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Elder Abuse as a Social Problem: Critical Essay

We all know elderly people are most vulnerable during Covid-19, the mortality rate of the elderly is higher than others, but do we really taking care of the elderly in our family or just taken for granted? Even if we think that we are taking care of them, are we taking into consideration of their perception of care or imposing our decisions/opinions on them? National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), National Commission for Women (NCW), and WHO, report during Covid-19 illuminated...
2 Pages 990 Words

Essay about College Room-mates and Their Types: Informative Essay

During most college students’ four years of studies, they are required to live in dorms. As expected, dorms are usually shared between two or more people, which automatically makes them your roommates. Throughout these four years every student gets to meet many different types of people, coming from various countries and backgrounds, and most times students are required to share their living spaces with those same people. As time progresses, we, students, are predisposed to live with a variety of...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Literacy Narrative Essay

Growing up, education and literacy were always encouraged in my household. My studies came first and everything else followed behind. I was taught very early that my education was my sole responsibility. My parents enforced that I would always have help and support, but I needed to help myself first and put forth the effort. I have had many experiences throughout my educational path, and the earliest I can remember was kindergarten. In kindergarten, we learned the basics of language...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Informative Essay about the Importance of Voting

I turned 18 on the 15th of March 2019. The thought of turning 18 had me over the moon with excitement. The amount of responsibility that came with it, but also the number of benefits of turning 18 was beyond amazing. The fact that I could now drive, the fact that I now had a later curfew, the fact that I would be finishing school this year, but above all that, it was the fact that I could now utilize...
2 Pages 731 Words

Critical Essay on the Importance of Being Open-Minded

Personal values are determined by things I believe are important to me and reflect my character. An important value that I carry with me on a day-to-day basis would be open-mindedness. Due to my personal belief in a particular religion, it is very easy to judge people who disagree with you. It takes a personal value and character to deal with certain situations. The value of being open-minded gives me a chance to learn about the beliefs and way of...
2 Pages 992 Words

Qualities of a Successful Person: Informative Essay

There are many successful people in this world today; famous names are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and many more. Despite the fact that a successful person has many qualities, in my opinion, the most important qualities are self-relevance, passion, willpower, patience, self-confidence, good communication skills, honesty, and last but not least, connection. The first quality of a successful person is self-relevance. It means people can shoulder their responsibilities and accountabilities, it also means that they make tough decisions...
1 Page 404 Words

Social Studies and Why They Matter: Critical Essay

In social studies, you can learn a lot about our country, environment, government, culture, and so on, but you should expect to be shocked. Expect the unthinkable, as they say. We benefit from social studies because, in today's world, a young learner needs to comprehend what it means to be part of a true community. Studying social studies is one of the most efficient ways to overcome fear and find who you truly are, one of the most successful techniques...
1 Page 400 Words

Narrative Essay on the Meaning of Prayer for Me

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, prayer is an address, such as a petition, to God or a god in word or thought, but I believe prayer has a deeper meaning. Prayer is us lifting our minds and heart to God spiritually. Every day I was so used to the normalcy of getting up every day and going to school, with the occasional activity or two. I went to church most Sundays with my family as everyone else did. I prayed the...
1 Page 413 Words

Love in a Relationship: Narrative Essay

Do you know what love is? Have you experienced the great thing called love? When we hear the word ‘relationship’, the ideas that come to our mind are friendship, sexual attraction, intellectual compatibility, and of course, love. I believed that love could be the glue that keeps a relationship strong and solid. It could bind the emotions that start and maintain the relationships that have made a society out of individuals. When I was a child, I thought that love...
1 Page 502 Words

Perfection and Its Achieving: Critical Essay

How do we define perfection? The dictionary defines perfection as the quality/state of being perfect – having all required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics – or the action or process of improving something until it is faultless. We often look at things we like and label them as ‘perfection’, but is it truly perfect? Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and we all have different ideas of ‘perfection’. I personally believe that perfection is unattainable, but we...
1 Page 563 Words

Narrative Essay on Free Enterprise and Its Importance for Me

I thoroughly believe I encompass a strong, representative example of the free enterprise spirit. The free enterprise economy adequately provides me with opportunities for involvement in work and the community. Free enterprise is private resources owned, and competitiveness will thrive economically with minimal government intervention. In many respects, I value my personal freedom from the choices I make in the economy to the choices I make in the election. The possible rewards of a free enterprise in many respects provide...
1 Page 483 Words

