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Essay on Psychological Disorders: Analysis of Bipolar Disorder Causes and Consequences

5 Pages 2186 Words
Psychology comes from the Greek words “psych” meaning soul and “ology” meaning logic, it translates to “the science of the soul.” It was founded by a man named Wilhelm Wundt, he founded experimental psychology which later led to others discovering more in psychology. Psychology is both a science and a profession, it is counted as a science because it’s about...

Analytical Essay on Bipolar Disorder: Causes and Treatment

1 Page 666 Words
Bipolar disorder is a common chronic illness. The characteristics of bipolar disorder are change in moods, shift in moods, behaviours, normal day to day activity and their energy stages. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder was not differentiated from major depressive sickness. it’s a brain disorder. It is a lifelong condition. Bipolar disorder is preserved with medications...

Hillary Clinton Role Model

2 Pages 985 Words
Big Roles The 2016 U.S presidential race was hotly contested with Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump pitting against each other. The two presidential contenders poked into each other’s character without any hesitations. The video “Role Models” by Hillary Clinton details an advertisement, which presents some of President Trump’s comments on the campaign trail during the previous presidential elections. In...

Domain-specific Theories of Aggression and General Aggression Mode: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3138 Words
Abstract Abstract Research on human aggression has advanced to a time when a binding framework structure is required. Major domain-constrained hypotheses of aggression incorporate cognitive neo-association, social learning, social connection, script, and excitation exchange theories. Utilizing the general aggression model (GAM), this audit places cognizance, influence, and excitement to intercede the impacts of situational and phonological factors on aggression. The...

Analytical Essay on Phobias: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatment

3 Pages 1402 Words
Understanding Phobias. Everyone is not born with phobias, we might born with fear, but if you check on young children, they are born without fear until what they did harms them in some ways. A phobia is learned because it has become a connection with an object or an experience that is unpleasant and uncomfortable. According to the psychological behaviorist,...

Aggression in The Military Pre and Post Deployment: Analytical Essay

9 Pages 4062 Words
Abstract There is no doubt that every human being has expressed some form of aggression even once in their lifetime. Often times we are able to correct our actions and learn from our mistakes to ensure that our spur-of-the-moment display of anger never occurs again. Some individuals, however, seem to express anger and aggression in the simplest situations. There are...

Argumentative Essay on Aggression: Nature or Nurture or Both

3 Pages 1388 Words
Abstract Aggression is something that psychologists all over are fascinated with. Will anyone ever have the same answer? Is aggression caused by nature or nurture? Are we made with aggression in us from the time we are born, or is this something that we learn as survival mechanisms? How do we eliminate aggressive outbursts, as they have become a huge...

Moral Principles in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Analytical Overview

5 Pages 2338 Words
Maslow laid out. As someone who was trying to inspire people towards revolution, Karl Marx fought against the fact that religion made people more content with less basic needs. To him, humans who believed in religion acted ‘backward’. In fact, a preliminary evaluation of Maslow’s Hierarchy as applied to religion would lead the average observer to also think that religious...

Analytical Essay on Types of Aggression and Methods to Reduce It

3 Pages 1476 Words
Aggression Aggression is a term people use to describe the behavior of others that is tended to harm someone else (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 2016). There are several different types of aggression that some might not be aware of. This paper will explain some of the different types of aggression, how aggression affects people and the situation, and ways to reduce...

Analysis of Phobias Based on a Pavlovian Theory: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1183 Words
A phobia is defined as “a persistent, irrational fear of an object, event, activity, or situation called a phobic stimulus, resulting in a compelling desire to avoid it” [1]. Although we understand what phobias are, the reasons for their acquisition are a subject of debate. Many psychologists have presented theories as to why phobias develop. Some psychologists believe they develop...

Psychological Explanations of Inter-group Aggression: Discursive Essay

6 Pages 2845 Words
According to studies, there is no rigid definition for aggression nor inter-group aggression and therefore it is defined according to the correspondent's values. The behavior studied may differ from one researcher to another. Bandura (1973) defines aggression as behavior that results in personal injury or the injury of others in society and the destruction of property. On the other hand,...

Analytical Essay on Development and Maintenance of Specific Phobias

3 Pages 1182 Words
What do you fear? Some people might have to think long and hard for an answer, while some answer ‘clowns!’ And there are the plucky ones who answer ‘nothing!’ but secretly have nightmares about heights. But what lines must ‘fear’ cross, to be considered ‘phobia’? Fear is feeling threatened by a certain stimulus; an object, organism, or situation. However, phobias...

Multiple Neurological Aspects As the Causes of Phobias: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2157 Words
As a result of ever-changing conditions and environments, humans have evolved to adapt. Evolution has changed how we respond to fear. Fear can be defined as an intense negative emotion when an organism encounters a threat or dangerous situation (Gullone, 2020). In humans, fear can be displayed in multiple ways. For example, physiological symptoms of fear can include but are...

