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Tess of the D’Urbervilles: Concept of Death and Continuity of Life in Thomas Hardy's Novel

2 Pages 974 Words
Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy is about the titular character, Tess Durbeyfield, who goes on a journey to reclaim her family’s wealthy name. On this journey, she encounters a relative, Alec, who takes away her innocence, causing her to live with a secret that eventually causes her downfall. In closely examining this passage, it highlights the significance of...

Tyrannical Taliban: Laws and Rules of Taliban in Afghanistan

3 Pages 1395 Words
Using tyrannical, arbitrary rule, the Taliban terrorized the millions who resided in the Middle East. The false promises of rule of law and stability imposed by the young Islamic and Pashtun fighters, ultimately lead to their replacement of the current government. The Islamic Militants’ violence against innocent civilians, and the war waged against their own country is evidence of their...

Genetic Origins of Melanoma: Mechanism of BRAF Gene Mutation

4 Pages 1829 Words
Melanoma Background Melanoma in the early years was described as a benign mole that continued to grow and could be recognized by an irregular shape and discoloration of the mole (Sober et al., 1979). These cancer cells were well known for their ability to spread around the body quickly and avoid the therapeutic treatment, creating a dangerous situation (Li et...

Research on Mental Breakdown: Personal Interviews with Among Klang Valley Students

1 Page 554 Words
The questions that we form is to collect the opinions of mental breakdown and what action can be done by parties-parties to reduce mental breakdown cases among students in Klang Valley. Research Question 1: What are the causes of mental breakdown? Questions that we asked: Stresses brought by emotional disorder will cause mental breakdown. What do you think are the...

Promoting Women Empowerment and Women Health in the Activities of Amhara Women's Association in Ethiopia

3 Pages 1298 Words
Amhara is a regional state located in North Ethiopia. Home to over 25 million people, the Amhara are primarily agriculturalists and 83% live in rural areas, and historically speaking, the area has been affected by “chronic drought,” and “wars that adversely affected the natural and human resources development in the area” (Amhara Development). Ongoing abuses include early marriage, female circumcision,...

Experimental Survey about 11th of September at the University of Duke: Flashbulb Memory Theory

3 Pages 1463 Words
Research Question 1 A study was made to investigate flashbulb theory. This theory states that these memories or recollections for the conditions in which one initially learned of an exceptionally consequential and emotionally triggering event. A critical aspect of this study was to inspect the supposition that individuals recall sorts of open public events exceeding those common occasions that happened...

Analysing Effects of Smoking Ban on Flavored Vaping Products in Canada

5 Pages 2192 Words
Should the Canadian Federal Government impose a minimum six-month ban on all flavored vaping products, with the exception of tobacco and menthol flavors, in order to give Health Canada and experts time to determine if the flavorings are a health risk to users? Such a drastic measure could result in even more serious, unintended consequences. Habitual vape users could potentially...

Psychological Implications of Death Attitudes: Anxiety and Acceptance

4 Pages 1716 Words
This study involves exploring the two different ways on how people react to the idea of death: anxiety and acceptance and how it affects an individual’s perception taking into consideration the association of age, gender, and religiosity. The following theories and concepts are used to explain this behavior: The Death Anxiety Scale and Death Acceptance Scale; Three-component Model of Death...

Depth of Processing: Surprises or Emotional Events Help Our Flashbulb Memory Remember Better

2 Pages 791 Words
How does our working memory do encoding and remember depend on 2 factors: depth of processing and emotion factor (Craik and Lockhart, 1972 as cited in Saul McLeod, 2007). Craik & Tulving (1975) mentioned depth of processing refers to: the deeper we process the information, the information will likely to stay in our memory longer. Depth of processing is further...

Factors Causing Personality Disorders: Arguments for Psychopaths Being Born or Made

2 Pages 967 Words
To begin with, those who argue that psychopaths are born may refer to the study conducted by the scientists from ‘the Kings College London’s Institute of Psychiatry’ in which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans used to assess the levels of grey matter in the sixty-six participants brains. Twenty-two of sed participants were healthy and had no previous convictions to their...

Sybil: Sensational Book That Discovered Dissociative Identity Disorder

7 Pages 3118 Words
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) has a long history, it was first discovered in 1791 when a woman was found to have both a French and a German personality. Many studies were completed between 1880 and 1920 and by 1944 it was reported that 67% of DID patients had been discovered. Dissociative identity disorder then fell off the radar as schizophrenia...