My Acquaintance with Islamic Culture: Narrative Essay

Culture is a social conduct and way of life found in human social orders/society. Culture cannot be accurately explained, it has various definitions based on different perceptions. It is an experience that an individual learns in his or her life through various modes, such as family, community, and surrounding. Numerous cultures are practiced by human beings in different parts of the world. A particular culture, globally recognized as a religion as well, but in my opinion, could be considered a...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Quality Practice Makes Perfect: Reflective Essay

Throughout time, there has been a saying that ‘practice makes perfect’. I firmly believe in this saying, but with one caveat: I believe that quality practice makes perfect. I believe in 'quality over quantity', which raises the question: ‘What exactly is a quality practice?’. This question will be discussed and answered in this essay. Quality practice comes in many forms depending on the musician’s learning style, and to achieve this, there must be more stress on efficient and effective methods...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Narrative Essay on What I Learned Being a Child of Immigrant Parents

Being Turkish has always been a huge part of my character. As a child, I felt so self-conscious about who I am. I wasn't taught to feel this way, I just didn't like how different my life seemed to be compared to the other kids from my school. I had to take ESL classes while everyone else was taking regular English because I was raised learning a mix of Turkish and English. I was so embarrassed by all these things...
1 Page 620 Words

Informative Essay on Self-Control as a Quality of Emotional Maturity

Age and time have little to do with maturity. There are many mature young people and many children from older generations. Maturity is about the way we behave and interact with the world around us. Because our emotions are directed at ourselves and others, we have our own ways of expressing them. An emotionally mature person has six qualities. If I had to rank the six qualities of an emotionally mature person based on how well I develop these qualities,...
1 Page 416 Words

Narrative Essay on How Sports Have Shaped My Personality

My own life has been one of unique experiences, challenges, and development. Throughout my childhood, I have learned the importance of strong relationships and gained knowledge, and wisdom from my elders, parents, and peers. I have done this through my experiences playing high school sports and the challenges that I have faced doing these activities. My high school football, basketball, and tennis teams were the most crucial in my development as an individual. Sports have been the largest influence on...
4 Pages 1696 Words

Informative Essay on the Impact of Names on People's Lives

Names can give people a self-perception that can shape their decisions, therefore names should not be what you base your life around. The effect of someone’s name is something principal in my life through my family. This is because almost every descendant on my father’s side of the family studied law. Most of them became lawyers shortly after. It is expected from them for every child to also study law when they become older. My last name defined what I...
3 Pages 1602 Words

The Cost of Survival: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Survival is a primal instinct embedded in the human psyche. Throughout history, individuals and societies have faced challenging circumstances that forced them to make difficult choices to ensure their survival. However, these choices often come at a cost, raising profound ethical dilemmas. This essay will argue that while survival is a fundamental human right, the cost of survival must be carefully examined to ensure that ethical principles are not compromised. The Value of Human Life Human life is inherently...
1 Page 536 Words

Statistics in Everyday Life Essay

As we go about our daily lives, statistics quietly weave their way into various aspects, guiding decisions, shaping perceptions, and offering insights into the world around us. From simple observations to complex analysis, statistics play a vital role in understanding patterns, making informed choices, and navigating the uncertainties of life. Let's embark on a journey that highlights the ubiquitous presence and significance of statistics in our everyday experiences. Imagine standing in a crowded coffee shop, waiting in line for your...
1 Page 600 Words

Physical Aspect of Personality Essay

Introduction Personality is a complex and multifaceted construct that encompasses various dimensions, including thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. While traditionally, personality has been associated with internal traits and psychological factors, there is growing recognition of the influence of physical appearance on one's personality. This essay aims to explore the physical aspect of personality, examining the ways in which appearance can impact perceptions, self-esteem, and interpersonal relationships. By understanding the connection between physicality and personality, we can develop a more holistic view...
1 Page 600 Words

