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300 Word Essay on Career Goals Examples

For a better understanding of my career goals, I pursued my under graduation in management degree in Bachelor of Hotel Management from Kolkata, India. I have completed a three-year degree which has enhanced and provided me with a lot of opportunities both at the academic and experiential levels to explore my study of interest. I want to learn and achieve much more in my life. I have researched extensively about the educational opportunities and advancements in the United States of...
1 Page 309 Words

Compare and Contrast Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

Between Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal and Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom domestic programs, Roosevelt contained more regions of reform than Wilson. Roosevelt was also more progressive than Wilson. They both contributed significantly to a period of national reform that made the government in Washington a bigger center of power. The United States neared the end of the nineteenth century as a fundamentally altered nation from the beginning of the Civil War. Progressivism began as a series of local movements and included...
2 Pages 956 Words

Jimmy Carter Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Essay

Carter calls for the protection of the Arctic Refuge in his foreword to “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, A Photographic Journey.” Carter creates a case for the protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to convince his audience. Jimmy Carter tries to reassure his audience of his position by using pathos, and logos, as well as his position as the 39th president. Carter starts with a personal anecdote in his article. He talks about...
1 Page 638 Words

Is Conservatism an Ideology Essay

The conservative ideology takes off in the eighteenth century during the French Revolution of 1789. The revolutionaries replace the Old Regime, an old society based on order and hierarchy, with a new society based on freedom, fraternity, and equality. At the moment when the National Assembly is constituted, two streams cross it: supporters of the king's power, attached to the model of France before 1789, they wish to preserve certain elements of ancient society and are placed on the right....
5 Pages 2259 Words

What Made Theodore Roosevelt a Great Leader

Famous Leader Analysis Leader history/background (i.e. where did they come from, how did they become a leader, etc.) Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858, in New York, New York, in the United States. And died on January 6, 1919, in Oyster Bay, New York at age 60. He was a sickly child in his youth, suffering from a strong case of asthma. Theodore overcame his health issues via a strenuous lifestyle (boxing, gymnastics, weightlifting, rugby), as well as...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Analysis of Main Political Parties of Canada and of Their Voting System

Executive Summary The main purpose of this assignment is to explore the main political parties of the Canada and also their voting system. This assignment will cover the topics about the right of people to vote and what information to think when voting. What are the political values to think when choosing the political leaders? Besides this, this report will also cover information about the current issues that are affecting the Canada. If we focus on Canada, there are four...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Passive Building Construction, Active Fire Protection System and Fire Safety Management: Analytical Essay

The construction industry around the world is becoming constructing green and sustainable buildings nature. To satisfy the assessment criteria being suggested and proposed, newly architectural features and innovative ideas, newly mechanical and electrical systems, and suitable energy and environment management scheme have been raise out. Moreover, fire safety issues have not yet been properly assessed and elevated. There have been different conflicts among the green or sustainable building design and fire safety provisions . Provision of fire safety have been...
2 Pages 697 Words

Political Science and International Relations: Analytical Essay

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS One of the scopes of political science is international relations. Analysis of national interactions with each other, with international organizations, and with several subnational entities such as political parties, bureaucracies, and even interest groups. Applied political science, the history of civilization about a country, history, economics, law, human psychology, sociology, and philosophy of life are some of the disciplines of academic and other educational resources related to it. (Pfaltzgraff, R, 2019). Political science and international relations are interrelated...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Margaret Thatcher Eulogy to Ronald Reagan Rhetorical Analysis [Essay]

In her 2004 eulogy honoring former US president Ronald Reagan, former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher distinguishes Reagan as not only a great president but a great American and man. By shedding light on Reagan’s ability to unite a previously divided nation, Thatcher describes Reagan’s leadership and character through figurative language to lighten the mood when discussing the difficult tasks that he faced without corrupting the country. Thatcher also establishes diction in her piece to illustrate how Reagan’s personality played...
1 Page 551 Words

Essay about Course Evaluation

The Engineering Technical communication course was to improve our professional skills when we work in big multinational companies (MNCs), and corporations. I loved this course because it helped me to grow personally and professionally. And also helped me in building my confidence. I completed under graduation in 2019. I don’t have any professional experience. So, this course helped me to mingle with a lot of different people with different backgrounds in their professional life. And the in-class activities helped me...
2 Pages 966 Words

The Effect of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities: Use of Profanity

