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Studying abroad at my first choice, the University of California, would be a monumental step in realizing my personal, academic, and career goals to my highest potential. The UC campuses all have a great reputation and are amongst the world`s leading universities for computer science, providing superior education and making great research contributions. California is home to many of the world`s biggest tech companies, like Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Studying in such a prestigious environment for my area of study...
2 Pages 829 Words
Microeconomics is the part of economics that studies the reactions of individuals and companies when making decisions depending on scarce resources and also studies the interactions among these individuals and firms. Economics is found everywhere, this is why it is so important to not only study economics but also understand it and relate it to events that occur around us. In this essay, I will be showing my understanding of microeconomics by associating things we studied in class to everyday...
2 Pages 851 Words
According to the famous actress Zooey Deschanel, “Nothing could be as hard as middle school'. My three years at Leslie H. Walton Middle School were full of excitement and learning, but what Mrs. Deschanel stated is completely accurate. Walton, without a doubt, had been part of the hardest years of my life. Finding out my identity and where I belonged was the epitome of middle school. The values I took back from Walton Middle School were to be myself and...
1 Page 522 Words
Growing up and realizing I had to pick a career that I was going to be stuck in for the rest of my life seemed very overwhelming. That put an immense amount of stress for a child who has their whole life to decide. I thought I had an endless amount of time to decide since I was only in middle school. My life changing experience made me realize that time was actually something I had to worry about. During...
1 Page 435 Words
When I was a sophomore at Roseville High School, I was specially asked to be in the National Honor Society, however, even if you were chosen you still had to fill out a long application and essay to be accepted in. After 2 weeks of long and hard work to finish the application, I turned it in and hoped I got accepted. The teacher held a meeting for us not long after telling us if we were accepted, I was...
2 Pages 810 Words
The day you find out that you have lupus is a day you’ll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the “normal” days before and your “new normal” afterward. Everyone has different symptoms that lead them to make that first appointment. Mine came when I bought a treadmill and could only walk for 3 minutes before I was gasping for breath. I used to walk...
1 Page 514 Words
Nursing is a career that I would have never seen myself, until I realized along the way that it is where I belong. I have always been the kind of person who needs to help. I tend to go out of my way and in many instances put others’ before myself. This is just in my nature to do so. I never ask for a reward in return, I choose to help because everyone needs to know that they are...
2 Pages 761 Words
In September of 2014 my grandma was diagnosed with a semi deadly disease known as Q Fever. She was flown out to UK hospital after having a seizure. She was transferred only once to a slightly smaller hospital after getting out of ICU. At the time I was 8 years old. In this speech I will cover three main points. How you get it, what happens when you get it, and best of all how you can prevent it. Q...
1 Page 576 Words
Have you ever been so into a video game that you were playing you were literally spaced out of reality? Have you ever played a video game so long that you lost track of time? I know I have on more than one occasion. Have you ever wondered why you get so into a game and almost have to be forced to put a controller down? Doctors have finally figured out of some of the affects that video games have...
6 Pages 2561 Words
Throughout a student’s academic career, the path they take to progress from youthful and yearning to wisened and learned will be one featuring many ups and downs. The student will experience anger and anguish, moments of brashness and boredom, spurs of claustrophobia and bouts of captivity - and those are only the alliterations. However, while many of these toils can be accredited to the student himself, such as procrastination or a lack of self-improvement, several others can often be inflicted...
5 Pages 2093 Words
My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on me in the middle of the night. The nurse told me that I stopped breathing over 90 times per minute. No wonder I didn’t feel rested in the morning! But even...
1 Page 503 Words
‘A Chinese Life’ is an autobiographic graphic novel written by Li Kunwu and Philippe Ôtié. The book presents a personal journey through China’s modern history, from the creation of the republic of China in 1949 till the present. The book covers two of the most important events in the development of modern Chinese state that are: The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Artist Li Kunwu was born in China’s poor southwest in 1955, he went hungry in the...
3 Pages 1238 Words
Growing up Asian American, I never felt inordinately out of place, until I grew up to see the world from another perspective and understood how to world saw me. I was born in Hong Kong which means my ethnic makeup is Chinese-American. My adoptive mother is also Chinese. In many Chinese adoption cases, both the adoptive parents are Caucasian and of older age; but, my story is exceptionally different, from how I got to America and how I experienced this...
4 Pages 1857 Words
After conducting an exhaustive search for all of the potential managerial internship opportunities in the city of London, I have come to the conclusion that the position as an Operations Intern in the Business Development at Carl Friedrik presents the most exciting job-prospect. The position is firmly in-line with my core mission of being fully immersed in my work from the day-to-day admin tasks to the implementation of the technology, management of operations, and ensuring the team is up-to-date on...
1 Page 467 Words
“9/11 is a day that I will never be able to forget, even if I wanted to”. When my aunt Sheree said that, I then knew how important and life-changing this event really was to her. She experienced this event first hand, as she was on a work trip to New York. Eighteen years ago on a sunny September morning, thousands of people in New York City were getting ready for what they thought would be an average day. Unknown...
2 Pages 921 Words
My aesthetic experience is about the World of Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a museum that showcases the history of the Coca-Cola company dating back to 1886. During this time, a pharmacist by the name Pemberton from Atlanta created a soft drink that became popular. The museum relocated into its present facilities, the Pemberton Place, in 2007 (World of Coca-Cola, n.d). In this paper I will share my experience at the museum, my evaluation, and interpretation of the...
