Race and Ethnicity Essays

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America’s Injustice to the Natives

The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands. The law was signed into law by Andrew Jackson and it was strictly enforced under his and Martin Van Buren's administration, which lasted until 1841. Native Americans living east of...
1 Page 474 Words

What Is It Like to Be a Chicano

The story of ‘How To Tame A Wild Tongue’ by Gloria Anzaldua is a tale about how she researches the opposing view towards the Chicano methods for talking and the appalling impact of this pessimistic disposition on the Chicano individuals where they live in the border. Gloria begins the story by utilizing an analogy and recollecting a dental specialist who grumbled about her tongue and that it was excessively solid and obstinate. She got disappointed and needed to realize how...
1 Page 567 Words

Responses to and Barriers to Workplace Diversity in Modern Organizations

The idea of diversity management started in the late 80s in North America and then extended to other parts of the world subsequently. This concept achieved popularity as a new management gain on the United Kingdom and then proceed with social and economic tendency. The advantage of diversity workforce is usually helpful for business demand but not restricted to combined profits and earnings. This variation to other description on diversity result to business prosperity, dangerous by producing conflict, undermining connection,...
2 Pages 904 Words

Hispanic Culture and Healthcare

The largest minority in the United States are Hispanics. They have many traditions within their culture. There is a predisposition to paternalism within this culture as well as an imbalance in health professional relationships. Due to their underdeveloped economics, they have a high rate of infectious diseases as well as chronic diseases (Valdez-Martínez et al., 2008). With the leading cause of death in this population being cancer and cardiovascular disease, the Affordable Care Act has helped them to gain access...
2 Pages 983 Words

Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional setting. However, many employers fail to follow this rule and occasionally, unintentionally incline towards selecting someone who is more physically...
1 Page 516 Words

Diversity in Business Management: Benefits and Possible Reverse Effects

Diversity may come from many perspectives, it can be as observable as gender, age, nationality, religion, or have more complex definitions like personalities and characters of individuals, different backgrounds and cultures, and distinct mindsets. Conventional speaking, diversity is good for boards and businesses. But when it comes to reality, very few boards would see significant changes and positive returns when pursuing diversity. Instead, many even end up with a vicious circle that can't self-correct. In my perspective, failure to adopt...
2 Pages 889 Words

Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community

Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the most ethnically and racially diverse country in the world. The Australian Bureau of Statistics claims that there are around one hundred religions and three hundred...
2 Pages 692 Words

Andrew Jackson as America's Bad President

Being a lawyer and a landowner, Andrew Jackson has to be considered as one of the most controversial presidents ever. Some may say that he is a bad president seeing the decisions he made that had a huge effect on the citizens but at the same, he could also be argued as a good president since of how he handled the U.S debt during that time. However, his poor actions such as the promotion of slavery by signing the Indian...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Worcester V. Georgia Case and Its Relation to the 'Trail of Tears'

What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘primary source’? When I hear primary source, I immediately think of direct evidence of something or someone. A primary source is a source that derives from a person or something that has personal experience or contact with something. Do you believe primary sources are always vital? I do believe primary sources are vital, but I believe they are most important when it comes to gathering verifiable information relating to history. What...
1 Page 617 Words

Segregation in the United States

During the 1800s, African Americans were not the only people segregated against by the whites. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed on the west coast: this prevented the Chinese from working in the U.S. and immigrating to the Country. The Chinese Exclusion Act began when an Irish immigrant by the name of Denis Kearney blamed the Chinese for unemployment in California. He gained a big following and used it to intimidate employers from hiring the Chinese and even...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Perception of Illness and Treatment Among Asian Americans

Asian Americans are one of the diverse ethnic groups in US. There are 20 million Asian Americans in United State which represent 6% of US population (Yi, S. S.,2020). They are the fastest growing minority in the US. Research shows that Asian Americans are at high risk for hepatitis B, Liver Cancer, Tuberculosis and lung cancer among other condition. Compared with the low-risk group, the odds of having an unmet healthcare need was 1.52 times greater in the moderate-risk group...
2 Pages 998 Words

