Philosophical Concept essays

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The Contrast Between Virtue and Continence: Aristotle's Opinion

Throughout his philosophical career, Aristotle emphasized the importance of the fundamental elements that play a role in the way we navigate our lives and moral ability. He observes two key components that define the degree of one’s moral compass; one being virtue, and the other, continence. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle establishes and distinguishes these concepts by considering developed habits, one’s inner drive and values that dictate their actions, and how one has the ability to mindfully assess and reflect upon...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Personal Philosophy: Definitions of Coaching Philosophy

In the academic literature, researchers are defining the coaching philosophy in different ways, and not a single definition is similar with other ones. To enumerate some, Wilcox and Trudel define the philosophy as: “A coaching philosophy is a set of values and behaviors that serve to guide the actions of a coach.” or “A coaching philosophy is a personal statement that is based on the values and beliefs that direct one’s coaching.” as defined by Kidman and Hanrahan 1997. Lyle...
6 Pages 2740 Words

Right to Die: It Is Better to Die Than to Survive with Pain

While killing someone in an attempt to defend ‘self’ is acceptable by law, mercy killing is seen as an act that is highly immoral in nature. The motive of euthanasia is to ‘aid-in-dying’ painlessly and thus should be considered positively by lawmakers. Euthanasia should be a natural extension of a patient’s rights allowing him to decide the value of life and death. Continuing life support scheme alongside the patient’s desire is measured as immoral by law as well as medicinal...
2 Pages 856 Words

Socrates’ Argument Concerning Virtue as Knowledge: Opinion Essay

In this essay, I aim to explain Socrates’ argument concerning virtue as knowledge while offering a rebuttal and finally taking a stance. Socrates’ argument concerning virtue as wisdom can be reconstructed and understood easier. After reconstruction, it becomes apparent that there may be an error in the argument concerning knowledge. The counterargument would force Socrates to rethink his argument, and he would adjust his argument. Finally, it is clear to see that Socrates’ hypothesis is the correct hypothesis. Socrates hypothesizes...
1 Page 683 Words

Free Will Philosophy Essay

Introduction: The Enduring Debate of Free Will vs. Determinism The history of philosophy has been dominated by competing arguments around the ideas of Free Will and Determinism. Simply stated, the issue hangs on whether human beings should be thought of as fundamentally free to choose their actions and mould their lives – or whether they should be deemed as being at heart determined by forces beyond their control, be they fate, biology, politics or class. It seems obvious for most...
4 Pages 1688 Words

Relationship Between People In Kafka's The Metamorphosis

“Metamorphosis” is one of the most representative short stories written by Franz Kafka. The contradiction of character and the complexity of his personality that build the story. The plot of the novel is not a fairy tale, the beasts in the fairy tale eventually regain their human form. No one cared what happened to other. No longer bring any financial benefits effect his family abandoned him. The fairy tale disappeared completely, and the ugly face of reality was everywhere. Once...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Educational Ideology and Philosophy: My Own Personal Philosophy As an Educator

Approaches to teaching comes in many different forms. There are many theorists and more than a few ideologies telling teachers how to teach and what to teach at what times. The purpose of education has been debated for many years, stretching even beyond the forming of the United States of America. Why should we provide an education? Is it to enlighten or to prepare children for the riggers of the ‘real world?’ Education was reserved in the past for the...
5 Pages 2305 Words

Reflection on Right to a Natural Death Act: Opinion Essay

We all know death is an inevitable part of life. In the olden time, most people died at home but currently the majority of deaths are happening either in a hospital or a nursing home. With recent changes in technology, we can either delay or bring the person back to life. Dr. Schimke indicated, “for almost any life-threatening condition, some form of intervention can now delay the moment of death” (Schimke, 1986). The right to natural death is basically any...
2 Pages 803 Words

Philosophy of Education: Opinion Essay

Education is the greatest innovation of mankind that had been transformed our lives and the behaviour in a preferred way. It is my belief that education is the development of assisting in one’s learning and stated as the act of developing the brainpower, critical thinking capabilities, social and cultural understanding which brands us to be a true humans. According to (Parankimalil, 2012) John Dewey stated that “Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences”. Education is...
2 Pages 909 Words

