Life Experiences essays

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Personal Narrative Essay about Musician

How do you become a musician? I studied music when I was little, at the conservatory. Solfeggio, music theory, harmony, singing, and piano. I'm not a musician. The education I received was quite deficient, my extreme vagrancy did not support the cause too much. In spite of that, I reached the sixth year of piano, only two years after finishing my degree, and also with quite good grades. I never considered myself a musician, much less now that I almost...
5 Pages 2355 Words

Autobiography Essay about Peru

In the critical analysis, the formation of the writing will be directed by how I analyzed my country and how throughout the semester made statements on how Peru is a democratic institution and how it has grown over the years in terms of development, the concern of overpopulation with so many Venezuelan migrants going into the country for being an open-door policy for accepting so many migrants, the string of corruption due to bad presidents that were in power in...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on the Scariest Moment of Your Life

I wake, panting for breath. Nightmares, again. Of course, it’s the day of the culling. At least this is the last one. My last day of torture, if I make it that is. I’ve managed so far, I have to make it through now. I check my alarm, 5:00 am. 4 more hours until the scariest moment of my life. One of many. At 8:00 a.m., I go outside. The streets are so quiet, you could hear a pin drop....
1 Page 532 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Maps

Introduction: In this project, I utilized the geospatial tools of image interpretation to research the succession of vegetation in the Binghamton University Nature Preserve between 1944 and 2011. Literature Review: According to the readings ecological succession involves the development of ecosystems. An ecosystem is all of the organisms in a specific area interacting with the physical environment in order to form a cycle within. Ecological succession can be defined in three ways. First, it is a reasonably predictable process that...
2 Pages 695 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on a Pencil

A full moon is so romantic and mystical. I used to look up into the night sky and think what a beautiful subject it would make for my next drawing until one day I decided to give it a try. With all its craters and shadows, I decided that colored pencils in shades of black and gray would give the most dramatic effect, especially against black paper. I was so thrilled at how this black paper drawing turned out, that...
1 Page 661 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Passion

Educating students is more than just a job for passionate teachers, it’s a way of life. I want to make a difference in others’ lives through education. It was my dream to be a teacher teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. But no matter what differences these students have, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working toward; the goal of inspiring...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Analytical Essay on Painting

Like humans, art too has evolved over the centuries. To what it used to be, to what it is. Often, artists who are in the vanguard of their culture, when express new ideas or what appears to be a new idea, a large number of people do not accept them. Only a small number of people accept them. They want to experience their work, feel it, understand it, or even simply enjoy it. And this has been seen throughout history....
4 Pages 1674 Words

Summary Response Essay on Organic Foods

Food has a great impact on the human body, which can both positively and negatively affect the body. It all depends on what kind of foods we consume. Organic foods differ from conventional foods because organic farmers exclude the use of synthetic pesticides and they keep the soil fresh and healthy. Organic foods are also full of nutrients and cost more. Conventional farming is a method in which farmers use synthetic pesticides to increase growth, so their foods have poorer...
2 Pages 697 Words

Exemplification Essay on Optimism

Conflicts can arise in a person's life at any point in life, whether personal level conflicts that exist in a person's mind or socio-economic level conflicts that exist in the external environment. Nobody is immune to conflict in their life. Conflict is defined as a struggle or a clash between opposing forces. People can deal with conflict mentally and physically. A positive mental attitude is very important in life. The term 'optimism' embraces two closely correlated concepts: the first is...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Exemplification Essay about Being Optimistic

Optimism is viewed as an emotion that shows hopefulness and confidence about the future and the successful outcome of something. Even when something doesn’t go as planned, optimists still hope and believe in the best. Seligman broke down optimism into two categories; those being permanence and pervasiveness. Permanence is defined as those who give up easily due to believing the bad outcomes that have happened to them are permanent. They continuously assume the bad things that happen will always be...
2 Pages 877 Words

