Environment essays

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Essay on Eco-Friendly Tourism

In the Tourism Review 2018, tour and activity operators were asked to consider implementing sustainable initiatives in their own tour company. A sustain majority 91.3% of participants inserted yes. In the tourism industry eco-friendly tourism is becoming one of the largest, a key element in the understanding the tourism industry is to recognize and deal with the change in the global trends of behavioral, environmental and technological factors. The trends fall under neath these factors which include: social, political, environment,...
3 Pages 1570 Words

The Future for Conservation Biology Is Not More National Parks

Conservation biology is nothing but management of species, their habitat, how to protect the species. Human-species interaction, etc. Yes, it is true that the future of conservation is not more national parks. Basically, this deals with the matters of land sharing and land sparing. Land sparing is setting aside of land for the purpose of conservation (national parks) from agricultural land (high intensity production and high yielding variety). While land sharing is food production combined with biodiversity conservation (low intensity...
4 Pages 1850 Words

The Challenge of Climate Change in Vietnam

Vo Nguyen Giap, an influential Vietnamese military and political leader said that: “The soldier comes to another front now, the environmental front … without environmental recovery, Vietnam cannot have economic recovery” (cited in Beresford & Fraser, 1992). Despite being ranked as the 32nd largest economy in the world in 2017 (World Bank, 2017), Vietnam is ranked 5th in vulnerability to climate change according to the Global Climate Risk Index (2017) and is the 27th largest emitter of greenhouse gas (WRI,...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Tokyo as an Exemplary Megacity

The most successful metropolis in the history of the world has 39 million residents, 50% more people than any other urban area. It is the safest big city on the planet, and with a two trillion dollars GDP, its economy is larger than all but eight entire countries. This is Tokyo, Earth’s model megacity. Our story begins 561 years ago when a samurai warrior built a castle on the shore of a fishing village called Edo. Its rich soil was...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Climate Change in Italy

The average temperature on the surface of the planet has already increased by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. This may not seem like much but think about it this way, the heat from human emissions is roughly equal to 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs exploding across the planet every single day (Gillis, 1). That is insane. The Earth will gradually get warmer and future generations might be in trouble. If emissions continue to rise unchecked, the climate disasters will be so...
4 Pages 1929 Words

Essay About Economics, Ethics and Opportunities of Ecotourism

What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Moreover, sustainable development is a program for changing the process of economic development so that it ensures a basic quality of life for all people and at the same time protects the ecosystems and community systems that make life possible and worthwhile. Sustainability and sustainable tourism are becoming more and more common. But...
5 Pages 2164 Words

Example of a Field Trip Report: An Essay

The current assignment report is to highlight wildlife and cultural heritage visits in Ranthambore National Park and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Some time ago known as Bharatpur Fledgling Haven, Keoladeo Ghana National Park is situated in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. It is a man-made wetland made in the mid-eighteenth century. During the 1850s, the territory remained as a waterfowl chasing ground for the Royals of Bharatpur. It was built up as a national park on 10 Walk 1982 and appointed as a feathered...
5 Pages 2237 Words

Essay on Yellowstone National Park and Its Time Bomb

Yellowstone National Park, which we proudly call ‘a unique magical paradise on earth’, has always attracted people all over the world with its spectacular and magical natural resources. Whenever my foreign friend asked me for tour advice, I would not hesitate to recommend that he go to Yellowstone Park because this national park is the pride of Americans. The nature owns the superlative craftsmanship which has left us this extraordinary and magnificent place. It is the first national park in...
2 Pages 941 Words

Energy Efficiency in Data Centre

In the 21st century, a crucial part of the information infrastructure is the data centre. It is already part of data communication, accommodation, and processing in practically every industry. However, with rising demands of power and escalating electricity prices, the engineers must improve the efficiency of data centres. Although not all energy waste can be evaded, engineers have been working to find ways to improve data centres’ performance in energy use in recent decades. The energy consumption and techniques to...
2 Pages 701 Words