Nollywood Model and Actress Princess Chidinma As My Role Model

1 Page 461 Words
Nollywood model and actress Princess Chidingma didn't slow down the pace of fashion. Beautiful fashion models lead the fashion trends of curvy women. Princess Chidinma has graceful, beautiful and delicate curves. That's why she did a great job as a curvy model. Chidinma has different fashion styles. His style is urban and chic. He knows how to express himself in...

Changing Views and The Paradigm Shift: Study of Employee Motivation

3 Pages 1199 Words
Study of Employee Motivation In Chapter One of our text, we learned that employees are considered human capital, which means they are valued for what they know, their education, their experience, and their individual skills. (Luthans, Luthans, Luthans, 2015). We also learned in chapter one that the aforementioned fact was not always the case. We discussed Douglas McGregor and his...

Essay of Foundational Psychology: Evaluation of the Operant Conditioning Theory and Reinforcement

5 Pages 2427 Words
Introduction and Thesis Various type of behaviors will be performed by the secondary school student in the classroom and these behaviors can be explained by developmental theories, such as Piaget’s cognitive development theory and Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. All this behavior can cause positive and negative impact in the classroom. Majority of the students often perform a negative behavior which...

Impact of Horizontal Aggression Among Nurses

2 Pages 1143 Words
In the last two decades, many educational scholars have written about nursing being an oppressed profession. Many nurses faced a lot of frustrations due to inadequate autonomy and power. Due to these frustrations, they tend to be aggressive among themselves. Horizontal aggression in nursing has been present from the onset of the nursing profession, thus becoming a prominent problem within...

Connection of Morality with Function of a Human Being

2 Pages 895 Words
Aristotle argued that being moral has to do with the function of a human being and that developing his argument he moved from the non-moral to the moral uses of good and bad. He suggested that anything that is good or bad is so because it functions well or poorly. These examples are covered in depth in his work Nicomachean...

Numan Nature as the Reason Why we Need Morality

3 Pages 1389 Words
Atheists typically propose a few possibilities: evolution, reason, conscience, and human nature. None of these can be the ultimate source of morality. Let’s start with evolution. It cannot be evolution because any supposed morality that is evolving can change. If it can change for the good or bad, there must be a standard above these changes to judge them as...

Power of Fair Over Us

1 Page 572 Words
Fear. We all experience it universally every day as a basic emotion. Everywhere we go, everything we do, fear is hidden deep in our minds. Some might not consider fear’s power over us, thinking it’s too small of emotion to be in control of our ginormous body, and our even bigger life. Fear is just known to be a survival...

Aggression and Mental Health of Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholics

4 Pages 1735 Words
Drinking enough alcohol to become intoxicated is significantly found the people who have one personality trait. On the other hand, the people without that trait are less likely to get more aggressive than they would they are sober. Some people are more likely to become aggressive after the consumption of alcohol. Studies on alcohol use and aggression states that the...

Development and Maintenance of Specific Phobias

2 Pages 1064 Words
Introduction Nowadays, phobia is one of the major problems that affects in our society. Phobia is a severe fear of specific thing or situation. It is a part of anxiety disorder that results negative emotional responses. Phobia is usually happen when fear is formed by danger situation which can be moved to other situations that the fear is originally forgotten....

The Morality of Euthanasia

2 Pages 958 Words
The use of euthanasia in the healthcare field has remained a highly controversial topic and has been widely debated. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the defnition of euthanasia is “the act of practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a realtively painless way for reasons of mercy” (Euthanasia). Some people believe that euthanasia...

Influence of Gaming Addiction on Aggression

2 Pages 892 Words
Lately, it has been perceived that addictions are not restricted to practices created by the uncontrolled utilization of substances. There are apparently harmless conduct tendencies that, in specific conditions, can get addictive and truly meddle with the daily lives of those influenced. Due to explosive development in innovation and web use over the most recent couple of years, internet gaming...

Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

1 Page 516 Words
Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional...

Recovery Approach in Mental Health Care

4 Pages 1917 Words
Mental health refers to our psychological, emotional, and social well-being, where an individual realizes his/her capacity and can handle the normal stress of life. It is the way people feel, behave, and think. Mental health is essential in every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. Basic human psychological needs like self-actualization, self-esteem needs, belongingness, and love need,...

Fatality of Conformity Through Complete Submission to External Norms in Franz Kafka's ‘The Metamorphosis’

2 Pages 902 Words
In ‘The Metamorphosis’, Franz Kafka depicts Gregor Samsa and his acceptance with the the psychological and mental repercussions of an inalterable physical transformation. The local segregation that Gregor faces within his household parallels to the seclusion of the cultural ‘other’, who lies on the outskirts of societal norms. Throughout history, minority groups have been oppressed by dehumanizing stereotypes and stigmas...

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