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Individual Rights: Definition and Examples

4 Pages 2016 Words
Individual rights are those considered so essential that they warrant specific statutory protection from interference. While the U.S. Constitution, for example, divides and restricts the powers of the federal and state governments to check their own and each other’s power, it also expressly ensures and protects certain rights and liberties of individuals from government interference. Most of these rights, such...

The State of Maryland Stand on Slavery

1 Page 561 Words
At one point in history, most of the United States was known as a place where the bondage of African slaves was a very common thing. Gradually, all states where slavery prevailed let go of such a heinous act by allowing those whose ancestors were taken from their motherlands and forced into bondage were free, released of the pain carried...

Founding Fathers of Freedom

1 Page 585 Words
The founding fathers considered various things to be important tools for maintaining freedom. Constitution is one of the tools and this explains why it has been amended over the years. The constitution has remained to be the supreme law of every sovereign nation. The constitution’s vast language is expounded by the principles outlined in the declaration. The founding fathers used...

The Slave Trade - a Historical Background

1 Page 442 Words
In 1807, the British government passed an Act of Parliament abolishing the slave trade throughout the British Empire. Slavery itself would persist in the British colonies until its final abolition in 1838. However, abolitionists would continue campaigning against the international trade of slaves after this date. The slave trade refers to the transatlantic trading patterns which were established as early...

Abraham Lincoln Pros and Cons

1 Page 402 Words
Lincoln’s stance on emancipation and slavery were clear. As Divine makes known in the text, “Lincoln had long believed slavery was an unjust institution that should be tolerated only to the extent that the Constitution and the tradition of sectional compromise required.” (Divine, et al., 340) Lincoln’s commitment to that ideal, also, is clear: “Lincoln was also effective because he...

Analysis of Bob Dylan’s Song The Death of Emmett till

3 Pages 1392 Words
Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy in 8th grade at the McCosh school, was visiting his cousins in Money, Mississippi during August 1955. He was originally from Chicago, and he lived with his mother. On August 24, he went into a grocery store to buy a pack of bubble gum while in Mississippi. On his way out, he whistled...

Emmett Till and His Influence on The Civil Rights Movement

4 Pages 1635 Words
Emmett was a huge cultural influence on the Civil Rights Movement and for the history of African American freedom too. Emmitt Louis Till was a 14 year old African American boy born on July 25, 1941. He was born in Chicago, IL at Cook County Public Hospital. Emmet also known as Bobo, grew up in Chicago in a middle class...

New Poaching Market For Africa

2 Pages 689 Words
Poaching which is an illegal act of hunting wild animals to take off some vital parts for commercial purposes or for subsistence has become a call for concern lately. Initially, subsistence farmers did poaching as a diet substitute but today, it is being done for commercial purposes; mainly for their body parts or alive as pets in the case of...

George Washington Character Traits

1 Page 640 Words
What qualities mark a great, respectable man? Surely, in order for others to consider him an exceptional man, he must be virtuous and brave. Historians illustrate a large multitude of historical figures to be admirable, yet they don’t elaborate as to why. In Jane Addams’ address commemorating George Washington’s birthday, she clearly articulates how and why Washington earned his legacy...

The Dark Side of Dairy

2 Pages 1111 Words
Introduction Milk production is the darkest and most wicked part of farming. The dairy industry totals unethical, systematic cruelty. Cows are continued to be subjected to abuse in the name of increased profits. More than 9 million, cows compose the U.S. dairy herd. Repeated reimpregnation, short calving intervals, overproduction of milk, restrictive housing systems, poor nutrition, and physical disorders impair...

How Occupy Wall Street Changed Us

5 Pages 2260 Words
Ten years ago, on November 15, Occupy Wall Street was pepper-sprayed into the night by a squadron of police officers who helped shovel the tents, books, and placards left by activists into a fleet of sanitation trucks. A messy, motley, and spirited demonstration, Occupy started as a march of some 2,000 people in lower Manhattan that mushroomed to approximately 1,000...

Consequences of Rhino Horn Poaching

5 Pages 2101 Words
Out of all things in the world, a horn of keratin is valued more than gold, diamonds or cocaine. Rhino horn poaching is and has always been an imposing and significant environmental issue. We have been poaching rhinos for centuries on end, and usage of rhino horn is fundamental in many cultures. In a world ruled by money, where so...

Uber Drivers in Los Angeles are in Protest Over Pay Rates

2 Pages 828 Words
Changing the way people live and making everyday life convenient are essentially what technology aims to do. In the era where most everything is automated and digital is ruling several industries, the rest of the world is forced to catch up and find ways to optimize life from the average smartphone. Mobility and peer-to-peer transportation is a system in society...

