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Plant Based Burgers

The purpose of this C.T. is to find solutions to reduce the impact of human activity in the world and we are going to try to find positive solutions that could help change the human activity in the world. The problem that we chose to solve is to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We chose this topic because we want to show that something that doesn’t use meat like plant-based burgers , can help our environment in many different...
3 Pages 1314 Words

How A Plant Bases Diet Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

The topic of reducing your carbon footprint by adding a more plant-based diet is pertinent to the environment. Eating a plant-based diet is a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Eating a vegan diet does not include any type of animal product; a vegetarian diet does not consist of animal products except for items such as milk, honey, and eggs. Everyone has a carbon footprint, but it is up to us to reduce our carbon footprint as...
1 Page 583 Words

Plant Based Diet: Is It The Future?

A plant-based diet is composed of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It is highly encouraged by the government and health organizations because it can have a positive impact on animal welfare as well as climate change. Plant-based diets are also known to have numerous nutrients and minerals which are known to do wonders physically and mentally for the human body. The population is growing rapidly thus the consumption of food and resources has been increasing at an alarming rate....
2 Pages 974 Words

Influences Of Bacterial Cellulose To Avert Needs Of Plant Cellulose

ABSTRACT In the Current era, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and declining forest which are ultimately leading to a global climate changes. The huge scale of lessening of forestation for firewood, building, paper products, textile and many other applications are gradually imposing a serious negative impact on the environment. Inherently, it has limit application due to the presences of hemicellulose and lignin. Therefore, this studies shows benefit of bacterial cellulose alternative in the near future. As it possess several important and unique...
3 Pages 1502 Words

How Plants Communicate Using Root-secreted Signals

Plant communication: the big question Plants can communicate too. They can detect other plants next to or around them and respond accordingly. They can do this by a number of ways, one way is secreting certain chemicals into the soil to affect how their neighbouring plants grow and behave, depending on how crowded they find their neighbourhood to be. As plants can’t simply run away, they have acquired a number of strategies to help them cope with their neighbours. They...
2 Pages 1055 Words

Plant Defense Mechanisms

Over the course of 350 million years, plants and insects have coevolved to counter each other’s defensive strategies. A variety of physical and biochemical mechanisms are used almost intuitively to help plants deter herbivorous pests. Chemical signals and compounds emitted by plants can be exploited by herbivores, predators and parasitoids to locate resources. In this review, we will look at the ways plants interact with their herbivore counterparts. We will also delve into how science is using herbivore signaling and...
4 Pages 1584 Words

Measuring The Effects Of Environmental Conditions On Plant Growth

INTRODUCTION The light from the Sun and the presence of carbon dioxide is crucial in propelling the process of photosynthesis. It is these main factors that plants can grow and expand. However, the threat of climate change will dramatically alter the conditions in which flora can thrive in. Hence forth this experiment is to model and investigate the impacts of climate change on plants via a combination of light intensity and carbon dioxide presence. Climate change is heavily linked to...
4 Pages 1662 Words

Plant Molecular Biology And Genomics

Virus-induced-gene-silencing is an approach of reverse genetics that has been successfully used for to study gene fucntion. It is employed at postranscriptional level by taking advantage of plant defence mechanism against parasite infection. Usually, after viral infection, plants produce double stranded RNA (dsRNA) to degrade RNA viruses. By simulating this approach, in VIGS , genes underlying pathogeneic effects on host plant in viral genome are removed. A sequence of the target gene is inserted into a VIGS vector such as...
2 Pages 779 Words

The Aspects Of Plant Based Teaching

Introduction Encouraging as many students to study botany is becoming a major priority for universities across our globe. The Royal Society of Biology have highlighted the lack of plant based teaching in current tertiary education [1]. Out of a total of 130 UK universities only 22 offer any sort of plant/botany based degree as of October 2018. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University have given report upon the fact that universities are failing to develop adequate...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Plant Leaf Disease Detection And Classification Using Multiclass SVM Classifier

Abstract Plants play a significant role in human life. Plants area unit helpful for manufacturing oxygen(O2) by taking the carbon dioxide(CO2) that is free by humans by the method of chemical change. The chemical {process| chemical change| chemical action} process is principally applied by leaves. The diseases that cause plants area unit on leaves because of the microorganism, fungi, etc. The identification of the sickness in time and see for the answer is that the task to any human by...
2 Pages 941 Words

Magnetic Fields And Cell Behavior

Every single living thing on Earth that absorbs oxygen in any way is capable of being rapidly exposed to weak magnetic fields that are made by multiple things such as man-made machines and Earth itself. There are a plethora of studies that have been made by scientists, seeking how magnetic fields would possibly affect biological aspects of living things on the planet Earth. However, there were little evidence or results that were pursued by most scientists who were just making...
2 Pages 927 Words

Plant-based Alternatives Vs. Meat

There has been an evident growth in the demand for plant-based alternatives in food within contemporary society, mostly due to increasing consumer concerns over the environment, health as well as animal welfare (Lang, 2020). Thus, it may appear tempting to switch to a plant-based menu in-order to capture value from this rising demand. The present paper seeks to examine the potential benefits and costs associated with each menu (meat vs. plant-based) through factors including health, social, environmental, and how they...
2 Pages 909 Words

