Philosophical Concept essays

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Definition Essay on Ambition

Not one person in this world is genuine without ambition or is indifferent to success and recognition. Anyone who gives an impression of not caring about advancement, or the need for others to grant recognition, has developed a self-defense mechanism to protect themselves from potential failure or rejection. Such people are most likely to have been hurt in the past, rejected by others they loved or wished to impress, being denied the recognition they openly sought or secretly craved. This...
1 Page 621 Words

Definition Essay about Perception

Perception derives from the Latin word ‘perception’. It is the organization, identification, and interpretation of information in order to understand the presented information. Each perception is influenced by our five senses that go through our nervous system for example what we see before we start communicating with a person will very much affect how we are going to speak with them. All of us see the world just a bit differently, even if we look at the same image, we...
2 Pages 895 Words

Definition Essay about Courage

Is courage about living fearlessly or living wholeheartedly? When exploring the word courage, you’ll find that it has evolved from its original meaning and has developed into a few different forms. There is physical courage, emotional courage, and moral courage. For many, the life of Sir Ranulph Fiennes would exemplify the word courage. The courage of this man, I would label as physical courage. However, researcher, Brene Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, would tell you that courage is linked to vulnerability and...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Definition Essay about Companionship

Not having human companionship can have huge repercussions. It can lead to sadness and being miserable in others. In his novel Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck introduces us to some minor characters who suffer from no human companionship daily. Whether it is due to their ethnicity, their gender, their age, or their mental capacity, these characters are left alone and have to deal with the effects of not having human companionship. Steinbeck showed a fascinating view in these minor characters...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Definition Essay about Ambition

“Women’s ambition is not a vertical ambition, it’s this intrinsic, circular ambition to be happy,” Kevin Roberts executive chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, 2016. Roberts's quote suggests and reflects a widely held view that women don’t reach top positions as they lack ambition (“ILM,” n.d.). Women make up roughly half of the workforce in the UK, however, fewer women than men reach senior management and leadership positions. In 2016 men still dominated subject areas seen as traditionally masculine such as...
2 Pages 660 Words

Concept Definition Essay about Laziness

A great enemy of caution and security is laziness. A lazy person can never arrange his own success and security, because he cannot use the right opportunity to work due to the nature of his laziness and remains lazy throughout life. Crooks and sly people also try to make such lazy people their prey. It is difficult for a lazy person to achieve any kind of excellence. Because he keeps his powers covered in a sling of laziness. They cannot...
1 Page 568 Words

Cause and Effect Essay about Someone Change in Your Life

My Sister September 9th was the day that changed my life, It was around four or five that my mom, sister, and I decided to go to Target so we could get a present for my cousin's birthday party. My Mom told my sister and me to look for a gift for my cousin. We successfully found one, we head back to look for my Mom and we found her in the frozen food section getting the peas and carrots...
1 Page 561 Words

Anxiety Argumentative Essay

Introduction: About 50% of people who suffer from anxiety are also diagnosed with depression (Smith, 2019), but actually, depression is not the only effect of anxiety. It also can have an effect on a person's capacity to work, examine, and take part in any other activities. Furthermore, anxiety is considered one of the most common results of many issues such as medical causes, Stress build-up, social isolation, and trouble sleeping. Actually, everyone might suffer from anxiety, without regard to age...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Respect Definition Essay

After researching cognitive and affective empathy, I realized that I need to develop empathy that comprises both. There is a need to balance between getting emotionally involved with a patient and needing to maintain an emotional distance from them (Australian Medical Association, 2013). This is to avoid scenarios where emotions cloud the doctor’s judgment and to avoid scenarios where the doctor is too cold towards their patients. When doctors have a healthy mix of emotional involvement and objectivity, they can...
1 Page 686 Words

Procrastination: Self Reflective Essay

Somewhat almost as horrific as death (in terms of the brain) appears to be fundamentally wrong. Not just wrong, but seriously wrong or completely incompetent. Have you ever felt like that? Would you do anything to stop your peers ' ridicule? It seems to me that persistent and outright avoidance is a similar kind of fear. Somehow, in the above example, the brain related the target of chronic substitution overdue taxes to a huge fine. In reality, there is a...
4 Pages 1909 Words