Environmental Impact of Auto Recycling

A 75-year-old recycling business and its current standing. Environmental Impact of Automobile/Car Recycling. Focusing on two geographic areas: Flushing and Jamaica. Also, looking at the broader aspect of recycling and what happens to the materials as soon as it leaves the auto recycling facility. What happens to vehicles when they are at their full potential? How and where are they dismantled? What is the crisis it poses? What does the vicinity look like? What sort of laws govern such businesses?...
4 Pages 1723 Words

Crisis Sustainability: The Way a Company Responds to a Crisis

Your hotel is not the first lodging house to find themselves at the center of a public relations disaster. As you know, news goes viral faster than the speed of light and in order to bounce back your public relations team must have a solid crisis management plan. This plan requires more than an apologetic press release or a CEO’s dishonest circuit of appearances on primetime television. Crisis Management must respond to disasters promptly and decisively, using an array of...
1 Page 621 Words

Solar Energy Essay

Abstract The World faces the problem of chemicals polluting our air in energy being wasted all the time. There are hundreds of ways to save the earth but solar is the most reliable and it's everywhere. Solar has varieties from which you could get more energy in. Including panels, shingles or even to produce money over time you could have a whole solar farm. Although it is a small portion of the world that actually uses solar we need to...
4 Pages 2051 Words

Effects of Climate Change Essay

Introduction: Climate change is a consequential effect of humanity’s expansion. It can kill off entire species of plants, and animals, and create uninhabitable regions on Earth. The ever-growing effect of climate change can be reduced though, and even reversed over time, but serious improvements must be made to the way people live and the impact they make on the environment. Along with the damage climate change brings to Earth’s ecosystems and the environment itself, climate change also totes a serious...
6 Pages 3350 Words

Earth Essay

Introduction Our planet Earth is a wonder of the universe and a symbol of the amazing conditions that make life possible in the very large universe. Earth is in the habitable zone of the solar system, which means it is home to a wide range of life forms, from tiny organisms in the oceans to complex plants and animals that live in its many settings. From space, this celestial body looks like a moving mix of blue and green. Its...
5 Pages 1504 Words

Endangered Species Essay

Abstract Endangered means to be under threat or near extinction. When a species or an animal is endangered, it means that they are disappearing fast or a very small population, is not large enough to survive. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) has compiled a Red List. This red list is a guide to how the endangered species are measured on a scale ranging from “Least Concern” to the worst “Extinct”. The scale includes...
4 Pages 1625 Words

Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

Human behavior and climate denial Some people may be more skeptical about news sources, some may know more about climate change and some may be experiencing the effects of climate change. These all could affect how someone perceives anthropogenic climate change. In addition, personality traits or other parts of identity may affect an individual’s views. This section will look at how differences in human behavior and personality affect the likelihood to deny climate change. Climate anxiety Anxiety is a feeling...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Climate Change Causes Effects and Solutions Essay

Green marketing the solution to climate change Have you noticed that every summer is warmer than the one before? Have you noticed a change in the environment surrounding us in the past years? This is all because of the global phenomenon, of climate change. Climate change is one of the most sensitive and talked about issues worldwide. It is a global issue that urges many governments and society as a whole to take action before it is too late to...
2 Pages 711 Words

Climate Change Persuasive Essay

The Last Generation able to Fight Global Crisis Intro We need to change. Today alone [enter statistic here] has happened as a result of the ecological crisis we have caused, do you want these numbers to increase? Do you want to die from old age or global warming? All life known to man exists on this planet, we have overexploited the planet’s resources for decades, and despite the negative effects, we fail to act. This chaos will result in the...
2 Pages 782 Words

Climate Change Opinion Essay

I think we can all agree that the topic of climate change is very controversial. I think we can all agree as well that the topic of climate change cannot easily come to a conclusion within just one letter. Even so, I hope through this letter I can convey my opinion but also that I am ready to discuss differing ones. I understand we are both certainly passionate about our positions and have logical reasons behind that position. Now, I...
1 Page 680 Words

