. Throughout my work history, I have noticed that the majority of my jobs surprised me by how few women there were who resembled me. Yes, I know that in the workplace, you're not supposed to look and reflect on race,...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Gender Roles in 'Persepolis' Essay

Defining and Understanding the Role of Women in Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” Marjane Satrapi’s first novel “Persepolis” is an autobiographical graphic novel that narrates the experience of a young Iranian girl growing up amid the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Within her novel, many themes are utilized and highlighted to further her story and create a compelling novel. One such theme that is heavily emphasized throughout the novel is the important role and differentiations of gender within a certain time, place, and...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Essay on Women in Progressive Era

During the Progressive Era, women began to step up and started to become a voice in the United States. Why now and why not then is my question? During that era, women started to fight for what was right, and that began with the right to vote. Women in my opinion stepped up to the plate, some were good others maybe not, but who am I to judge? Women played important roles to other women who were not so fortunate,...
2 Pages 684 Words

Evaluation Essay on Gender in Advertising

Stereotypes are defined as “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”. Advertisements attempt to appeal to different audiences by using different techniques, one of which is to include stereotypes. Throughout the advertisement era, the representation of gender stereotypes in advertising has decreased as time has passed. However, the stereotypical portrayal of men and women is still prevalent in today’s advertisements. Gender is not the only factor in which advertisements...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Research Essay on Female Pharaohs

Who is the most powerful woman that comes to mind when you consider ancient Egypt? Perhaps the first name that comes to mind is Cleopatra. Cleopatra was without a doubt a significant ruler admired by her people and feared by her adversaries. Even though ancient historians had negative things to say about her, we now know she was an intelligent woman. However, she is not the most powerful. Nefertiti is a possibility, right? Her bust is the most well-known ancient...
2 Pages 1054 Words

Synthesis Essay on Gender and Poverty

Introduction The government has been committed to solving the problem of social poverty for many years. New Labour also issued new policies on child poverty and pensions and promised to solve these problems (Bradshaw, J., 2003, P5). Labour's measures deal mainly with child poverty and retirement security for the elderly and poor communities. Although the measures are not aimed at solving the problem of gender inequality and poverty but improve the environment for children to grow up in the family,...
2 Pages 976 Words

Research Essay on Gender Attitudes

Introduction: The division of labor in the family has always been contentious (Phillipov, 2008). The man has usually been seen as the household breadwinner, and the role of the woman is to take care of the household (Boehnke, 2011). However, in recent decades, this particular model of family has become less prevalent. In recent years there has been a determined societal shift towards greater gender role equality (Phillipov, 2008). It has become more common for women to be part of...
5 Pages 2134 Words

Synthesis Essay on Women Suffrage

Mrs. Preston: Maud Preston is a fictional character in the Greenwich Village, 1913 game written by Mary Jane Treacy. The character is based on two real people from the suffrage movement, Carrie Chapman Catt and Harriot Stanton Blatch (Treacy 9). Mrs. Preston shares the qualities and points of view of these real people. Maud Preston's viewpoints were obviously nurtured by her upbringing. Born in 1878, she was raised in Upstate New York by a family that had a large involvement...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Synthesis Essay on Gender Roles

Introduction: The concept of gender is more culturally defined and performative, rather than biologically determined. A confusing synonym for sex, gender though by definition is based on biology, historically has been used as a term to describe the performative appearance and behavior expected from an individual from either biological sex to conform to. Power dynamics that are played into a poststructuralist view, showcase how heavily male-led societies affect respective gender roles, along with the reinforcement of language in those performances....
4 Pages 1788 Words

Synthesis Essay about Gender

First impressions last and clothing is a statement, presenting the wearer of the garment to the world as a person defined by their appearance and taste. Clothing and style have always been a factor in one’s identity. The length of one’s skirt is seen as a reflection of the wearer’s degree of modesty. The color represents what they identify as, having blue as an indicator of masculinity and pink for femininity. The way one dresses up reflects their lifestyle and...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Gender Differences

