Mental Health Essay Examples

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The Reasons Of Suicides In Romeo And Juliet

In play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, young love and passion play the most important themes throughout the entire play, the elements were being discussed and questioned when the passion and love had form between Romeo and Juliet by each other’s first sight. The play become dramatic when the two lamentable star-crossed lover had to face their family feud and other obstacles in order to obtain the relationship, risking their own life to see each other,...
3 Pages 1210 Words

The Correlation Between Smiling And Stress Recovery

With the fast manner in which the modern world works, stress has become more of an unhealthy personality trait than just an occasional ailment. ‘The last two decades have witnessed a growing societal concern with stress and its psychological toll’ (Holahan, 1994). Peggy A. Thoits talked about how ‘stressors can negatively affect physical health ;or mental health (or both simultaneously)’ and how stress significantly relates to the occurrence of multiple conditions such as flus, depression, angina, and alcohol and drug...
4 Pages 1733 Words

Depression: Becoming A Better Me

Have you ever overcome something that you thought was impossible? I have and it wasn’t easy. Depression affects millions of people everyday and I was one of them. I lacked motivation in all aspects of my life. It was one of the hardest times of my life, but knowing that I wasn’t the only person going through something like this gave me hope and made me optimistic. Now, I am able to use my experiences to help other and also...
2 Pages 1055 Words

Can The Low-country Firefighter Peer Support Team Help Prevent Suicides?

Abstract According to a 2015 article published in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, first responders attempted suicide rate is 10 times greater than that of the general population within the United States. More than 4,000 first responders or 6.6 percent had attempted suicide in 2015, and first responders attempted suicide rate has been gradually increasing over the past 10 years. Stress is an inevitable part of a first responders life. They deal with many different types of stressors on...
6 Pages 2622 Words

The Effects Of Stress On Single Parents’ Work Life Balance

Executive Summary Stress is a common issue in today’s organizations. More particularly employees have been noticed to suffer from it in most organizations. The main issue discussed in this paper is about how stress affects the life of single parents, and the challenges they face to balance work-life and family. It has become hard in this current generation to become self-independent, especially as parents. Social, economic and financial hardships are the main reasons for the initial stress among single parents....
8 Pages 3582 Words

Loving-kindness Meditation: Empathy And Structural Changes In The Brain

Mindfulness begins to get more attention in the field of psychology. From the beginning, mindfulness comes from Eastern traditions and this type of mindfulness is frequently connected with the practice of mindfulness meditation (Shapiro, Carlson, Astin, & Freedman, 2006). According to Brown and Ryan (2003), mindfulness describes being a state of consciousness which includes being attentive to one’s surroundings and experience. However, mindless is not being present or aware of the present moment and to be in that state all...
2 Pages 990 Words

Sleep Deprivation Essay

Introduction Lack of sleep affects your work ethic in school. Most people don’t realize now that without the proper rest your brain can’t function to its maximum point and your body responds in the same way. Unfortunately the issue of sleep deprived students is too often overlooked and must be addressed more often. Students have trouble regulating their sleep time enduring their performance in school. Some may have after school program or may just typically with social media that they...
6 Pages 2868 Words

The Correlation Between Lack Of Sleep And Cognitive Function In Children

According to (Leahy and Gradisar 2010), 40% of children aged between four and eleven have struggled with some form of sleep issue, even if this is for a short amount of time. Sleep is essential for humans at all ages; without adequate sleep, we would be unable to survive. According to Meijer et al. (2008), in European countries the average time for a child aged 11- 12 to sleep is 9 – 10 hours. However, there are many studies that...
6 Pages 2868 Words

Prerequisites And Reasons Of Farmer Suicide in India

Introduction India is an agrarian economy. The Economic survey of India, 2019 suggests that agriculture and related activities employ 42% of the population but only accounts for 14% of the Gross Domestic Product of the nation (Economic Survey of India, 2019) This discrepancy can be attributed to a variety of factors, viz., dependence on precipitation, lack of technological development in the field of agriculture, dependence of primitive forms of irrigation and cropping, etc. the consequence being low productivity in terms...
5 Pages 2285 Words

Stress And Pressure In The Modern Society

In today's society, many people are talking about a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle is associated with the concept of practicing a good life pattern. Hence, all human beings in this world do not run away from having problems in their lives. So, they must try to deal with it or solve the problem in their own way. When problems can not be resolved, there is a stress in their lives. In this case, the human life...
5 Pages 2198 Words