Concept of Truth And Its Importance In Our Life

Truth, the property of sentences, assertions, beliefs, thoughts, or propositions in metaphysics and philosophy are said to agree with the facts or state what is the case in normal discourse. Truth is the object of the belief; logical error is a mistake. Individuals need to endure the reality of the world. Knowing the truth is critical. Believing that which is not true will ruin a person's plans and may even cost him his life. To say what is not true...
2 Pages 1057 Words

Basic Leadership Attributes For Leaders Development

The purpose of this essay is to break down how Leadership attributes play an essential role in shaping a good leader. Possessing a good leadership attribute will not only make a person stand out. Also setting the standard for which someone will like to follow. Leadership attributes can be broken down into three categories, character, presence, and Intellect. The role of an ethical leader is to imply the army values, Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage....
2 Pages 769 Words

Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully

Euthanasia is the assisted dying of giving people the right to die peacefully in people who are terminally ill or not experiencing their fullest life. euthanasia is all about letting the ill keep their dignity and having a peaceful death and limiting pain and suffering During the last century, medicine has improved and the acceptance of these diseases and disabilities “it has become normal”. In saying this there are still many sicknesses that can’t be cured but also cause extreme...
1 Page 550 Words

Applying Aristotelian Theory To Examine The Use Of Ethos, Logos And Pathos In The Election Campaigns Of Donald Trump And Hilary Clinton

Introduction The most recent presidential election within America was undoubtedly one of the most controversial and relentless elections within recent times. These debates provided an example of the shift that has occurred within American politics towards a new era now revolving around scandals and rumours. While Donald Trump was not the most qualified and experienced candidate and was rather labelled as a racist and sexist. He still managed to win the race to the presidency, and in doing so proved...
3 Pages 1318 Words

Euthanasia As a Right of Everybody: Literature Review

Literature Review Some of the theories have been proposed to explain the importance of the moral and ethical standards of human life in the health care system. As indicated by the moral standards of autonomy, the persistent decision is principal in proceeding or withholding his/her treatment and the caretaker who is lawfully answerable for the patient and thinks about his/her desires, may have the moral and lawful right to won't or demand for pulling back of any treatment or mediations....
3 Pages 1282 Words

Reflection On Science Fiction Genre: Opinion Essay

Our understanding of the current world can be relayed through many mediums such as the likes of art and literature, science fiction being one of the most influential genres. Although science fiction may not be able to predict the future, it is able to encapsulate our modern context and beliefs thus science fiction is capable of ultimately shaping our perspective and our perception on reality. I will be completing an A2 sized art work poster for my PBL, incorporating a...
1 Page 472 Words

The Fabulousness Of Structured Procrastination: Arguments For

Pro-Procrastination As always, there is an Absolutely Crucial task that you must complete. That task always fills you with utter dread. Anything but that Crucial, Crucial Work. Here I propose a step that resists the flood of normality: Do not start on that task. Let procrastination take hold. Whilst you skip the Crucial Work, Re-examine your Register of Work. No matter what there’s always something to do, whether it’s crucial or not, and you always need to get those tasks...
1 Page 513 Words

Public Relations Theory & Practice: Analysis Of College Admissions Bribery Scandal

This essay will discuss the 2019 College Admissions Bribery Scandal, also known as Operation Varsity Blues, in relation to two public relations theories: the framing theory used by media and public relations practitioners and the rhetoric theory to persuade the public. Within the essay, there will be assertions to where framing is used by public relations advisors to repair students’ reputations damaged by their involvement in the scandal. Further, the essay will draw on the utilisation of rhetoric theory used...
5 Pages 2163 Words

Social Media Fake Information Spread And Truth Discovery

Abstract— Now a days sources of data from online social media may be consist of some data which are noisy and sparse. While handling of big data related social sensing media applications their challenges like misinformation on spread are data sparsity and fake news. The system is going to use of advanced algorithms to discover the dynamic truth information and frequently used information. Addressing misinformation spread in big data (e.g. WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram) is difficult task in the current era....
5 Pages 2348 Words

Existing Systems and Future of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Generation AI will rely on artificial intelligence to assist them through all the milestones in their lives. While many people think of AI as a futuristic technology, AI is something we encounter today in ways that some people may not even realize. For example, when you use an internet search engine, the search terms and predictive text...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Summary Of Robert Nozicks's Philosophy And The Meaning Of Life

In this paper, I will be explaining the main points of the essay called Philosophy and The Meaning of Life by Robert Nozick, where Robert Nozick begins to talk about how we have to understand the unquestioned assumptions and do we really want to know about the meaning of life. In his essay he talks about what a meaningful life should be, he starts with the modes of meaningfulness, the conflict with his meaning of life with death, a person's...
1 Page 594 Words