Introduction One aspect of teaching is educators' abilities to effectively manage their students' behaviors. Many teacher education programs expose teachers to numerous strategies for managing students' behaviors. One of the most challenging aspects of teaching is classroom management and discipline (Yost & Mosca, 2002). According to Witzel and Mercer (2003), 'The area of behavior interventions in classrooms receives more attention than many other aspects of schooling. This is not surprising as teachers are expected to deal with discipline problems that...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Reflective Essay on the Course of Engineering Technical Communication

Final Reflection Assignment Engineering technical communication is a course that teaches about developing the overall personality of an engineer. I have learned many professional values during this course by performing various tasks. I faced a problem in the topic of team collaboration in which the professor taught about how to interact with other group mates in a professional environment. I have also encountered many difficulties while doing tasks. Actually, I face a problem when I became a group member with...
2 Pages 735 Words

Critical Analysis of the Use of Profanity

Introduction 1.1 Background of the Research Problem The use of profanity is not an uncommon phenomenon. This term is also known as swearing, obscenity, foul language, taboo words, and the like. In this research, all of those terms would be included as profanity. Many people from various ages, educational backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, or social statuses use and/or understand the use of profanities. They are usually cautious in using it since it is seen as rude and offensive. The term profanity...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Detection of Inappropriate Anonymous Comments Using NLP and Sentiment Analysis: Analysis of Profanity

Abstract The world became interactive and socially active nowadays because of the increase in different types of content-sharing applications. These content-sharing applications are social media platforms that provide various features so that users can effectively interact and share their thoughts and ideology. One such platform is a discussion forum that promises the anonymous posting of users' views and complaints. As the growth In the craze of the forum, they are being targeted by spammers for their work. Though these platforms...
9 Pages 3910 Words

Usage of Profanity by Malaysian Teenagers: Analytical Essay

Research Methodology 3.0 Introduction This chapter described the procedures and methodology utilized in the course of this research. The research design, participants, sampling method, data collection methods, research instruments, and data analysis procedures are also explained in this chapter. 3.1 Research design 3.1.1 Pilot Study In order to determine the possibility of conducting this research, a pilot study was conducted in March 2018 where a preliminary study was developed to determine if Malaysians use bad language in English. The preliminary...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous People: Argumentative Essay

The Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Affairs Committee (SOCHUM) is one of the six specialized subcommittees of the United Nations General Assembly and is generally referred to as the Third Committee. It was established after the development of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Year after year, the General Assembly allocates to its Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Affairs Committee, agenda items relating to a range of social and humanitarian affairs, and human rights issues that affect people all over...
6 Pages 2876 Words

Engineering Technical Communications Course: Student's Reflection

Engineering Technical Communications course focused on technical writing as well as communication aspects for graduate students. The course is of prime importance as it deals with useful topics that increase the clarity and conciseness required for a Professional Engineer, who aspires to carry out their career all over the world. As communication skills are of vital importance to academics and industry alike, it is inevitable for fresh and upcoming graduates to have a firm grip on technical communication; both oral...
2 Pages 884 Words

Importance of Engineering Technical Communications: Opinion Essay

Initially, I thought that Engineering Technical Communications means it’s the same thing that we are taught in the under-graduation level and there would be no difference at the starting stage I have some questions running in my mind that why the university has chosen this subject. Instead, they can opt for other communication subjects. But after the first class, I came to know the importance of technical communications in our professional career and how major role it plays in the...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport: Analytical Essay

Abstract Rapid revolution in the Region of Information Communication technology and digital things are pushing for the rapid formation of IoT (Internet of Things). In IoT, device-to-device information interchanges are considered through either Pushing or Polling convention. Push protocol is much more acceptable for IoT devices because of its High productivity and lightweight. You can find various Push protocols readily available for IoT such as XMPP, MQTT, and AMQP in which MQTT is most widely used. The vital feature of...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Final Reflection on Engineering Technical Communication: Opinion Essay

When enrolled in the Engineering Technical Communication course I was thinking in such a way that I might not get anything new and relevant for my professional career as an engineer. I was heedless to attend the classes because of the pre-occupied mindset of thinking of me as a professional with good communication skills. Nevertheless, when the instructor announced the course, I transformed my mind and started listening to the lectures. She described very well the significance of knowledge in...
2 Pages 944 Words

