Nutrition Essays

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Picture this, you have eaten half a pepperoni pizza, chugged twelve ounces of soda, and realize that you probably should not have eaten that last brownie. In a moment of discomfort and guilt from your gluttonous act you proclaim, ‘Tomorrow I will be starting a diet!’ But wait, isn’t this already your diet? Or will you be changing your current diet for a different diet? What exactly is a diet? Well, it is funny you should ask. According to Merriam-Webster...
2 Pages 893 Words
Opinions can differ on this topic, but I personally think vegetarian and vegan diets are extremely healthy. I'm a vegetarian and used to be a vegan so from personal experience I think it makes people healthier and happier. These diets, whether by choice or not are a very healthy way of living. It's also great for the planet, environment, and for animals. Vegetarians are far less likely to get diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. Biologically, humans are herbivorous, which...
1 Page 609 Words
In the modern life, health eating tendencies become more and more important. There are two main tendencies, vegetarian diet and eating meat. Eating meat, a traditional eating tendency, eats animal flesh, commenced for thousands of years, from our ancestors to present. Vegetarians diet are known as low rate of cancers or diseases, good at controlling weight, etc. But some researches indicate that non-meat eaters have to cope with deficiency of nutrients. That leads to argue between many scientists about adopting...
3 Pages 1584 Words
Introduction: Obesity is a global issue that many countries are having difficulty addressing. There is no simple solution and no country has yet been successful in significantly reducing obesity. The World Health Organization, also referred to as WHO, states that obesity is a chronic disease defined as a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.’ [footnoteRef:1] [1:] In 2014 and 15, over one in four Australian adults were obese. This represents five million...
2 Pages 836 Words
Food has always been an important part of life. It is a resource for energy and a vital part of survival for all living beings. However, for humans, it goes beyond just the necessities. It is a part of their culture –integrated into art, social settings, etc. Almost anywhere one looks, one will be met with countless photographs of food, from magazine pages to Instagram posts, conversations about going out to grab lunch, television ads, and a restaurant of some...
5 Pages 2388 Words
If you’re not cautious you’ll regret it… My dog, Felix, was one year old and my brother never had a dog growing up, so when we did finally get a dog two years ago he was slightly annoyed and disappointed that he had missed out. I thought that we should go for a walk to remedy these feelings. It was about 10 am and we decided to place Felix in his harness and headed out. When we arrived on the...
2 Pages 1061 Words
Maize, also known as corn in the United States, Canada, and Australia is one of the most wildly produced crops in the world. It is almost assured that maize was first domesticated in Mexico and then reached the United States as a cultivated plant (Linton, 1924). Corn is one crop that is the most common in the everyday food we eat. But with a high level of production comes a very difficult level of labor. Labor causes loss of life...
6 Pages 2635 Words
Have you ever had chocolate milk? I bet you have, but did you know that even though chocolate milk might have the same nine essential nutrients as white milk, it’s actually not that healthy for humans? Schools around the USA are banning it. I believe that chocolate milk should be banned because chocolate milk has too much sugar, chocolate milk is unhealthy, and cow's milk is meant for cows. Chocolate milk might have good vitamins but with all that extra...
1 Page 527 Words
The value of fast food is a big issue that has been spreading around the world since the Second World war and became popular since then in America. Fast food refers to food that is characterized as quick and food that is prepared and served quickly. In this essay, I will explore three main positions on the issue of fast food. First, there are people who eat fast food every single day without knowing if it is good or bad...
2 Pages 1110 Words
Introduction Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday that brings families and friends together to express gratitude and share a bountiful feast. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement to reconsider the traditional centerpiece of Thanksgiving—the turkey. In this persuasive essay, we will explore compelling reasons why we should reconsider consuming turkey on Thanksgiving Day. By embracing compassion, environmental sustainability, and expanding our culinary traditions, we can create a more inclusive and ethically conscious holiday experience. Compassion for Animals...
