Philosophical Concept essays

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Personal Narrative Essay on Hunting

Since an early age, I have enjoyed the outdoors, especially hunting like many other outdoor enthusiasts. It is a hobby that I have gotten to enjoy with many of the men in my family. According to the author,” in 2017 more than 15 million people participated in hunting in the USA and there were 15 million paid hunting license holders in the USA” (Lock, 2018). My interest in hunting has always had me wondering how and why deer act and...
1 Page 592 Words

Reflective Essay on Words to Live

Life works out like a pattern on the tapestry of time. Desiderata, a masterpiece of Max Ehrmann, is a truth from a great poet’s pen. Desiderata is poetry that will spur us on, attached with lovely lilting phrases and agonizing realistic realities. It also enlightens us on what we will be dwelling in our workplace and what actions must be realized and inculcated to be applied to ourselves in dealing with the strife and troubles we may encounter throughout our...
2 Pages 787 Words

Argumentative Essay about Advertising Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Throughout the country, eating fast food has been proven to be unhealthy and can lead to obesity, but warnings are ignored daily. Most people tend to eat fast food for its convenience, but many are unaware of the negative side effects it can have on their bodies. It is often questioned how to raise awareness to prevent obesity and the other negative effects eating fast food can have on our bodies. The most effective way is through using rhetorical devices...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Night' by Elie Wiesel: Essay Thesis Statement

People share troubling experiences to help others learn and grow from them in the future. In Night, a memoir by Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the holocaust, he describes some of the tragedies of the Holocaust that he lived through in his adolescent years. As Elie grows up in Sighet, he wants to learn more about his faith and the world around him as he looks to his two biggest role models, his father, and his close mentor, Moishe the...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Why Do People Enjoy Fear: Essay

What do you expect when you are watching a horror movie? The movie can scare you, right? But fear is not a very good thing. Knowing this, why do we still want to see this movie? Or suppose you are riding a roller coaster at a theme park. So, as much as a rider and friend of a ride, the more you will feel, but at the same time, you expect that from a good roller coaster ride. The question...
2 Pages 982 Words

My Definition of a Hero: Essay

Kids are taught through TV shows and movies that heroes wear a cape and a mask. In today’s day and age, anyone can act heroically. For example, last week a fireman in Massachusetts died in a house fire. There was a baby on the third floor, and after Lieutenant Jason rescued two members of his crew, he went back into the burning house to find the baby. He made it to the third floor and was trapped and killed by...
1 Page 461 Words

Heroism: Definition Essay

What is the definition of heroism? What is a hero? Who are the people we make heroes of? Why do we need heroes, what is the purpose? What makes them so special? What happens when a hero falls, will another one arise? Zimbardo gives the following answer to these troubling questions: “I believe that heroism is different from altruism and compassion. For the last five years, my colleagues and I have been exploring the nature and roots of heroism, studying...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Synthesis Essay about the World's Future

Homo sapiens appeared on the scene about 300.000 years ago in Africa as the latest finds in Morocco confirmed. Still, there is much we don't know about our species. Many questions remained unanswered like who was our direct evolutionary ancestor. It is not yet clear whether humans evolved from Homo heidelbergensis or some other species. Homo heidelbergensis is an ancestor that we share with Neanderthals who are the closest relatives of present-day people. Human evolution didn't follow a straight line...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Expository Essay on Animal Characteristics in Human Life

Abstract Human Animal interaction is a wider concept then it sounds. There are many behavioural aspects that can be learned from animals or which are shaped in the presence of animals like Patience, caring and protecting behaviour towards others, loving others before self. Animals presence help out in coping with many unfavourable situations like low mood or bad mood, low self-esteem panic situations. Corona Virus disease made many changes in animals’ as well as human behaviours. Studies conducted on different...
4 Pages 1810 Words

Exemplification Essay on Characteristics of Animal in Human Life

As in real life, the human-animal relationship in children’s literature is often antagonistic. In the two texts, 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies,' and Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, the hostility is not only felt in one direction, but is experienced by the animals and the humans toward each other. However, because Beatrix Potter wrote 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies' for a younger audience, she handles the human-animal enmity in a more simple and comforting manner. Her...
6 Pages 2612 Words

