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Nicomachean Ethics': The Importance of Temperance

1 Page 595 Words
It is extremely hard to avoid the attractions of worldly pleasures in today’s world. There are many distractions that can deviate us from our goal of happiness. According to Aristotle, temperance is necessary for happiness because balance indulgence and insensibility. I intend to explain why temperance is problematic, and extremely hard to achieve in terms of Aristotle’s definition. Throughout the...

The Pillars of a Just Society

2 Pages 724 Words
What makes a just society? This question has been subject to scholarly and political debate for millennia and, in many regards, still is. However, in a contemporary and liberal context, the concept of justice includes – relatively uncontroversial – at least a foundation of representative democracy, the rule of law and principles such as equality, accountability, and non-arbitrariness. These principles...

Fearing The Unknown: Death in The Apology

3 Pages 1194 Words
Novelist Rossiter Worthington Raymond once said, “Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.” A horizon, by definition, is no more than the range of one’s knowledge or experience. With this explanation in mind, death is no longer a destination to be feared, but...

Phaedo': Summary

1 Page 515 Words
In the remote Peloponnesian township of Phlius, Echecrates encounters Phaedo of Elis, one of the men present during Socrates' final hours. Eager to hear the story from a first-hand source, Echecrates presses Phaedo to tell what happened. A number of Socrates' friends were gathered in his cell, including his old friend Crito and two Pythagorean philosophers, Simmias and Cebes. The...

The Reality Behind Media and Information Technology

1 Page 451 Words
In today’s generation, it is evident that media and information technology is widely used by people all across the globe. Kids and teens are taking massive amount of it everyday. As I grew up, I became more and more interested on media and information technology. I constantly engage with it. It played a vital role in my day to day...

A Contrast Between Apology and Crito, Two Works by Plato

4 Pages 1894 Words
In both of Plato’s works Apology, and Crito, Plato portrays his mentor, Socrates, as he goes through trial, and thereafter in which he refuses to escape his punishment. In ancient Athens Socrates is on trial for corrupting the youth, which in reality is a crime that he did not commit. During the trial Socrates gives an incredible speech on how...

Moral and Ethics in Everyday Life

1 Page 678 Words
In the facet of corruption there has been a widespread talk about morals and ethics, not only corruption, gender discrimination, women harassment have too raised the issue, has ethics ever existed in our society? Why in the first place we need morals and ethics? Actually morals and ethics were never needed, but to uphold the righteousness and ensure there is...

The World of Hannah Arendt

8 Pages 3611 Words
To enter the world of Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) is to encounter the political and moral catastrophes of the 20th century. Her life spanned the convulsions of two world wars, revolutions and civil wars, and events worse than war in which human lives were uprooted and destroyed on a scale never seen before. She lived through what she called 'dark times,'...

Happiness Through Stoicism

1 Page 399 Words
Mankind’s superfluous yet multifarious hounding for felicity has been a constant throughout history. Singapore’s stressful lifestyle and long working hours often leave one little time to indulge. Yet, contrary to Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics, I believe happiness is achievable by all without the dedication of one’s entire life. Happiness is intrinsically important for me as a source of motivation, productivity or...

Friedrich Nietzsche's Thoughts About The Meaning of Life

2 Pages 1053 Words
Thousands of years ago our ancestors looked up into the starts and questioned their place in the universe. A Question we are still very familiar with and tend to think about very often. Despite all these technological advancements since the start of civilization, we are still burdened by the basic existential question about the meaning of life. We, as humans,...

A Study of The Functions of Virtual Reality

2 Pages 845 Words
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with the help of technological innovation and presented to a user in such a way that they create a very different understanding, which is very different from the real life as we are used to.The ability to view images in 3-D has been enabled through the invention of virtual reality. This...

Virtue Ethics in Philosophy

4 Pages 1822 Words
The ethics of virtue is a normative moral theory, one of the essential aims of which is to help people to make good decisions. Human beings are worthy of moral consideration. This is controversial rhetoric since theorists and ethicists who are in support of this claim believe that it’s only humans that can be wronged. Philosophers and ethicists give reasons...

Essence of Key Facts about Nonviolent Communication

2 Pages 944 Words
Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg fits several factors about nonviolence communication on his paper Key Facts about Nonviolent Communication produced by PuddleDancer Press and the Center for Nonviolent Communication. The paper begins with an understanding and meaning of violent communication. He is followed by explaining the ideal way to integrate nonviolent communication in today’s society. He also explains the primary goal...

Causes and Consequences of Toxic/Abusive Relationships and Relapsing

5 Pages 2226 Words
“A life that has for so long been controlled by manipulation and fear, So many times left broken and in tears. Broken bones and bruises followed by promises allowed to heal, Names and accusations, confusion at the appeal. Was its appeal, or just a distorted view?” (Ashley P.) This poem exhibits the act of an abusive relationship showing how the...

Trudeau’s Vision of a “Just” Society

2 Pages 1083 Words
Pierre Trudeau once said, “The past is to be respected and acknowledged, but not to be worshipped. It is our future in which we will find our greatness.” As one of Canada’s greatest politicians Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, serving from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. Trudeau served through the October Crisis, the Quebec referendum, and the...

