Race and Ethnicity Essays

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Analytical Essay on Ta-Nehisi Coates' 'The Case for Reparations'

In the essay 'The Case for Reparations', the author, Ta-Nehisi Coates, analyzes African-American history in order to further his argument that African Americans deserve some form of reparations. He argues that America has allowed for the 'plunder' of African Americans in the past and continues to do so in the present. To back his claims, Coates uses stories and evidence to connect how America’s well-being is due to its history of racism, slavery, and oppression. In doing so, his language...
2 Pages 973 Words

Essay My Chinese New Year Celebration

A cultural ambassador is a representative of a culture who serves as a connecting link and a channel of communication between two different countries, consequently enhancing intercultural communication and mutual understanding. A good cultural ambassador not only informs of what exists in their own culture but also conveys the profound meanings hidden within the culture and what they mean to the people in this culture. These deeper symbols and values are what built the culture and what has continued to...
1 Page 424 Words

Importance of Chinese Language Essay

Did you know that the Chinese language is several thousand years old and is part of the 'Sino-Tibetan' language family? Chinese is a collection of Sinitic dialects (local languages) in the Sino-Tibetan region, spoken by the majority of the Han tribes and many minority ethnic groups in China. About 1.3 billion people (about 16% of the total population) speak Chinese as their first language. Copied Chinese sets are generally regarded by local speakers as a variant of a single language....
3 Pages 1537 Words

Chinese Immigration and Exclusion Essay

“Because I don't want to be a white coolie in my own country because it's not our country anymore” (Wright). This quote originates from the 1992 Australian film, Romper Stomper, which depicts Hando, the leader of a neo-nazi gang, and his reasons for his nazi obsession. This quote is interesting as it outlines a society of multiculturalism but also hints at ideologies of white nationalism and racism which quite thoroughly encompasses what Romper Stomper is about. Furthermore, the themes of...
4 Pages 1657 Words

Chinese Exclusion Act Essay

In this essay, I want to inform people about U.S. law policy issues that are applied to migrants, undocumented people, and U.S. citizens. U.S. law policies became an issue for migrants when the United States immigration law enforcement which started with the Chinese Exclusion Act was based on race and was unjust to Chinese Laborers. Over time more policies were set in place to target people because of their race and ethnicity. Moreover, people today are targeted because of their...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Essay on Chinese Culture

For my research project, I decided to study Chinese cuisine. I chose this because I love Chinese food, but know nothing about it. Chinese cuisine plays a tremendous role in Chinese culture. It is one of the richest and most diverse heritages on the planet. The cuisine started in various regions of China and soon migrated to other parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia, North America, and Western Europe. China is made up of both lowlands and mountain...
1 Page 495 Words

Ancient Chinese Civilization Essay

The first ever civilization took place in Mesopotamia between the year 4000B.C.E. After this, river valley civilizations came the classical period (1000B.C.E- 450C.E) which was characterized by a set of great civilizations which constituted China, Persia, India, and Greeko-Roman (Mediterranean) civilizations. These 4 great civilizations did not function independently. They integrated and expanded their territories to cover up large portion of land. However, before we move into discussing this great civilization, and its inventions, it will be important for us...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Essay on Booker T. Washington: Civil Rights Achievement

Do you want to know about Booker Taliaferro Washington? Well read this passage and you will learn a lot about him. What he is famous for, what was it like being him, and what he did to change the world! This is a great story about how his life was. Hope you learn a lot about Booker Taliaferro Washington! Booker T. Washington was born on April 5, 1856, in Hale's Ford Virginia. Booker was born as a slave with his...
1 Page 631 Words

Diversity Essay on Volunteering Experience

My experiences with culturally and linguistically diverse groups started from a very early age. Spanish was my first language and continues to remain to be the prominent language that remains spoken in my family’s household. I was introduced to English when I entered preschool kindergarten, however, I still retained my skills to read, write, and speak fluently in Spanish. I taught Spanish Sunday school to elementary and junior high students at my local church for four years. This served as...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Essay on 'Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress' Analysis

In the novel Balzac and the Little Seamstress, Dai Sijie vividly presents the theme of the power of story-telling by exploiting the development of relationships between friends or lovers and the development of individual characters throughout the book. To begin, Dai Sijie conveys the power of storytelling by showing the development of Mai’s storytelling abilities. The two main characters Luo and Ma travel from city to city in the countryside telling well-renowned stories or shows to the people for their...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Essay on 'Fifth Chinese Daughter' Summary

