Literature Essays

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Essay on What Does 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' Mean

3 Pages 1363 Words
Karl Marx, a philosopher, is primarily known for his development of the Marxism theory, which discusses political, social, and economic aspects of society. Marx studied the social constructs of class and their influence on the lives of individuals. Ultimately, he concluded that there are always 'conflicts between social classes and clashes of large historical forces' [1]. The novel 'A Thousand...

Lady Macbeth' Postpartum Depression Essay

5 Pages 2137 Words
Lady Macbeth is a leading character in Shakespeare's Macbeth, set in 11th-century Scotland. Throughout the centuries, Lady Macbeth has always been seen by audiences as the villain and mastermind behind this tragedy. Malcolm dubs her a 'fiend-like queen' in the final scene of the play, sealing her fate and reputation among Shakespeare's audiences for all time. That is, until now....

Harry Potter Literary Analysis Essay

3 Pages 1475 Words
Fiction is a quintessential area of the human experience. Without it, the world would be a dreary place. Imagination is vital for one's sanity and happiness. Fantasy teaches us about suited people. Though fictional characters are spun from the thread of dreams, their underlying natures are in particular based on genuine people. Fantasy teaches us to admire the pinnacle notch...

The Namesake' Theme Essay

4 Pages 1783 Words
The United States is home to people belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds. According to Pew Research Center in 2017 around 44.4 million immigrants live in the United States who came with hopes of securing a better life for themselves and their future generations. The idea of a better, prosperous life in the Western world forces people to sometimes risk their...

Essay on Corruption in 'Hamlet'

2 Pages 874 Words
Corruption of the ones that are in power is known to have a huge toll on a nation, but many do not talk about its effects on the higher-ups that are in opposition to the corruption. People have debated whether or not corruption has had a significant effect on Hamlet from the Shakespearian play of the same name. The reasons...

The Namesake' Compare and Contrast Essay

2 Pages 853 Words
Comparative Analysis of Two Characters in The Namesake This paper is all about a comparison between two characters of the novel by Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake. We are going to compare how the author paints these characters with other characters in the novel. Gogol Nikhil, who is the main character, and his mother, Ashami are the center of this analysis....

Essay on 'The Bluest Eye' Cholly Breedlove

1 Page 563 Words
The word “sex” is a noun used to describe an interaction between the bodies of two people, typically associated with the expression of love and intimacy with someone. It is also a symbol of maturity and adulthood. While sex is an action typically associated with affection, it is not always pursued with that intention, and can often come from a...

Character Analysis of Benedick: 'Much Ado about Nothing' Essay

6 Pages 2556 Words
'Much Ado About Nothing (1600) and Pride and Prejudice (1813), despite being published 200 years apart, present the challenges of women living in a patriarchal society. It could be said that Shakespeare and Austen chose to give women a voice through their female protagonists, in a society dominated by men. Beatrice expresses her defiance in a somewhat abrasive manner, whereas...

Voltaire 'Candide' Oppression Essay

3 Pages 1147 Words
Throughout Voltaire’s Candide, a multitude of themes became evident as one progressed through the narrative. These themes were essential in provoking thought and consideration amongst readers, as well as increasing the interest level that motivated the audience to dive into the meanings of this literary work. The recurrence of concepts that were woven into the narrative, such as wealth, optimism,...

Essay on 'The Bluest Eye' Summary

4 Pages 1604 Words
As a society, stereotypes are inevitable to avoid. From childhood to adulthood, people use these as a standard to judge people. Sometimes they can be seen positively, but most of the time, stereotypes can be harmful. Every culture has its standard of beauty as well, and it can either be difficult or easy to live up to those expectations within...

Animal Farm' Corruption Essay

1 Page 679 Words
Upon close observation of humanity, it becomes clear that man is, by nature, barbaric. We can see that he is prone to savagery brought about by instinctual impulses suppressed by the rigid rules and frameworks of civilization. A prime example of this is demonstrated in George Orwell’s 1945 novel, ‘Animal Farm’, an allegorical representation of Joseph Stalin’s downward spiral into...

Essay on Napoleon Vs Hitler

2 Pages 956 Words
Animal Farm is an allegorical novel by George Orwell, published for the first time in England on August 17, 1945. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. Allegories can be found in many places such as the Statue of Liberty and many books as well. In Magnus Chase and the...

Essay on Propaganda Devices

2 Pages 896 Words
”Propaganda is indifferent to truth and truthfulness, knowledge, and understanding; it is a form of strategic communication that uses any means to accomplish its ends” -Walter Cunningham Propaganda is primarily used in today's newspapers, television, and most common social media. However, propaganda has been used in the past at major historical events, such as WW1. Aside from today's technology, we...

