Social Issues essays

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Bullying Problem Solution Essay

5 Pages 2187 Words
Social media can be used for so many things like promoting your business, posting pictures, and videos, and many more. Social media change our world. Now people are more noticeable when doing something because of their social media platforms. Using social media can benefit us a lot in our daily lives but, some people use social media for the wrong...

We Need to Stop School Shooting: Persuasive Speech

1 Page 682 Words
The Santa Clarita school shooting is one of the many school shootings that has devastatingly impacted lives in the United States this year alone. The Santa Clarita school shooting is another nightmare that became a reality. A student attending a California high school named Nathaniel Berhaw killed and injured some of his classmates. Gracie Muehlberger who was fifteen years old...

Thesis Statement on Child Abuse

4 Pages 1809 Words
Child abuse is a global issue and refers to any form of neglect, physical or psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and so on. Child abuse has long-term well-being and mental fitness effects. Children who are victims of mistreatment have a higher risk of being the perpetrator of such forms of abuse later in life, a concept referred to as the ‘cycle...

Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2136 Words
An Insight on the Worst American School Massacres A school shooting takes place when a school or place of education is invaded, leaving many casualties (people who are injured or killed). When having a discussion about some of the most tragic school massacres in United States history, people’s minds typically drift to Columbine High School and Virginia Polytechnic and State...

School Shooting: Thesis Statement

2 Pages 957 Words
Thesis: By strengthening gun laws and improving school security, mass school shootings would become minimal and we would not have as many across the nation. I. Have you ever asked yourself when this would stop, or how many more innocent children would have to die in order for something to change? A. In 2018, there were 113 people killed or...

School Shooting: Informative Speech

2 Pages 880 Words
The Rise of School Shootings A. Intended audience and the topic's importance The intended audience for the topic is parents and the board of governors should since they are responsible for policy and decision-making in the schools. Many schools do not have regulations guiding them on how to deal with gun violence in schools. B. Presentation 1. Introduction Attention-getting opening:...

Persuasive Speech against Cyber Bullying

3 Pages 1579 Words
Almost three-fourths of the population of the whole wide world have already a wide range of access to the internet in today’s generation. The online world or social media really has a lot of advantages, never-ending privileges, and entertainment that practically all people want to experience and possess. Technology surely has stepped up its game. But through these steps, there...

Motivational Speech on Cyber Bullying

1 Page 405 Words
Good morning everyone, today I’m standing in front of you to deliver my speech about cyberbullying. But before anything else, what is cyberbullying? As we hear the word cyber, the first thing that comes to our mind is, it is all about technology. Nowadays, as we see in our daily lives, everyone is using a mobile phone even a child...

Informative Speech on Cyber Bullying

2 Pages 1117 Words
What exactly is cyberbullying? “Cyber bullying is when a child or teen is threatened, harassed, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, using the internet”. There are many leading factors that may cause children to turn to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can cause severe emotional health issues. There are many crucial signs to look for when trying to detect a victim of...

Florida School Shooting: Synthesis Essay

6 Pages 2977 Words
On February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:23 pm, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School became the victim of a mass shooting caused by a 19-year-old gunman, Nikolas Cruz. Cruz opened fire, with an AR-15 rifle, between the hours of 2:21-2:27 pm when he decided to pull the fire alarm causing everyone to rush out; students and staff members. Cruz was able...

Cyber Bullying: Rhetorical Essay

2 Pages 895 Words
In my eyes, cyberbullying is extremely serious and has a major impact on children growing up across the world. As the internet hastily develops across the international, it has already turned out to be an essential part of our lifestyles. Technology brings a number of blessings to our everyday lifestyles however each coin has sides, it additionally brings many troubles...

Cyber Bullying: Informative Essay

2 Pages 860 Words
Introduction: Have you ever felt helpless or unable to defend yourself? Does that consider to be a weakness? And does it harms in the long term? I think a lot of people went through this situation I find it interesting to know more that’s why cyberbullying is the topic I chose to discuss. In this assignment, I will gather more...

Cyber Bullying Accountability: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 695 Words
The topic for our debate is ‘that no one should post online comments anonymously.’ We, the affirmative team, believe that this statement is true. Now I will explain to you what the effects of online anonymity can have on the young. First of all, the only reason anyone would be posting anonymously is that they don't want to be associated...

Case Study on Cyber Bullying in the Workplace

3 Pages 1183 Words
“Bullying at work involves repeated negative actions and practices that are directed at one or more workers. The behaviors are unwelcome and undertaken in circumstances where the target has difficulty defending him or herself. The behaviors may be carried out as deliberate acts or unconsciously. These behaviors cause humiliation, offense, and distress to the target. The outcomes of the bullying...