Exemplification Essay on Animal Characteristics in Human Life

Introduction In biology, a chimera is an organism that has genetically different cells in one entity. The different cells originate from distinct zygotes that can but do not necessarily derive from the same species. A hybrid, on the other hand, is an organism resulting from the sexual reproduction of two different species, all cells having just one genotype. Recent advances in genetic engineering allowing the creation of human-animal chimeras and hybrids have sparked an intense and vivid discussion about the...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Definition Essay on Wisdom

Wisdom is one of the most elevated shapes of human characteristics. Through wisdom, virtues can be brought to life. The excellence of wisdom is that it isn't subordinate to the theories that are composed in books, or the educational programs within the schools and colleges. It isn't something that can be exchanged fair by talking around it. Wisdom is how life shapes us. It is almost the impact that we have upon our soul when going through all sorts of...
1 Page 665 Words

Definition Essay on Success

Intro Success is the combination of many small events that add up to a big event, and you can’t really explain it with words. It is something that happens on a daily basis, in a way that we’re not aware of. It’s not something we can be consciously aware of. In other words: success is the result of many small events that add up to a big event, and you can’t really explain it with words. Therefore: if you want...
2 Pages 945 Words

Definition Essay on Sense of Humour

I decided to do my project on the psychology of humor. I chose this topic because, like most people, I really enjoy humor, whether it be through conversation or a show or movie. I wanted to research how our sense of humor is developed and why it varies from human to human, the neurobiology of a “humorous” person, and the benefits of humor. Humor is the playful use of incongruity or alternative interpretations, a behavior that makes others smile, laugh,...
4 Pages 1658 Words

Definition Essay on Optimism

Most people believe that optimism and pessimism are the opposite of each other, but they're really not. They are actually two distinct ways of viewing the same situation. Optimism is often defined as “expecting the best” and is strongly correlated with happiness. Some people think optimism is just a state of mind, or that it can be learned. Others believe that optimism is a personality trait, like introversion or extroversion. And still, others think that optimism can’t be learned at...
1 Page 504 Words

Definition Essay on Integrity

Doing the right thing is always easy! Said no one ever. Protecting morals and maintaining integrity can be a challenge especially when facing a large opposition. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, a complex rape case is debated in the county court of Maycomb, a small county built around racist, anti-black folkways. The defendant, Tom Robinson, is a black man making it harder to appeal to an all-white jury in a case with a white plaintiff. A white lawyer,...
2 Pages 839 Words

Definition Essay on Hope

Introduction The concept of hope has been studied and researched by philosophers, theologists, clinicians, and nurses. The concept has been found to have different meanings, conceptions, and interpretations in various disciplines including nursing. The human-to-human interaction theory by Joyce Travelbee defines hope as an integral concept that is directly linked to good patient health outcomes. Since it is thought to be central to all healing, it triumphs over despair, hopelessness, and suffering. Therefore, nurses have an integral role in reducing...
5 Pages 2148 Words

Definition Essay on Courage

In a constantly changing world, the word ‘courage’ is always in conversation. I personally, don’t have courage in the areas I wish I had, whereas others do. I see others succeeding because of their big brave decisions and yet what good change is happening in the world? None! The human condition is used to fear and doubt, and the definition of courage has become twisted. Issues such as Global warming have become worse because people are afraid of society’s backlash....
2 Pages 1004 Words

Definition Essay on Beauty

Beauty is Beautiful You! Beautiful, Beauty, lovely: Beauty is the meaning of happiness, strength, and self-confidence to recognize the actual beauty of success. It reflects a person's true attractiveness. This is usually related to a person's appearance and body. Beauty defines as Anything that makes us happy and captures our hearts is lovely. Beauty is a source of information in this world. A beautiful thing is a thing that, to some extent, has a lovely quality of beauty. Beauty is...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Definition Essay on Ambition

Not one person in this world is genuine without ambition or is indifferent to success and recognition. Anyone who gives an impression of not caring about advancement, or the need for others to grant recognition, has developed a self-defense mechanism to protect themselves from potential failure or rejection. Such people are most likely to have been hurt in the past, rejected by others they loved or wished to impress, being denied the recognition they openly sought or secretly craved. This...
1 Page 621 Words

