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The Experience Of Anticipated Regret Of Adolescents In Group Decision Making

Regret is a central emotion in reflecting about the past and involves blaming oneself for having done something or not having done something (Gilovich & Medvec, 1995). Many studies have been conducted on the experience of regret in people, with regards to their decision-making process and how they can factor in the anticipated regret into their final decision. In the experience of anticipated regret, many studies have been conducted to understand the impact of anticipated regret at different points in...
4 Pages 1827 Words

Leadership Crisis In The Contemporary Muslim World

Abstract [bookmark: _Hlk23617257]This paper is a secondary study based on online research on how modernisation has impacted the contemporary Muslim world. The paper explores the various factors that have contributed to the decline in the Muslim Ummah including the inability of the Muslim leaders to handle the challenges brought by modernisation and how this weak leadership has further led to the decline in the Muslim Ummah in the contemporary world. This paper offers solutions on how the leadership crisis and...
6 Pages 2614 Words

Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Behavior

Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Facebook. He has propelled Facebook to be among the most successful firms in the world, primarily due to his effective leadership styles. The company's profit margin continues to increase, having accrued a net income. of approximately $6.88 billion in 2018. He has been able to influence and inspire his subordinates to achieve a shared vision. In general, Zuckerberg’s leadership characteristics depict a director who balances task-oriented and relationship-oriented management styles...
2 Pages 707 Words

The Role Of Team Leader In Conflict Management

It was during Week 2 of university and we all received a notification on Thursday. The scavenger hunt assignment was posted on Google classroom. ‘Will I be able to fit in a group?’ ‘What if I’m left on my own?’ “Will my peers like me or befriend me?’ were the random thoughts that tormented our brains. Later that day, a bunch of classmates who were still unknown to me and I entered a tutorial class of another module. The girls...
4 Pages 1951 Words

Purchase And Supply Chain Management: Modern Slavery

Executive Summary Modern-day slavery, as unfortunate as it is, is still prevalent in today’s world. Despite humans’ great achievements in the field of science and technology like reaching to the moon, these accomplishments have not witnessed any slavery predicament. Modern-day slavery has to do with poverty, corporate greed, inaction of large firms, and difficult nature of supplier chains (John 2015 pp. 697). In this context, it is essential to provide an outlook on how the UK’s two top suppliers have...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Success Factors Of Project Manager

Introduction Well, there are a few critical factors relating to a project’s success, but the author, based on her experience thinks that effective governance is one of the most vital of them all (Meredith & Mantel, 2014, p 180). The project can manifest as a successful end product based on clear goals and laid out objectives, and competent teams realise the vision as goals (Meredith & Mantel, 2014, p 92). Further, Risk management, contingency planning and TOP management support seals...
1 Page 646 Words

The Impact Of Supply Chain Drivers On Organizational Performance

According to the United States government which is cited by (Marc Levinson, 2017) in the congressional research service manufacturing sector defined as ‘’comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of material, substances, or components into new products.’’ However, manufacturing firms have faced numerous difficulties. According to Tekeba Eshetie (2018) in the study of Ethiopia’s manufacturing industry opportunities, challenges, and way forward; manufacturing firms have faced various challenges such as weak supply chain integration, Limited research on manufacturing...
1 Page 445 Words

Risk Management And The Olympic Games

Executive Summary After the first modern Olympic game held in Atlanta in 1966 with poor experience and many difficulties, risk management process in Olympic Games become an important norm. This report expects to deliver independent opinion on the Risk factors will be involved with the proposed Olympic game in 2012 at Britain with considering the internal and external environment of the Olympic Games. There are several sub contents have been reviewed with respective to the past experience involved during the...
5 Pages 2331 Words

Drivers Of Environmental Leadership In Corporate Organizations

“Climate change is no longer a far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now” (Barack Obama). The world has finally woken up to address the disastrous consequences of mankind’s activities. Measures are being taken all around the world to reduce the impact of climate change and prevent further harm. Industries have played a key role in contributing to global warming along with many other sources. Majority of them have also voluntarily shouldered the responsibility of taking steps towards...
4 Pages 1744 Words

Personal Ethical Framework For Decision Making: Essay

Ethics provides a set of idealistic expectations that helps people with making judgments while providing reasonable causes for their choices. Ethical decisions often conflict with creating resolutions regarding religion. Many religions promote ethical decision making; however, some religions often do not acknowledge the full extent of ethical choices of an individual. Most religions oppose against or forbid certain behaviors that may not be regarded ethically appropriate in their beliefs, such as sexual orientations or behaviors. Many people rely on their...
2 Pages 909 Words

