Education Essays

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The Purpose of Education by Martin Luther King

Throughout my life, I have spent ample time trying to incorporate the beliefs of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. into my daily habits. Though he was a civil rights activist, Dr. King made it his mission to act on faith, leadership, and equality. One belief that I can agree with is the importance of education. According to Dr. King, the purpose of education is to teach a person to think intensively and critically. Education allows leads to intelligence, which leads...
1 Page 509 Words

Reflective Essay on Learning Styles

Introduction In this modern, complex, and quickly changing world it is becoming harder to perform and adapt. We all have our strong and weak sides but that doesn’t define us. We are complex creatures with many unknown characteristics that we must try to uncover and learn to use to our advantage. We try to unravel these “Life Hacks” in our studies during lessons and it helps us to understand ourselves better. In my portfolio, I will describe my learning styles...
4 Pages 2050 Words

Reflective Essay on Learning

The classroom strategies play a vital role in developing the interest among the learners which also caters to mold the cognitive level and the interpersonal relations of the students. Among many methods, the cooperative method is the method in teaching, where students must engage and participate in learning activities through interactions which ultimately results in a higher level of understanding and learning. It is an ideal method for teachers to connect with as many students as possible and support them...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Reflective Essay on High School Experience

Starting strong and setting goals. When going through the chapter talking about ‘starting strong’ and ‘setting goals’, I realized that most of the goals I had set for myself were very shallow. all I wanted was to be rich, but I hadn’t planned on any means of achieving this as a long-term goal. Going through the chapter led me to believe that my goal wasn’t a goal but a dream, this is because as opposed to dreams goals are something...
1 Page 362 Words

Reflective Essay about High School Life

I think my best learning experience was when I started as a high school student. When I first started high school, I had real friends who treated me like a family member, which I hadn't had in years as a child. I didn't expect that after my past, someone would take the time to approach me and ask if I wanted to be friends. I am a person who cannot see the joy in my eyes since only a few...
1 Page 407 Words

Reflective Essay about High School Experience

Reflection 1 – Cleveland District State High School. Responding/Reporting High school students are constantly being told to think about what they want to be by their teachers and parents. However, not everyone knows what pathway they want to take at the age of sixteen. Programs like Deforest Action take students who want to know more about the world they live in into places where communities are fighting for their lives (Henkel, 2012). Students are given the opportunity to experience first-hand...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Hate Crime Research Paper

Four Jewish teens were attacked and robbed by a group of teens On November 11, 2018, while walking near Fairholme Avenue and Bathurst Street in Toronto. Sunday when they passed another group of teens, the boys were subject to offensive remarks about their religion, and they were made fun of based on what they were wearing. According to the police spokesperson Katrina Arrogante the boys were wearing their makes on their heads. The police spokesperson reported she was not sure...
8 Pages 3802 Words

Essay on Republican View on Gun Control

In the words of the famous artist, Nas, “How do you like me now? I go below it's that thing that moves crowds making every ghetto foul, I might have taken your first child, scarred your life, crippled your style, I gave you power, and made you buck wild.” (I gave you power) When you first read that line, you might be looking confused as to what Nas could possibly be talking about, but there is something that is plaguing...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Essay on Diversity in Social Work

According to Prinsloo(2012), cultural diversity refers to 'the variety in human society and culture in a specific region'. In the following paper, I will reflect on culture and diversity as well as the sensitivity to diversity. What is diversity? Queensborough Community College (2022) said that 'the concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences'. These differences can be in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Essay on Diversity in Animals

Taxonomy is the method by which all animal species can be classified, with a hierarchical system that uses at least seven of the 12 classifications from Kingdom to Species. One example that uses human beings is as follows: Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Subphylum - Vertebrata Class - Mammalia Subclass - Eutheria Order - Primates Suborder - Anthropoidea Family - Hominidae Subfamily - Genus - Homo Species - Homosapiens Subspecies - At a very basic level of classification, true...
1 Page 483 Words

Essay on Coca-Cola Diversity Case Study

The Coca-Cola Company is an American-based multinational firm founded in 1892 and was first set up in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It all started with its famous and widely known product Coca-Cola, which was originated by an Atlanta pharmacist, John Stith Pemberton in the year 1886. The drink Coca-Cola got its name from its two main ingredients, coca leaves and kola nuts. Later Asa Griggs Candler, an Atlanta businessman, fully bought the company in 1892 and after his takeover, the...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Reflective Essay about Biology

