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Natural Selection And Evolution

5 Pages 1486 Words
Introduction (200 words) Natural selection, a key concept in evolutionary biology, profoundly shapes the diversity of life. This principle, first elucidated by Charles Darwin, explains how species evolve and adapt through generations. It is the process by which traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more prevalent within a population, leading to the gradual evolution of species. This dynamic reflects...

The Evolution Of Biotechnology

2 Pages 778 Words
Biotechnology; an area that has evolved drastically over time involves the use of biological systems to create a variety of products. This has enabled the ability to precisely manipulate genomes as seen in applications of artificial insemination, gene cloning, recombinant DNA technology to develop transgenic species etc. However, despite serving as a tool to increase the quality of life and...

Application Prospects Of Enzyme Engineering

1 Page 602 Words
Application in dairy products Lactose is a disaccharide found in mammalian milk and has low sweetness and solubility. Dietary lactose can improve the body's absorption of Ca, P, Mg and other essential trace elements, but it cannot be directly absorbed in the small intestine, and must be hydrolyzed by the small intestine to be digested and absorbed by the body....

The Advantages Of Biotechnology

3 Pages 1565 Words
Biotechnology can be defined as the exploitation of living systems and biological processes to develop tools for technological use. Applications may be used in areas such as industry (e.g. food, energy), medicine, environmental sciences, and computational design. The term ‘biotechnology’ was introduced in 1919 by a Hungarian scientist, Karl Ereky, to refer in general to processes where raw materials were...

Application Of Enzyme Technology In Dairy

2 Pages 960 Words
With the rapid development of the dairy cattle breeding industry and the dairy industry, the output of raw milk and dairy products has increased significantly, the variety of dairy products has been greatly enriched, and the quality has also made a qualitative leap. High and new technologies such as gene technology, enzyme technology, microbial technology, high-pressure technology, and cold sterilization...

The Peculiarities Of Bioethics In Judaism

5 Pages 2321 Words
Judaism ethics pervade into the everyday lives of Jewish adherents. They stem from the legal system that has developed alongside Halachah, meaning ‘a going with God’ and prescribes how a Jewish person should behave. The basics of ethics originated from the decalogue given to Moses, determining that ethical life requires a spirit of mishpat (justice), tzedakah (righteousness), chesed (kindness) and...

The Peculiarities Of Photosynthesis In Aquatic Plants

4 Pages 2036 Words
RATIONALE Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate the oxygen production in the process of photosynthesis because they are specialised to produce oxygen while submerged under water. The common aquatic plant that is used for most of the experiments is Elodea. In theory, when an aquatic plant is placed in a solution in the presence of appropriate light intensity, the...

Identification Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Present In Curd By Using Plating And PCR

5 Pages 2314 Words
Introduction Production of curd by using Bacterial Probiotics Acidification of milk is one of the methods used in preservation of milk. Acidification, gives the milk a sour taste and it is achieved by bacterial fermentation or by the addition of an acid (for example: lemon juice or vinegar). The acid causes milk to coagulate and solidify fully or partially. Coagulation...

The Factors That Affect The Enzyme Activity

2 Pages 774 Words
Enzyme is a protein molecule that takes on a particular shape which enables them to speed up biochemical reactions within the organisms, therefore behaving as a catalyst. It can also be used in industrial and medical contexts. Bread making, cheese making and beer brewing all depend on the activity on enzymes, and enzymes can be inhibited if their environment is...

The Influence Of Globalisation on Agricultural Biotechnology

4 Pages 1561 Words
In a bid to aid globalisation, the Australian Government established liberal trade policy agreements with low wage economies. However, according to a manufacturing report released in 2018 by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, it suggests liberal trade policies are hampering the growth of Australia's manufacturing industry instead of fueling economic growth. Australia’s manufacturing industry contributes 6% to the...

Biotechnology: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reproductive Cloning

4 Pages 1763 Words
Introduction Biotechnology involves the use of living organisms. It is mainly used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. It is used all around the world, but mainly by the rich countries, like the United States, Spain, France and more. In medicine, biotechnology has many functions. From DNA sequencing, to healthcare biotechnology, to cell replacements. The main focus of this report...

Interactions Between Native Vs. Exotic Plant Species And Pollinators In Urban Green Space

5 Pages 2079 Words
Summary This report is to identify the native versus exotic plant species that have visited by the most insect pollinators in the urban greenspace by the monitoring program which is conducted by the citizen scientists and discuss the management strategies that can enhance the pollinator diversity with the help from people in the world. Pollinators is suggested to be the...

Application Of Microbial Enzymes In Food Industry

5 Pages 2064 Words
Introduction In our society, using enzymes or microorganisms in food preparation has become widely known. As new technology has been developed, new application fields have been developed and pioneered. Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and the other enzymes are highly used for improving the taste and texture and eventually obtain enormous economic benefits to industries. With the advancement of technology,...

Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning

3 Pages 1398 Words
Abstract When plants and crops are affected by pests it affects the agricultural production of the country. Usually farmers or experts observe the plants with naked eye for detection and identification of disease. But this method can be time processing, expensive and inaccurate. Automatic detection using image processing techniques provide fast and accurate results. This project is concerned with a...

The Advantages Of Compartmentalisation In A Eukaryotic Cell

4 Pages 1784 Words
A eukaryotic cell is a cell that incorporates DNA which is surrounded by a nucleus. Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have a few things in common that cells have. The endosymbiotic idea clarifies how eukaryotic cells have evolved from prokaryotic cells that lived collectively. Prokaryotic cells do not have any nucleus and are not membrane bound organelles in which as...