1 Page 474 Words
Introduction Food has a unique way of connecting us to our past, evoking vivid memories and transporting us to cherished moments in our lives. In this memoir essay, I will take you on a personal journey through my own food memories, exploring the flavors, aromas, and experiences that have shaped my relationship with food. From the comforting meals of my childhood to the transformative tastes of travel, these food memoirs have become a testament to the power of culinary experiences...
1 Page 510 Words
Introduction Jerk chicken is a popular and iconic dish originating from the beautiful island of Jamaica. It is renowned for its distinctive flavors, aromatic spices, and unique cooking techniques. This informative essay will delve into the history, ingredients, preparation, and cultural significance of jerk chicken, providing readers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this mouthwatering culinary delight. Historical Background Jerk chicken has its roots in the traditions of the Maroons, descendants of African slaves who escaped into the rugged...
1 Page 575 Words
Introduction Jollof rice and chicken is a popular and flavorful dish that originates from West Africa. It is a delicious combination of spiced rice and tender chicken, cooked together to create a harmonious and satisfying meal. In this essay, we will explore the process of preparing jollof rice and chicken, providing a step-by-step guide to help you recreate this delightful dish in your own kitchen. Ingredients: 2 cups of long-grain rice 1 kg of chicken pieces (thighs, drumsticks, or a...
1 Page 528 Words
The object that I have chosen for this essay is tea, as this object is one of the most important agricultural products in Africa. While coffee might seem to be the ‘go-to’ hot beverage, the world actually runs on tea. Tea is the most popular drink in the world after water, and in the United States alone, tea imports have risen over 400% since 1990 (Szenthe, 2019). Globally 80% of tea produced in black tea, 18% is green tea and...
2 Pages 1098 Words
Corn is a food whose value has been recognized all throughout the globe. Initially found in Mexico, over 9000 years ago, corn has garnered a lot of popularity in the world. As of now, it has surpassed the cultivation of other major grains such as rice and barley. Also called maize, the corn benefits are so prominent and so well known that there are countries whose major method of national income is cultivation an exportation of corn or maize. Best...
1 Page 670 Words
Corn, what is it and how did the genesis of corn begin from a tropical grass native to Mexico called teosinte that dates back more than 80,000 years ago to become maize that we all come to know as corn. When you hear or think about this simple word a few thoughts would pop in your head like popcorn, ethanol, or corn on the cob that you would find on your dinner plate. From multiple sources of information there are...
5 Pages 2451 Words
Junk food, junk food, and junk food are around all corners of schools. Chocolate, cookies, soda, potato chips, and Sour Strings may sound delectable to some people, but are they nutritious? Some people wonder if there should be a change. Encouraging exceptional nutrition in schools is essential by reasons of students will consume foods that are better for them, schools will pay less for meals, and fewer students would go hungry. ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine...
2 Pages 775 Words
Whole wheat bread has more nutritional value than white bread. Nonetheless, despite its health benefits, I prefer white bread. I like to top it with Nutella, peanut butter, or ladies' choice sandwich spread. And I enjoy slightly dipping the white bread in hot milk, so my breakfast is complete. Yes, it's true that I prefer the taste of white bread over the nutrition that whole wheat bread provides. But after discovering the delicious flavor of Gardenia whole wheat bread, my...
1 Page 548 Words
Global food production is a key component of global well-being and growth that is steadily adapting to provide for new demands. Corn is one of the world’s most valued grains, based on its immense production volume - with 1,011,068,000 metric tons being produced this year. Ideally, corn is grown in a climate that provides warm temperatures and rich soil, both of which are commonly found in the grassland biome, which is very present in the crop’s leading producer, the United...
2 Pages 801 Words
The way we are living, our attitude, our emotion, the basic mental state, how streamlined our minds are, the level of activity we are going through, all these are very much a part of our health. A person’s health is influenced by health behaviors that are part of their individual lifestyle. Any behavior that affects the individual physical health or any behavior individual believes may affect their physical health is health behavior or in a nutshell, a person's beliefs and...