This research showed some major distinguishers between the differences of the genders brain. It’s obviously no secret when it comes to male and female brains, which each gender brains drives differently. Each gender appears to use different part of the brain to encode any memories. Moreover, they also have different way of react through any location, and behave differently in stressed situation. Both gender are equal in intelligent, but they tend to operate differently. “Life is not a competition between...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay about Men and Women

Discrimination is an unfair distinction between people based on a group or other category to which they belong or are perceived to belong . Also, discrimination does not only revolve between men and women, but it includes the LGBTQ where they are also a victim of discrimination andor inequality in various sectors in the community. We can hear people such as the bystanders, in the churches, and even in their own families saying that they are ‘salot sa lipunan’ andor...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Essay on Role of Women in 'The Crucible'

The text of Arthur Miller’s Crucible’ is a four-act production that follows the Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts. The play articulates the dangers a group of girls undergo as they start a witch hunt to cover, their own wrongdoing whilst creating mass hysteria. The Salem Witch Trials were a part of American History that epitomized the lack of trust in the goodness of others. The Crucible showed that in this situation the continued accusations were based on vengeance within a...
2 Pages 777 Words

Exemplification Essay on Stereotyping

For the past five decades, gender stereotypes in advertising have been attracting the interest of scholars by making them inquisitive about the techniques used by an advertiser to depict men and women in society. They were also keen to learn about the motives behind this stereotype as well as how it influenced the mindsets of society. Stereotypes are defined as classifications of gender based on the beliefs of society. It was a cause of concern in society when people’s beliefs...
4 Pages 1686 Words

Pros and Cons of Coronavirus Essay

In the 21st century, Australian women have continued to fight and gain many fundamental rights in all aspects of life, however, it is not arguable that there is still a long way to go. Since the declaration of pandemic status, the Coronavirus has only intensified the disparity in Australian gender inequality and could threaten this issue in years to come. In 2006, the World Economic Forums Global Gender Gap Index reported that Australia was 15th in the world for gender...
3 Pages 1474 Words

Essay on Beauty Pageants and Eating Disorders

Questions have lingered in the minds of various scholars as to whether beauty pageants are a way of objectifying women. This has triggered extensive examination of the event with respect to various societal norms and notions. Beauty pageants refer to the beauty contest. The competition primarily aims at the judgment and the ranking of the physical attributes of the people who take part. It aims at the determination of an individual personality based on weakness, and strengths, raising self-esteem, gaining...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Male Dominance over Females: Essay

Male dominance over females is one of the earliest known and most prevalent forms of inequality in human history. Due to its everydayness, male dominance seems natural. But one question never goes away. Might innate biological mechanisms be a hindrance to women attaining equal power with men? Or might men’s authority to command women be credited to the nature of the male personality itself, rather than anything else? My research has convinced me that male dominance over females is not...
6 Pages 2713 Words

Gender and Successful Leadership: Essay

Isn’t it inconvenient that women are perceived as less effective leaders than men? Isn’t it inconvenient that women are valued less than men around the world? And isn’t the 21st century the ideal time to create change and equality in the world for a more prosperous tomorrow? Continuing to live with the world’s current and inaccurate perceptions about women’s leadership abilities represents a greater inconvenience than the inconvenience that would arise from educating and implementing a new leadership development model...
4 Pages 1705 Words

A Woman's Power Should Not Be Underestimated: Essay

We cannot deny the importance of the role that women have played in history, more specifically in the history of the Middle Ages. Women have been viewed as possessions and were given off for peace. They were considered not worthy of power nor freedom, just living under the mercy of their lords and husbands. Their duties included raising children, cooking, and farming. Unfortunately, this has been going on throughout history and in many places today. But when women take power,...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Argumentative Research Essay on Women

An important area to look at when deciding whether women need women representatives is the relationship between descriptive and substantive representation. Substantive representation looks at whether representatives ‘act for women’ in the policies that are articulated within political institutions. Descriptive representation occurs when representatives mirror the backgrounds of the represented. In some countries such as Sweden, Argentina, and Rwanda, women have made remarkable progress in participation and representation. However, in other countries, women either lack the right to vote as...
6 Pages 2804 Words