Procrastination Narrative Essay

We all occasionally postpone our tasks at hand due to various reasons, these reasons may include fatigue, laziness, unwillingness, or even lack of spare time to spend on these issues. This has also become the habit of others of delaying things that they have to engage in. This issue causes some trouble to us and those around in disregard to the deadlines given. It was on a Monday morning and I had slept in, thanks to Thanksgiving. In Fact, it...
1 Page 635 Words

Procrastination Informative Essay

In recent years, interest in the problem of procrastination has grown significantly. In the late 70s of the 20th century, the first studies of this problem were started, and the first publications on this topic were based on the clinical and advisory experience of its researchers. During these studies, a link was found between procrastination and personality characteristics. For an achievement-oriented society, procrastination is an individual problem. The constant pursuit of achievement leads to the fact that people are regularly...
2 Pages 994 Words

Procrastination Argumentative Essay

They say you’re supposed to start a public speech with something shocking; a mini anecdote, a surprising fact. Well in my case it’s that I wrote this speech last night. A little ironic, I will admit considering this is a workshop on efficient study habits, but anyway… I may be getting judged or commended depending on your individual views but I know I’m in good company. I think you all will be surprised to hear that many successful people over...
1 Page 522 Words

Essay on Why Feminism Is Evil

The term feminism often referred to as women’s rights has ambiguous definitions that are still being contested until now. Some writers used to refer to feminism as a historically feminist movement in the United States and in Europe that was solicitous about women’s rights specifically in their right to vote, while other writers might refer to feminism as the belief that there are unfair treatments against women. Most people of today mistake feminism for man-hating, making women the dominant gender...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Time Management Essay (5 Paragraph)

Time management is one of the essential soft skills associated with our personal life as well as work. It’s a planning process that aims to make the best use of the working day. Generally, time management refers to the development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and productivity - a desirable thing in business because good time management supposedly improves the bottom line (Ward, 2019). Good management of time often ensures that the worker can address problems that arise...
1 Page 610 Words

Exemplification Essay about Being Optimistic

Optimism is viewed as an emotion that shows hopefulness and confidence about the future and the successful outcome of something. Even when something doesn’t go as planned, optimists still hope and believe in the best. Seligman broke down optimism into two categories; those being permanence and pervasiveness. Permanence is defined as those who give up easily due to believing the bad outcomes that have happened to them are permanent. They continuously assume the bad things that happen will always be...
2 Pages 877 Words

Resilience of Human Spirit Essay

Multiple anthology texts we have analyzed explored the idea of ideal freedoms and portrayed the resilience of the subjects facing their unique challenges. For example in ‘Disabled’, the author presented the immense pain portrayed by the legless soldier. His version of ideal freedom is being seen as a hero after the war. Another example of a character striving for ideal freedom includes ‘The Story of an Hour’. After the main character’s husband ‘died’, she felt joy because of her first...
4 Pages 1714 Words

Causes of Lying Essay

Ethics: It is never morally permissible to tell a lie While lying can be seen as a threat to society, trust, and potentially bad outcomes and consequences, there seem to be instances when lying seems to be a moral option. Mill and Kant had their differences and similarities on this point. Mill’s utilitarianism focused on the idea that right actions maximize happiness. “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness”(pg.329). It includes “net” happiness,...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Essay about the Changes That Are Needed in Your Country

According to me, the issue in my country that really needs to change is health. Health is one of the main constituents of the progress of developing countries. Every community requires its citizens to be healthy, physically and mentally, this is the only way the people will be able to conquer and develop. Good health is crucial for human beings to function normally, but the only way to acquire good health is the right amount of medical facilities. In our...
2 Pages 1127 Words