A biology teacher is an inspiring figure to the class and the school at large, this is mainly because of the understanding that is to come from the biology teacher as he/she illustrates to the student the importance of living things and how they relate to the environment in which they are in ( Tunnicliffe, S. D., & Ueckert, C, 2007pp 51-53). Biology comes from a Latin word that is a combination of bio and logos which means the knowledge...
1 Page 410 Words

Reflective Essay about Finishing a Class

Dance class reflection This is the class that had me most nervous because aside from my dance experience when I was a little kid, I had no dance experience. I swim and did a little track and volleyball in high school. I had seen hip-hop, jazz, ballroom, and afro-pop/beat dance but I had never heard of the butoh dance. I took this class as an elective hoping it would enable me to be more flexible to perform some dance movements...
2 Pages 882 Words

Trauma and Resilience Essay

This assignment is going to critically evaluate the self-help provided in excerpt one based on trauma and stress. It will highlight the positive and negative advice it provides whilst suggesting why this self-help advice is either useful or why these points suggested can be harmful to people suffering from traumatic experiences. It will evaluate these points by using psychological terms which will discuss whether the advice given is effective and how these suggestions can be provided by psychological evidence if...
3 Pages 1481 Words

Thesis Statement about Inflation

1 Background of the study Macroeconomic stability is a fundamental macroeconomic policy objective of every country, whether developed or developing (Frimpong & Oteng-Abayie, 2010; Agalega & Acheampong, 2013). This has made the study of the relationship between inflation and economic growth of interest to economists for a long period of time (Khan, 2014). The primary objective of such studies has been to identify robust evidence of the sign of this relationship and its stability over time (Khan, 2014). Nonetheless, such...
5 Pages 2194 Words

Substance Abuse During Pregnancy: Essay

Substance abuse during pregnancy is when an expecting mother takes in harmful chemicals such as prescribed drugs or street drugs. It’s a relatively poorly researched topic due to underreporting of this condition. This paper will describe possible signs and symptoms as well as treatments used to treat this condition. It is also vitally important for the nurse to understand her role and what they can do to help with this condition for positive outcomes. Substance Abuse during Pregnancy Substance abuse...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Substance Abuse by Athletes: Essay

Hypothesis There are many controversial issues in the world, and many people have stances. The certainty or uncertainty of an issue can be determined by one’s ethical view. As for the Christian worldview, truth, glory, character, and being consistent with the mind are components an individual should adhere to. Introduction Molarity is of the highest importance – but for us, not for God (Albert Einstein). Christian ethics are guided by scripture and religious traditions through the Biblical sacred text (Langerak,...
2 Pages 788 Words

Student Resilience Essay

A medical career is one that brings many challenges. Therefore, both resilience and reflection are essential concepts needed to overcome these challenges. In this essay, I will explore these two concepts and discuss what relevance they have to medical students and doctors. Oxford Dictionaries define reflection as ‘serious thought or consideration’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2018). Reflection is an activity used regularly by a wide range of professions. The Good Medical Practice highlights the importance of doctors reflecting on their practice and...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Structure of the Hubble Telescope Essay

Ever since the invention of telescopes, there has been more demand for research and observations of the universe. With a growing number of diverse telescopes, each new one that came out improved, advanced, and changed our perspective on how we see the cosmos and gave us sharper and brighter resolution. With the combination of engineering and astronomy, it has marked the birth of Space telescopes. Space telescopes are essential observation instruments and are used as a technique providing researchers and...
4 Pages 2043 Words

Research Paper about Eating Disorders

The DSM-5 describes a group of disorders related to feeding and eating behavior. These disorders include binge-eating disorder (BED), bulimia nervosa (BN), anorexia nervosa (AN), and avoidant or restrictive food intake. These disorders are characterized by continuous abnormal eating behavior that leads to altered food consumption and eventually significant impairment of physical health and social functioning (American Psychiatry Association, 2013:329). BED is a major eating disorder where a person frequently consumes abnormally big portions of food which leads to them...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Persuasive Essay about DACA Students

