Violence essays

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Gang Violence: The Issue Of The Violent Nature Of Crime In South Africa

South Africa is unceasingly making headline news being affected by crime and violence. The country has been afflicted by this problem for centuries and seems to be forever troubled with such indignations. Unfortunately, this issue is a deep-rooted one, and goes way back as far as the period of colonialism. The history of violence and its roots are therefore a very sensitive and contentious subject. This paper will therefore look at violence in South Africa by first doing a brief...
4 Pages 1760 Words

Deviance And Criminology: Article Review

1. Howard S. Becker- Labeling theory Labeling someone as a criminal can cause other to treat them more negatively. The person may act more negatively if they are being treated negatively. In this theory, I can understand better about deviance and criminal behavior. Deviance refer to rule-breaking behavior which is the recognized violation of cultural norms. However crime is is a wrong against society proclaimed by the laws and if committed under certain circumstances, punishable by society which is the...
4 Pages 1673 Words

Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence As A Hate Crime

Introduction Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence (TFSV) (Source A) and Misogyny as a Hate Crime (Source B) are two subjects widely discussed these days. The first Source A looks into Gender, Shame, and TFSV and the second Source B is a Parliamentary debate in the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament on considering Misogyny as a Hate Crime. TFSV refers to a range of practices where digital technologies are utilised to facilitate both virtual and face-to-face sexually based harms and Misogyny Hate Crime which...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Violence Against Women In Gaana Rewrite Film: Analytical Essay

I am going to study ‘Gaana Rewrite’ film as my primary source to show how the song’s lyrics affect our thoughts. ‘Gaana Rewrite’ is a short audio-visual film, posted on YouTube and presented by Akshara Centre, Mumbai. It is a four-minutes and twelve seconds film created by Nandita Shah. It posted on YouTube on 21st March 2017 by Zico Maitra. This short film shot in local places like a park, buses, trains, subway, and an office. In this short film...
2 Pages 786 Words

Main Causes Of Domestic Violence

First of all, an abusive family background could lead a person to be involved in domestic violence. Family members are the first people we contribute our relationship with, it is hard to deny that we got great influence by our family, and the influence will make a huge impact in a person adulthood. Family background plays a large role in shaping our identity, behavior, beliefs, and values, all these determine how a person treat the people around them. And now...
3 Pages 1181 Words

The Debate Over Capital Punishment: Arguments For And Against

The debate over capital punishment argues, does the state have the right to pick and choose the people that carry out who get carry out execution for, how do they justify a crime too heinous to prove that the offender needs to be put to death. One side of the argument states that the government does have the right to step in an make the decision based on their beliefs on which criminals are too dangerous and are deserving of...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Role Of Mediation And Intervention In Domestic Violence

1. Introduction Domestic violence is described as a crucial social and public health issue which happens in all the countries around the universe, it includes physical and sexual violence, controlling behavior and emotional abuse, (Matud, 2007: 298). The following essay is going to explore the nature of the problem identified in the case study which required intervention. The social arrangements that are causing the social problem found in the case study will be identified and discussed. The essay will also...
4 Pages 1943 Words

Problem Of Domestic Violence Within The Australian Society

One every two minutes… 264,000 counts of domestic violence matters are dealt with by police on average each year. However, these numbers only reflect the cases that have been reported. It is commonly accepted that domestic violence is seen as an act where someone, who has a personal relationship with another, makes that person feel afraid, powerless or unsafe. Generally accepted as a physical or verbal act, it can also include emotional and psychological abuse. Domestic violence is now recognised...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Rape Culture and Victim Blaming Behaviour: Opinion Essay

I hope you're sitting comfortably now, because I am here to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm going to start with a story of a 15-year-old girl… It was a nightmare before Christmas. A car filled with men- 2 of whom she knew- pulled over beside Leia who was walking alone to a party. They offered a ride, she agreed, and she climbed into the vehicle where she was seated between two strangers. As they drove, instead of arriving at the...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Domestic Violence in Australia: Analytical Essay

Violence against women: Sexual behaviour you don’t want; such as being forced into sexual activity against your will, or physical and social .. to either bring physical or emotional pain. On average at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner in Australia. One in five, women have experienced sexual violence One in four, have experienced physical or emotional violence. Every year in Australia over 300,000 women experience violence – often sexual violence Eight out...
6 Pages 2768 Words

