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Patient Education as a Way to Prevent Readmission

1 Page 415 Words
Patient Education is a process of empowering patients to be the in charge of their own wellbeing and be more independent concerning their health management (Yeh, Wu, & Tung, 2018). It is one of the most important responsibilities of the nurses to educate the patient properly to prevent hospital readmission, improve patient’s confidence in health care and avoid relapses. Moreover,...

Synthesis of Aspirin as a Widely Used Drug

1 Page 576 Words
Aspirin is a widely used drug which helps reduce fevers as well as reduce pain. It was originally just salicylic acid, which can be found naturally in the bark of willow trees. It is one of the oldest natural medicines used to treat fevers, illnesses as well as reduce pain. However, it was harsh on the stomach taking the acid...

Anatomical and Physiological Changes in Old Age

2 Pages 779 Words
“We all admire the wisdom of people who come to us for advice” “The best way to gain wisdom is by spending time with people that are older than you” The older generation or the older adults are the most important part of the society. They are the diamonds of the society. They have wisdom. They admire us. They are...

Consciousness and Its 'True' Definitions

1 Page 553 Words
Growing up, I believed the common conception of what consciousness pertains to what is done with your thoughts and your mind depending on your body to analyze what is occurring in the world. However, when taking an in-depth examination of this specific topic, there is an immense amount of information and components to it. Consciousness is a familiar concept to...

Vitamins as Nutrients Essential for Health

1 Page 598 Words
Although the human body is made up of many different tissues, they are all based on cells. Tens of thousands of chemicals in these cells are responsible for the growth, repair and health of the human body and the energy they need. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc., are needed for the body's growth, repair, and health. The body derives these...

Comparative Analysis of Aspirin and Paracetamol

2 Pages 775 Words
Currently, paracetamol is a first-line choice for pain management; those with osteoarthritis, simple headaches, and those with musculoskeletal conditions. With proper use, it is rare for paracetamol to have adverse affects. Aspirin and paracetamol may have very different histories and development but share similar mechanisms within the body and their corresponding side effects. Although aspirin has many added benefits that...

Exploring the Discourse Community of Physiotherapists

2 Pages 768 Words
Currently, being student of Occupational Therapists Assistant and Physiotherapists Assistant at Fleming college, I am writing this description for the students willing to join the physiotherapy discourse community. What is the history of physiotherapy community? What are its principal mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of terminology does it have? This report will explore these and associated queries, drawing on my...

Research about Preventing Food Allergic Reactions

4 Pages 1899 Words
Food allergies are a frequent concern globally, especially in developed countries such as Europe and America (Gowland and Walker, 2014) and this concern is growing rapidly, with prevention as the most recommended treatment (Pieretti et al., 2009). There are cases of allergic reaction ranging from mild to severe, two of which fatal cases happened in the United Kingdom in this...

Penicillin Allergy and Its Diagnosis

6 Pages 2564 Words
Apparently, when I was little I was given tennis Ilyn and had terrible hives. And the pediatricians told my parents that, if I was ever given it again I would die. So my entire life I was told that if I ever took penicillin it would kill me. Over 95% of people labeled as penicillin or allergic or not despite...

Polio Resurgence: A Call to Regain Trust to Vaccines

3 Pages 1507 Words
While polio has become a distant memory in most parts of the world, the disease has managed to resurge in countries where it was once eliminated like, Syria, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Myanmar and Philippines, where the latest case of polio outbreak has been recorded. Poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, is an incurable and highly contagious disease that is caused...

The Importance of Vitamin E for Health

1 Page 421 Words
Vitamin E is a soluble fat nutrient and acts as an antioxidant. Which means it protects the body from damage resulting from free radicals. Free radicals cause harm to tissues, tissues and organs. It prevents clogging of blood vessels. Vitamin E is important because it boosts your immune system, fight bacteria and viruses. Causes and Effects of an Imbalance of...

Vitamin D's Ability to Protect Against Covid-19

2 Pages 948 Words
Daily a new report regarding COVID 19 comes out which is quite overwhelming to the people. In this article, we will not discuss the microbe that put the entire world in chaos and crushed the global economy. Moreover, we focus on Vitamin D and its facts regarding COVID 19 and also how it played a major role in the human...

Cheese Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease Risk

6 Pages 2416 Words
Introduction Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a class of heart- or blood-vessel diseases (Mendis, Puska, and Norrving, 2011). CVDs include coronary heart disease (CHD) known as Ischemic heart disease (IHD), myocardial infarction (MI), generally known as heart attack, stroke, rheumatic heart disease (RHD), cardiomyopathy, and other heart disease (Mendis et al., 2011; Celermajer, Chow, Marijon, Anstey & Woo, 2012). CVD cause...