Eight years ago, former president, Barack Obama, signed the executive order known as DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It granted “protected status” to immigrants who had arrived in the United States before the age of sixteen, meaning, it allowed immigrants to remain in the U.S. While DACA did offer individuals the opportunity to work, obtain a driver’s license, along with a few other privileges, it did not offer them a pathway to citizenship. It simply meant that they would...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Importance of Resilience Essay

Being a medical student has both its advantages and downsides. But overall the life of a medical student is quite stressful. Repeated clinical shifts, continuous studies, and a lot of facts to remember make it quite burdening. In some students, this can lead to stress, depression, erratic mood swings, and other health-related problems. Stress can be defined as ‘‘a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense’’ and also as ‘‘a number of normal reactions of the body (mental, emotional,...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Essay: High School Is a Waste of Time

The K-12 program Is new the basic education after they finish six years in primary school, four years in junior high school then another two years for senior high school in preparation for tertiary education in which they are free to choose a strand that is suitable for the course that they would take after they graduated on the senior high school they will now be ready for tertiary education, K-12 program was implemented way back in 2011 where the...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Essay Paper on Eating Disorders and Genetics

The sun was casting its last orange rays into the sky, marking the end of the day. Sarah just got back home from school. She looked pale, almost malnourished. Her skin had wrinkles, and her face looked hollow. She quickly tossed her bag to the side of her bed and ran to the mirror. In a split second, all of her clothes came off. Sarah stood there, all bare, with a weak smile etched on her face. She felt accomplished,...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Essay on Malcolm X Prison Studies

Do you know who Malcolm X is? A lot of people don't. But I am going to teach you about his life. Malcolm Little, better known as Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the fourth of eight children. His parents were Earl Little and Loise Helen Norton Little. He and his family were harassed by the Klu Klux Klan. The harassment continued for a while. Earl Little, his father, moved his family to...
1 Page 541 Words

Essay on Joe Sullivan ‘Just Mercy’

The former Chief Security Officer (CSO) for Uber Technologies Inc., Joe Sullivan, received an anonymous email on the 14th of November 2016. The unidentified source claimed to be hackers warning they had gained access to the organization's database. The hackers threatened exposure to the breach and requested compensation, promising in return that the stolen data would be destroyed (Conger, 2020). An investigation ensued the next day, on the 15th of November 2016, and investigators substantiated the unnamed sender's claims of...
2 Pages 692 Words

Essay on High School Vs College Compare and Contrast

Transitioning from excessive college to college, while pleasing and exciting, can additionally be very challenging. It is an enormous milestone in one's existence due to the fact a scholar will either adjust to or struggle. There are many differences yet positive similarities as well, which will no longer sense as if the university is a new environment. The extra organized a pupil is to face any obstacles, the more successful they are in the long run, as they are exclusive...
2 Pages 868 Words

Essay on First Day of High School

The day started off like any other ordinary school day at Westfield High. The students were all split into their social groups just like any other high school; The ‘plastic’ girls are sitting at their table, smothered in make-up, dressed up in inappropriate clothing, and trying to make themselves noticed, the Jocks are out on the oval training for football meanwhile the girls are checking them out, the cheerleaders are on the oval, practicing their routine for the upcoming game,...
2 Pages 752 Words

Essay on Bipolar Disorder Case Study

It is extremely common for patients with mental health conditions to present in acute settings rather than specialty mental health settings with acute or chronic general medical illnesses. With a collaborative multidisciplinary team approach and with proper screening and treatment, successful outcomes for those patients in an acute care setting are becoming an increasingly more standard practice. (Cerimele et al., 2014) Patients with serious mental health illnesses often experience excessive morbidity and mortality rates compared to the general population. Bipolar...
5 Pages 2109 Words

Essay on Bernie Madoff White Collar Crime

Case study of Bernie Madoff 'It was all just one great big lie' were the words that 59-year-old Bernie Madoff said to the FBI agents when they arrested him on the 10th of December 2008 in New York City relating to Fraud charges that included Mail Fraud, investment, Wire fraud, and Money laundering offenses. Madoff had created a Ponzi scheme, an investment fraud, where the early investors are paid off with money from new investors. Investors are usually taken in...
3 Pages 1417 Words

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