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Effects of Alcohol on People and Their Lives

3 Pages 1211 Words
I would say that there is a high probability that you know someone that is either in your family or a friend of someone in your family that has dealt with the consequences that alcohol brings. Alcohol can take a toll on our lives whether we abuse it or not. Maybe you are not personally affected by the consequences of...

Economic Impact of Globalization in India

1 Page 671 Words
The term ‘globalization’ refers to the free and flexible movement of products and services across borders. The process follows an integrated and well-managed manner. It opens a gateway to be a part of the global economy and trade. The globalization directly impacts on the economy of the country as it attracts foreign direct investment by opening global trade opportunities. Furthermore,...

Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: Historical Background and Impact on the World Today

2 Pages 1107 Words
The Declaration of Independence are important articles that ensure our independence from Great Britain. This document will describe who adopted the Declaration of Independence, what the Founding Fathers created, a summary of the Articles, and how the Constitution affects the world today. It was written by Thomas Jefferson; he wrote it because they wanted to announce their independence from Britain....

Attractiveness of Video Games

2 Pages 1104 Words
In 1972, a game named ‘Pong’ has been developed and ignited attention of people for ball-and-paddle arcade video game. It has sold over 8000 arcade machines in a same year. The success of ‘Pong’ has found a new video game industry. Nowadays, this industry has increased sharply every year. In 2017, Americans spent $36 billion on video games, which was...

Significant Influence of Karl Marx and Max Weber on Society

4 Pages 1849 Words
Karl Marx and Max Weber are two men who spent their lives trying to make their dream society a reality. Both of these important sociological contributors were raised in bourgeoise households where they took every opportunity to expand their knowledge, but despite this similarity between them, they were still two very different people. Max Weber felt that society was built...

Reflections on Whether Globalization Is Good for Indian Economy

3 Pages 1347 Words
Openness of the foreign trade and investment explains the rapid growth of India. Since the Indian government adopted economic liberalization policy in 1990s, improved the employment situation in India. According to the International Labor Organization, the number of Indians in workforce increased by 80 million over the last decade (Economist 2010). The foreign firms attracted by the inexpensive labor cost...

Peace and Its Importance

1 Page 404 Words
I would like to express my thoughts on the topic 'Peace'. Peace, according to Oxford dictionary is a “state of tranquility and calm” or rather a “state of non-violence and no war”. The theory of peace implies solving disputes, difference of opinions and misunderstanding without use of violent methods. Peace is universal. It is seen at various situations and at...

Motherhood as a Social Construct

1 Page 458 Words
Social constructionism are values that are created within a society to define certain roles. An example of this is gender roles in society, i.e., male and female roles. Motherhood is a period in a woman’s life, usually after childbirth where she looks after her child. Motherhood is an extension of the socially constructed female gender role. However, motherhood is not...

Mental Illness as the Strongest Epidemic of Modern Times

2 Pages 868 Words
The strongest epidemic we face today, mental illness, is maybe not growing as fast as an infectious disease but it is harder to fix as it’s not even acknowledged in a right manner or sometimes not even at all. The issue peeks through popular music as top charts are filled with songs about depression, anxiety, isolation and alienation. These emotions...

GMOs in Today's World

2 Pages 729 Words
Everyday, citizens go to their local grocery store to buy food. Many foods claim to be healthy to eat and provide the most nutrition. Some of these foods could contain a label showing ‘GMO’ or ‘non-GMO’, and this can be confusing for some people. What do these food labels mean to everyday people, and should genetically modified foods be required...

Essay on Sociology of Love and Relationships

3 Pages 1486 Words
Give the opportunity to ten people a pen and paper and ask them to define ‘love’; you will be presented with different answers and definition. Love is interesting sociologically for so many reasons. To start with, just the one word can stand for so many different meanings to different people: sexual love, intimate love, companionate love, romantic love, parental love,...

Current Trends and Challenges in the World of Work

2 Pages 707 Words
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius. The world of work is diverse. This massive world of work provides people across the globe, a buffet of opportunities through the means of various jobs, for personal growth as well as social development. This helps individuals get jobs that relate...

Beauty Standards Cause Health Problems

6 Pages 2909 Words
The society we live in somehow confused healthy and happy for thin and beautiful, that is, beautiful according to what the media has told us is beautiful. As women, the models in advertising are how women are supposed to look. They are the ones that set the beauty standards and say what body type is acceptable. This leads to believe...

Beauty Defined by Society

2 Pages 845 Words
Through time, beauty has been catalogued as an important thing in human lives. It has been a big deal for people who are not satisfied for the way the look. Beauty can have many different concepts, however, most of the people only focus on the term of having a nice shape, and they tend to feel frustrated as they never...

