Illnesses essays

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Getting Childhood Obesity Under Control

Childhood obesity is a condition in which children are significantly overweight for their age and height. Obesity at a young age in children may lead to having high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, breathing problems, asthma, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and can also lead to children having diabetes. Sometimes individuals do not realize or notice any signs of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or even know that they have diabetes the only sign they will show is...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Long-term Impacts Of Concussion On Players In National Football League

Throughout the past two decades there have been more than 20 National Football League (NFL) player suicides, like Terry Long, Dave Duerson and Junior Seau (See Appendix A). Finding a link between these suicides and playing pro football is the reason behind an ongoing joint study being done by the Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University. The autopsy reports from 87 out of 91 former NFL players (96%) has revealed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in their brains (Breslow, 2015)....
7 Pages 3021 Words

Parkinson Disease Prediction Using Regression Technique

Abstract The prediction of Parkinson’s disease in early age has been challenging task among researchers, because the symptoms of disease came into existence in middle and late middle age. There are lots of symptoms that lead to Parkinson’s disease. But this article focuses on the speech articulation difficulty symptoms of PD affected people and try to formulate the model on the behalf of three data mining methods. These three data mining methods are taken from three different domains of data...
5 Pages 2455 Words

The Peculiarities Of Hypertension And Hyperlipidemia

Hypertension is another term used for high blood pressure, where it is measured in pressure units and typically found in patients at 160mmHg/100mmg. It is measured at the systolic and diastolic. The hyperlipemia is combined with the hypertension, where it is known as a high lipid/cholesterol count, where the LDL levels are at 2mmol/L are known as a high risk. The key drugs available for this are either Thiazide diuretics, b1- adrenoreceptors antagonists and ACE inhibitors which would work alongside...
2 Pages 804 Words

Osteoporosis: A Healthy Body Needs Strong Bones

A healthy body needs strong bones. Most of the people in the entire fractured very soon because their bones are not too strong. They are facing the problem of Osteoporosis. In our body, the material used to make the new bones and removed the last ones. It makes the bones very healthy. While on the other hand, a lot of people did not have this function. Their bones need material to grow the bone but unfortunately failed to get. So,...
1 Page 496 Words

How Malnutrition Affects The Digestive System

A healthy diet according to the National Health Service (2019) Eatwell guide that comes from each food group to achieve a healthy balanced diet. The recommended daily calorie intake per day for women is 2000kcal and for men 2500kcal this includes food and drink. The eat well guide suggests five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, a good source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins that come from these food groups. The British Nutrition Foundation (2018) recommends 30grams of fiber...
4 Pages 1671 Words

HIV Public Health Solutions

The public health issue of Human Immunodeficiency Virus also known as H.I.V. destroys your immune system by harming the white blood cells within your body. Many people with the deadly disease feel perfectly healthy after a long period of their infection, therefore it is difficult to track the symptoms of HIV. It is very important to regularly get tested for any sexually transmitted disease. Unfortunately, no cure has been found to cure H.I.V completely, yet treatment can help slow HIV...
3 Pages 1238 Words

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