Plant Biotechnology In Agriculture

Introduction “Bio-technology” refers to the area of study in which the living organisms are used to produce the useful products through the manipulation of genes. 'Genetic engineering” refers to the process that alters the genetic structure of an organism by removing or introducing DNA. Rice genome has provided the foundation to improve the cereals. In parallel, novel plant transformation systems have been proposed, notably with regard to plastid transformation and the removal of selectable marker genes in transgenic plants. Despite...
2 Pages 1211 Words

Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning

Abstract When plants and crops are affected by pests it affects the agricultural production of the country. Usually farmers or experts observe the plants with naked eye for detection and identification of disease. But this method can be time processing, expensive and inaccurate. Automatic detection using image processing techniques provide fast and accurate results. This project is concerned with a new approach to the development of plant disease recognition model, based on leaf image classification, by the use of deep...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Is Global Warming Good Or Bad For The Plant Earth?

A catastrophic environmental imbalance is a matter that needs the attention of the world. The rise in average temperature of the earth’s climate system is what we call Global Warming. One of the major factors is increase in level of Carbon dioxide. Emission of these gases cause green house effect. When solar rays enter earth and hits earth’s surface they bounced back to the space. Due to increase in levels of green house gases, these rays get trapped in earth’s...
2 Pages 860 Words

A Strategy For Pest Detection And Disease Identification On Tomato Plant Using Powered AI

Abstract India is an agricultural country and most of the people, wherein about 70% depends on agriculture. So, disease detection in plants is very important. Tomato is one of the strongly grown and widely used crops. There are many types of tomato diseases and pests, in which the pathology of which is complex. Crop diseases are a major threat to crop production, but their identification remains difficult in many parts of India due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure....
3 Pages 1332 Words

Plants And Their Disease Detection

Abstract With increase in population the need for food is on rise, in such circumstances, plant diseases prove to be a major threat to agricultural produce and result in disastrous consequences for farmers. Early detection of plant disease can help in ensuring food security and controlling financial losses. The images of diseased plants can be used to identify the diseases. Classification abilities of Convolutional Neural Networks are used to obtain reliable output. Google’s pretrained model ‘Inception v3’ is used. The...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Optimization Of Plant Population And Planting Geometry In Relation To Different Resources

Abstract Optimization of the plant population is one of the most important aspect for better growth and development of the crops. Optimum population of the plants is required to utilize all the growth factors viz. nutrients, water, light and space. If space is not properly utilized then there can be the more weed infestation which highly affects the crop production. Weeds contribute 45% loss in the overall yield of the crops among all the crop pests. Population of the plants...
4 Pages 2014 Words

Ecology Of Medicinal Plant

When a child in the developed world feels sick, usually her/his parents take the child to visit a doctor. The doctor then prescribes a medicine of some sort, and the family leaves the hospital with a soon to be healthy child. The advanced medicines such as pills, syrups, inhalants, eg., have progressed human society to fight diseases and illnesses. The majority of humans have become solely dependent upon Western medicine, resulting in the decrease use of plants for both physical...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning And Convolutional Neural Network

ABSTRACT Deep learning methods are greatly admired in the research field of agriculture. The fundamental basic key aspect of agriculture is soil for crop growing.Here we identify plant disease and provide remedies that can be used as a defence mechanism against the disease. The database obtained from the Internet is properly segregated and the different plant species are identified and are renamed to form a proper database then obtain test-database which consists of various plant diseases that are used for...
3 Pages 1603 Words

Classification And Detection Of Plant Disease Using Artificial Neural Network

ABSTRACT The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties of the plant leaf such as intensity, colour and size are extracted and sent to classifier with Artificial Neural Network...
4 Pages 1687 Words

The Effects Of Minerals On The Growth Of Plants

RATIONALE In this investigation I am going to be investigating how minerals affect the growth of plants and perceive the essential minerals that the vegetation requires to develop efficiently. The motive why I am going to research how minerals influence the plant increase is to be able to detect a less expensive alternative manner to make fertiliser, which can reduce the cost of plant germination and might lower the rate of crops. Also, by discovering an inexpensive alternative way of...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Is The Exploration Into Space A Good Objective That Can Benefit Society On Earth?

Space exploration helps us on earth in many ways as well as expand our knowledge of the universe. New technologies are created as well as medicines to and further cures to illnesses on earth. Jobs are created from this area and it inspires new generations to explore the sky above. Many innovations from space can even protect earth from extinction level events like meteors striking the planet. Much of the research obtained was from NASA’s official site so the data...
6 Pages 2533 Words

The Effects Of Overpopulation On The Earth

The society is now facing an extremely serious issue. It is considerable and it can lead to the extinction of human and all other animals on the earth. Many countries and national leaders and even us thrashing around the pollution, global warming and poverty when none of them would exist if the population is under control. We have to look closer at this issue with understanding of its causes, the effects of overpopulation and how we can terminate it. Our...
2 Pages 1036 Words

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