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Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 836 Words
I am Friar Laurence, standing humbly before you today, acknowledging my involvement in the recent tragedy of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. While I can see now that I have made some regrettable decisions over the past week, I strenuously deny that I am responsible for the deaths of the star-crossed lovers. Members of the tribunal, I have been falsely...

Analysis of Criminal Profiling Using the Example of the Atlanta Child Murders

2 Pages 830 Words
In this case, the suspect was predicted to have an above-average intelligence due to the nature of how the crimes were being executed (Epstein, 2017). When Williams was arrested and interrogated, he was seen to have matched the profile because his personality reflected a methodical and organized individual who sought power through their killings (Epstein, 2017). The FBI profile also...

Education Versus Experience as Criminal Profiling Backgrounds

2 Pages 989 Words
In 2017, there was more than 403,000 violent crimes reported to the police/ 1,098 violent crime for every 100,000 people in Canada (Allen, 2018). This number does not account for any other type of crime nor the crimes that were not reported/ noticed by the police themselves. It also does not account for any other country in the world. Crime...

Forensic Psychology Investigative Techniques: Analysis of Polygraph

6 Pages 2794 Words
Chapter 1. Introduction In the following study, an effort is made to examine the difference between the electrical activities of the brain to the participatory activities memories and of memories being only the audience or the witness of any event during recall if looked from forensic aspect using Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature (BEOS), developed by Dr. C.R. Mukundan (Mukundan,1998). Our...

Practical Approach to Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2468 Words
Criminal Procedure Introduction Mark and Cazza, two Solent LLB students were unlawfully arrested and victims of false imprisonment giving the lack of proceedings followed by the police constables Jones and Reed. The police officers (PO) committed innumerable errors – that will be discussed in the following paper – regarding the proceedings of arrest concerned on the Police and Criminal Evidence...

Analysis of Securities Scams in India Based on Criminal Procedure

6 Pages 2571 Words
Brief essence of the case (500 words) India over the period of years have been a witness to many scams. The securities scam 1992 of Harshad Mehta has been of the biggest scams of stock market. Harshad Mehta from being an ordinary man with its ambitions to became rich very quickly used various strategies, and unfair practices to get rich....

Analytical Essay on Lie-Detector Tests: Study of Polygraph

7 Pages 3084 Words
In any criminal investigation, interrogation of suspects and the accused play an important role. Gathering evidence against the accused is the cornerstone of any criminal investigation. The responsibility of prosecuting an accused lies on the government, as a result, there is always a possibility that the state having enormous muscle power might infringe the rights of the accused by proceeding...

Analytical Essay on the FBI’s Criminal Profiling Unit

6 Pages 2600 Words
Forensic Science Take-Home Exam II Instructions: Type out your answers (single-space; normal font, size type 11 or 12) to the following questions. Questions should be answered in paragraph form. Be sure to answer, and address all specific questions. Answers should be focused and should address the question(s) being asked. Be sure not to be too brief or short; answer questions...

Assessment of the Integrity of Burglaries’/Housebreakings’ Modus Operandi Data-Ecosystem and Criminal Profiling using MOs

7 Pages 3089 Words
1. Research Topic: Assessment of the Integrity of the Burglaries’/Housebreakings’ MO (Modus Operandi) Data-Ecosystem and Criminal Profiling using MOs Relevant Features; A Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning Approach. 2. Introduction: Modus Operandi records are very important in criminal profiling. When investigators perform criminal profiling, they are principally finding a way to demonstrate that, the same offender has committed two or...

Criminal Profiling: Annotated Bibliography

2 Pages 972 Words
Annotated Bibliography Clay, R. A. (2016, February). Listening to killers. Monitor on Psychology, 47(2). Serial killers tend to be misunderstood as traumatized children; This has become due to where they have grown up. The overall population will in general view killers as totally underhanded people or individuals so harmed they can't in any way, shape or form live among...

Personnel Law and Ethics: Case Study of Polygraph

4 Pages 1901 Words
Case Assignment Case Study #3: Elvis Stewart Issue: The dispute spotlights whether an employer’s established practice of employees’ searches is motivated by racial discrimination. Rule: According to the rule of law on ethics based on what is right and what is wrong, an employer should not make any decision on employees based on race, religion or color. Title VII prohibits...

Modern Advances in the Recognition of Dishonesty: Analysis of Polygraph

3 Pages 1373 Words
Polygraph or Lie Detector Test The term 'Polygraph actually signifies 'numerous works' in this manner the name alludes to a procedure where chosen mental exercises are recorded. 19 The principal endeavor right now made to extend a logical instrument to recognize reality or misrepresentation as ahead of schedule as 1895 by Lombroso. It was essentially intended to record circulatory strain...

Analytical Essay on Eyewitness Testimonies: Executing Polygraph Tests

4 Pages 1856 Words
In the course of 1977, Randall Dale Adams, or Mr. Adams was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a police officer in Dallas County, Texas. An alleged eyewitness, who in fact was the actual killer, set up Mr. Adams and received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony. It turned out that Mr. Adams was not...