Exemplification Essay on Loyalty in Literature

¨Loyalty is such a force for destruction because it readily clashes with genuine virtues such as honesty and fairness - all while seeing itself as superior to those virtues.”(Asghar, paragraph 4). Blind loyalty is a trait that is often bad. In both the article, Loyalty Isn't A Virtue, It´s the Enemy of Workplace Ethics by Rob Asghar, and the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, blind loyalty is shown to be a poor trait. Blind loyalty often makes a...
2 Pages 967 Words

Exemplification Essay on Loyalty

When someone says, “I love you,” or “I am loyal,” which do you think has a bigger impact? Love or loyalty. According to Google, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, while loyalty is defined as giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. Now, according to these definitions, love and loyalty are two completely different things. However, the two have quite a few things in common. Love is basically a feeling when...
1 Page 496 Words

High School Personal Narrative Essay on Education Using Literary Elements

Bitterly, There are more than seven million Latino children that are living in poverty, more than ever it’s showing that approximately about thirty-eight percent of poor children are Latino and twenty-four percent are black. Many don’t know that thirty-eight percent of poor kids are Latinos, and this is a huge number, we need to find a way to reduce this number. For a better society and a better life for Latino families and Latino children. Poverty is a huge issue...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Essay on How to Be Successful in High School

Imagine having a solid belief in something and then having that whole point of view changed forever. What was once believed and deemed as right may not be what it seems. Someone can appear way different than they truly are. People who pertain to the theater are split between Sharpay deserving more than what she got and if Gabriella and Troy were the good guys. Sharpay should be considered the protagonist of the HSM series because she worked harder than...
2 Pages 977 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Having a Baby

When you think about Christmas, you think about people getting together with their families, and celebrating. But not everyone has the ideal Christmas. I’m one of those people. It's hard to celebrate Christmas with a family when you don’t have one. It’s been two years since I have seen my family alive. It all started about two and a half years ago when my family and I planned to celebrate Christmas by going on a cruise. It was going to...
5 Pages 2379 Words

Exemplification Essay on Guns Save Lives

Guns are the things that we humans see but don’t do anything to stop it but show sadness. “There are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and carjackers and knockout gamers and rappers, haters, campus killers, airport killers … I ask you: do you trust the government to protect you”? “LaPierre, Wayne (Executive Vice President and CEO).” NRA On the Record, 24 May 2016, Another big cause of gun violence is Racism a big controversial topic going on...
1 Page 564 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Growing Up

First but foremost, the Jamaican culture is the main culture that influenced who I am today, from the way I speak, how I view certain things, etc. Growing up I identified my ethnic origin as a Canadian-Jamaican, and still do to this day. Being raised in a Jamaican household I grew up being exposed to the Jamaican culture. Jamaica’s official language is English, Patois (which is a type of broken English mixed with African dialect), and Spanish. Growing up the...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Exemplification Essay about Genetic Engineering

When I think of genetic engineering, I say to myself “Wow a way to get exactly what I want and how I want it.” Genetic engineering is a topic of opinion, While some people may disagree with the procedure for most it is seen as the best opportunity they can ever be given. Genetic engineering also known as gene editing, is when DNA is inserted, deleted, modified, or replaced in the genome of a living organism. I support genetic engineering,...
2 Pages 809 Words

Essay Definition of True Friendship

Now it is very apparent that man is a social animal by nature who constantly wants to live in the company of others. This then translates into forming bonds or relationships with other people that we find interesting, desirable, etc. So, what do these associations say about who we are? What does it mean that as humans we naturally feel the need to surround ourselves with others like us? Well, Aristotle takes these questions into consideration when addressing the different...
2 Pages 787 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Friendship

For the past year, I have been experiencing the difficulties of maintaining a cross-sex friendship due to the other person being interested in more than a platonic friendship. This is my first experience in which I am content with nothing more than a platonic friendship. This relationship is one that I cherish, and hope to maintain as she is a great person but there might be ulterior motives motivating this friendship. The motivation behind our cross-sex friendship may be for...
1 Page 562 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Finding a True Friend

