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Genre is a set of conventional constraints on the production and interpretation of meaning; providing a set of characteristics and conventions for authors to use as guidelines when writing their texts. Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved written in 1987 can be seen as a form of magical realism in terms of genre because it can be seen as being a distortion effect that points out the realistic view of the modern world while interconnecting the fantasy realm into it; which is...
6 Pages 2816 Words
In this assignment we will mainly talk about customer care in the hospitality and tourism industry, we have to analyze the needs and wants of both external and internal customers and we must also talk more about internal and external customers what they are all about, and what they are. We will also get to know more about what the moment of truth is in a business or organization, and also, we will explain the impact of service on customers,...
3 Pages 1258 Words
Introduction:- Consumers are moving outside the purchasing funnel— changing the way they research and buy your products. If your marketing hasn’t changed in response, it should, says a McKinsey study. Every day, people form impressions of brands from touch points such as advertisements, news reports, conversations with family and friends, and product experiences. Unless consumers are actively shopping, much of that exposure appears wasted. But what happens when something triggers the impulse to buy? Those accumulated impressions then become crucial...
2 Pages 970 Words
Praising children is often perceived as a beneficial way to reinforce your child’s sense of self-accomplishment and achievement. Parents frequently use praise to encourage and motivate their children’s certain behaviours and to boost their self-esteem. However, over-praising your child may lead to adverse effects, such as decreased motivation and self-consciousness (Swann, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to support the advice that over-praising kids does more harm than good (Chapnik Myers, 2018), by examining two empirical journal articles...
2 Pages 966 Words
Introduction One of the most exciting yet fragile stages of life is the preschool age. It is the make-or-break point of the child as he begins to wander, explore, and learn about his environment and self. The preschool stage is considered to be the person’s formative years where foundations that contribute to the child’s behavior in the future are built. Heath (2013) stated that a well-developed foundation during the preschool age will contribute to its functionality as the child slowly...
6 Pages 2945 Words
Communication is an essential part of our lives. It helps individuals to convey information, feelings, and meanings through verbal and non-verbal messages. It is usually common to see many people think that verbal communication is used profoundly in our daily lives and its knowledge is more important for us. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, complements and enhances spoken language, with the lack of any one of them leading to misunderstanding of the message we are attempting to transmit. So,...
2 Pages 1144 Words
Beauty has always been the talk of the town since the dawn of time and it involves both men and women. However, as years passed, women are being put as the main highlight when we are talking about beauty. Men, on the other hand, will be deemed as feminine if they show interest in beauty. Cambridge English Dictionary defines beauty as the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something that gives great pleasure, especially when...
3 Pages 1514 Words
In recent literature, researchers underline that multiple and antisocial personality disorder is real but that it rarely occurs spontaneously, without prompting, and therefore does not deserve to be a primary-level diagnosis. Special attention is given to gender differences and behavior patterns of patients and possible treatment methods. There is a small but well-recognized group of adults with a mild learning disability, predominantly but not exclusively male, who come within this rubric and who pose major problems of management, containment, and...
4 Pages 1826 Words
Texas tends to not restrict an individual’s right, however; the Texas government in the past seemed to always restrict an individual from gambling. The first Texas constitution banned all types of gambling even though many citizens seemed to enjoy the culture of gambling. The Texas ban on gambling was very strict. Any bet on random chance and any form of gambling was part of the definition of illegal gambling. The ban on gambling stayed relatively the same for quite some...
4 Pages 1640 Words
The Impact Baseball Has Had on American The idea of Football being America's pastime is false. The misconception of how baseball has affected American history and helped Americans From the Civil War to Civil Rights and all points in between and beyond, the game of baseball supports and reflects many aspects of American life. Baseball is America's pastime because of the effects it had in the Civil War, civil rights, The world wars as well as the great depression. Baseball...
