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Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor: Essay

1 Page 526 Words
The Second World War was unlike the First World War in that it was not seen as a European war. World War II was a clearly defined world war in that it was a war fought in two spheres and involved several countries across the globe. The first sphere was the European sphere where Germany and Italy tried to ravage...

Renaissance in England: Essay

1 Page 445 Words
An art movement is a tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a restricted period. But there is no fixed rule that determines what constitutes an art movement. The artists associated with one movement may adhere to strict guiding principles and those who belong to another may have...

Importance of Education in the 21st Century: Essay

2 Pages 720 Words
In the 21st century, education is becoming a necessity for everyone ever than before. In short, no one could survive in the future without proper education. As it develops the main foundation of an individual, it is extremely important to educate kids from their childhood. If we look closely at life, what we are doing every day is educating ourselves...

Exploratory Essay on Fascism

2 Pages 995 Words
What was fascism and why did it happen? How did it affect the city of Florence? Fascism and its Effects on the City of Florence Fascism refers to the form of government whereby one party exercises dictatorship and forcefully suppresses the opposing party. Fascism is against democracy and puts one nation or state above the others. Fascist governments are often...

Why Is Studying History Important: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 469 Words
Everything has a history. From period dramas to 'Horrible Histories', preserved Anglo-Saxon castles to the Great Pyramids of Egypt, evidence of our history can be discovered everywhere, forming the basis of our modern society. So why is its study important, invaluable even? Much of history can feel like endless memorization of dates, events, and historical figures, but the study of...

Why Did the US Lose the Vietnam War: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1575 Words
The United States was involved in the war in Vietnam, broken down along the lines of the administrations of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. The US entered the Vietnam War to stop the spread of communism and lost it by 1973. The origins of the failure were the fact that the United States was committed to an indigenous political leadership that...

Was the Iraq War Justified: Essay

1 Page 504 Words
A lot of Americans will guarantee that no additions could pay the value of what we paid with the outcome of the Iraq War. Because there were lost lives and untold several billions of dollars. Yet, we paid a far more significant expense in the Korean War with up to 36,000 dead. Maybe a couple would have thought in 1953...

Final Essay on 'Night' by Elie Wiesel

3 Pages 1310 Words
As we all know, the Second World War was a dark time ever, for as though many people got executed and frightened throughout the Holocaust. The memoir, 'Night', by Elie Wiesel, mentions the harsh circumstances, he and the others endured and how they were close to losing hope. It has a series of ironic and powerful themes that compels him...

Essay about the Hitler Youth

1 Page 638 Words
“I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God”, said the young boys and girls of the Hitler Youth. With this oath the children are sworn to be faithful and obedient, observe the law, and...

British Rule in India and Its Economic Impact: Essay

2 Pages 906 Words
British rule was more pragmatic compared to other colonial powers. Their motivation is economic, not evangelic. I choose this colonizing country and its occupied territory because their original purpose was to achieve a monopolistic trading position in the world. Then, later they felt a regime of free trade if they made India a major market for their goods and their...

A Woman's Power Should Not Be Underestimated: Essay

2 Pages 1006 Words
We cannot deny the importance of the role that women have played in history, more specifically in the history of the Middle Ages. Women have been viewed as possessions and were given off for peace. They were considered not worthy of power nor freedom, just living under the mercy of their lords and husbands. Their duties included raising children, cooking,...

Research Essay about Civil War

6 Pages 2855 Words
So how do you define a Civil War and what criteria do you have to fit to say that your country is at what? The most seen academic definition has two key criteria. ‘’The first says that the warring groups must be from the same country and fighting for control of the political center, control over a separatist state or...

Reflective Essay about Plato

2 Pages 852 Words
The Republic is perhaps one of the world’s most popular and most influential works of political theory and philosophy, both historically and intellectually. In his Republic, Plato brings to life the main character of Socrates (Plato’s real-life teacher and role model) and explains to the reader his own personal views on how a virtuous and most importantly just city would...

Persuasive Essay about King Tut

1 Page 599 Words
According to National Geographic, in an issue released in 2010, a group of scientists carried out CT Scans on Tutanankhamun’s body in 2005. This analysis confirmed that King Tut was not killed due to a blow to the head, as many people believed. The analysis revealed that the hole in the back of his skull had been made during the...

Critical Essay on the Korean War

3 Pages 1334 Words
Conflicts can be classified into two large groups, international and non-international armed conflicts. The UNHCR defines armed conflict as a violent confrontation between two human groups of massive size that will generally result in deaths and material destruction. International law is responsible for ensuring the safety of civilians during conflicts, seeking to limit the suffering of people and regulate combat...

Complete Persuasive Essay about History of Immigration

4 Pages 1724 Words
Immigration has been deemed to be a very controversial topic of the past; however, its political debate is one that still divides the nation today. Therefore, this research project will evaluate such opinions observing immigration's detrimental impact on the economy. The benefits and drawbacks of immigration will be evaluated, as well as its subsequent impact on different aspects of the...

Profile Holocaust Essay

3 Pages 1163 Words
The events in the aftermath of World War 1 had unquestionably contributed to the development of the Holocaust and the degree of the contribution of the event was extensive. Germany took the worst hit from the aftermath of the war. The Holocaust was a horrific occurrence that happened during 1941 - 1945 and resulted in the death of 6 million...

Thesis Statement for Pearl Harbor

3 Pages 1337 Words
Discrimination is a form of prejudice against different groups of people. One event in American history that illustrates discrimination and unfair treatment toward a certain group of people was the signing of Executive Order 9066 which affected the Japanese-Americans during World War II. On December 7, 1941, two years after the start of World War Ⅱ, there was an attack...

World War 2 Propaganda: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1972 Words
Propaganda is a simple but very effective tool used throughout history. This simple term turned winning sides into wars. What is little known, is how it is used and what made it so effective. Let’s dive deeper into World War 2 where one of the biggest impacts, of propaganda, takes place. This is one of the first major wars in...

Visual Arts During Harlem Renaissance: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1767 Words
For centuries, designers have been using visual art to express their feelings, inform others, and communicate with the masses to spread their message. Evidence of visual art can be traced back to the prehistoric Era, where pictographs were painted on cave walls to convey information to one another as seen in the Magura Cave in France depicting animals, humans, and...

Thesis Statement on Abraham Lincoln Speeches

3 Pages 1329 Words
President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous address, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions”, on January 27, 1838, at a juncture during which our country was amidst immense national strife. America’s Founding Fathers who had established the country had passed, and in their absence, the once idealistic nation of America had transformed and fallen into a place of violence, rioting, and...

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