Comparative Analysis of Observational Studies and RCTs

2 Pages 932 Words
Humans have bias; researchers ultimately are interested in the success of their research study and patients would mostly prefer a trial drug to a placebo. Therefore, randomized controlled trials are preferable as they do better to limit to effects of this bias. The Oxford definition of causal is “connected with the relationship between two things, where one causes the other...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Diabetic Type 2: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1017 Words
Background: The practice of Medicine of CAM use is found drawbacks, particularly among DM patients, the prevalence of ancient medication use in study conducted in African continent, was 80% and Northern part of Tanzania was 40.3%, this shows that in African countries particularly country like Tanzania the CAM use is culturally accepted, although there’s still few knowledge on prevalence, determinants...

Influence of Individual’s Personal Behavior on Possibility of an Organ Transplant: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 912 Words
Organ transplantation is a significant technique that can prolong a person’s life, enhance the quality of life, and considerably minimize the overall healthcare costs in patients who have end-stage liver, renal, and heart disease. Distribution of limited resources has ethical, moral, and social implications. Given that some causes of end-stage diseases are preventable; the questions arise as to whether the...

General Overview of Yellow Fever Vaccine

1 Page 473 Words
Yellow fever is a staggering malady spread by the mosquito’s bites (and primates!) is as yet pervasive in Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The yellow fever infection has most likely existed in some form for a large number of years and is believed to have begun in Africa from other similar infections. Anybody planning a trip to...

Comparative Analysis of Extracellular Polysaccharide Production by Dairy Milk Derived Lactic Acid Bacteria Grown on De Man, Rogosa, And Sharpe Medium

2 Pages 966 Words
The diverse microbial flora found in dairy cow milk contributes to beneficial effects to human health. A group of microorganisms known as Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are most commonly found and used in fermented dairy products. These bacterial strains embrace the idea of good nutrition by assisting with health maintenance, aiding in the prevention, control and treatment of many diseases....

Major Epidemics of Yellow Fever: Symptoms, Transmission and Spread, Vaccinations

4 Pages 1738 Words
Introduction: Throughout history many outbreaks of diseases occurred to leave behind them millions of dead bodies, some even went so far to taint the health of most of the population. Fear and agony were spreading alongside it, stealing children and loved ones and forcing people to immigrate out of this thought-to-be-cursed land …. I will be discussing the major, and...

Measles Outbreak in Birmingham and Effectiveness of Vaccination: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2747 Words
Introduction Measles is a dangerous and highly contagious viral disease causing major morbidity and mortality among children and adults if not controlled by the vaccine (Gay et al., 1995). Measles is one of the most disturbing and unpleasant communicable diseases that can cause serious illness with many complications, including the caused of millions of deaths globally (Griffin, 2012). Before measles...

Review of Immunosuppressants in Organ Transplant: The Evaluation of Alemtuzumab

3 Pages 1495 Words
1. Abstract 1.1 Situation of organ transplant According to World Health Organization, there are as high as 100,800 solid organ transplants performed around the world annually, in which the highest percentage was found as kidney transplantations. However, it was observed in the past three decades that patients who have had a kidney transplant suffer dramatically from nephrotoxicity created by the...

Alternative Medicine Versus Conventional Medicine: Comparative Analysis

3 Pages 1347 Words
Humans ability to reason and use logic is clouded by the fear of uncertainty. The longing for concrete facts is what has created a world where uncertainty and faith are feared because they have become synonyms of ambiguity. However, this fantasized dystopian world eventually becomes dull and somber. When a person’s health has been compromised, the patient often is looking...

Antivaccination Culture: Analytical Essay on Smallpox Vaccination

5 Pages 2424 Words
Thesis: The opposition to vaccination was cultural and built upon societal value in money which resulted in the spread of mass religious hysteria, propaganda, and falsified data. Smallpox is a disease where small blisters pop up on the face, arms, and body. These then fill up with pus and customs develop a rash. It’s a deadly disease. Vaccinations and the...

Morality of Animal to Human Organ Transplant: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2497 Words
Morality is rarely clear-cut without objections or questions. The morality of animal to human organ transplant is no exception. With innumerable factors created by beneficial techniques and harmful tactics, the dispute is far from irrelevant, especially with its crucial influence on life and death. Animal organs being transplanted into humans is lifesaving; however, it is also life taking and therefore...

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