Accepting Ubermensch Theory as a Part of Nihilism or As a Separate Identity

1 Page 404 Words
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his book ‘The Joyful Science’ that ‘God is dead’, and he was one of the first major philosophers to explore Nihilism.Nietzsche believed in the concept that Nihilism would eventually deeply affect and destroy potential moral and religious convictions. Nietzsche also believed that the European civilization lost hope in Christianity but was still abiding by...

Laws of Life and a Person’s Conscience

2 Pages 812 Words
What are our ‘Laws of Life’? They are what we live by, what we base our decisions on, and what we abide by. We follow these decisions based on what we believe is the right thing to do. My central law of life, is that I follow what my conscience tells me. A person’s conscience can be their strongest weapon...

An Ethical Matter of Dr. Ralph Potter's Potter Box

4 Pages 1775 Words
In almost every decision we make there is an ethical choice that come along with it, some more pronounced than others, and still, some more demanding than others. Some choices are clearly the “wrong” one, for instance to kill someone or not to, but others are not as clear cut. The potter box, developed by Dr. Ralph Potter, is designed...

Plato's View on Democracy

3 Pages 1401 Words
While Plato built on the idea of aristocracy as his method of governance in an ideal society (Kallipolis), he laid down heavy criticism towards democracy as a form of government in the process as well. In this essay, I will explore these arguments but first establishing what Plato’s conception of a democracy is. I will first discuss Plato’s assertion of...

Bertrand Russell's Philosophical Views

3 Pages 1149 Words
Bertrand Russell, british philosopher, is one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century. He is both a brilliant mathematician, a logician and a resolut moralist. He popularized the philosophy and was a left-wing political militant , close to socialism. Bertrand Russell was also a prolific writer. His bibliography is impressive. Throughout his life, Bertrand Russell has demonstrated an extraordinary...

The Common Good vs Individualism

3 Pages 1451 Words
Commenting on the many economic and social problems that American society now confronts, Newsweek columnist Robert J. Samuelson recently wrote: 'We face a choice between a society where people accept modest sacrifices for a common good or a more contentious society where groups selfishly protect their own benefits.' Newsweek is not the only voice calling for a recognition of and...

The Great Gatsby': The Comparison of the Presentation of Illusion and Reality

5 Pages 2313 Words
The intention of this essay is to consider the representation of illusion and reality throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby (1925). It shall focus on characters and their perception of the illusions and realities that they represent, such as Nick Carraway’s illusion of what he perceives Gatsby to be and what in reality, he is. It shall look...

Representation of the Idea of Bad Faith: Tolstoy Versus Sartre

3 Pages 1132 Words
Tolstoy is not fully associated with existentialism, although in his work many existential themes are expressed. Tolstoy’s (1993) ‘How much land does a man need?’ looks into the existential idea of authenticity in relation to land ownership. Sartre is a major part of the existential discipline, with two important works which are ‘Existentialism and Humanism’ (2007) and ‘Being and Nothingness’...

Nationalism and Patriotism: An Essay

2 Pages 909 Words
Webster's dictionary defines nationalism as loyalty and dedication to a nation, especially in the sense of a national consciousness that promotes a country above other countries and emphasizes the promotion of its culture and interests. Not the culture and interests of other countries or supranational regions. In simple terms, nationalism can be described as a kind of love and pride...

Justifying the Fairness of Price Gouging Using Ethical Theories

1 Page 405 Words
To begin with, the issue of fairness arises with companies’ attempt to gain an advantageous market position through the exploitation of consumers’ unalterable needs in an unusual market condition (Crane et al., 2019:375). Thus, the justification to exploitative pricing’s fairness is being debated with the following two ethical theories. Firstly, consequentialism determines morality and ethicality solely based on consequences (Robertson...

Assessing the Ethics of Price Gouging During the Covid-19 Pandemic

1 Page 569 Words
The topic of exploitative pricing has been a long-standing theme irrespective of the world situation. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the controversy of excessive pricing on unforeseen circumstances has become a central debate again. According to OECD (2020), attributable to the coronavirus, the business environment has been subjected to instability resulting in the disruption of supply chains. The...

Statement of Educational Philosophy

3 Pages 1491 Words
Before pursuing my dream of furthering my education to become a teacher, I would get asked multiple different questions. “Why do you want to become a teacher?”, “What grade level would you prefer to teach?”, “Where and what type of school could you see yourself teaching?”, “Who do you want to be as a teacher?”. All of the questions seem...

Philosophy of Life: Smile, Laugh and Love

1 Page 434 Words
My philosophy in life could be different to others. Cause our philosopy will be depending on our different experience in life. I've experience of sometimes lossing someone, and feeling of doesn't have anything in life and not all could experience on it. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but not all of them would be...

A Comparative Analysis of the American and British Bills of Rights

1 Page 650 Words
Natural rights are allowed to all people that can't be denied or confined by any authority or person. Regular rights are usually supposed to be granted to individuals by 'Natural law.' In creating the laws, Jefferson followed the system of the English Declaration of rights, after the 'Glorious Revolution', 1689. Most researchers today conclude that Jefferson was inspired to write...

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