Definition Essay about Perception

Perception derives from the Latin word ‘perception’. It is the organization, identification, and interpretation of information in order to understand the presented information. Each perception is influenced by our five senses that go through our nervous system for example what we see before we start communicating with a person will very much affect how we are going to speak with them. All of us see the world just a bit differently, even if we look at the same image, we...
2 Pages 895 Words

Definition Essay about Courage

Is courage about living fearlessly or living wholeheartedly? When exploring the word courage, you’ll find that it has evolved from its original meaning and has developed into a few different forms. There is physical courage, emotional courage, and moral courage. For many, the life of Sir Ranulph Fiennes would exemplify the word courage. The courage of this man, I would label as physical courage. However, researcher, Brene Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, would tell you that courage is linked to vulnerability and...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Definition Essay about Companionship

Not having human companionship can have huge repercussions. It can lead to sadness and being miserable in others. In his novel Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck introduces us to some minor characters who suffer from no human companionship daily. Whether it is due to their ethnicity, their gender, their age, or their mental capacity, these characters are left alone and have to deal with the effects of not having human companionship. Steinbeck showed a fascinating view in these minor characters...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Definition Essay about Ambition

“Women’s ambition is not a vertical ambition, it’s this intrinsic, circular ambition to be happy,” Kevin Roberts executive chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, 2016. Roberts's quote suggests and reflects a widely held view that women don’t reach top positions as they lack ambition (“ILM,” n.d.). Women make up roughly half of the workforce in the UK, however, fewer women than men reach senior management and leadership positions. In 2016 men still dominated subject areas seen as traditionally masculine such as...
2 Pages 660 Words

Concept Definition Essay about Laziness

A great enemy of caution and security is laziness. A lazy person can never arrange his own success and security, because he cannot use the right opportunity to work due to the nature of his laziness and remains lazy throughout life. Crooks and sly people also try to make such lazy people their prey. It is difficult for a lazy person to achieve any kind of excellence. Because he keeps his powers covered in a sling of laziness. They cannot...
1 Page 568 Words

Cause and Effect Essay about Someone Change in Your Life

My Sister September 9th was the day that changed my life, It was around four or five that my mom, sister, and I decided to go to Target so we could get a present for my cousin's birthday party. My Mom told my sister and me to look for a gift for my cousin. We successfully found one, we head back to look for my Mom and we found her in the frozen food section getting the peas and carrots...
1 Page 561 Words

Anxiety Argumentative Essay

Introduction: About 50% of people who suffer from anxiety are also diagnosed with depression (Smith, 2019), but actually, depression is not the only effect of anxiety. It also can have an effect on a person's capacity to work, examine, and take part in any other activities. Furthermore, anxiety is considered one of the most common results of many issues such as medical causes, Stress build-up, social isolation, and trouble sleeping. Actually, everyone might suffer from anxiety, without regard to age...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Respect Definition Essay

After researching cognitive and affective empathy, I realized that I need to develop empathy that comprises both. There is a need to balance between getting emotionally involved with a patient and needing to maintain an emotional distance from them (Australian Medical Association, 2013). This is to avoid scenarios where emotions cloud the doctor’s judgment and to avoid scenarios where the doctor is too cold towards their patients. When doctors have a healthy mix of emotional involvement and objectivity, they can...
1 Page 686 Words

Procrastination: Self Reflective Essay

Somewhat almost as horrific as death (in terms of the brain) appears to be fundamentally wrong. Not just wrong, but seriously wrong or completely incompetent. Have you ever felt like that? Would you do anything to stop your peers ' ridicule? It seems to me that persistent and outright avoidance is a similar kind of fear. Somehow, in the above example, the brain related the target of chronic substitution overdue taxes to a huge fine. In reality, there is a...
4 Pages 1909 Words

Procrastination Narrative Essay

We all occasionally postpone our tasks at hand due to various reasons, these reasons may include fatigue, laziness, unwillingness, or even lack of spare time to spend on these issues. This has also become the habit of others of delaying things that they have to engage in. This issue causes some trouble to us and those around in disregard to the deadlines given. It was on a Monday morning and I had slept in, thanks to Thanksgiving. In Fact, it...
1 Page 635 Words

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