Relationship Between Leadership And School Reforms In Primary School In Fiji

Educational Leadership is a vital feature that builds an apparition of academic success for all students in the education system by endeavoring and stabilizing a safe and receptive educational environment. “A Leadership can make or break any organisation”, thus a leader must be proficient and devoted experts to perform excellently and hold quality leadership abilities to meet the standards of a school system across the country. Quality educational leaders are very essential for any organisation as they play a dynamic...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles

INTRODUCTION Organization is a person or a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. Goal is a statement that shows organizations wishes to archive. Organization is born when more than one person coordinates to perform a work, such as one person passing bundles to another person who puts them in an order. Organizations can range in size from one person to tens of thousands. “OOREDOO” the multinational organization is a leading international...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Integrity as The Major Item Of Leadership

The greatest challenge of leadership is to maintain integrity. Even in the world of business, education, and politics, character is recognised as major issue for leaders. When leaders fail to maintain integrity, their families and the people entrusted them would suffer the consequences. Integrity begins from within and is based on sincerity. The word ‘Sincere' comes from the Latin word for ‘without wax.’ In the ancient world, dishonest potters would disguise cracks in low-quality clay pots by covering them with...
1 Page 429 Words

Experiencing Social Work Leadership Through The Story Of A Social Work Leader

Social Work is a dynamic and ever-changing field which over the decades has evolved and melded itself around so many facets of not only individual’s lives, but communities and countries, with the aim of illuminating, enhancing and attending to social issues for a better collective wellbeing. This essay concerns itself with identifying a leader in Social Work and the analysis of the leadership style and values this individual possesses which has enabled them to become the leader they are recognised...
3 Pages 1526 Words

The Importance Of Self Confidence For The Leader

Self-confidence is classified as a personal trait for an effective leader. Self-confidence measure the potential to trust your instincts, qualities, and judgment to make a better decision. Being self-confident is vital that a leader can have due to the fact it will help instill self-belief among the followers and the group (Dubrin, 2015). Self- confidence can also be considered as a behavioral and interactive ability as an alternative than just a personality trait because it reflects on how both male...
1 Page 413 Words

Leadership And Teamwork Satisfaction

Teamwork between individuals in a firm are foundations for corporations. Assembling efficient teams can increase productivity, achieve higher synergy and gain broader perspectives. Nevertheless, teams are not always effective; it’s benefits can only be reaped if the group has trust, common goals and compatible personalities necessary for achieving high performance. THE SITUATION The article, ‘Leading in Hostile environment’, presents difficulties in leadership in an unamicable environment. “Medical One... largest multispecialty healthcare practice” having “numerous regional clinics… employed more than 13,000...
4 Pages 1953 Words

Self Assessment Of Leadership Profiling

ABSTRACT The quest to understand leadership, across various sectors and disciplines, has meant that the body of existing literature is vast. After decades of research a generally accepted, comprehensive theory of leadership appears to elude us Whether you seem to be a “born leader” or are uneasy with the role of leader and need to develop leadership skills methodically, you will discover valuable insights through a self-assessment. You will want to examine your following abilities: Skills Traits, competencies Experience. Since...
3 Pages 1561 Words

ERP And Decision Making

INTRODUCTION WHY IS EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING IMPORTANT IN ORG Businesses make a large number decisions on a daily basis. It can be a very simple decision such buying office stationery or a rather complex one such as a business acquisition .Each organizational decision has a different degree of complexity, comprise of different styles and approaches, possesses different informational requirements and are set at a different time frame. The necessity of making decisions often seems to be the only constant in...
5 Pages 2110 Words

Impact Of Leadership In Science

Leadership is an exercise that boost the efforts of attempt of other people in attainment of success through social influence. Leadership develops from social influence. There are no particular personality traits, attributes or title that defines an effective leadership. Leadership requires a vision of success which is a goal so that they can influence others by maximizing the efforts to turn a vision into a reality.(1) . Leadership is about motivating people to do things which they have never considered...
8 Pages 3556 Words

The Importance Of Decision Making In Weather

In a Pilots career, they will encounter many different circumstances that require quick thinking and proper judgement, this is regarded as Decision Making. Circumstances such as poor weather require pilots to react and make a decision based on the environment around them. Pilots are required to provide adequate judgement calls for the safety of themselves and crew onboard. There is no secret that experience plays a significant role in decision making, decision making can be broken down into different categories...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Leadership And Miracle