The Harm of Truth: Deductive Essay

Introduction Breaking bad news to a patient may be viewed as one of the most difficult areas within the job of a doctor. However, it's an essential skill that all doctors have to do throughout their entire careers. Bad news may be defined in a variety of ways, including 'any information which adversely and seriously affects a patient's view of his or her future'. In the context of medicine, some examples of bad news situations include disease diagnoses, disease recurrence,...
5 Pages 2356 Words

The Harm of Lie: Deductive Essay

It is safe to say that we are not all liars in adoration. We lie since we would prefer not to hurt our other half. Harmless embellishments are a sure method to escape certain circumstances that don’t affect the other. We do this to ensure different people’s sentiments or our own don’t get hurt. These falsehoods are known as white lies. Innocent exaggerations are ' a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.' Throughout this...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Why I Believe in God: Essay

Talking about whether I believe in God or not, yes I do believe in God and it is mentioned in my religion. I don't believe that there is only a superpower, I believe that there is God and there is a superpower as well. Evolutionary creationists believe that God created humans in his image and that God created humans using a natural process that scientists described as evolution. Many people assume that evolution is incompatible with the belief that humans...
1 Page 413 Words

What Factors Are Important in Achieving Happiness: Essay

Budda once said, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”. Happiness is a special feeling of joy and gratitude when positive things occur in life. Indicating that happiness can come in different ways for many people, however, that long-lasting emotion is more important because it’s indicated that you are contributing to something much greater than yourself. That contribution is valuable because...
1 Page 667 Words

This I Believe: Essay about Kindness

Once while waiting to be picked up after school at a store parking lot, I was standing alone texting my mom that I had arrived. A nice, old lady, carrying bursting bags of groceries, changed her route to her car and came over to me instead. She asked if I was okay or needed anything and I told her that I was alright. She nodded and smiled, then walked away. She probably never thought of it again, it was just...
1 Page 450 Words

Representation and Reality: Essay

Representation is created by humans, and it is impossible for humans to be completely objective, which is why there cannot be unbiased representations of the world. Therefore, I agree with what Richard Dyer said that “representation never 'gets' reality” to a large extent. Representation only can show part of reality at most, and it can easily be seen from the news that media construct reality rather than depict reality. This essay will discuss the relationship between representation and reality, and...
1 Page 615 Words

Informative Essay on the Pledge of Allegiance

This simple life-changing truth changes a few lives due to people’s narcissism. We are divided because we perceive ourselves to be different and our perception becomes reality, we are divided because the complexities of one's stories are turned into sound bites; instead of being exemplified by their stories, they became characterized into a single word. Where a black child becomes a thug, Asians become terrible drivers, blondes are just dumb, and Hispanics are aliens who don’t belong. It comes to...
1 Page 671 Words

Informative Essay on Sacrifice

Through careful analysis I have found the true meaning of sacrifice, how it is related to other themes like rebellion and love, and what the author is trying to tell us. The book The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins revolves around many different themes, importance, main messages, and values. But, today one of the themes I will be discussing is sacrifice. Without this important element, sacrifice, The Hunger Games would not have the same effect and outcome as it...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Narrative Essay about Change

The world has experienced drastic changes since the beginning of time. The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus believed that “There is nothing permanent in this world except change.” He believed that the only constant in this world is change. Change is not new in our lives. It can take place in many different ways, and this can be dealt with in many various ways. We experience changes in our daily lives whether there's a simple change in the weather, a change in...
1 Page 512 Words

Good Vs Evil in Flannery O'Connor's Short Story 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find': Essay

The short story ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ details a family on a car trip from Atlanta to Florida. I believe the story looks at what makes a good person versus a bad person, and how people often believe they are more virtuous than they are. The grandmother in ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ is the protagonist and considers herself morally superior to the other characters in the story. She often and freely passes judgment on...
2 Pages 1085 Words

What Is the School of the Future: Narrative Essay

Education is important because it gives people the knowledge and skills they require to be contributing citizens to society. It improves the quality of life by enriching people's understanding of themselves and the world. The secondary school of the future will be based on three basic principles: students should gain an understanding of how to apply what they learn in their daily lives, students will learn how to sustain the world for future generations, and students will learn about ethics...
2 Pages 849 Words

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