1 Page 575 Words
The present study conducted is partly a replication of a study ‘Gender differences in self-esteem and happiness among University students’ carried out by Malik and Sadia (2013). The findings of the study carried out by Malik and Sadia (2013) were as follows: males had significantly higher levels of self-esteem than females; insignificant differences were found between males and females for happiness; a positive relationship was found between self-esteem and happiness. Moreover, the purpose of the current study is to explore...
3 Pages 1447 Words
Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and electrical engineer, known for his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission, the development of Marconi's law, and a radio telegraph system. He was born into a family of scholars, they were wealthy, and his father had an engineering company and workshop where they repaired cars, bicycles, tricycles, and gigantic at times, he was a strict disciplinarian who never tolerated nonsense, he impacted the rights way of life and the path to success and...
1 Page 425 Words
In the 19th Century, people were defined by their ability to control their money. Like Torvald, he was a banker and a lawyer who determined how money was spent at that time. Morals by a person’s ability to manage money. In “Doll House by Henrik Ibsen”, Torvald gets a good position at the bank and he is the one who could decide who would get the job between Mrs. Linde and Krogstad. In the relationship between Nora and Torvald, Money...
1 Page 579 Words
Learning a second language is never easy. Learning English as a second language is even more difficult, and here's why. First of all, learning English is difficult because of the limited learning environment. In most cases, students can speak sufficient English in class only under supervision. In addition, students do not always hear enough English from those around them. Therefore, learning correct English becomes more difficult. Learning materials refer to elements that contribute to the learning process. Books may be...
1 Page 588 Words
My childhood wasn’t necessarily the happiest of times. Growing up, my mother suffered a series of heart-related issues; it seemed as though she spent more time at the hospital than at home with her little girl. Being that I was a difficult child to put up with, especially as a single mother, and only made things worse because I refused to stay at home with a babysitter, I often accompanied my mom during her hospital visits. At the time, I...
2 Pages 718 Words
Harassment at the workplace has been a condition that has continued to turmoil in many countries leaving victims vulnerable and defenseless. There are many forms of harassment at the workplace currently. Apart from discrimination basing on different aspects such as skin color, nationality gender, and age, workers continue to suffer other injustices such as underpayment and overworking. From different parts of the country, discrimination at the workplace is cancer that has eaten deep into America’s integrity and morality at the...
3 Pages 1267 Words
The term ‘Moors’ referred to Islamic peoples from North Africa who were typically of Arabic or Berber lineage, they were diverse in skin colors and languages and kept migrating to Europe, Asia, and Africa. This made them do not belong to any particular country or group. In 711 AD, Moors people swept in from Africa and conquered the Iberian Peninsula or so-called Medieval Iberia, while the rest of the Western Roman Empire was falling under the Dark Ages. There was...
2 Pages 905 Words
The two articles contrast each other on several points in which I came up with the assumption to explain the significance of the Cold War and its consequences. Disagreeably, the article I misprinted on how the Cold War occurred in East Asia and other regions. It only addresses the actions and ideology of superpowers and the irrelevance of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, to argue with the first one, article II, agreeably, comprehensively notes the misperception of the previous article and recognizes...
2 Pages 1090 Words
Air pollution is known to hurt human health, contributing to approximately 3.4 million premature deaths globally in 2010. By looking at both different types of air pollution (PM2.5, ozone, etc.) and sources (road transportation, agriculture, household energy, shipping, etc.) it is possible to produce a global picture of air pollution distribution and how to most effectively reduce the impact on human health. This paper will look specifically at the road transportation source sector, discussing the current predictions of health effects...
1 Page 453 Words
The figure of the witch comes from a long history that precedes the United States by many millennia. The witch can be traced back to the mythology of Ancient Greece in which female association with magic is almost always portrayed as destructive or threatening. Examples of this include Circe, Medea, and, most famously, Medusa. The classicist, Mary Beard, states that Medusa's severed head remains 'one of the most potent ancient symbols of male mastery over the destructive dangers that the...