Animals’ Contribution to Society

1 Page 430 Words
Animals can contribute to society in many ways. They can be used in combat because of their unique, strong and lethal abilities. People believed that they would be able to train animals and embrace their abilities to help people who had to deal with fighting, the needs of people with disabilities and other customs. An example would be in the...

All People Should Help Others

1 Page 570 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Did you know that good deeds decrease stress which can give you a lot of diseases or heart attacks? People should help others without expecting any rewards. Just like Mawi Asegdom’s brother and father. His brother and father were caring people. The father used to wake them up early every day to do something nice to their neighbors. All people...

Alcohol Remains a Dangerous Problem for Canadian Population

2 Pages 931 Words
In June 2017, Andre Picard brought public attention to seemingly trivial issue of alcohol in his article at the Globe and Mail ‘We Need to Stop Romanticizing Alcohol’. According to the Globe and Mail, Andre Picard is known for his dedication to improving healthcare. “He was named Canada's first 'Public Health Hero' by the Canadian Public Health Association and as...

Alcohol and Its Effects on Society

1 Page 486 Words
Alcohol has been a problem in our society for a long time and it will continue to be a problem unless we address it, and teach others the real dangers of drinking alcohol. There are people dying because they don't know the real dangers that can come from extreme consumption of alcohol. I don’t see why we shouldn’t just go...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

1 Page 627 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Video games years ago changed the way people have fun with the creation of home consoles that brought entertainment to families' televisions. Traditional board games or outdoor activities were no longer the only option for children and adults alike to combat boredom, now they could also enjoy hours of fun on television. With the growing popularity of video games, the...

Was the Vietnam War Justifiable? Essay

3 Pages 1560 Words
Every War has to start somehow, and this one was started by two countries hating each other. According to,” with the cold war intensifying worldwide, the U.S. hardened its policies against any allies of the soviet union”(6). America thought that if they didnt do anything the comunist belief would spread the whole way through southern asia and that would...

The Importance of Me Too Movement

1 Page 667 Words
There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder Tarana Burke: Movement Is Not Over” discusses the actual goal...

Role of Youth in Democracy Essay

1 Page 452 Words
The action “Role of Youth in Democracy” supports youth participation in democratic life. Our goal is to encourage the active participation of young people in the life of the European community. Through the program, we will enable young people to learn about democratic processes and to become active citizens at all levels – local, regional, national and European. European Union’s...

Is Democracy In Decline? Essay

5 Pages 2270 Words
There is not any more fulfilling portrayal of democracy than Winston Churchill's assertion that it 'is the most noticeably awful type of government aside from every one of those different structures that have been attempted now and again.' Among compliments, underhanded ones are the loveliest, first making a demonstration of withdrawing and afterward, similar to a boomerang, coming back to...

Importance of Democracy Essay

3 Pages 1525 Words
Abstract “E-word of mouth” has become a global phenomenon, solving problems online users are concerned. It can make a change for transnational issues. Some critics insist that online wisdom cannot replace the existing establishments even in a democratic state. According to Scholte (2012), there has been a paradigm change to global democracy because globalization is driving constantly, and global phenomenon...

Essay on Overpopulation and Deforestation

4 Pages 1790 Words
Overpopulation is a root problem of all the environmental issues. If you can control the population, you can control almost anything. Never before has there been such a large magnitude of humans on the face of our planet. With our numbers crossing the 8 billion mark, humans have surpassed every other large animal to become the most populous mammal on...

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy Essay

6 Pages 2545 Words
Democracy began in Ancient Greece in fifth century B.C., meaning rule by the people it allows certain citizens to gather and make binding decisions together about the rule of the people Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Pericles speech from Thucydides 1972, cited in The...

Democracy Advantages Essay

2 Pages 771 Words
Democracy is a system of government. All qualified individuals or members in the country have the opportunity to vote directly on the issues or to send someone to choose to make these decisions on their behalf. This is a government structure, where the government comes from the people, not from the army or the country. Although this is an option...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation

3 Pages 1139 Words
The following essay will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages that are linked around globalisation. 'Globalisation describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation.' (Lexicon, 2018) It is driven by many factors such as trade and technology. A key advantage of globalisation is...

Functionalism Versus Marxism: Comparative Analysis of Labor Relations in Contemporary Societies

4 Pages 1686 Words
1. Introduction Have you wondered the contemporary societies must be better than traditional one? Social change is inevitable due to various factors, like technological progress and urban development. However, it may not necessarily lead to an improvement in all aspects. The modern factory system is a valid illustration. The contemporary practice of it may induce some negative impacts on the...

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