The Negative Impact of the California Gold Rush: An Essay

Introduction to the California Gold Rush and Its Diverse Impact The California Gold Rush wasn’t solely negative for the people of California and the state’s overall economic situation. However, some groups of people did not experience this ‘California Dream’ some immigrants seemed to have lived. The Native Americans living in California at the time of the Gold Rush went through unbelievable hardships, easily suffering the most out of everyone. Furthermore, discrimination and racism were issues immigrants from all over the...
4 Pages 2078 Words

What Is It Like to Be an American

My father used to tell me all the time that he believed history was the easiest subject to learn because history never changes. I would always think this was in fact true, until reading the required readings for the week. History is very important when it comes to each and every person’s identity. History makes us as individuals who we are and who we believe to be. History can be changed depending on the individual. In the eyes of people...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Canada and the Indigenous People

The connection between Aboriginal individuals and the Canadian criminal equity framework is broken, and proof is mounting that an extreme change is essential. An October 2012 report by Canada's Office of the Correctional Investigator found that Aboriginal individuals comprise just 4% of the Canadian populace yet 23% of the government jail prisoner populace, and that the number of inhabitants in Aboriginal individuals detained in Canada has expanded by 40% between 2001-2002 and 2010-2011. The report additionally discovered that Aboriginal individuals...
2 Pages 891 Words

Various Beliefs Concerning the Manifest Destiny

When reading chapter 12 of the American Yawp by Stanford University Press Edition, something that was interesting was how differently the beliefs were regarding the Manifest Destiny. I felt this way because some individuals thought that it was okay for them to expand to new lands while others believed that they shouldn’t expand through conquest. However while reading this, I also wondered why the majority of people believed in it being okay to expand into territories and if there were...
1 Page 599 Words

Dealing with Diversity in America During Reconstruction

The issue of diversity has been present for a very long time and it has been subject to many debates with various leaders taking a different position regarding the matter. The world today as it was many decades ago is a diverse place with people coming from diverse backgrounds in terms of their culture, political and religious views, race and ethnicity and diversity of thoughts among others. Several strides have been made over the years in trying to promote diversity....
5 Pages 2074 Words

Cultural Variations Related to Death, Dying and Terminal Illness in the Asian American Community

Our America is full of diversity and multiple ethnic groups, this is what makes us unique. How does this help us, if we do not understand the basics about each other? Everyone in healthcare needs to establish and understand their own cultural beliefs before trying to understand those of a different ethnic group. The purpose of this paper is to discuss cultural variations related to terminal illness, death and dying in the Asian American community. The paper discusses my beliefs...
4 Pages 1733 Words

Ethnic Diversity in New Zealand Education

Ethnic backgrounds are a form of diversity that is common in schools around New Zealand. New Zealand has been changing over the years and our communities are becoming more diverse as a result. An ethnic group can be described as people who share a common cultural ancestry and having a sense belonging in an identity group which shares extraordinary culture traits such as language, their historical backgrounds or traditions. The most common ethnic groups in New Zealand include Maori, Pakeha,...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Racial Identity of African American Women of the Harlem Renaissance in Nella Larsen's Works

The Harlem Renaissance was a time for cultural growth for African Americans, who had been marginalized and dealt with racism and discrimination in their own country. It was a cultural movement that took place during the 1920’s. Poets and writers such as Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston are easily associated with the movement; however, author, Nella Larsen’s contributions are more obscure, but still equally relevant and important. Though her most notable works are only two novels ‘Quicksand’ and ‘Passing’,...
2 Pages 975 Words

To What Extent Personal Identity Consists Solely of Appearance

The stimulus is an extract from ‘The Office’ in which Jim dresses up as Dwight, such that he looks similar to Dwight. The stimulus brings up issues surrounding identity as, when Jim dresses up as Dwight, Dwight considers this ‘identity theft’. Moreover, other people, such as Pam, around the office consider Jim dressed up as Dwight to be Dwight. Therefore, this gives the impression that Jim’s identity is purely made up of his physical appearance. Hence, it evokes the question...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Gender Diversity in Top Management Teams