Summary In this autobiography, we meet Jade Snow and her Chinese American family, the Wongs. This book starts with Jade in her earliest years as the narrative simply walks us through the Wong family’s whirling world around her. Throughout this book, little Jade grows, and with her grows a more complex and complicated narrative as Jade grows more complex and complicated herself. Jade was born into a traditional Chinese family that continued to follow homeland traditions despite being born in...
2 Pages 923 Words

Essay Chinese Wedding

Chinese weddings are opulent festivities that are as an awful lot about the joyful couple as they are about their respective families. They are energetic and colorful ceremonies that are as a lot about the completely satisfied couple as they are about their respective families. Many symbolic components of this ceremony, which are described with the aid of rituals and customs, center attention on the benefits of wealth, plenty, and happiness for the marriage of each pal and household member....
5 Pages 2104 Words

Essay on Similarities between Chinese and American Culture

When looking at the Chinese and American education systems you will notice many differences. Many view Chinese education as very strict and because of that it lays the foundation for success, whereas the American educational system is viewed as a way to stimulate a student’s inner creativity. In Chinese education, they focus on how students use the knowledge they learned in school, and on understanding knowledge systems and structures and how to use that knowledge. Americans are interested more in...
2 Pages 714 Words

Essay on Chinese Education Vs American Education

I vaguely remember that before going abroad, Mr. Zhang my English teacher in China, once asked a classmate a question in a certain class of study would you go abroad if you had a chance? I boldly answered this question, I said: 'Yes, because I want to experience different cultures and civilizations'. What a particularly simple and immature reason. Recalling my educational experience in China, I may be the only Chinese who is bad at mathematics, so I have to...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Chinese Food Essay

Although I grew up with both Chinese and Vietnamese parents, my life is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and traditions. I always take off my shoes before walking into someone’s home, and I go to every Chinese New Year dinner expecting to eat the traditional Peking duck and roasted pig. I am very fortunate to have grown up in the San Gabriel Valley, which boasts one of the largest arrays of authentic Chinese restaurants in the United States. A variety...
5 Pages 2319 Words

African American Civil Rights Essay

I came to the United States at the age of 12, and as a young African American growing up in Nigeria, most of what I heard about America painted it as some sort of utopia land teeming with opportunities, wealth, and quality education. In Nigeria, there had never been any discussion about racial discrimination, stereotypes towards African Americans, racial inequality, or even issues with a person’s body image. I have not personally experienced racial discrimination and racism in the United...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Essay on Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Summary

Palaces like the Forbidden City are no exception to this: they show power by their size but the same idea of a courtyard exists in the enclosed walled area called the Imperial City. It may show power with the visibility of the different halls and gates, but the private space inside stays away from people outside. The residential area of the palace is itself separated from the rest of the Imperial City by the Gate of Heavenly Purity. This modesty...
2 Pages 815 Words

Chinese Cinderella Essay

The true story of an unwanted daughter Chinese Cinderella is the personal novel of Adeline Yen Mah. Adeline Yen Mah’s life was full of family rejection, poor relationships, abandonment, loneliness, low self-esteem, no identity, sorrow, disappointment, and resilience. The hopeless diary of Adeline Yen Mah's childhood encountering youth and entering her fight for affirmation from the time she was bound to the age of fourteen during the 1940s and 1950s, a battle of acknowledgment. All through this discouraging novel the...
2 Pages 1093 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese

After watching the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” directed by Jon M. Chu, it changed what I thought about my social identity. The movie is about the story of Nick, a guy from a wealthy Singapore family, and his girlfriend, Rachel who is an American-born Chinese and has never been to Asia. They travel to Singapore for the wedding of his best friend Colin. In Singapore, Nick introduces Rachel to his mother Eleanor, while his cousin Astrid finds out that her...
1 Page 552 Words

Essay on Failure of the American Dream in 'The Great Gatsby'

The American dream is a concept that anyone could make it in America and achieve their dreams (whether it's wealth, love stature, etc.) if they work hard enough to make it happen. In The Great Gatsby taking place in the roaring 20’s the author F. Scott Fitzgerald suggests how the american dream is unattainable and only that, a dream. Fitzgerald alludes to the idea that the people who pursue the American dream are shallow for the lack of remorse in...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Gender Stereotypes in Education Essay

