Lifestyle & Interests essays

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Cinematography, Photography And Film Making As My Scholarly Interests

2 Pages 881 Words
Specifically my interests are real world production based training, researching new technologies, techniques and workflows,and developing my own artistic style. In addition to that I do a lot of research on the history of Photography and that leads me to establish the Photomuse, India’s First photography museum and a rural art gallery which always interpret art education in different style....

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

1 Page 624 Words
I’m sure that many of you would have heard this phrase countless times throughout your life. There are days you have to get out of your comfort zone and do the things that you want to be recognized. But, not all occasions deserve the phrase to get out of your comfort zone. It was the first time; I have been...

How I Started Reading Books

2 Pages 724 Words
I am a big fan of books but that wasn't the case all the time. Especially when I was a little kid. I hated books more than anything else. Because books reminded me of school and I was horrible at my school. I didn't see the point of learning most of the things that they would teach us back in...

Theme Of Superstition In English Literature

5 Pages 2174 Words
Superstition is a valuable part of English literature. From Homer to Shakespeare, the supernatural is used to create a more interesting story. According to Merriam Webster, “superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance or a false conception of causation”(Merriam Webster). Superstition has played a part in literature for centuries....

E Books Vs Paper Books Essay

3 Pages 1250 Words
Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place. The history of the book is long and colorful. It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think. The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the first book artifact...

Films Vs. Books: What To Choose?

1 Page 472 Words
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Nowadays, most of people either read a book or watch a movie at their free time, for entertainment purposes. Printed books and movies have some similarities and differences. Some people argue that books are better than movies and visa versa. However, this is a controversial issue that has been discussed a lot recently. Imagination plays a very important role when...

Indoor Herb Gardening Kits: Several Things

4 Pages 1948 Words
Establishing an indoor garden is not a tough task, but indoor gardening kits can really make it as simple as turning on water. Using herb kits is a surefire way to get an easygoing indoor herb gardening experience. Herb kits include almost all the items necessary for your herb gardening, and there are numerous kits designed to fulfill a variety...

How To Prevent Your Body Form Cancer Cell Formation?

1 Page 521 Words
Normally people use to intake food for being active and to make the bodywork properly. People used to take hygienic and natural types of food for getting a cure for diseases. Some disease is getting a cure by taking of health food items. The food habit creates immunity power to fight against the virus or bacteria which affect the body...

The Fundamentals Of Organic Gardening

1 Page 510 Words
The stress brought by modernization has made individuals recognize that there is a requirement to cultivate healthy foods. Believing that these will ensure the health of the future generations, a growing number of people ended up being interested in the fundamentals of organic gardening. As defined, organic gardening describes the act of planting and growing crops without counting on using...

The Benefits Of Opting Vegan Lifestyle

1 Page 639 Words
Meat is delicious. But adding too much meat in your daily meals can cause a myriad of health issues. Today scientific studies have also shown that animal products contain a high amount of saturated fats can lead to several health problems such as clogged arteries causing heart disease and other health issues. However, switching the meat-based diet to plant-based food...

What Does Your Hobby Say About Your Personality?

3 Pages 1529 Words
What is your hobby? is a general and a very common question that anyone would ask. Even when you are facing an interview the interviewer will ask this question. Even this question will come up in your first date. It is not just merely a question. Your hobby can say many things about you. In a way it describes your...

To What Extent Does Celebrity Endorsement Impact Consumer Purchase Intentions And Brand Attitude?

6 Pages 2556 Words
Source credibility Source credibility is traditionally defined as the ability or willingness of a message source to provide reliable and truthful information (Kelman and Hovland 1953). Traditionally, source credibility has been conceived as consisting of two dimensions: source expertise and source trustworthiness (Mills and Jellison 1967; Rhine and Severance 1970). Source expertise refers to the extent of which a source...

