Psychology essays

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Cultural Belief about Optimism

Positive psychology is the determination of the processes and situations that contribute to the flourishing or maximum operation of individuals, groups, and people. People become optimistic by having a positive attitude towards situations, people, events and outcomes. in the history of optimism, it has been shown that it has enhanced a celebration to live in the best of all worlds to celebrate one’s self (Peterson,2000). Seligman (2011) explains about resilience of two MBA graduates from the University of Pennsylvania. He...
1 Page 621 Words

The Impact of Using Motivating Stimulus on Rats by Using Electrical Charge

Topic Background/Introduction: This paper studies the effect over pleasure centers on an organism’s behavior, specifically the outcome if the organism can stimulate them on command. The specific stated topic is “reinforcing function of the electrical stimulation”, which essentially means that instead of using electric impulse to study what it triggers (movement, emotion, reaction), this is using electric impulse to study reward and punishment perception. Hypothesis: The hypothesis, although never directly stated, appears to be that electric stimulation via the use...
2 Pages 843 Words

The Sovereignty or Malice of Self

Deliberate self-harm is the action of purposefully wounding one’s own physical form. Some examples include cutting or slicing their skin with sharp objects or scorching their body with fire. A long standing belief holds this specific type of self-injury to not include and suicidal intentions. Relatively, this form of self-physical damage is a risky manner to manage mental-emotional pain, extreme rage, and defeat. Some self-injurers may experience a fleeting sense of serenity and freedom from pressure, trailed by culpability, humiliation,...
3 Pages 1287 Words

The Problem of Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Inverse reinforcement learning is the problem of making an agent learn reward function by observing an expert agent with a given policy or behavior. RL problems give a powerful solution for sequential problems by making use of agents with a given reward function to find a policy by interacting with the environment. However, one major drawback of RL problems is the assumption that a good reward function – which is a succinct representation of designer’s intention- is given. But, identifying...
1 Page 524 Words

Theories of Erikson, Montessori, and Vygotsky

Erik Erikson (1902 – 1994) was a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst. He was one of Freud’s followers who expanded the picture of development at each stage. In his psychosocial theory, Erikson emphasized that in addition to mediating between id impulses and superego demands, the ego makes a positive contribution to development, acquiring attitudes and skills that make the individual an active, contributing member of society (Berk & Meyers, 2015). Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages included: Basic Trust vs. Mistrust (birth- 1...
3 Pages 1582 Words

Learning Styles in Class: Lev Vygotsky Theory

The psychologist I received after taking the quiz was Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky developed the sociocultural theory where he believes we all learn aspects of our lives through interaction. I will be discussing the history of this theory as well as the way it can be applied in the classroom. Vygotsky (1978) states: ‘Each capacity in the kid’s social improvement shows up twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between individuals (inner psychological) and afterward...
1 Page 676 Words

Research of The Features and Mechanisms of Stroop Effect

The studies evaluated in this paper all correspond to the Stroop effect, either by directly studying the effect or by determining the mechanism through which it occurs. The Stroop Effect is experienced when a written word differs from the color it is written in, and can be understood as a delay in reaching a correct response when presented with mismatching word and color combinations. J. Ridely Stroop was the man who first introduced the Stroop effect, coined after his own...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Development and Maintenance of Specific Phobias

Introduction Nowadays, phobia is one of the major problems that affects in our society. Phobia is a severe fear of specific thing or situation. It is a part of anxiety disorder that results negative emotional responses. Phobia is usually happen when fear is formed by danger situation which can be moved to other situations that the fear is originally forgotten. For example, a boy had the experience that was bitten by a dog. The next day when he saw the...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Biography of Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson was a 20th century psychologist who developed the theory of psychosocial development and the concept of an identity crisis. EARLY LIFE Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1902. Erikson never knew his own father; he was raised by his mother and stepfather, who married in 1905. He struggled with his identity throughout his youth as he felt his stepfather never fully accepted him as he did his own daughters. Erikson grew up using his stepfather’s surname;...
2 Pages 985 Words

Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology

Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology Professional incentive systems shaped by a systemic preference for statistical significance play a key role in psychology’s replication crisis. Though scientific progress hinges upon the accumulation and dissemination of new knowledge, those involved in the publication process have mistakenly equated new and important findings with statistically significant results. As a result, journals are more likely to publish significant findings over null results. However, in academia’s highly competitive ‘publish or perish’ culture, career...
6 Pages 2767 Words

Evaluation of Operant Conditioning Theory of Learning by Burrhus Frederic Skinner

Operant conditioning is one of the theories of learning founded by a famous American psychologist Skinner, but the real founder of the theory is Edward Thorndike. Operant conditioning is a process that attempts to modify behaviour through rewards (reinforcement) or through consequences (punishment). Reinforcement defined as an increase in a good behaviour after the reward and praise, and the reinforcement divided into two types: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is the positive results given to the...
2 Pages 1066 Words

Biography of Abraham Lincoln Essay

Early Life and Struggles Abraham Lincoln the greatest and most popular president of America. One of the most respected presidents of world history. A true statesman politician, a great leader, The abolisher of the slavery trade. Abraham Lincoln the savior of America during the devastating civil war and 16th percent of America. After 200years later if we talk about American President's first name came to our mind is Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Born: Abraham Lincoln born 12 February 1809 in a...
5 Pages 2462 Words

The Morality of Euthanasia

The use of euthanasia in the healthcare field has remained a highly controversial topic and has been widely debated. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the defnition of euthanasia is “the act of practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a realtively painless way for reasons of mercy” (Euthanasia). Some people believe that euthanasia is morally right because it ends a persons suffering and pain that goes along with a terminal illness. Others believe...
2 Pages 958 Words

George Washington Founding Father of the United State of America

George Washington founding father of the United State of America. The extraordinary military general a progressive head of American autonomous powers and a statesman. a political pioneer. he was an opportunity vessel first and probably the best president and establishing fathers of the assembled province of America. Born: Founding father of United States was born in British rule Westmorland county Virginia state on 22 February 1732. Virginia is now known as a state of America. During the 18th century, Virginia...
4 Pages 1582 Words

Engaging a Paradigm Shift

Industrial revolution 4.0 has brought technology into our daily lives. With its unremitting advancement, integrating it into education plays a pertinent share in enhancing school education and knowledge sharing. At schools, technology, while supporting knowledge amalgamation, motivates and inspires students to go beyond textbooks and explore a world without physical boundaries. Human interaction, a good teacher, and an appropriate learning environment can never be replaced by technology. It can only be enhanced. According to the World Economic forum research, it...
2 Pages 925 Words

Paradigm Shift Brought by Technologies

Technology has brought about a paradigm shift in the world of ICT. However, it has brought about various effects in our society like cybercrime. Cybercrime is a crime where a person uses a computer to access private and confidential information. Therefore, this paper will discuss on various effects of cybercrime on social media. First, cybercrime has brought about security costs. Cybercriminals have now shifted their attention to social medial platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and so on. To ensure that...
1 Page 468 Words

William James and the Philosophy of Pragmatism

On a late September morning in 1891, William James walked reluctantly to his class in Harvard College’s Sever Hall. Characteristically dressed in a colorful shirt and a Norfolk jacket with a boutonniere, he must have seemed slightly bohemian. His lectures were spontaneous and rambling, unlike those of his more logical, organized colleagues. James claimed he did not like teaching, particularly to listless Harvard undergraduates. Yet he was good at it, even exceptional. Conversation with James, Walter Lippmann recalled, was “the...
7 Pages 3324 Words

Influence of Gaming Addiction on Aggression

Lately, it has been perceived that addictions are not restricted to practices created by the uncontrolled utilization of substances. There are apparently harmless conduct tendencies that, in specific conditions, can get addictive and truly meddle with the daily lives of those influenced. Due to explosive development in innovation and web use over the most recent couple of years, internet gaming disorder (IGD) has showed as quickly developing general health issue for the most part influencing the teen and preteen populace...
2 Pages 892 Words

Freud's Theory of the Id in Psychology

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. Overview The id operates based on the pleasure principle, which demands immediate gratification of needs. The id is one of the three major components of personality postulated by Freud: the id, ego, and superego. An understanding of Freud's psychodynamic perspective is important in learning about the history of psychology. You may...
2 Pages 816 Words