5 Pages 2274 Words
Visual and auditory perception play fundamental and primary role in vital human activities such spatial orientation, communication and forming perception of objects within day-to-day activities of human beings. By these reasons, vision and hearing are considered objective and universal in conjunction with thoughts and decisions. Otherwise, sense of smell, taste and touch are involved in feelings and emotions such as perfumery and cooking, and, to a certain extent and only in combination with vision, pottery, sculpture, dance, and pantomime, which...
5 Pages 2375 Words
When somebody is in a tight spot that individual may pick an undesirable method to relieve their uneasiness. One of the most popular ways that is unhealthy is emotional eating. Numerous individuals think it's anything but a major issue, since they don't consider it to be an issue. During the 1930s to 1950s, they believe smoking was not a big issue, however at this point they release exactly how terrible is smoking for an individual is. As life goes on...
2 Pages 883 Words
The ethics of eating meat has gained a lot of attention, but when people talk about the ethics of eating meat, they either know how to answer or don’t. But most people are now becoming more aware of the inhumane nature of meat industries. Books like ‘On Eating Meat’ made by Matthew Evans, TV networks such as SBS made a show about animals and meat and it is called ‘For the Love of Meat’, and this TV show teaches us...
4 Pages 1905 Words
Anything that can be bought and sold is going to have a complicated story behind its existence, and certain commodities filled formative roles in important historical events. For instance, cash crops such as tobacco and cotton were a source of vast wealth for American plantation owners, produced by back-breaking labor under the barbaric conditions of the institution of chattel slavery. These crops and the products derived from them (and by extension, slavery) were what drove the economy and propelled America...
3 Pages 1165 Words
I have been giving it some thoughts about slimming down on my weight and just overall wanting to feel healthy. I have tried all the diets that you can think of, but never fully committed to one as I always see no results and eventually give up. I have been doing some research and looking into video ideas of what it would be like and the timeline and the result that could be achieved using a vegan or vegetarian option...
3 Pages 1436 Words
Should schools sell fast food instead of traditionally cooked, cafeteria food? Across the United States, students that attend a four-year traditional college would either prefer eating in the campus cafeteria, or a fast-food chain like Pizza Hut or McDonald's. With the students being able to choose between the two, this affects those eating fast food by becoming a direct effect on their health and a problem for the colleges. Whether there are students that eat at the cafeteria or a...
3 Pages 1190 Words
Food serves as a common language that links us all in a world where varied cultures coexist and exquisite flavors dance on our taste senses. Food essays transport you to the core of human subsistence and culture. Cuisine has the ability to link individuals, elicit memories, and represent the character of varied nations.  These essays delve into the complex tapestry of tastes, culinary traditions, and the role of food in our lives. The materials, which range from researching the origins...
4 Pages 1806 Words
Food. The most fundamental source of energy. It is the source of our strength in daily living and the centerpiece in which we establish a sense of joy, communication, and celebration. It’s the way we socialize, we socialize around food. But then, what about those who might have a negative reaction to food? My name is Eleena and today I want to give you an insight into eating disorders and the stigmas surrounding them. First, let’s take a deeper look...
3 Pages 1240 Words
An epidemic plaguing the United States currently is childhood obesity. The problem is extremely significant and it continues to increase at an alarming rate. (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2019), found that 13.9% of children between the ages of 2-5, 18.4% of children 6-11, and 20.6% of adolescent children are obese. If these rates continue to climb in this direction the United States children will enter their adulthood obese. (Finkelstein, et al., 2012), has a prediction of 51% of Americans becoming obese...
4 Pages 1999 Words
One of the biggest challenges right now facing England is obesity. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that childhood obesity is one of the “most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.” The graph below shows obesity in teenagers in England has risen significantly during this 10-year period – 5%. The National Child Measurement Programme now states currently obesity among teenagers is fairly common in the UK “with around one in five 11-15-year-olds being obese.” This opens...
2 Pages 958 Words
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