The Effects Veganism On Environment

2 Pages 931 Words
Veganism, as previously known as ‘Vegetarianism’ are the people who abstain from eating dairy, meat, cheese, eggs, honey or gelatine (Suddath, 2008). Vegans do no longer eat something which comes from animals, nor wear whatever that’s crafted from animals either including leather and wool. The difference between a ‘vegan’ diet and a ‘vegetarian’ diet is that veganism is an extreme...

Vegetarianism: Mental Health And Nutrition

5 Pages 2183 Words
Vegetarianism, the hypothesis or practice of living exclusively upon vegetables, organic products, grains, vegetables, and nuts—with or without the expansion of milk items and eggs—by and large for moral, parsimonious, natural, or dietary reasons. All types of tissue (meat, fowl, and fish) are prohibited from all veggie lover consumes less calories, however numerous vegans use milk and milk items; those...

The Peculiarities Of Fly Fishing In Texas

3 Pages 1526 Words
Fly fishing is somewhat an extensively played sport in the world, but in Texas USA the game is a little bit different. As big as the state itself is, there exist an extreme number of opportunities for fly fishing. There are plenty of saltwater lakes and freshwater ponds where you can go and start right away with fly fishing. Texas...

Are Self-help Books Worth Reading?

3 Pages 1452 Words
Do they actually help or hinder you? This helpful guide based on research and my own experiences will give you the answers you seek right now. As it says in the title, these books are designed to give you the means to work on areas of your life and gain insight without having to go to a professional for counselling...

Does Animal Testing Still Have A Place In Medical Research

3 Pages 1595 Words
Humans have been using animals for many uses like food, commotion from one place to another, games, and for many other purposes. One of the extended uses of animals is their use in research. With the advancement of medical technology, the count of animals being used in the experimental research has sky rocketed. Millions of experimental animals are used for...

Control Of Diabetes By Lifestyle Activities

2 Pages 907 Words
When people talk about epidemics, there are thousands of different diseases in the world and depending on the danger levels or the short or long term. One of them is diabetes disease. Diabetes is a long-lasting disease that can influence at any age. Family can be one reason for an individual to have diabetes. Not just adults have diabetes even...

The Dress Influence On Self Identity

2 Pages 1002 Words
Dress from my readings I believe supports the theoretical perspective that identity theory can be referred to as interaction theory due to the way we talk, dress, address one another and our gestures, all lies within the values of the interactionism from the society in which one has spent most of their lifetime or years being a part of. Firstly,...

Positive And Negative Views On Procrastination

2 Pages 692 Words
When someone struggles with procrastination but has strong perseverance to put forth the efforts they can chuck it forward and succeed! I also feel that it is still possible to have good writing even if one procrastinates until the last minute. It adds more stress and higher anxiety and I have firsthand experienced this but it is achievable. So to...

Nutrition Role In Preventing Diseases

2 Pages 702 Words
The world’s population of older adults (aged 65 and more) is on the increase. With an estimated 620 million older adults in 2015 (i.e. 8% of the world’s population), the projection is that by the year 2050 the population would accrue to 1.6 billion, surpassing the younger age groups, He, Goodkind, & Kowal, 2015). America’s population is also aging in...

Elements And Features Of The Fiction

2 Pages 950 Words
Originally the word 'Fiction' came from the Latin word 'Fictus.' Fiction, along with non-fiction, is one of two specific branches of literature. It's a story that is trying to be bigger than the story itself. To do this, literary fiction must comment on something that is deemed important, such as social or political issues or the human condition. The primary...

The Evolution, Meaning And Features Of Speculative Fiction

3 Pages 1234 Words
INTRODUCTION Speculative fiction is defined as a genre which encompasses many subgenres of fiction, where the authors included unrealistic or magical elements in the fictions. Speculative fiction is any fiction in which the “laws” of that world (explicit or implied) are different than ours (Neugebauer, 2014). Neugebauer also stated that the term 'world-building' usually goes hand in hand with speculative...

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