Gender diversity in the workplace has been a topic of conversation in the United States since the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s (Burkett, 2019). As time has gone on, the calls to action for equal opportunities in employment have intensified with the inclusion of laws protecting women from gender discrimination. There have been many proposed solutions to increase the opportunities for women in the workforce including both quota and non-quota methods. While many countries, particularly in Europe have voluntary...
3 Pages 1560 Words

From Habit to Tradition

There is a lot of multiculturalism in the world. Each ethnic group has its own history and culture. Being so, there is also a big diversity of habits and traditions. Habit and tradition share a common characteristic: both involve repetitive actions that a person feels compelled to take, whether it's a conscious decision or not. But there's also a decided difference between the two. For instance, you may eat every day the same breakfast but you probably wouldn't call it...
1 Page 655 Words

Reasons Why I Would Like to Witness the Harlem Renaissance

Growing up, I have learned about how slavery has been a very important, but horrible tragedy that happens within African American society. I have seen teachers focus on the oppression of African American rather than the pride of the African American culture. In every history book that I have read, they each given vague information about African American culture. The era known as the Harlem Renaissance has sometimes been underappreciated. However, I have grown to love this stage in history...
1 Page 572 Words

The Journey of Finding Identity in a ‘Melting Pot’ Boiling with Stereotypes and Injustice

America is often addressed as a melting pot of several cultures, cultures that are embraced and accepted by those of natural citizenship. The latter is a statement of fact, to a certain extent. It’s difficult for many people to identify themselves. If I was born in America does that mean I am solely American? In cases like this, people find themselves torn between two worlds and two cultures - the one they were born into and the one they were...
2 Pages 825 Words

Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior of Chinese Youth in Kuala Lumpur City

The ideology and term of suicide or killing oneself to get out of life is turning into a trend in this modern society. Most of the ones that expresses the idea meant it as a joke and do not mean to actually conduct a self-harm activity. Many memes and jokes regarding killing themselves because they’ve succumb to a difficult task, seeing something ‘stupid that it hurts their brains’ and even merely wanting to get out of life can be seen...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Diversity Problem Within the Company

Diversity is an everlasting factor of society. Diversity within a company is more than just hiring diverse people. Diversity raises important ethical and social responsibility issues that most individuals do not think about on a day to day basis. Diversity can be defined as: dissimilarities of differences among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, experience, physical appearance, capabilities/disabilities, and any other characteristic that is used to distinguish between people. Managers must learn to...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Spy Tactics Of The American Revolution

During the American Revolution both the British and the Americans used spy tactics to help boost their side. America had overall more people working on their side than the British and the success of the American spied was a major reason that the colonies won the revolution.. The British also had many tactics and ways to get information from the colonies but they were also good at confusing the Americian army with the wrong information. Overall, American spy tactics were...
1 Page 595 Words

Historical Hostility, Institution and Misconceptions about Native American Culture

Exploration and conquest were two of the defining traits of old Europe, whether it was discovering entirely new, uninhabited land, or land that only appeared new until traces of civilization were discovered. One such land was the Americas, aptly labeled “the New World”. In the modern day, it is considered a melting pot of various cultures, comprised of over 300 million people. However, the original inhabitants of this land have a long history of their own. Over the centuries following...
2 Pages 980 Words

The Problem of the Low Standard of Living of the Indigenous People of Canada

The standard of living for many Indigenous people in Canada is very poor. They were the first people on the land we now know as Canada, yet they are being mistreated and have such a low standard of living because of the discrimination faced in the 1900s. There are many challenges they have to face every day to meet necessities in life. One significant challenge that is affecting the standard of living of the Indigenous people in Canada are terrible...
2 Pages 682 Words

Women's Importance in the Life of the Native American

Have you ever wonder how the world was created from another culture's perspective? Native Americans utilized creation myths to disclosed to their kin how the world was grown additional time. Creation myths are a major piece of the Native American culture. they have been passed down from age to age. In the creation myths, harmony with nature, customs, and solid social qualities are appeared in each myths. The motivation behind having solid social incentive in these myths is to teach...
1 Page 450 Words

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