2 Pages 781 Words
It is important that everyone has a role model because having a role model can help you in the future with life problems; because having the role model means they either help you through or they teach you to dodge world problems. In 8th grade I was a regular guy until basketball season came around and I was the odd one out because of my skill and love for the game. After always practicing before, after and during school to...
2 Pages 946 Words
There are four conceptual models of addictive behavior as identified by Brickman and colleagues. These models are based on “beliefs about attributions of responsibility for acquiring the addictive problem and the responsibility for solving the addictive problem” (Miller, 2013). My personal experience with addiction in relationship to my progression into recovery align with the compensatory model and integrate the four dimensions of SAMSHA’s definition of recovery as will be demonstarated. As I am studying and working in the everchanging field...
4 Pages 2028 Words
I first became passionate in pursuing a career in nursing when I was about fifteen years old. This was influenced by the fact that I spent a lot of time in the hospital either because I was admitted there, looking after my mother, or looking after a family member. The care that the nurses gave to people they barely knew was what inspired me. It left a vacuum in my heart that needed to be filled. The last time I...
2 Pages 768 Words
In this essay I am going to talk about foreign influence in China, in the early 19 centuries, during the World War II; foreign influence in Adeline Yen Mah’s childhood by living in that period; and what are the foreign influence on myself as well. During the Second World War, many foreign countries have ruled over some cities in China. In 1842, China lost the Opium War, and Britain took over Hong Kong and Kowloon. In 1895 Japan conquered Taiwan...
1 Page 679 Words
There is no denial behind the rise of digital technologies becoming a part of everyday life for some. These digital devices, such as cell phones or computers, have become so common in everyday use that at times can become inconvenient if individuals don’t own such devices. As society continues to progress with these digital shifts, it leaves an interesting question on how these shifts are affecting individual’s lifestyles beyond just the conventional calling or texting. In Danielle DeVoss et al.’s...
3 Pages 1270 Words
I am a member of subculture. Subculture is a “part of your life from birth to death such as religion, race/ethnicity, or the elite upper class”. I became a member on April 23rd of the year 1999. I was my parents first child. My grandparents second grandchild. This is where my journey into the Hispanic culture began. Two material examples for Hispanic families such as mine would be the vapor rub and pinatas. Vapor rub, also known as ‘Vicks’, even...
2 Pages 1029 Words
I am tired of this old me! I need a new and improved me that would change some aspects in my life. I need something or someone that would help me overcome obstacles that I cannot get passed. Maybe my parents, siblings and friends will help, or maybe I can do it on my own. I wonder how my life would be if I viewed things in others perceptions. I know what will do it, ‘The Sociological Imagination’ by C....
1 Page 429 Words
The banking industry is one of the vital pillars for the development of national economy. With the increase of confidence towards the banking, there is high scope of banks to increase their business volume. To be a part of the banking industry in itself is a privilege. CBIL is one of the leading banks in Nepalese financial industry. CBIL as a pioneer in introducing many innovative products and marketing concepts in the domestic banking sector represents a milestone in the...
2 Pages 858 Words
A meaningful internship is the boarding pass to every student’s dream career. The right internship can lift your career graph and help you take the big leap. Summer is the most popular season to apply for internships in India. Between sending in applications to companies and giving the semester exams, it becomes a bit of difficult to find the right internship. A silent revolution of internships is happening in India with a growing awareness among students and the organisations. Armed...
1 Page 555 Words
I agree with anything may be achieved via hard work and determination. I have located this to be factual not simplest via what happens round me but via myself. I stumbled upon this belief thru the trial and tribulations I faced in the course of my childhood. As a infant I changed into no longer raised in a tough area, nor changed into I poor, trouble simply somehow found me in and out of school. Whether it become dilemmas at...
1 Page 635 Words
I have lived in Florida my whole life. I’ve had many interactions with lots of different cultures in my eighteen years of living here. The one culture besides my own that I’ve intermingled with the most is Hispanic/Mexican culture. The 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates found that Mexicans make up 3.4% of the population of Florida, and this doesn’t even account for all of the undocumented Mexicans (DADS). This is why I’ve chosen to study Mexican culture for my...
7 Pages 3089 Words
Basketball Revised Research essay Athletic footwear, less formally known as sneakers, can be found anywhere from the basketball court to the office. They are an object that most people own and wear. There is however more to sneakers than meets the eye. An analysis of sneakers reveals insights about ourselves and the social forces that shape everyday life. Sneakers can signify everything from personal taste to race, ethnicity, masculinity, and class. Sneakers are a magnet for the social and political...
4 Pages 1866 Words
When I started swimming for my local summer swim team ten years ago, I had no idea how engulfed my life would be by it. From my summer swim team to my high school career, my swim community has become a significant part of my life and I have become a significant part of it. My swim community has become my second family over the years, and it consists of my summer team, high school team, and friends across the...
2 Pages 1068 Words
Academic Experience of Immigrant Students Since the 1970s, the number of immigrants migrating to the U. S. has been on a steady incline. In 2017, immigrants made up 13. 7% of the population, the highest share of the total U.S. population that immigrants have contributed to since 1910 (“US Immigrant”, 2019). With the continuously changing demographics of the population, we must consider the kinds of issues that will arise for these immigrants and their children. One such issue is how...
4 Pages 1685 Words
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