Microbial Degradation Of Petroleum Polluted Soil

3 Pages 1416 Words
ABSTRACT One of the world’s highest consumed resource and most dangerous pollutants are petroleum hydrocarbons. Petroleum hydrocarbons are known as the major antagonist in a number of various water, land and environmental disasters. Because of its highly destructive nature which is a direct consequence of its toxicity, resistance and degradation, the proper treatment and cleaning of this substance is of...

The Effect Of Different Concentrations Of Ethanol On The Plasma Membrane Of Beetroot Cells

4 Pages 2063 Words
Introduction The membranes of cells are made up of a fluid imitating, semi-permeable plasma membrane. This is made up of a phospholipid bilayer. A phospholipid bilayer is comprised of phospholipids (see figure 1) and various membrane proteins. The lipid tails of the phospholipids are hydrophobic (repel water) and the phosphate heads are hydrophilic (attract water). In order to ensure the...

Chlamydia: Epidemiology, Transmission, Symptoms And Effects

3 Pages 1420 Words
Introduction Chlamydia is a sexually transmissible infection (STI), caused by the Chlamydia Trachomatis bacteria. It is somewhat of a silent infection, as those who have it will not even be aware of it as symptoms are often very mild and unnoticeable in the early stages of the infection. Chlamydia is easily treatable by a General Practitioner (GP), who will prescribe...

Effect Of Carbon Dioxide Concentrations And Light Intensity On Photosynthesis In Eruca

3 Pages 1408 Words
Introduction With the increasing pressure to feed a growing population, the ability to understand plant growth has never been more crucial, especially as the surrounding environment continues to change due to global warming (Semenov and Halford, 2009)(FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2014). As photosynthesis is directly related to a plant’s potential growth, knowledge of factors that affect this process, such as...

The Peculiarities Of Chlamydia Bacterias

4 Pages 1737 Words
To maintain a healthy body one needs to just simply eat healthy, exercise, protect the skin from the sun, practice safe sex, don’t smoke or use tobacco and finally limit how much alcohol you drink. These are just the simple steps to prevent any sickness, but should be taken in consideration when in concern to when your body is sick....

Investigating Enzymatic Reactions To Determine The Concentration Of Glucose Of Coke And Gatorade

4 Pages 2024 Words
Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the glucose concentration in popular drinks coke and Gatorade and to identify how a changing environment can impact the hydrolysis of sucrose. This was examined by a series of mutli- enzymatic reactions of glucose resulting in NADPH, measured by a spectrophotometer at 340nm. The results showed the glucose concentration of coke...

Enzyme Biotech: What Enzymes Are And How They Work

2 Pages 917 Words
Enzymes are key protein molecules in living systems. Once synthesized, they are not usually converted to other kinds of molecules, and so are the substances taken in as fuel for digestive and respiratory processes (such as sugar, fat, and molecular oxygen). This is because enzymes are catalysts, which means they can participate in chemical reactions without themselves being changed, just...

The Importance Of Vaccination Nowadays

3 Pages 1398 Words
Introduction Measles virus (MEV)- induced neurologic disease is associated with the community acquired infection of disease, whereas most important rubella virus (RV)-induced neurologic disease is associated with congenital disease. There are lots of safe and effective vaccines exists. Mev, the etiologic agent of measles, is a member of the Morbillivirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family of non-segmented, negative -stranded, enveloped...

The Trends In Biotechnology

1 Page 483 Words
Abstract Recent upswing and advances in science and technology has exposed a great impact on all areas of human life. One of the most significant fields of science and technology is Biotechnology. The progression in biotechnology and the trends of biotechnology brought forward thinking and solutions for many of the complications that the human race are and will be facing,...

The Peculiarities Of Biotechnology

3 Pages 1560 Words
Along with a sophisticated understanding of any science comes not just an enhanced worldview, but also the opportunity to apply this knowledge in order to create technology. This represents our ability to shape the world as we see fit. There are certainly profound ethical implications that emerge when we begin to tamper with life. Before we could start work on...

The Peculiarities Of Biomedical Engineering

4 Pages 2094 Words
What is Biomedical Engineering? Biomedical Engineering is the application of engineered products that advance information in biology, engineering, and medical purposes, and improves human wellbeing through interdisciplinary exercises that incorporate the designing sciences with the biomedical sciences and clinical practice. It incorporates: The education of new information and comprehension of living structures (systems) through the substantive and innovational use of...

Is Biotechnology Important For Society?

2 Pages 1130 Words
Biotechnology is unavoidable in today’s society. From household products to medical procedures, biotechnology is ubiquitous. Defined as “something that harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and to help improve lives”, ( There are three primary fields where biotechnology is used: medical, agricultural and industrial. Development in each of these fields is progressing at an exponential rate, with hundreds...

Biotechnology Regulatory, Safety And Ethics

7 Pages 2957 Words
ABSTRACT Biotechnology consists of various techniques that helps in improving and providing better life to human beings. Biotechnology has provided several biomedical tools and techniques, to diagnose and cure diseases. Even biotechnology set a new parameters in industrial, agricultural, and biomedical fields. With the help of biotechnology several new enzymes, antibodies and vaccines are founded, which have promised less expensive...

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