Evaluating The Effect Of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behaviours In Children

In recent years, there has been a significant debate in the fields of child-rearing, gaming and psychological research about whether exposure to violent content in media leads to aggressive behaviour in children. Past research has focussed on violent television content. However, as video games become more popular, the concern about the effects of violent content in these games has continued to grow. It is suggested that approximately 76% of Australian citizens under 18 years of age play video games (Brand,...
4 Pages 1968 Words

Students’ First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech: Cyberbullying and Social Media Abuse

For teenagers nationwide, the sound of a social media notification can fill them with dread. As technology has advanced, so has bullying. Today it is no longer necessary to be face to face in order to bully someone. “Now, emboldened by the anonymity available online, a bully can be nastier - and with the click of a mouse, have a far broader audience - than in the past” (Chaker). As a result, what once happened mainly on school campuses has...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Violence Against Women: Gender Violence In Kenya

Introduction Violence against women is also known as gender-based violence and it is an issue that causes great harm in many families around the world. It is one of the social crisis spreading widely and is causing a major health problem around the world today (UNICEF,2000; WHO,2017). This problem is seen to be affecting both men and women without regarding their social, economic, cultural and political backgrounds (UNICEF, 2000; Ondicho, 2013; NGEC, 2016). While there is no trusted statistical approximate...
4 Pages 1730 Words

Crimes Against The Elderly: A Content Analysis On Issues Causing Fear Of Crime

In India, persons aged 60 or exceeding the age of 60 are considered elderly or senior citizens. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (Gazette of India, December 2007) statesthat a senior citizen as a person who has reached the age of 60 years or exceeding. Nevertheless, under the law relating to income tax in India, persons are regarded as senior citizens only after they become 65 years old. Those who are between 60 and 74...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Influence of Media Violence on Children: The American Academy of Pediatrics' Recommendations

XXI century is a century when technology is developing rapidly. From the second half of 20 the century all types of media like movies and video games are spread in the world. Most of this media are have violent scenes. And today, with developing technologies these scenes can be seen clearly. Almost all children and adolescents are grown by seeing bloody scenes and they are used to these scenes. However, does this situation have consequences to the children’s psychology and...
2 Pages 780 Words

Sexual Harassments In The Workplace: The Impact Of Ready-Made Garment Industry On Women Empowerment

Have you ever witnessed someone in a workplace setting being abused sexually due to their type of sex? The majority of people who work in offices and workplace settings have said that they have witnessed first-hand harassment of the female sex from the more dominated male sex (Johnson). Over the course of many generations, women have usually been seen as to stay in the home and only cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Usually, in these situations, the...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Causes And Effects Of Expansion Of Sexual Harassment To Women

Did you know according to a survey of the United Nation one-in-three women experience physical and sexual abuse?(United Nation). Sexual harassment can be defined as a heinous act characterized by the forming of unwelcome sexual advances or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in a social situation or workplace (Edlan, 2017). Although there are many strict laws against sexual harassment, 70% of victims of sexual harassment didn’t report it. Major causes behind this heinous act are- have...
1 Page 525 Words

The Situation With Capital Punishment In The USA

Capital punishment is a conclusive or ultimate discipline. There is no harsher discipline than death itself. Our country, the US of America, is one of the fifty-eight countries that training capital punishment. As of now the US will just utilize capital punishment, on the off chance that one submits first-degree murder. People that have confidence in capital punishment accept that death penalty will demoralize killers. In this paper, I will be contending that capital punishment doesn't discourage lawbreakers and that...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Influence of Domestic Violence on The Ongoing Struggle of Homelessness

Introduction Hook: According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors 2013 Status Report on Hunger & Homelessness, 16% of homeless persons are victims of domestic violence. Furthermore, approximately half of all homeless women reported that domestic violence was the primary cause of their homelessness ( Relevance: Domestic violence puts women and children at a higher risk of homelessness as many are forced to flee an abusive relationship or situation. These women suffer from a lack of resources such as insufficient income...
3 Pages 1363 Words

Representing The Holocaust Victims In Literature

The genocide of the Jews who lived in Europe by the Nazis caused the death of millions of innocent people. The term used to describe this period in history is The Holocaust. The victims who survived moved to other countries to start a new life. they survived by luck but their lives after the war were affected majorly and they struggled psychologically, socially as well as financially. Throughout the years, many critical works about the holocaust were made, and many...
3 Pages 1377 Words