Abstract In this paper, the author conducts a study on the Battles of Samaria and Aphek between Ben Hadad and Ahab. These battles, which were won by the underdog, Ahad, using less Soldiers and equipment, which was a miracle from God even though King Ahad was wicked and ignored God’s word, which showed showing God’s good grace and patience. The author shows how this battle was relevant to Merida’s writings in which Merida considers four key points from the battles,...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Deming’s 14 Points To Improve Quality

Quality management is a subject that is close to the heart of any business owner and manager. Whatever business we do, we want to do it well – and if we can be the best out of all our competitors, the better. Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a respected academic, engineer, business consultant and author, also believed that quality was the key to success. He suggested what is now known as Deming's 14 points. Create constancy of purpose: towards product and...
3 Pages 1204 Words

The Aspects Of Managerial Decision Making

As the new chief of police, I would deal with one problem at a time. Since the problem of sexual harassment is so prevalent, I would make sexual harassment courses mandatory for the entire force. Many companies have a grievance policy for sexual harassment cases. The grievance procedure. Personnel professionals had established grievance procedures in union negotiations after the passage of the Wagner Act of 1935 (Dobbin and Kelly,2007). Anyone accused of harassment would be out under investigation and temporary...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Projects Failure: Reasons And Preventions

Whenever a project is started, it may either succeed or fail. Successful projects are those that are completed within the project timelines, with the forecasted budgets, and are likely to satisfy the clients. Failed projects are those that are late, are expensive than expected, and are unsatisfactory (Kerzner, 2013). An example of a failed project I know entailed the construction of a water supply project for the world’s poorest-in Africa. Various factors led to the failure of the project. The...
1 Page 627 Words

Needs & Barriers In Inclusive Leadership In Primary Schools: An Experience From The Field

Abstract A key concern today is the question about the Inclusive leadership in our nation's primary schools as it increasingly relies on diverse learners, multidisciplinary teachers, and a community of different cultural heritage, and teachers. But simply throwing a mix of key elements of good schools together doesn't guarantee qualitative cum productive performance of schools for society as well as country; it requires inclusive leadership — leadership that assures that all members feel they are treated respectfully and fairly, are...
6 Pages 2606 Words

Leading Through Failure: Aspects And Factors

Failing is not the end of a journey. Rather, it is more like a checkpoint in a journey, with a promising end to the means if taken as a positive check. For someone to achieve their set goals, occasionally, failure is inevitable. The secret to succeeding is taking failures positively and getting focused towards achieving goals. Failures give us lifetime lessons and gives us more courage to face challenges that occur in the journey towards success. Leading through failure is...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Collegiate Lacrosse Leader Transformed Successful Nurse

One of the eight essentials of the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice considered fundamental for all graduates of DNP programs regardless of specialty or focus area is “organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2006, p. 10). Reflecting back, and considering events and/or time periods in which both organizational and personal leadership influenced my development, collegiate lacrosse rises to the top of the list. Four years of...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Jesus Christ And Leadership

Throughout the four Gospels, there is evidence of the different types of leadership styles that Jesus used. The style would change often between each interaction and encounter Jesus had with other people. By looking at each interaction Jesus had, we see his leadership style to be of the servant type. Servant leadership focuses on service to others. Each author of the four Gospels talks about a different type of leadership style that Jesus had. The four Gospels tell the story...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Why Is Leadership Needed To Be Guided By True Spirituality?

We observe now a day’s business leaders get involved in some ethical and unethical practices We know according to the law of Karma the activities of a person are adjusted by the outcomes. Success and failure depend on the karma of leader. Leader must adopt a mission to create and sustain value. Spiritual principles are the missing constituent in most past approaches of leadership which shows innovative progress in inner mind of the leaders. Bad Karma of leader like, cruelty,...
2 Pages 941 Words

Examining Leadership, Motivation And Teamwork Within A Large Multi-disciplinary Team Of Engineers

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to highlight and critically evaluate the major theories on the psychology behind leadership, motivation and teamwork methodologies and how we can apply them in the management of multi-disciplinary engineering teams to obtain effective work output. The methods used in this paper included looking at the vast amount of psychology research papers and then engaging in a process of evaluation. The information on this paper is not to be blindly accepted as scientific facts,...
5 Pages 2362 Words

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