6 Pages 2699 Words
Normal child development and development of delinquent behavior are greatly influenced by individual, social, and communal circumstances and their relationships influence the behavior. Comprehensive studies suggest that behavior, including antisocial and delinquent characteristics, results from a complex relation of personal biological and genetic elements and environmental elements, from the fetal stages of development to adulthood. Biological development is influenced by the environmental elements, which act together to influence one’s behavior. Most children attain adulthood without being involved in grave delinquent...
3 Pages 1165 Words
This research is motivated by the development of technology in the banking world which simplifies banking transactions, namely the digital marketing of Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Negara. Digital Marketing is products or services advertised via the Internet. Internet marketing can be technically creative, both design, development, advertising, and selling through the Internet. The analytical method used is path analysis with quantitative research methods. The data used are primary data with the type of associative research. The sampling technique used is purposive...
6 Pages 2597 Words
Our society is wholly shaped by Economics. The subject has interested me due to the advancement our world has undergone. Despite this, poverty lingers. (So,) when initially reading ‘Dead Aid’ by Moyo, it was very conflicting coming across “Aid has helped make poor poorer and growth slower.” (However, it was only) When I completed the book(After reading), I (understood why this was the case. I) learned that there are many hindrances to Africa’s development such as disease and location. Moyo...
2 Pages 802 Words
The Aftermath of the Overpopulation in California California is changing, and not always for the better. water is becoming scarce, open spaces are filling in, traffic, pollution, and overcrowding are all common concerns that affect daily life in California and the biggest factor contributing to California's decline is simply; too many people. Much of L.A. County in earlier days was characterized by ranches and agricultural land, including numerous citrus groves and open space, but little by little it has given...
4 Pages 1762 Words
For the past two centuries, the form of oral contraception has seen a rise in popularity with the differing views on the pill's significance. Whether it be said that the pill has shown many positive benefits, the dangers of this form of contraception must remain known. Birth control is a negatively viewed drug that does more damage than good to society as a whole. Birth control is an unnecessary medical practice that gives women a bad stigma, causes major side...
2 Pages 921 Words
Identity theft refers to the unlawful taking of statistics (e.g., personal account numbers or even tangible items such as deposit playing cards or taking a look at books) whilst Identity fraud entails simply using the statistics for the perpetrator's gain (e.g., to open a new account). The Internet has introduced instantaneous and cheap communication throughout the globe and it has changed commerce by making it simpler for persons to transact throughout a multitude of jurisdictions. However, the introduction of the...
1 Page 539 Words
Oppression is described by the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority’ and it can also be described as ‘a situation in which people are... prevented from having opportunities and freedom’ as outlined by the Cambridge dictionary. Oppressive acts are commonly used against people who belong to certain groups and categories. In a modern world-renowned for its diversity and inclusivity, we are still able to see many forms of oppression daily. Oppression comes in many...
3 Pages 1389 Words
In the study of comparative politics, many political theorists such as Andrew Hindmoor, Mark Petracca, and Jon Elson explain political occurrences such as war, voting methods, and the economy through the understanding of Rational Choice Theory. Rational Choice Theory is a prominent theory in the study of Politics and Economics. It posits that individuals, institutions, and societies construct purposive, goal-seeking choices based on their interests and preferences, which are rational (Hindmoor, 2006). For many people, one aspect of being part...
2 Pages 957 Words
Introduction Recently, there has been growing interest in globalization and its influence towards child labour. Child labour has increased in the last decades due to globalization (Gunter & van der Hoeven, 2004) and more and more interest arises for the impact that globalization has on it. A lot of studies and researchers have investigated the relationship between globalization and child labour, but there is a wide range of results. Researchers only investigated a specific part of globalization, for example, the...
4 Pages 1878 Words
According to the narrative, an article revealed that an F&J device is a form of addictive technology. From a utilitarian viewpoint, it is clear that this MR technology will increase the revenues of the company while causing addiction. This business strategy is ethically wrong. On the other hand, utilitarianism makes it ethically sound for the parent to accept the monetary offer from the manufacturers of F&J. This is because; the financial gains from this offer will help him afford the...
2 Pages 929 Words
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