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Descartes and His Arguments for Substance Dualism: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1234 Words
Descartes’ arguments for substance dualism seek to show that there are two distinctly different kinds of substance – body and mind. He seeks to show that they perform different functions and are constituted of entirely different things. Two arguments he uses in an attempt to do this are the argument from indubitability and the real distinction argument. This essay will...

Hamm’s Definition of Education: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1311 Words
In this essay, I will discuss Hamm’s notion of education, which is divided into three general applications of education: sociological use (E1), institutional use (E2), and general enlightenment use (E3). I will also critically evaluate the three uses of education, presenting a distinct and compatible argument. In the sociological application (E1), socialization is defined as the process of supporting young...

Changes in the Neighbourhood in 2050: Synthesis Essay

1 Page 430 Words
2050. 32 years from now. I am a grown-up person already. I am an adult. Time flies really fast, I’m planning what my neighborhood is going to look like in 2050. I’m expecting my neighborhood to be newfangled, new-fashioned, and modernist. Over the next few decades, I expect to add around 250,000 new residents. But the more the population grows,...

Is It Fate or Is It Experience: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 1064 Words
In 1995, there was a fantasy book by fantasy author Garth Nix called ‘Sabriel’, which tells the story of a student named Sabriel who was forced to venture into the magical Old Kingdom in order to find her missing father. In the book she says: “Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?”. In our society, there...

Fate and Our Uncontrollable Life: Narrative Essay

5 Pages 1565 Words
Introduction Fate is an idea that is as old as society itself. Destiny and free will are two mysterious threads that run through people's lives. Philosophers, writers, and scholars have been interested in this topic for thousands of years. These writings try to explain the complicated relationship between the planned paths of our lives and the choices we make. Fate...

Reflections on Destiny and Whether It Really Cannot Be Changed

2 Pages 819 Words
‘Oedipus the King’ an Athenian tragedy written by Sophocles in the 5th century. It reflects the Greek culture perspective during the 5th century, which was based on the idea that destiny was written by God and no can change it. Oedipus tried to change his destiny. He used his intelligence to solve the riddle of the Sphinx, and as a...

Essay on a Journey Towards Destiny

2 Pages 818 Words
No matter chapter of life one is whether it is from being stressed, unhealthy, depressed or whichever phase of life, one with unyielding belief in oneself can change their life. From being stressed to feeling pace in life, enjoying their life at their fullest. From lack to abundance. From sick to completely healthy person. One can also achieve the highest...

Professional Roles and Values: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1747 Words
The underpinning roles and responsibilities of a teacher are to practice effective lessons using numerous delivery methods, and teaching strategies, that are engaging and relevant to the individual. Furthermore, provide support to learners, giving regular assessment, feedback, and guidance. (Eduk. 2016) Subject-specific, educators need to be able to know of and consider numerous rules, regulations, and legislation, to maintain professional...

Impact of Confucianism on China: Analytical Essay

1 Page 400 Words
The key idea of Confucius's Philosophy was a united and good-running system. Its structure was to instruct individuals to act naturally propelled and self-controlled and to empower individuals to accept their obligations, which would, thus, develop a superior self and an agreeable society. Confucious lessons urge others to be deferential and have an agreeable society. Confucious lessons centered around morals...

Views of Socrates and Plato on Ignorance

1 Page 541 Words
Ignorance is usually an ability that any person would now not know. In truth, lack of knowledge is the having faith that there is any individual who can be aware of something, and that there is any man or woman who can be conscious of him or herself. Socrates and Plato had substantial and one-of-a-kind views on how they portrayed...

There Is No Meaning to Life Except: What We Have in the Present

3 Pages 1378 Words
In the essay titled ‘On the Vanity of Existence’, author and philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer examines the meaning of life in accordance with the past, present and future. He comes to the conclusion that in order for us to live a meaningful life and our best life, we have to spend our time focusing on the present rather than the past...

The World Belongs to Us for a Season

2 Pages 922 Words
In today’s world, everyone is so involved in making a secure future that they have no control over their present. We are fed with this notion of a future day in our lives when everything will be secure, and then will we be able to enjoy to the fullest. Our lifestyle is based on working for a future we have...

The Value of Being Yourself

1 Page 424 Words
Primary school wasn’t as eventful as it was supposed to be for majority of children, instead it felt like I was drowning in what the world perceived me to be instead of who I wanted to be. As a child growing up, I never really knew who I was and how I should act. All I ever did was try...

The Trend of Data Analysis in the Future

1 Page 581 Words
Nowadays, data analysis becomes more and more popular in the world. Due to the development of modern technology, data analysis can be basically a comprehensive analysis of the company’s data, and it could achieve with no deviation. The future of data analysis and the reasons why we should learn data analysis become the most interesting questions in the society. Zimmermann...

Ethics of Eating Meat

4 Pages 1905 Words
The ethics of eating meat has gained a lot of attention, but when people talk about the ethics of eating meat, they either know how to answer or don’t. But most people are now becoming more aware of the inhumane nature of meat industries. Books like ‘On Eating Meat’ made by Matthew Evans, TV networks such as SBS made a...