Fear Conditioning Under Social Stress

Introduction In the study of psychology, research has always looked at emotions and the role they play in everyday behaviour as well as in pathological behaviour. Several studies have shown that emotionally charged stimuli attract human attention quicker and have an advantage in information processing. Stimuli that are emotionally negative in nature tend to grab attention automatically and more quickly (Wieser, 2010). When studying emotions in social situations, more often than not researchers tend to use facial expressions. Facial expressions...
5 Pages 2410 Words

Burned Out: A Phenomenological Study On Stress Among Senior High Student Athletes

Abstract In today’s society students are exposed to stress. Stress is a process in which when an organism’s welfare is threatened or challenged by environmental events, prompting the organism to respond to that threat (Gatchel, 1996). Student Athletes experience different stressors depending on their athletic status such as time demands, injuries and conflict with their coaches or teammates (Humphrey, Yow, & Bowden, 2000; Papanikolaou et al., 2003). The main focus of the research is the experiences of Senior High Athlete...
4 Pages 2025 Words

The Causes And Contributing Factors Of Language Learning Anxiety On ESL Learners

Introduction The main goal of educators of English as a second language (ESL) is to enhance the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. The acquisition of the English language has been a necessity, taking into account that competent users of the language provide advantages, especially in education and employment particularly in the Philippines (Incirci, Turan & Öztürk, 2018). English in the country is used extensively in the daily lives of Filipinos, and it has already established new norms that...
6 Pages 2694 Words

The Effectiveness Of Different Therapies In Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a highly stigmatized and complex disorder affecting 2-6 individuals in every 100, which makes it the most popular of personality types (Van Den Bosch, et al 2005). There is very little evidence-based theory to suggest the best treatment however there have been at-least 17 randomised trials carried out since 1991. Trials have suggested DBT to be extremely successful in reducing tendencies of self-harm (Stepp et al, 2008). However, there is little said about its...
4 Pages 1989 Words

Body Guilt And Shame As Predictors Of Isolation And Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is the dread of social circumstances that include association with others. The uneasiness and nervousness of being contrarily judged and assessed by others is called social anxiety. The physical symptoms of social anxiety include Muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, Stomach trouble and inability to catch breath etc. (Teng, Gao, Huang, & Poon, 2019). Moreover, the role of social anxiety for the body shame is very significant and symptom of these are the fear of judgment based on one’s appearance...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Stress And Its Factors In Athletes

High school is supposed to be a time where teens get to have fun with little to worry about. However, teens today just feel a large amount of stress that is associated with having too many things to do. Between extracurricular activities, advanced classes, responsibilities at home and part-time jobs, teens are beginning to get burnt out. They do not want to be underprepared for their futures in college or in the workforce, so teens believe that they have to...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative And Suicide In Society

The worth of human life is the most invaluable asset in human societies. Nevertheless, suicide raises some moral questions. While various theories elucidate the reasons why some individuals decide to attempt or commit suicide, there is a need for philosophical examination to justify such actions. Today, human beings are faced with numerous problems, some of which ultimately lead many individuals to prefer death to life. A significant body of literature documents different reasons that make these individuals commit suicide. These...
6 Pages 2826 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder: History, Symptoms, Treatment And Prognosis

Abstract Mental health has been a hot topic over the last couple years, and when we study mental health and begin to have more conversations about it we can bring more awareness. Many people have succumbed to the trap that is a mental illness and many people over the years have lost their battle with some of the very major disorders such as anxiety and depression. 1 in 5 people have had some experience with a mental illness, and suicide...
4 Pages 1819 Words

Overcoming Gym Anxiety

The thought of joining a gym can cause anxieties to surface in some people. If this statement rings true for you, you’re not on your own. Many of us get worried or scared when they go to the gym. Gym’s like Energybase are working hard to create inclusive spaces where people have an environment and support network to overcome these issues. Some of the reasons why people get anxious about going to the gym include: Feeling intimidated by other gym...
3 Pages 1439 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms And Impact

Ever been a victim of sexual or physical abuse when you were younger? Or suffered from emotional abuse and the lack of parental acceptance during your childhood? If so and you are experiencing a difficult adulthood, then borderline personality disorder could be the solution to those hard times. With borderline personality disorder, which is also known as BPD, people can label one's personality and behavior to become broken and unstable. Borderline personality creates an unstable life that is mostly found...
3 Pages 1289 Words