Essay on Tybalt in 'Romeo and Juliet'

2 Pages 713 Words
The optimistic tone of Act II, which graces the union between Romeo and Juliet through their marriage, significantly changes at the beginning of Act III due to the fight that breaks out between the families of Capulet and Montague. These few lines dramatically shift the play into a tragedy, a juxtaposition from what it was before, a romantic comedy. The...

Essay on 'The Bluest Eye' Book Review

4 Pages 1625 Words
Summary This book takes place at the end of the Great Depression, and nine-year-old Claudia and ten-year-old Frieda MacTeer live with their parents in Lorain, Ohio. The two girls’ parents are more concerned with their problems than paying attention to their children, but there's an undercurrent of affection and security in their household. Henry Washington and a little girl Pecola...

The Namesake' Coming of Age Essay

2 Pages 1061 Words
Beyoncé once stated “Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” As the protagonist of The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, Gogol Ganguli embarks on a journey of self-discovery from birth through a carefree and rambunctious childhood to evolving into a down-to-earth, kind-hearted, and selfless individual. As Gogol’s identity develops, he...

Essay on Utilitarianism and Industrial Revolution

6 Pages 2539 Words
The ugliness of Industrialism in Hard Times by Charles Dickens In his novel Hard Times Charles Dickens represents capitalist greed, the fragile education system, and the inhuman treatment of factory workers in a realistic perspective which were happening in Victorian in the 19th century. Introduction Charles Dickens is a quite well-known novelist of the Victorian Era credited with many voluminous...

Essay on 'Run Forrest, Run' Meaning

1 Page 462 Words
Forrest Gump. The true example of what it means for someone to prosper and grow with adversity constantly by his side. I guess what makes him so likeable to millions around the world including me, is his sense of acceptance to whatever comes his way. There is no doubt or worry in the back of his mind of what the...

The Bluest Eye' Essay on Beauty

2 Pages 896 Words
The standard of beauty has changed throughout the years, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is how women have been forced to conform to the standards set by the media. “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison was set in the 1940s, a time when white beauty standards deformed the lives of black women. Upon googling the 1940’s images it...

Essay on Causes and Effects of Corruption

6 Pages 2894 Words
Literature Review While there is no definite definition, among scholars there is a consensus that political corruption speaks to “the abuse of public authority for private profit” or “the abuse of entrusted power in the interest of self-enrichment” (Doig and Theobald 2013; Chang and Chu 2006; Hughes 2010; Warren 2006; Quah 2003). Public authority refers to the public official, who...

Essay on Why Curiosity Is Important

1 Page 474 Words
The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends of  It Curious. By Ian Leslie In this book Leslie Gives an exploration of one of humanity’s most distinguishing traits, Leslie formulates a definite point of view, but backs it up with good studies. Ian Leslie writes about our current understanding of curiosity and the important role it plays in an...

Theme Essay on 'Much Ado about Nothing' and 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream'

3 Pages 1461 Words
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard III, and Much Ado About Nothing are all plays that are concerned with several kinds of problems like having trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, trying to separate truth from untruth, and seeing the truth within the truth. The plot of each play relies on the ability of actors to tell convincing lies and have them...

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Analysis Essay

3 Pages 1409 Words
Attempts at female independence are universally shown as a prominent theme in both 'Wuthering Heights' and 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' This is revealed in the ways the female characters try to fight against the patriarchal system that strips away their independence and both oppresses and represses them. In 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' the omniscient narrator demonstrates to the reader the...

Metamorphosis' Epic Hero Essay

3 Pages 1355 Words
In Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”, the term metamorphosis means a complete and profound change in structure and substance or a change from one stage to the next in the life of an organism. Gregor’s transformation causes remarkable changes in him and his family. Gregor's physical transformation makes him a creature, stripping him of his humanity in the eyes of his family....

Essay on Symbolism in 'Everyday Use'

1 Page 427 Words
The psychoanalysis part of the work has much to see with the concept of ‘double consciousness’, understood as the awareness of belonging to two different and contrasting cultures, that appears in Dee’s character. After going to college, her personality changes as she has joined a ‘higher status’ than her family when it was her family who helped her financially to...

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime' Essay on Isolation

2 Pages 882 Words
The problems society might face daily could be the cause of people coming together to understand other situations and relate to them. Empathy has many aspects on how it can be shown towards others. Being an empathetic person means you can understand the way another person might be feeling, and why they might feel that way. Texts such as “Night”...
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