Violence And Buddhism

Throughout the duration of the Nanking Massacre, better known as the “Rape of Nanking,” Buddhist Japanese soldiers barbarically raped, tortured, and butchered 350,000 Chinese civilians. Nanking was brimming with rotting masses of mutilated corpses for months. One could ask, how could someone who follows Buddhism, the religion typically least associated with violence, to execute such horrendous and inhumane bloodshed? The answer is that these actions were primarily fueled by political and socio-cultural motivations that caused Buddhists to deviate from genuine...
3 Pages 1250 Words

The Understanding Of Violence In Buddhism

The most central focus of this paper is how violence has presented itself in Buddhism, especially in Sri Lanka and modern Asia, and, in connection with Buddhist ethics, how this is facilitated through the interpretation of a particular doctrine. Thus, it is necessary to place an emphasis on a multitude of violence-enabling concepts that are present in Buddhist doctrines, such as karma. Although karma firstly appears to have no connection to violence because it states that human actions inevitably have...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Religion And Violence

Religion and violence have played a major role in history, whether it be using religion to start a war or using religion to break away and become your own state. The Crusades is the most well known religious wars in history. It was a bunch of wars that were paid for by either the nobility or the church to take back the holy land from muslim rule. The idea came along from Pope Urban II when he made his speech...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Sexual Assault: Factors And Effects

Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual assault is a major topic on the news and across the nation. It is a reality that occurs in all areas of life. One common place where sexual assault frequently occurs is at college and university campuses, and alcohol plays a major role in this type of sexual assault. Sexual assault continues to be a serious problem among young people...
1 Page 669 Words

The Issue Of Nurse Bullying At The Workplace

For many people, when they think of bullying, it may bring to mind the image of a mean child picking on another either in school or on a playground. Although this is often the case, in some instances, bullying also occurs with adults in the workplace. The profession of nursing is no exception to this. The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines bullying as “repeated, unwanted, harmful actions intended to humiliate, offend, and cause distress in the recipient. Bullying actions include...
1 Page 553 Words

Rape And Sexual Assault On Campus: Reasons And Prevalence

How much do you weigh? What were you wearing? Did you drink in college? Are you sexually active? Do you have a history of cheating? How many times did you black out? On trial, these were some of the questions directed towards Emily Doe (pseudonym), a Stanford graduate victim of sexual assault who was found unconscious behind a dumpster, hair dishevelled, naked from the top down on January 17th 2015 and who had learnt of the grim details of her...
7 Pages 3014 Words

Sexual Assault: Environment, Factors And Preventions

Introduction Sexual assault is a gross act of violence which strips a victim of their right to autonomy over their body and sexual experiences. Sex and partying are at the centre of student life at college, especially in the United States. However, there is a large rape culture among fraternities. Over a 10-week academic term, between 11% to 28% of college women reported experiencing an unwanted sexual encounter, ranging from unwelcome sexual contact to rape. As sexual assault degrades victims,...
6 Pages 2815 Words

Criminal And Deviant Behavior

Introduction Criminal and deviant behavior is an important topic of research in psychology, including the environmental influences and genetic influences on deviant behavior. This is important to understand because if we get a better understanding of when deviant behavior starts then maybe we can give that person help to prevent them from engaging in future criminal activities. Does a person’s genes that are inherited or the environment they grew up in lead to deviant/criminal behavior? Research seems consistent in recognizing...
5 Pages 2072 Words

Media And Sexual Assault

Canada, in addition to the rest of the world, is vastly initiated with the subject of justice and crime. We engage ourselves with television shows, books, newspapers and other various media to engage in topics of crime daily. Media remains an influential and innovative tool that plays an integral part in the structure of crime and its perceptions; particularly in areas such as sexual assault and such offences sexual in nature. Portrayal in the mass media primarily determines the public's...
5 Pages 2154 Words

Sexual Harassment And Stalking

INTRODUCTION Sexual harassment a gross violation of women’s right to equality and dignity. It is any unwanted sexual attention a women experiences like leering, pinching, patting, repeated comments, subtle suggestions of a sexual nature and pressure of dates. It constitutes a gross violation of women’s right to equality and dignity. On the other hand stalking is defined as a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment made against the expressed wishes of another individual, which causes that individual...
4 Pages 1747 Words

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