Analytical Essay on The Code of Criminal Procedure 1898

3 Pages 1140 Words
Wrongful Conviction and State Responsibility in This Regard: Nowadays, Wrongful Conviction frequent event in our country in criminal cases. A person who has not Committed any crime but unfortunately convicted by the court and detrain in the jail. According to the National instate of justice, there is two way to found a wrongful conviction. They are as follows: The person...

Concerns when Developing the Existing Crowd Dispersal Drills: Analysis of Code of Criminal Procedure

7 Pages 3038 Words
What are the concerns when developing the existing crowd dispersal drills of basic infantry tactics? Introduction A crowd we can describe as more or less large gathering or individuals in one place in close physical proximity to one another with a tendency to develop psychological interaction. Control a crowd is a very important thing to the police as well as...

Analysis of the Concept of Bail Based on The Criminal Procedure Code

4 Pages 1717 Words
Bail is nowhere stated under this code though the word bailable offenses and non-bailable offenses are defined under Sec 2a of this code. According to Black's Law Dictionary, bail is a process to release a person from legal custody by undertaking that he/she will have to appear at the time of the trial in the court. As defined under the...

Data Security in Cloud Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography

1 Page 454 Words
Number of data security models have been developed to address the data security issues in cloud computing. M.R Tribhuwan, V.A Buyar, Shabana pirzade considers the data security model using Two-Way handshake is a method which utilizes the homomorphic token with distributed verification of erasure-coded data and achieves the integration of storage correctness insurance and data error localization, i.e., the identification...

National Security: What it is

6 Pages 2522 Words
National security is defined in international law that the concept of national security develops with the emergence of the first state, e.g. through social and economic change from the first human society in the slave society. In theory, the concept was applied to early cultural societies that had ancient (but long-lasting) systems of social justice and military hunting programs. This...

Features and Functionality of Endpoint Security Products

2 Pages 705 Words
Endpoint security is the process of securing the various endpoints on a network, often defined as end-user devices such as mobile devices, laptops, and desktop PCs, although hardware such as servers in a data center are also considered endpoints. Precise definitions vary among thought leaders in the security space, but essentially, endpoint security addresses the risks presented by devices connecting...

The Simple Steps to Protect Your PC from Hackers

1 Page 557 Words
In this universe of pervasive CPU and persevering dangers from specialist, ensuring your CPU is an unquestionable requirement. The key pathway through which malware assaults the framework is the Internet and its famous administration, the Web. There are various approaches to shield and expel malware from our CPU. Nobody technique is sufficient to guarantee your CPU is secure CPU. The...

GDPR Compliance: The Impact on InfoSec in 2018 and Beyond

3 Pages 1297 Words
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be replacing Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec in Spring 2018, meaning information security teams need to start preparing now to ensure that their organizations remain compliant when the new rules go into effect, or risk facing fines and stiff penalties. GDPR applies to all states in the European Union (EU) as well as any...

Cyber Forensic Investigation Of The Cloud Computing And Novel Approach In New Age Technologies

6 Pages 2573 Words
Cloud computing involves potentially greater exposure to security threats and privacy breaches, since the cloud is based on the Internet and all the user’s resources are handed over to the cloud without any security during travel and rest. Because it is a vulnerable medium lots of investigation is needed when the crime is happened. Computer forensics has emerged in recent...

Argumentation of the Need to Amend Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1898

6 Pages 2847 Words
We all know that the law of Bangladesh prescribes different punishments for different crimes. Similarly, the Code of Criminal Procedure which is called the Criminal Code. It is a law regulating criminal activities in Bangladesh. There are currently 365 sections in the CrPC. One of the controversial sections is Section 54. Section 54 basically provides for the arrest of a...

Different Stages of Criminal Trials That Are Impacted by Covid-19

4 Pages 1735 Words
“Covid-19 descended without a warning. We limited the number of lawyers, sanitized the courtrooms et al. However, access to justice cannot be suspended even if there is a lockdown”, - Justice D.Y. Chandrachud. Covid-19 being the most unprecedented situations of all time, has impacted not only country’s economy but the legal functioning as well. The problem lies with no statute,...

The Effectiveness of the SARA Model and the Broken Windows Theory in Policing

2 Pages 892 Words
In 1983, the four-step approach ‘SARA’ was initiated. It served as a “problem-oriented” approach to combat crimes. Community-oriented policing is a way for law enforcement officials and neighborhood leaders to work together for the good of the community, in which it would help identify and find solutions to problems occurring within that community. The first from the acronym ‘SARA’ is...

The Main Theories of Causation of Crime

2 Pages 964 Words
Kimmel and Aronson outline the 4 major theories of crime. They also consider the explanations of why the United States has such a high crime rate. Crime is an act that it illegal and that breaks a group norm. An example would be homicide. However, not all crimes break group norms, such as smoking marijuana, but are bad because they...

Key Triggers of The Birmingham Prison Riot of 2016

6 Pages 2576 Words
The Birmingham prison riot of 2016 has been commonly described as “the worst prison riot seen since the Strangeways riot” (, 2016) that irrupted in 1990. After the disorder there was a rough estimate of 500 inmates involved as four wings out of a total eleven wings filled into a full-scale riot. It lasted from 12 to 15 hours until...

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