Perspectives on the Relationship between the Individual and Society

4 Pages 1585 Words
Liberal, Marxist, and nationalist perspectives are often described as contrary to one another in their beliefs of the relationship between the individual and society. In this essay, I will show that through these differences, though with slight underlying agreements, liberalism has been the most successful in predicting a relationship between the individual and society. I will first explore each of...

Organic Farming: The Future of Food Security

3 Pages 1145 Words
Food security is a situation whereby the amount of nutritionally adequate food produced in a society is sufficient for all the people in that society and also easily accessible to the people of that society. Meanwhile, food insecurity is a situation whereby food produced in a society is not easily accessible to the people of that society, either due to...

Life in the Present

1 Page 559 Words
In the words of the sage Ashtakvarga: “Bondage is created when the mind needs something or it grieves for something, rejects or holds on to something or it is pleased or displeased about something. Liberation is when the mind is no longer attached to anything”. The human body undergoes a transformation from a newborn to youth and to old. The...

Is Organic Farming the Future of Food Security?

2 Pages 860 Words
Agriculture is the backbone to life as it provides food, clothing, medicine and raw materials to humans and nations. Biological agriculture provides the systematic access to nutritious, affordable, and sufficient amount of food in times to come. Although this system of agriculture is effective and highly beneficial, it is highly capital demanding, has an advanced environmental and health risks, and...

Evaluation of Plato's View of Immorality as Ignorance

3 Pages 1262 Words
Plato’s view on immorality is ignorance is derived from the argument put forward in ‘Protagoras’ by Socrates, who claimed that all wrong and evil is done due to a lack of knowledge. In this essay I plan to critically analyze this argument and evaluate an objection to Plato’s claim that immorality is ignorance by disproving the premise that every action...

Evaluating Aristotle's View on Whether Happiness is Good Luck

4 Pages 1648 Words
This essay is going to be talking about whether achieving happiness is just a matter of good luck or if there is more to it than that. It will be considering the Greek philosopher Aristotle’s response to this question and will also be looking at what achieves a person’s happiness. Achieving happiness comes from many different things at different times...

Descartes’s Mind-Body Dualism

2 Pages 968 Words
The mind-body dilemma has been the subject of philosophical analysis for decades and has but to be wholly understood. As the main advocate for dualism, Descartes states that as people we are composed of two essential substances: the mental and the bodily, which manipulate to exist aspect by way of side. Without a doubt, Cartesian dualism used to be one...

Civilization as a Significant Human Reform and Its Effects

3 Pages 1250 Words
The reforms that began in the Renaissance period are still relevant in the modern age. Man has evolved through time, with the Christianity and Muslim religions explaining the origin of man as God’s creation. In fact, Pico della Mirandola exclaimed: “There is nothing to see more wonderful than man!” (Della, 1). Della is particularly awed by the magnificence of man,...

Civilization and Its Significance for Humanity

3 Pages 1424 Words
By definition, civilization generally relates to a complex society. In other words, we can say civilization is a group of people who are connected through various cultural aspects such as education, law, or the arts. Additionally, civilization is often characterized by the existence of polite and courteous relationships. Civilization has existed throughout humankind, evolving as humans invented new technologies, governments,...

If You Could Change One Thing in the World What Would It Be: Narrative Essay

1 Page 603 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction In a world filled with complexities and challenges, there are countless issues that demand attention and change. If I had the power to change one thing, it would be to eradicate poverty. Poverty is a pervasive problem that affects millions of lives and hinders progress in various aspects of society. In this narrative essay, I will delve into the...

Everything Is about to Change: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 434 Words
Introduction Change is an inevitable part of life. From personal growth to societal progress, change shapes our experiences and propels us forward. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the idea that everything is about to change and argue for the importance of embracing transformation. By acknowledging the potential for change and harnessing its power, we can adapt to new...

Definition Essay on Dedication

1 Page 514 Words
Introduction Dedication is a term often associated with commitment, perseverance, and wholehearted devotion to a particular goal or cause. It is a quality that sets individuals apart in their pursuit of excellence and serves as a driving force behind their accomplishments. This definition essay explores the concept of dedication, examining its key characteristics, its significance in personal and professional spheres,...

How Will Our Society Be Remembered in 100 Years: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 631 Words
Introduction As I ponder the question of how our society will be remembered in 100 years, I am filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. In this descriptive essay, I will offer my personal perspective and opinions on the legacy our society will leave behind. Drawing upon the current state of affairs, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, I will...

Why Is It Important to Keep a Promise: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 538 Words
Why is promise-keeping morally important? A promise holds high levels of moral responsibility and respect. When a promise is extended from one person to another most would only presume that promise-keeping overall holds a substantial level of moral importance. Extending a promise requires thoughtful consideration from both parties involved, as there is a plethora of trust required in honoring the...

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