Reasons of Slavery in Civil War

2 Pages 1056 Words
It seems as if it was just yesterday that I was another normal boy, born in Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. My mother was conceived in Hampshire County while my dad in Rockingham County, both of them from average families and were considered the norm of the populace. My mother, who departed from me to the heavens, when I...

Reasons Why All Social Movements Need Leaders

3 Pages 1308 Words
As children we tend to see our elders and guardians as leaders, showing us right from wrong and teaching us how to fend for ourselves in this harsh world. In our teen years, we often rebel against parental guidance, as we are prone to see parents more as autocrats at this time and no longer as leaders. Once we reach...

Protesting is Healthy in Democracy

2 Pages 711 Words
Protesting is defined as a demonstration of disapproval or objection to something. It is our right to be able to protest peacefully and be able to show our opinions through individual or mass demonstrations. Countries where you can not protest usually depict the same story of people in power doing what ever they want in their agenda against the peoples...

The Hours': The Role of the Book in Feminism

3 Pages 1194 Words
I first saw the 2002 film, The Hours, an adaption of The Hours by Michael Cunningham and Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, I had just turned 14. I watched it again and again, drawn to it but not sure why. Years later, when I had come to terms with my bisexuality, I understood that I was drawn to the themes...

Racial Passing In the Twentieth Century into Today

2 Pages 1109 Words
Racial Passing from the twentieth century is still relevant in today’s America. People of black ancestry racially passing as white still do it because they still reap from the benefits of doing so. A common phrase in the Caribbean about racial passing is, ‘it is a mixture of what you gain by being white and what you lose from being...

Life as a Male Victim in a Flawed Justice System

3 Pages 1469 Words
A “victim” is defined through social and legal implications. The consensus for the social use of the term is any living being that faces hardship that was inflicted by any cause. In Canada, the general legal definition for a victim is a person who faces physical or emotional harm, or economic loss, caused by a criminal offense. Vulnerable populations for...

Impact of Horizontal Aggression Among Nurses

2 Pages 1143 Words
In the last two decades, many educational scholars have written about nursing being an oppressed profession. Many nurses faced a lot of frustrations due to inadequate autonomy and power. Due to these frustrations, they tend to be aggressive among themselves. Horizontal aggression in nursing has been present from the onset of the nursing profession, thus becoming a prominent problem within...

Constitutional Provisions Safeguarding Child Rights

4 Pages 1757 Words
Rights cannot be overemphasized, as it is a privilege enjoyed by each and every citizen in the country. A right is a legal requirement and civil liberty which everyone naturally must have irrespective of the gender, religion, culture, tribe, race, disability, status or citizenship of the individual. Rights are constitutional and must be adhered to by the citizens and the...

Problems and Solutions of Cyberbullying

4 Pages 1777 Words
What are the problems and solutions of cyberbullying? Introduction The topic of cyberbullying was chosen because I am interested on learning how much of a problem this is and how to decrease this problem. Cyberbullying is linked to the topic of digital world. Social media and phones have become a necessity in most people’s lives. Although most of these online...

The Blood of Emmett till by Timothy B. Tyson: Representation of One of The Most Notorious Hate Crimes in American History

2 Pages 829 Words
One of the most notorious hate crimes in American history titles the prominent lynching of a young 14 year old boy in the Mississippi Delta of 1955. Emmett Till reportedly flirted with a white woman while purchasing candy at a grocery store. Soon after he was kidnapped by two white men, brutally murdered, and tossed away into the Tallahatchie River....

The Meaning of National Women Party

2 Pages 986 Words
Judge a nation by studying the status of its woman. This statement stands true in all times, as woman represent the standard culture of any age. Their social status speaks of the social spirit of the time. In our country India, woman for the longest time have been worshipped as 'idols' but in the real world, they are neglected, suppressed...

Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Protest Overview

2 Pages 689 Words
Many people take what they have for granted, when it comes to excess food that is wasted, luxuries that are discarded, or certain rights abused, many people don’t know how lucky they are. For example, citizens in the US have many freedoms that other people are still fighting for. Currently in Hong Kong, people are fighting for the rights that...

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

3 Pages 1213 Words
In true David Duke style, the foundation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK) is shrouded in political myth. Duke's claim that the Knights were founded in 1956 by Ed White (a pseudonym for Jim Lindsay) has, however, been largely discredited as a propagandistic attempt by the budding Klan leader to fend off depictions of his group as...

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