Personal Credo Essay

Introduction In life, we are constantly navigating through a myriad of choices and experiences that shape who we are. Throughout my journey, I have come to embrace a personal credo that centers around the value of authenticity. This narrative essay will delve into the essence of my personal credo and how it has guided me in living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Body Authenticity is the cornerstone of my personal credo. It is a commitment to staying true to myself,...
1 Page 539 Words

Nursing Self Evaluation Essay

Introduction Becoming a nurse has been a transformative journey filled with learning, challenges, and self-discovery. As I reflect upon my experiences, this personal narrative essay aims to provide a candid self-evaluation of my growth as a nurse, highlighting the areas in which I have excelled and those that require further development. Through introspection and self-assessment, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, and the steps I can take to continuously improve as a healthcare professional. Compassionate...
1 Page 589 Words

My Ideal Partner Essay

Introduction Finding an ideal partner is a desire that resides deep within the hearts of many individuals. We all have our own unique preferences and qualities that we seek in a partner. In this essay, I will share my vision of an ideal partner, describing the qualities and characteristics that I value the most. Shared Values and Goals For me, an ideal partner is someone who shares similar values and goals. We should have a mutual understanding and alignment in...
1 Page 503 Words

My Favorite Sport Is Football: Essay

Introduction Football has been my favorite sport ever since I can remember. From the moment I watched my first game, I was captivated by the intensity, teamwork, and exhilaration that the sport offers. In this essay, I will share my personal journey and experiences as a football enthusiast, highlighting the reasons why football holds a special place in my heart. Early Encounters As a child, I vividly recall watching football matches with my family. The atmosphere in our living room...
1 Page 548 Words

Is a Positive Attitude Necessary for Success: Persuasive Essay

Introduction A positive attitude is often touted as a key factor in achieving success. While some may argue that skill, talent, and hard work are the primary drivers of success, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion that a positive attitude is necessary for success. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the impact of a positive attitude on various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, and professional achievements. By understanding the benefits of maintaining a positive mindset, we can...
1 Page 576 Words

How Does the Desire for Independence Affect Our Choices Essay

Introduction Independence is a fundamental aspect of human nature. From a young age, we yearn for autonomy, freedom, and the ability to make our own decisions. The desire for independence significantly influences the choices we make throughout our lives. In this synthesis essay, we will explore how the pursuit of independence impacts various aspects of our lives, including personal relationships, career decisions, and self-discovery. Independence and Personal Relationships The desire for independence can shape our relationships in profound ways. It...
1 Page 568 Words

Volleyball Is My Favorite Sport: Narrative Essay

Volleyball has been my passion ever since I was introduced to the sport in middle school. The first time I stepped onto the court, I was immediately captivated by the energy, teamwork, and exhilaration that volleyball offered. It quickly became my favorite sport, and over the years, it has not only provided me with countless hours of enjoyment but has also shaped me into the person I am today. I remember the first time I held a volleyball in my...
1 Page 647 Words

What Is Important to You: Narrative Essay

What is most important in your life? Numerous people have been asking this question throughout their life. I thought for a long time about this question. It’s not all about material wealth or power and reputation. Rather, it’s all about what you want to be in your life. For me, living a life to the fullest with no regret is what I want. Life is a very fragile thing to me. I’ll try to make each day to be the...
2 Pages 995 Words

Goal Setting and Time Management: Informative Essay

Goal setting involves formulating action layout designed to motivate people to obtain their goals. It can be guided through aim putting standards such as SMART standards. Goal setting is necessary on private improvement. Setting goals helps a person initiate a new behavior. Goals also help one to align their focal point and promote a sense of self mastery. Goals can be short-term or long-term. Short-term goals are goals which can happen quickly, for example, earn a new degree, while long-term...
1 Page 651 Words

Theme of Time in the Poems ‘The Loom of Time’ and ‘Package for the Distant Future’': Critical Essay

Poetry is a type of literature that expresses emotions or an idea through poetic devices about a genre. Through powerful devices such as imagery, metaphors and similes, the reader deciphers the poem from the literal meaning to what the poet is actually trying to say. ‘The Loom of Time’, written anonymously, and ‘Package for the Distant Future’, written by Sylvia Kantaris, express emotions about time. ‘The Loom of Time’ explores time as a significant part of each individual’s journey through...
2 Pages 756 Words

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