“Can anyone take my unluckiness?” that’s what I thought when I had my worst week. Everyone has a day that they could say “It’s the worst day of my life!” on which everything seems not working and feels like all the thunderstorms are following. My worst journey happened when I was in the First-year class. The start of my worst journey was different from others. Since the morning, I had felt really bad because I had a fever. Like a...
4 Pages 1652 Words

Essay on Sartre Freedom and Responsibility

Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher and writer who explored existentialism, making his famous claim that “existence precedes essence”. He further developed his ideas by analyzing human consciousness and differentiating between the two kinds of being. He also utilized the relationship between a subject and an object, and how they both play a role in our perception of ourselves in the world of other people. Through his explorations of consciousness and the people around us, he expressed his disinterest in...
2 Pages 747 Words

Essay on Slavery and Freedom - the American Paradox

The book 'American Slavery', by Peter Kolchin is a novel about American bondage from its beginnings through its abolishment with the Thirteenth Amendment. Kolchin segregates the complexities between the various events of enslavement: commonplace american miracle and before the war years. There is additionally a section that dialogs about oppression from the white southerners' point of view during those years after the normal war. It gives a verifiable view of the various subjects that were influenced by bondage without burrowing...
2 Pages 917 Words

Essay on Freedom Vs Safety

Freedom of Speech Definition and Its Function Freedom of speech is a set of laws and as for the definition “The freedom of expression is vital to our ability to convey opinions, convictions, and beliefs, and to meaningfully participate in democracy. The state may, however, ‘limit’ the freedom of expression on certain grounds, such as national security, public order, public health, and public morals” (Gunatilleke 2020). Clearly, freedom of speech seems very ethical when it comes to the value of...
2 Pages 812 Words

Essay the Secret of Happiness Is Freedom

Freedom is arbitrary and the definition is blurred, its meaning differs from person to person whether it be in mind or body. While most texts represent freedom as some magical key that leads to happiness for their protagonist, freedom doesn’t necessarily make one content but in fact, is a burden that alienates people, especially in a society bound by rules. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick and the novel by George Orwell, 1984, both embody this...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Fear of Heights

Acrophobia is defined as having an extreme fear of heights. This could be anywhere from ladders, to as high as parachuting; they all induce that intense reaction. Throughout my life, I have tested this phobia but managed to fail more than succeed. I decided one day, to make an attempt and overcome this fear, by going rock climbing. I started off strong, looking up and making my way towards the top; until the very moment I looked down. Looking down...
1 Page 525 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Love for Family

Escape From Aleppo is told through the eyes of a 14-year-old girl named Nadia who is trying to find her way to her family through the war-torn streets of Aleppo, Syria. Nadia was living with her mother, brothers, and aunts when their house was hit by a shrapnel bomb called a “Carmella.” Everyone except Nadia made it out of the ruined house safe before the bomb hit, and Nadia had hidden under a car to escape the explosion. She was...
1 Page 496 Words

High School Personal Narrative Essay on Education

To what extent do you consider education has figured prominently in your family background? Education has had an interesting role in my family background. A few of my uncles undertook tertiary education after completing secondary school at comprehensive schools as the profession they wanted to go into required a degree of that sort whereas other family members such as my mother went to government-funded colleges, or straight into the workplace. My grandparents on my mother’s side, however, did encourage them...
2 Pages 997 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Your Dog

It was finally the day, the day that I could say I was the most excited person on Earth. I was leaving Earth to go to Mars at six in the morning sharp. I have spent years on Earth researching about Mars, but now I can finally go and do so many tests. I was even more excited when I remembered that I would be traveling by rocket that I had made myself and my buddy, Jackie Fan, She actually...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Death

'Siblings have a unique bond, which no one else can experience. So the death of a sibling is considered to be a unique experience.'(Robinson & Mahon, 1997; Worden, Davies & McCown, 1999). I would like to start my essay with this quotation because, in this essay, I will explain my experience, death of the loss of my sibling, and twin sister. In this regard, I will explain how a negative event (stressor) leads to and impacts physical and mental health...
3 Pages 1366 Words

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