Women and Their Fight for Safety: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1560 Words
Women have always had to fight for their safety, the only difference now is that they get to be more open about it. The fight for feminism can be a bit difficult to understand when one has not personally experienced trauma or helped a loved one through it. The world in which feminism and law enforcement come together can be...

Discrimination and How to Stop It: Persuasive Essay

5 Pages 1474 Words
Introduction Despite its many manifestations in modern society, discrimination continues to be a divisive and ubiquitous problem. Discrimination against people because of their gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, handicap, or race is the foundation of this unfair conduct. This complicated phenomena has far-reaching effects on the lives of the oppressed, affecting their mental health, social networks, and financial stability, among...

Non-Legal Aspects of Teenage Mothers' Right to Education: Essay

4 Pages 1891 Words
There are several factors that are non-legal that either directly or indirectly impact the right to education for teenage mothers. However, that variance is premised on a regional basis; albeit that, there are several other ancillary notions that affect the same and they inter alia comprise poverty, illiteracy, low literacy levels, and any more. This essay will explore the veracity...

There Cannot Be Girl Power without Brain Power: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1444 Words
130,000,000 girls. 130,000,000 girls who don’t have access to school. 130,000,000 girls who can’t even read the words on this page. 130,000,000 girls with no chance. 130,000,000 girls left behind ('Gender Inequality Is Keeping Girls Out of School'). Do you sense a problem? In our evolving world, uneducated people are at a catastrophic disadvantage. Without literacy, a woman cannot earn...

Why Guns Should Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1096 Words
Since the independence of America, the United States Bill of Rights in 1791 stated that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. So, the concept of owning guns is very old, but it evolved since the last century because of...

Persuasive Essay against Gun Control

1 Page 628 Words
In the article ‘A List of the Reasons Cited against Gun Control and an Effort to Think Them Through’ by Tanushree Ghosh, the idea that creating stricter gun laws is the solution to the problem is assessed. A multitude of reasons are given behind this statement. However, it is mentioned that criminals will find a way to get ahold of...

Is the Dismissal of Equality of Opportunity a Reasonable One: Critical Essay

6 Pages 2838 Words
This essay will accentuate whether the dismissal of equality of opportunity is a reasonable one. Throughout this essay, I will be denoting fair equality of opportunity, which reaches deeper into the social background than formal equality of opportunity. Rather than clearing away any obstacles for any position, it allows itself to prevent the differential effects of the social lottery at...

Education Is a Power to Sustain Democracy and Freedom: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1102 Words
In recent discussions of the true power of education, a controversial issue has been whether education is the most powerful means to sustain democracy and freedom. On the one hand, some argue that education is not the most powerful means to sustain democracy and freedom. From this perspective, people see how there could be faults in the educational system and...

Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

1 Page 406 Words
A brave woman, Rosa Parks played a key role in starting the civil rights movement for African Americans. Rosa Parks lived in Montgomery, Alabama, a city with a reputation as the first pro-slavery capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Rosa Parks, a seamstress at a downtown department store, had a prior history as a civil rights campaigner,...

Persuasive Essay on Abortion Pro-Life

1 Page 412 Words
Pro-life is the right choice until the day you die. The abortion rate has fallen by one-third over the past two decades! The pro-life issue means you believe that all human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development, education, and degree of dependency. This issue is so important because everyone has the right to life. Abortion is...

LGBT Situation in Countries: Research Paper

6 Pages 2684 Words
The term ‘LGBT’ was first introduced in the 1990s meaning those people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. It replaced the earlier used term ‘LGB’ that was first used in the early 1980s (Wikipedia. 2018. LGBT.) It is commonly estimated that 1 in 5 people of the world’s population identifies themselves as LGBT (Jennifer Robison. 2002. What...

LGBT Rights Persuasive Speech

2 Pages 1159 Words
Love is something I wish was a piece of cake but sadly it isn’t. It is very complicated and it has a lot of versions of it, each one of them beautiful in their way. However, there will always be people who will never find these different versions beautiful and try to change and twist love into something that they...

LGBT Reaction Paper

3 Pages 1299 Words
Before starting to discuss the problems faced by the LGBTQ community, it is essential to first understand its background. If we look at the chain, we find the term “homosexual” as the pioneer, but it was soon replaced with the word “gay” in the 1950s because “homosexual “ was believed to have negative connotations. By the 1960s, with the promotion...

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