A Glimpse Into Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a type a personality disorder that is described as not being able to regulate one’s emotions. There are many reasons that this disorder can be diagnosed and treated. Professionals will often use psychotherapy treatments know as Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (DBT & CBT) to help a patient with BPD refocus their mind and help center any negative thoughts or behaviors. Some patients may require additional help in conjunction with the psychotherapy, which is...
4 Pages 1611 Words

The Effects Of Stress Police Officers Experience

Stress plays a part in the lives of everyone. That’s the way our body reacts to any changes that require an adjustment to a response. Police Officers are in a position of authority and making split second life or death decisions on a regular basic making the stress level be at the higher percentage than other jobs. The stress relate to that can have a major negative impact on their lives. According to the Cross study performed to Police Officers...
4 Pages 1620 Words

A Comparison Of American Suicide Religions

There have been only two known cases of religiously motivated mass suicides in the United States. Those two make up half of all known on earth. They are the Peoples Temple and Heaven’s Gate. One might think that because these two religions shared one gruesome end that they are similar, or follow a similar path or structure. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the histories of the new religious movements Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ...
3 Pages 1882 Words

The Factors Of Stress On Student Athletes

For the past decades, student athletes have been under an overwhelming amount of stress. Sports can be a feature of numerous understudies' high school understanding. They give understudies chances to make new companions, have a fabulous time, and figure out how to adjust homework with after school exercises. With every one of these advantages, there are also potential negatives. A few understudies could be excessively worried, or troubled with homework. Student athletes’ primary cause to their overwhelming stress is due...
2 Pages 729 Words

Religion And Suicide

All across the world, suicide is a leading cause of death, according to Andrew Wu’s work. Be that as it may, several sources have reviewed religion and spirituality and how these concepts impact someone’s mental health and view towards suicide being the answer. Religion and spiritualality can have a massive impact on how one views the world as well as what may happen after death. These ideas are important in protecting against suicide as well as lowering the suicide rate,...
2 Pages 1126 Words

The Effect Of Yoga On Depression

Depression – a concern worth the headache Have you ever seen a person known to you suddenly shutting up from the surroundings? The bubbling next-door boy or girl or even an aged person suddenly or slowly been engulfed in the gloom as if never to come out of that state? Once such a state arrives, the medical practitioners decipher the signs as MDD. To explain the term, it is the short form of acute depression or ‘Major Depressive Disorder’. Depression...
2 Pages 917 Words

Perceived Stress And How It Affects Perceived Academic Performance

Introduction The purpose of this study is to gather information about perceived stress undergraduate college students have and how it affects their perceived academic performance. Recognizing causes of stress could help students to mitigate stress and perform better academically. How does the amount of perceived stress on undergraduate college students affect their perceived academic performance? Literature Review Sharmila, (2017) found that “A focus on student’s needs & problems can help to prevent the harmful effects of stress on Academic Performance”...
2 Pages 822 Words

Sleep Deprivation And Performance: Wingate Test

Introduction Elite level athletes have tremendous amounts of stress and pressure to endure, for the sake of performing at peak levels time after time. Sleep loss, might be caused by a busy schedule, travelling, etc. leads to increased anxiety and fatigue which in turn decreases performance (Souissi et al., 2013). According to Fullagar et al., (2015) sleep plays a crucial part to normal cognitive and physiological functioning and homeostasis of human beings. Sleep deprivation can alter this homeostasis process and...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Anxiety And The Student Athlete

Athletes are afforded many positive opportunities such as traveling, making new friendships, receiving praise, and experiencing the thrill of winning. For many athletes; however, these experiences are accompanied by anxiety. There are two components of anxiety, a cognitive component and a somatic component. (Liebert & Morris, 1967; Borkovec, 1976; Davidson & Schwartz, 1976 as cited in Kais, K.; Raudsepp, L., 2005). Cognitive anxiety refers to negative expectations as well as having concerns about performance, the cost of failure, negative self-evaluation,...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Value Of Life: Abortion, Suicide, Death Penalty, Life Ending

Introduction Life in terms of biology definition refers to time between a person's births till his or her death. It is the one and only thing that breathes essence of various activities which separates us from inanimate objects. As opined by Heywood and Mullock (2016), there is no definite answer to value of life. Each individual reflects and leads his or her life based on values and ethics which they endear most. Period of living is unique and different from...
5 Pages 2356 Words

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