Why are race and stereotypes such a prevalent problem within the education system? Both schools and their students have a responsibility when it comes to the safety and education of the pupils. Most people would agree that the responsibility is shared based on age --or as a general guideline, a 50-50 split. This, however, is only applicable in theory. In reality, this approach only works if every student starts in the same spot and needs the same help as everyone...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Jackie Robinson 5 Paragraph Essay

Jackie Robinson was one of the 7 men I picked. He was the most interesting because he was the first African American to break the color barrier and play in the Major League MVP Baseball. He was named Rookie of the Year Jackie is married to Rachel Isum, who is a nursing student, both met at UCLA in 1946. They have three children who provided Jackie with emotional love and the sense of purpose he needed during his baseball career....
1 Page 480 Words

Essay on Frederick Douglass: Thesis Statement

One of the great challenges today is that we often feel untouched by the problems of others and by global issues. People often feel overwhelmed and disconnected from these issues, not empowered and poised for action. This is where art can make a difference; by being a tool for social change. Engaging with a good work of art can connect you to your senses, body, and mind. It can spur thinking, engagement, and even action. We become aware of issues...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Essay on Culture Vs Diversity

Increased communication and networking between people from diverse backgrounds, genders, and ages might lead to increasing organizations' accomplishments. Moreover, diversity is identified as differences within group experiences, perspectives, attitudes, and traits. However, inclusion is a practice that provides meaningful communication between them. All in all, valuable outcomes in workplaces might be achieved through meaningful interaction among different employer groups (Karimi and Matous, 2018). This essay attempts to discuss the ways that could be used by medical professions to increase inclusion...
4 Pages 1604 Words

Essay on Arguments against Diversity in the Workplace

In this era of globalization, being diverse and open-minded is imperative to success. Diversity is defined as “The collective mixture of differences and similarities that include, for example, individual and organizational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences, and behaviors.” (John Kostoulas, 2020) Furthermore, working in a company or organization requires teamwork. The relationship between the individuals in that set group must be compatible; this is a crucial characteristic for enhanced team performance. Team members working for a specific company must...
4 Pages 1809 Words

What Is the American Dream for Me: Essay

I am no longer convinced America is an aftertaste worth swallowing my pride for. Not recognizing the pennies under our feet when we walk like Lincoln was just a stepping stone towards freedom. How ironic we put his face on the only coin with colored skin. The American Dream is my breath stretching over oceans, trying so hard not to forget my homeland. It is being born wrapped into a star-spangled banner with a red hole in it. But I've...
2 Pages 718 Words

Issue of Social Justice and Diversity Essay

Reflection on Diversity and Justice · How would you define: diversity; diversity inclusion, oppression, marginalization, and social justice? I define diversity as being unique from other individuals from around the world. Diversity is understanding that everyone is unique and being able to recognize individual differences. Individuals who can accept diversity can build alliances within the workplace to eradicate discrimination. Diversity inclusion is the act of ensuring all individuals feel welcome. Scott (2012), defines inclusion as “the intentional act of making...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Respect for Diversity Essay

Your race. Your Gender. Your Class. Your identity. These are some of the elements that compose diversity. For humans, diversity is a natural state of being, essential for our survival. Imagine a world where everyone is identical, same appearance, same personality, same interests. We require fresh ideas, perspectives, and practices to engage and inspire us - as well as to demonstrate how others eat, celebrate, and love! The significance of diversity is portrayed not only in society but scientifically as...
2 Pages 957 Words

Intersectionality Essay on Asian American

In the research paper, “Love Is (Color) Blind: Asian Americans and White Institutional Space at the Elite University”, Chou, Lee, and Ho express that rich qualitative data can clarify the language Asian American undergraduate students use to get over their social experiences, romantic relations, and identity at the elite university. Chou, Lee, and Ho also examine the intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality and the racialization of some ethnic minority groups to understand the way color-blind talk of Asian Americans...
1 Page 639 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about My Colour

Being an African American woman in the workplace means always having to walk a thin line, stabilizing your feelings and emotions with the judgments and motives of others, providing comfort, and being approachable versus uncomfortable and anxious in the process. Throughout my work history, I have noticed that the majority of my jobs surprised me by how few women there were who resembled me. Yes, I know that in the workplace, you're not supposed to look and reflect on race,...
3 Pages 1320 Words

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