Role of Effective Technical Communication in Professional World

I walked into the Technical communication classroom having a pre-occupied mindset that this course would be of no use and it would never help me in my future endeavors. However, when the professor introduced the course and explained to us why technical communications matters and emphasized on the fact that communication actually makes the difference between success and failure, I changed my preoccupancy and started listening to the lectures. I realized that it is much more than communication, the class...
2 Pages 973 Words

Relationship Between Profanity and Honesty: Analytical Essay

Abstract The overall purpose of my research was to look into the use of swearing by facilitators during group sessions as a method of improving group members' engagement with session materials and examples but also helping them more fully understand and internalise the learning. To do this I have looked mainly for studies which have been carried out by psychologists and industry professionals using the scientific method. Whilst there is some dissenting opinion, the overall consensus among those is that...
4 Pages 2070 Words

Procedural Pragmatism in Modi's Views: Analytical Essay

‘Modi has articulated India’s concerns and interests without falling into the familiar ideological traps that Delhi used to set for itself ’ What is Pragmatism? ‘pragmatism’, as applied to shifts in India’s post-Cold War foreign policy, has generally been interpreted substantively: that is, to denote a foreign policy that has expunged one form of ‘content’ (earlier ideational frameworks) and adopted a new ‘content’, namely a set of realist assumptions that frame the national interest in terms of material power. The...
3 Pages 1297 Words

A Comparative Study of Messaging Protocols: Analytical Essay

Abstract Messaging protocols are basically formats and rules defined for exchanging messages between different parts of a messaging system. Message passing is a type of communication between processes. Message passing is a form of communication used in parallel programming and object-oriented programming. Communications are completed by the sending of messages (functions, signals, and data packets) to recipients. This work aims at studying messaging protocols like MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), and XMPP (Extensible Messaging and...
6 Pages 2603 Words

Essay on Professional Communication Process: Analysis of Message, Audience, Channel, and Potential Noise

The professional communication process is used every day by everyone around the world. It makes up the way in which people communicate. This process has four main elements: the message, the audience, the channel, and the potential noise. When you are communicating with someone or a group of people, all four of these things will be present. Within this report, the importance of these particular elements will be discussed and evaluated in detail. After knowing the fundamentals of all four...
4 Pages 1899 Words

Critical Analysis of Message Consequences and Communication Model

Question 1. Give examples of the following types of Biases in a sentence: Gender bias, Racial bias, Age bias, and Disability bias. How can they be avoided? Answer: We communicate most of our ideas to others through verbal messages, i.e., through spoken or written messages. However, verbal messages have some drawbacks like the message might not be properly worded, or the message could also be misunderstood, or interpreted differently from its intended meaning. for instance, even an easy statement like...
6 Pages 3044 Words

Communication Chain Report: Critical Analysis of Linguistic Message

Communication Chain Report Crystal and Varley’s Communication Chain Model (1998) is a scientific framework that clarifies and explains the features of human communication. A disorder of communication may arise from a disruption to the Communication chain, for example, any difficulties with executing speech. The Communication Chain includes 3 main stages. The first stage is production (expression) which is where a linguistic message is formed and can be conveyed (Williamson, 2014). This is where a person thinks about what their message...
5 Pages 2127 Words

Venezuela International Essay: Analysis of the Role of Simon Bolivar

The lovely country of Venezuela is a sight to see. It deserves to be recognized not only for its stunning landmarks like the Angel Falls and the Orinoco Delta but also for its lovely people. The citizens of Venezuela embody the spirit of resilience and companionship, especially in this time of desperation. Home to some of the most beautiful scenery, dynamic culture, and tasty cuisines, Venezuela is a country full of life and character, making it an inviting travel destination....
8 Pages 3464 Words

Globalization and Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

In today's day and age, our global economy indicates and showcases food as becoming the main objective of neoliberal practices, which have equally altered the way in which farmers grow crops or foods and the methods they used to cultivate the land for growing. The world’s food supply completely relies on large transnational corporations and have always favored a more industrialized practice of agriculture rather than traditional knowledge. Currently, family and subsistence farmers are in danger due to the rapid...
7 Pages 3037 Words

Issues of Equity and Shortcomings of Common Law: Critical Analysis

1. Equity was created to supplement not to supplant the common law. Do you agree? The issue in question is whether equity came to take common law’s place or assist the common law in the judicial system. To understand this, we need to look at the creation of equity and how it came to affect the common law system. In the Earl of Oxford Case (1615) 1 Rep CH 1at 6, the common law had awarded a judgment against a...
5 Pages 2148 Words

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