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical...
1 Page 447 Words

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay

Introduction An eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by abnormal consuming behavior that negatively affects someone's physical or psychological health (APA, 2013). According to the American Psychiatric Association, eating disorders happen along with side other mental disorders like panic, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and alcohol and substance abuse problems. Consisting of DSM-V, eating disorders are illnesses during which people experience severe disturbances in their eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions (APA, 2013). However, with proper medical aid, people...
6 Pages 2584 Words

William James: Short Biography

William James, philosopher and psychologist, was instrumental in establishing Harvard's psychology department, which at its inception was tied to the department of philosophy. James himself remained unconvinced that psychology was in fact a distinct discipline, writing in his 1892 survey of the field, Psychology: Briefer Course, 'This is no science; it is only the hope of a science' (p. 335). Despite James’s skepticism, in the ensuing century this hope was fully realized in the department he helped to found. Initially...
1 Page 433 Words

Therapeutic Interventions for Children who Have Experienced Trauma Through Abuse and Neglect

This review will focus on the therapeutic interventions for children who have experienced traumatic experience of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, it will explore the link between the effective interventions and the projects in Peopleknowhow People Know How’s(PKH) provided for the childrenPositive Transitions Service supporting children and young people. Child maltreatment is a vital public health concern. Abuse and neglect include physical, emotional sexual abuse, as well as physical, emotional neglect such a Child maltreatment including all types of abuse and...
4 Pages 1827 Words

Philosophers' and Psychologists' Agreements or Disagreements on What Happiness is

Chinese philosopher Confucius explored what is needed to achieve happiness and sustain it. He believed that happiness is largely down to the individuals’ moral innocence and place within society rather than the individuals desires. Confucius looks at multiple ways to develop good character throughout our lives by increasing our place in society and thus increasing our happiness. One element Confucian’s believe in to be happy is to invest in friendships and the idea of ‘Jen’, which means feeling concerned for...
1 Page 583 Words

Sense of Social Learning Theory

Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) multi-store model illustrates the three components involved in memory; where sensory information enters memory (sensory register), where information is processed (short-term memory), and where rehearsed information is held indefinitely (long-term store). As there is an immense amount of sensory information at a given time, only attended to information goes to the short-term memory. The rest is rapidly forgotten. However, with Jonathan disrupting the class, he is taking majority of the attention away from the teacher. This...
6 Pages 2701 Words

Essay on Human Development Theories

In this essay I will begin by explaining psychological theories. Furthermore, I will evaluate how a care worker could use psychological theories to understand the behavior of an individual. Lastly, I will evaluate these psychological theories by looking at the strengths and weaknesses of each of them in regard to working with an individual. Erik Erikson and the Lifespan Theory is a psychological theory. Erik Erikson (1902-1979) was of the writers who developed the psycho-dynamic approach. He believed that there...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional setting. However, many employers fail to follow this rule and occasionally, unintentionally incline towards selecting someone who is more physically...
1 Page 516 Words

Substance Abuse: History, Epidemiology, Brain-Behavior Relationships and Treatment Approaches

Analysis of behavioural response to substance is a critical point of discussion when formulating a assertion around addiction/substance use disorders. The diagnosis manual, referred to in psychiatry is used to define the different psychiatric diagnoses that are presented within societal groups which is commonly known as the DSM. Advances in neuroscience identified addiction as a chronic brain disease alluding to strong genetic, neurodevelopmental and social components that offer a debate towards classification of a personal lifestyle choice or a biological...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Recovery Approach in Mental Health Care

Mental health refers to our psychological, emotional, and social well-being, where an individual realizes his/her capacity and can handle the normal stress of life. It is the way people feel, behave, and think. Mental health is essential in every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. Basic human psychological needs like self-actualization, self-esteem needs, belongingness, and love need, safety needs, and psychological needs are the needs that are related to a human being's mental health. If these needs...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Depression as a Major Mood Disorder

A mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests that these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain. The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterises major depression can lead to a range of behavioural and physical symptoms. It...
5 Pages 2436 Words

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