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Functional MRI to Serve as a Lie Detector: Hit or Miss

5 Pages 2255 Words
In the article written by Patrick Keefe, ‘Can a Brain Scan Tell if You’re Lying?’, Keefe writes about experts that side with fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and their ability to be used as a lie detector test. The lie detector test would be used in court cases to determine if the offender is guilty or innocent in the crime...

Social Differences in Criminal Behavior: Theories and Models

3 Pages 1456 Words
Social class and crime behavior relationship is a long-standing basis of discussion in criminology. The society has this perception that crimes are to be committed mostly by a lower class group of people in the society, forgetting the fact that even the upper and middle-class people commit serious crimes too. These social classes are a result of emerging divisions in...

Excuse of Jeffrey Deskovic's Guilt as a Prime Example of the Evolution of the American Justice System

3 Pages 1313 Words
Throughout the history of the American justice system there has been no shortage of evolutions both in practice of all aspects of the American justice system but also evolutions in technology that makes the justice system more precise. This increase in accuracy among all phases of the justice system maintains the assertation that someone will be found guilty beyond reasonable...

Criminal Justice Procedure and Analysis

3 Pages 1508 Words
During colonization, a dehumanizing process of Indigenous people began; the brutal introduction of the new societal norms was accomplished by invading, displacing many families, murder, and rape. Once the first process was complete, an introduction of the new 'truths' about the indigenous people formed; this was that they are stupid, lazy, promiscuous, dirty, and so on. The harsh and violent...

Drug Addiction's Socio-Economic Impact

1 Page 645 Words
Addiction has seemingly become more prevalent in todays society. The most prominent addictions being drug addiction with its long and extensive history of shaping society and social media which is a relatively new phenomenon. There is plenty of different ways addiction can affect society. It affects everyone psychologically having a massive impact culturally, potentially changing the decision making of the...

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Use of Electronic Stun Devices by Police Officers

5 Pages 2115 Words
In order to reduce the instances of death from assault by firearms, the electronic stun devices have been developed which causes trauma and eases the efforts of the police officers to nab the assailant effortlessly. In light of this statement, the discussion in this essay shall be focusing upon the hypothesis that police use of electronic stun devices are said...

The Most Common to Detect Deception

1 Page 600 Words
Many people believe that they know how to detect deception. They rely on nonverbal cues or actions that often speak louder than words. Indeed, there are body language signals that can help determine if a person is telling the real story. It is often believed that you can tell if the person is honest or not by looking at his...

The Issue of Lethal Force by the Police

2 Pages 886 Words
In 1982 James and Kelling proposed the idea of broken windows. The theory ties disorder and hatefulness within the society to subsequent events of serious offence. One of the principles represented in the broken principle of windows is that there is little empirical evidence that conditions are causing crime when left unchallenged. Law enforcers tend to concentrate on serious crime...

FBI Profiling as the Most Influential Method of Offender Profiling

2 Pages 741 Words
Offender profiling is a tool that is used primarily by law enforcement in terms of investigating. This method helps to identify the personality, behavioural and demographic characteristics of offenders based on the findings from analysing a crime scene. This investigative tool is used to generate possible findings as well as narrowing down the list of possible suspects; this is successful...

Overview of Criminal Profiling Methods

3 Pages 1225 Words
It is the primary concern of the police to safeguard the protection of the community this also includes the apprehension of offenders. Law enforcement agencies are seeking the help of psychologists that specialize in human behaviour when conducting a criminal investigation in the search of a suspect. Criminal profiling often known as offender profiling which was coined by the Federal...

Broken Windows Theory, Opportunity Theory and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Comparative Essay

5 Pages 2487 Words
In order to explain what this project consists of, it was divided into five sections which are introduction, methodology, literature review, findings and discussion and conclusion. Theories were also used to correlate with the data that was collected. Broken Windows theory, Opportunity theory and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design were in fact the theories used. Besides the writing of this...

Essay on Broken Windows Theory: Critical Analysis of Articles

2 Pages 919 Words
Literature suggests that 311 data alone may not be sufficient to measure collective efficacy and similar social constructs, rather big data combined with individual surveys and qualitative data are a more effective measure of behavioral constructs. Daniel O'Brien (2015) examines the use of 311 data as a measure of custodianship in Boston. Custodianship is a concept similar to collective efficacy...

Injustice in The New York City Criminal Justice System: Analysis of Broken Windows Policing and New York City Criminal Court

5 Pages 2226 Words
Introduction Racial inequality in the New York City Criminal Courts, only exacerbates and help metastasize the mass incarceration epidemic in the United States. Instead of protecting the rights of the accused, New York City Criminal Court is an institution of injustice, marked by assembly justice, a lack of due process and racial bias. One of the topics discussed is how...

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson: Book Review

2 Pages 859 Words
Just Mercy is an extraordinary book. Its a powerful truthful and story by Bryan Stevenson, Stevenson who is an attorney guides us through his life in Alabama and how he helps defend innocent, poor men and women on death row who were wrongly convicted. Throughout each of the cases, Stevenson shows us how messed up are system can be. In...

Broken Windows Theory, Psychopathy and Domestic Violence: Annotated Bibliography

2 Pages 1086 Words
Broken Windows Theory: St., J. P. K. B. (2007). Pockets of crime: Broken windows, collective efficacy, and the criminal point of view. ProQuest E-book Central. Essentially this chapter states the key ideas of the broken windows theory and collective efficacy. The broken windows theory predicates that high levels of a disorderly neighbourhood can unknowingly influence crime which can lead to...

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