Concept Of Post-Truth: The Rise And Spread Of The Post Truth Phenomenon

What is meant by 'post truth'? 1. The book describes post-truth as 'Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief'. My understanding of it is that facts themselves don’t matter as much as the interpretation you are giving concerning those stated “facts” to the public as well as the context in which you decide to use those so called “facts” to your advantage. It means...
5 Pages 2419 Words

Meaning of Life: Exploring Existential Meaning

Within the closing remarks of his outstanding work Mans Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl set the stage for which meaning-orientated therapy (Logotherapy) was to be born. For Frankl, human beings were meaning-seeking creatures; compasses tilted towards meaning; towards carrying out the appropriate activities that could help to contextualise a purposeful future, despite the inherent trials of life, or external tragedies of their situation. Frankl (2004), who bravely survived the torturous conditions of the German Nazi concentration camps, arrived at the...
1 Page 547 Words

Treatment And Inclusion Of The Idea Of Free Will: Oedipus The King By Sophocles And Medea By Euripides

In this essay, I will be discussing and evaluating the treatment and inclusion of the idea of free will within the play Oedipus The King By Sophocles as well as Medea By Euripides. These are both two very old plays which include a plot which is intertwined with the constant influence of Fate and therefore, can be used in order to debate the influence of destiny and whether or not the characters have “Free Will”. This is an important point...
3 Pages 1406 Words

The Peculiarities Of Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF)

Introduction For many Century, there are more and more people formed different peace organisations to create peace for the world. Buddhist Peace Fellowship also known as BPF, is one of the many peace organisations mainly based on Buddhism. BPF was first found in 1978. The reason why that this Buddhist peace organisations is selected is because they demonstrated their actions through the perspective of Buddhism and this would be the main difference compare to other peace organisations. Theological/Philosophical Background The...
1 Page 547 Words

The Many Faces Of Guanyin And Buddhism

Located in Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum is a Buddhist figural sculpture titled Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara). The sculpture is on display in a room filled with Buddhist relics which have survived from China’s past. Guanyin, a bodhisattva (Buddha to be) is displayed next to Dashizhi, another bodhisattva type which shares the same wood carving and polychrome composition and rests on the same display plinth. In the gallery space, as in the religion itself, these two sculptures are aspects of the larger narrative...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Can Social Science Be As Definitive As Natural Science?

Before we prepare ourselves to answer this question, it is imperative to first familiarize ourselves with the terms used in the same. Science Science refers to the systematic and practical study of any aspect of the natural world, by means of observation and/or experiment. During the Renaissance movement, the scientific process evolved into a four-fold process that included observation, recording data, a theory explaining the observed phenomenon and the recorded data, and finally validation of the theory by further experiments....
5 Pages 2268 Words

The Philosophy Of Science

'Describe and understand how science works within a wide range of sciences. This does not have to include every kind of science. But it had better not be confined to a single branch of a single science, for such an understanding would add little to what scientists working in that area already know' (Forster, 2004). It is concerned with all the assumptions, foundations, methods, implications of science, and with the use and feature of science. This is meant to be...
3 Pages 1328 Words

The Significance Of Science And Religion

There has always been a debate about religion and science. These two are important in our lives because both explain the two worlds of every human being--- the physical and spiritual world. While both of them are essential, there has been a clash because of their fundamental differences; opposing ideas and purpose. We are choosing Science. Science as an institution have on uniquely in contrast to specific researchers. Science sets up conditions where levelheaded arguments can prosper, where thoughts can...
2 Pages 837 Words

The Role Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet

The Role of Fate in Romeo and JulietThroughout the play of the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the relationship between Romeo and Juliet has been thwarted by something that could be described as an “outside force.” The idea of fate is strong in the play due Capulets’ and Montagues’ ancient grudge against each other. Throughout the entire play, fate plays a powerful role against Romeo and Juliet’s relationship as their undying love is set to end in death and sorrow...
2 Pages 933 Words

The Crucible: Good Vs Evil Theme Examples

Introduction to Good vs. Evil in 'The Crucible' As Eric Burdon once said “Inside each of us, there is a seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other”. The theme of the crucible is basically Good vs. Evil, because in the world of the Crucible is divided between the two camps of Good vs. Evil. But everyone is confused about what side is really the...
4 Pages 1968 Words

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