Causes of Air Pollution Essay

1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas (2007), the main natural sources of air pollution are volcanoes and fire in general and the unnatural source is Industrial...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Causes of Climate Change Essay

I believe that climate change is a real issue today. There are numerous pieces of evidence and facts to support this statement. Since 1880, the annual temperature has been steadily rising. There are at least five different science agencies that concur with this statement including the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The ten warmest recorded years, according to NASA, have all happened since 2005. According to another study done by NASA, 2016 was the...
5 Pages 2210 Words

Are Humans Responsible for Climate Change Essay

The Current Situation Climate change may seem abstract and distant for many of us. However, it is one of the gravest challenges facing humankind and many countries are already feeling the impact. According to Buis (2019), “… the Earth System is out of whack: Our lower atmosphere is warming, the ocean is accumulating more energy, land surfaces are absorbing energy, and Earth’s ice is melting.” As such, seas will be higher, the rain will be more diluvial and storms get...
6 Pages 2742 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a sustainability issue that has been present for decades (Schwarzenbach, R. P. et al. 2010). It is important to understand more about this issue as it has both direct and indirect impacts on human health (Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C. and Dixon, J. E. 2011). For example, people drink freshwater, feed on seafood that is caught in the ocean, and industries use large amounts of water for their products which are later consumed by humans (Schwarzenbach,...
5 Pages 2430 Words

Biodiversity Essay

Everything in the universe is connected for good or bad. The human race has had a huge impact on the world for the better but more likely for the worse. The biodiversity decline we see today is a worrying sign of the adverse effects humans have had on the planet. The 2020 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity report states we are at a crossroads and we have to take action now to make space for nature to recover and...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Animals in Captivity Essay

Do you like zoos? The ones with the cute baby lions and stuff? Well I don't, I find them disgusting. They're unnatural, and cruel and can cause the animals a great deal of stress. In my attempt to convince you that this is the truth, I shall bring forth my arguments on this topic. I will be specifically using lions in my examples throughout, however, my examples can be compared to most other animals in captivity. First of all, keeping...
1 Page 614 Words

How to Prevent Climate Change Essay

Extinction of nationally loved species, evidently rising temperatures, increased air pollution, as the next generation to hold full accountability, is this it? Are we just taught to disregard the inevitable? Climate change is here, and with it has come larger changes to the planet than what many scientists have predicted previously. Climate change has evolved to great extents from where it had started to spike between the 18th and 19th centuries. Still, the rates have not chilled, going over the...
1 Page 626 Words

How to Prevent Global Warming Essay

Preventing Global Warming: A Potentially Mist Opportunity It’s finally Christmas and you’re hyped to surprise your friends and family at home after so many years. You can’t stop imagining all the fun that’s in store for you this week and the looks on their faces when you show up on their doorstep ready for a billion hugs and kisses. As you board the plane with two hundred other people and get prepared for a nice long nap and take off,...
5 Pages 2434 Words

Hurricane Essay

Introduction: What are hurricanes? “A tropical cyclone is a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface with circulation about a well-defined center.” (“Hurricane Science” 2010-2015) They usually appear in places with low pressure that have strong winds and heavy rains. A typical hurricane speed is over 110km/h. Its usual width is between 160 km to 500 km and its height is 10 miles. The middle of the hurricane is...
4 Pages 1954 Words

Climate Change Essay Example

Climate change has become such an important global issue that over the past two decades, leaders from around the world have gathered annually at the United Nations summit to develop plans to address it. Climate change refers to changes that entail the alteration of the composition of the global atmosphere (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992). For years, scientists have acknowledged the existence of global climate change and its associated risks such as longer droughts and more frequent...
5 Pages 2045 Words

Causes of Global Warming Essay

Reporters and the majority of the population utilize the terms climate change and global warming interchangeably, but only about 25% are currently aware that each term has its own distinct definition. Not only are many unaware of the significant differences between the two terms, but several communities also misinterpret the causes and effects. Global warming and climate change stem from incredibly different causes; Thus, they have a variety of different effects on the earth as well. Global warming, mostly referring...
4 Pages 1640 Words

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