Women and Their Fight for Safety: Informative Essay

Women have always had to fight for their safety, the only difference now is that they get to be more open about it. The fight for feminism can be a bit difficult to understand when one has not personally experienced trauma or helped a loved one through it. The world in which feminism and law enforcement come together can be a very touchy subject as so many people have so many different opinions. Typically, people that have been through instances...
3 Pages 1560 Words

There Cannot Be Girl Power without Brain Power: Persuasive Essay

130,000,000 girls. 130,000,000 girls who don’t have access to school. 130,000,000 girls who can’t even read the words on this page. 130,000,000 girls with no chance. 130,000,000 girls left behind ('Gender Inequality Is Keeping Girls Out of School'). Do you sense a problem? In our evolving world, uneducated people are at a catastrophic disadvantage. Without literacy, a woman cannot earn a steady income. For generations, women have been denied their fundamental right to education. This illiteracy perpetuates the cycle of...
3 Pages 1444 Words

How Have Gender Roles Changed: Argumentative Essay

South African women have been courageous across all racial lines. When Thabo Mbeki was still the president of South Africa, he stated that 'No government in South Africa could ever claim to represent the will of the people if it failed to address the central task of emancipation of women in all its element and this includes the government we are privileged to lead' ( This clearly shows that the 1956 march to Union buildings was not in vain. Men...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Gender Roles Thesis Statement Essay

In the novels of Gillian Flynn, including Sharp Objects (2006), Dark Places (2009), and Gone Girl (2012), the female characters often use violence as a way of achieving ends and accomplishing goals. It may be tempting to dismiss these women outright as repugnant villains, or perhaps as abnormal examples of female mental illness. Upon closer examination, however, it can be argued that the violence and the femme fatale character type in the novels serve a distinctly feminist purpose. In allowing...
6 Pages 2837 Words

Gender Roles in the Ottoman Empire: Critical Essay

The ubiquitous spread of influence that instills hope, life, and compassion. The courage required to create change, the hunger to create a world full of hope. The spaces present in every valued life. The cavity in the human body that encompasses this space. This space or this container encompasses where we breathe, eat and sleep; life. In troubled and difficult times do we hide in fear and give up on our lives? Do we have the energy to climb out...
2 Pages 997 Words

Gender Roles in the Massachusetts Bay Colony: Analytical Essay

The time of the events that the book states that the story is set is the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne, who gives birth to a daughter through an affair and is punished for it. Throughout time people have asked how and why females were treated differently through these last couple of decades, how Hester Prynne was treated by the people, and also how they treated Pearl....
1 Page 611 Words

Gender Roles in Different Cultures: Critical Essay

Cultural relativism is “the idea that the significance of an act is best understood by the standards of the actor’s own culture”. (Crapo 2013) Gender is a huge topic today and over the course of American history, we have seen how gender has evolved into many different things. Gender has become a hugely controversial issue within our society, gender was originally only seen as two: female and male. In my normal culture, gender is to be thought of just as...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Essay on Gender Roles Portrayed in Disney Movies

Disney took a massive risk in 1937 when they promoted and produced the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The industry thought this movie was going to flop as it had a massive budget of 1.49 million U.S. dollars and was the first animated movie of its kind. However, the movie ended up grossing well over sixty-six million dollars in 1937 alone. As of 2018, Snow White’s total box office value is over 885 million dollars, which puts the...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Essay on 'Beauty and The Beast': Gender Roles

Stereotypes are “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing” ('Stereotype | Meaning of Stereotype by Lexico', 2020) and either contribute to or contradict gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are very common in children’s literature as stories regularly present boys and girls in relation to specific socially defined norms as well as societal expectations. Thus, “The Beauty and The Beast” by Disney reflects the contribution to gender stereotypes through the use...
3 Pages 1447 Words

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