Importance of General Practice Nurses in Cervical Cytology Screening and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

5 Pages 2167 Words
Introduction The role of the General Practice Nurse (GPN) within the cervical screening programme is evaluated with emphasis on abnormal cytology result. Cervical sample taking started in the 1960s however it was not until 1988 that a national screening programme was introduced in Scotland, with the aim of reducing the rates of cervical cancer. Since it’s introduction there has been...

Impact of COVID-19 on International Sugar Trade: Analysis of Brazil

1 Page 612 Words
Sugarcane is a plant that provides both alcohol and sugar. Cultivation of this plant originally began in Southeastern Asia. Brazil was first introduced to sugarcane five centuries ago, while it was still a colony under Portugal. It’s interesting to note that during this time gold and sugarcane held nearly the same values. During the mid 17th century, Brazil grew to...

Self Concept in Practice: Counselling of Hearing Impaired Individuals

2 Pages 680 Words
Hearing loss is a widespread condition, affecting approximately 432 million adults globally (World Health Organization, 2014). In general, having a hearing-impairment, whether it be mild or profound, makes communicating with the outside world difficult. A major focus of social work is to advocate for the rights of people at all levels (IFSW, 2014). When working with individuals with a hearing-impairment,...

Connection between Cultural Background of Birthing Practices and Childbirth Experiences

5 Pages 2091 Words
The leading purpose of this article is to understand why cesarean deliveries are overused, considering the increased risk of complications that affect mother and fetus. The author makes it a point to focus on the larger scale of cultural factors that are associated with a key clinical measure of quality care for the maternal population. In this study, they recruited...

Social Culture and Alcohol Drinking: Challenges of Raising Legal Drinking Age to 21 Years

4 Pages 1626 Words
More passings and mishaps because of a more youthful and less capable psyche - whose cerebrums are as yet defenseless against the poisonousness of liquor at 18. Liquor causes almost 6,000 Australian passings in a single year, a third from malignant growth. Drink driving stays a significant supporter of fatalities and wounds on Australian streets, despite the fact that an...

Description of Multiple Personality Disorder in Media: Schreiber's Sybil and Split

2 Pages 1098 Words
Dissociative Identity Disorder: it is defined as a dissociative disorder in which a person reports having more than one identity or alter. Those diagnosed report to have more than one identity or alter. Each alter presents with individual characteristics. Each alter presents at different times and is determined by the alter in charge. The primary alter may be unaware of...

Analysing Short-Comings of The Safe Sex Campaign in West Australia

4 Pages 1777 Words
The 'Sexual Health Youth STI Campaign' is a compelling and authoritative campaign run by the Department of Health, Western Australia Government. The campaign uses notions of fear to target adolescence at how easily contactable Sexually Transmitted Infection’s are. The campaign looks to promote education towards the issue as well as normalize STI testing among young people. This report will focus...

Social and Physiological Consequences af Underage Drinking

1 Page 666 Words
Promoting Healthy Drinking Behaviors The chosen population who is at Risk of Alcohol-related Harms: Teenagers. The teenage population is one of the noticeable developments and advancement that are loaded up with vitality, energy and new encounters. All teenagers exhibit diverse characteristics and experience their high school life more differently in a unique unpredictable way, making guardians or parents occupy a...

Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer and Recent Findings in It's Genomic Research

4 Pages 1737 Words
Introduction Pancreatic cancer (PC) is highly lethal malignancy and consider the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The majority of patients, approximately 80%, are diagnosed at an advanced and incurable stage, advanced local (III) or metastatic (IV), of disease, and only around 20% of cancers are suitable for surgical resection. The prognosis for PC is extremely poor, with...

Determining Impact of Polyphenols in Green Tea in Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

2 Pages 838 Words
Abstract: Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol from green tea extract is known to suppress the human pancreatic cancer in-vitro. Its anti-proliferative action mediated by caspase-3-activation, nuclear condensation and poly-ADP ribose polymerase cleavage. Pancreatic cancer cell death by EGCG is mediated by arresting growth at an initial stage of cell cycle. EGCG involves depolarisation mitochondrial membrane to allow cytochrome-c release into...

Phenylketonuria or PKU: Mental Retardation Illness Caused by Phenylalanine Mismetabolizm

3 Pages 1508 Words
Introduction Everyone is born differently, and not everyone has the same opportunity as others. People around the world are born with disabilities and different disorders that can lead to serious conditions. When a baby is born it is mandatory in the U.S. that your health provider takes a newborn screening detecting for a disease, what if it was missed by...

Modes of Childbirth and Causes of Postpartum Depression

2 Pages 833 Words
The end of gestation or pregnancy phase is marked by the birth of the baby, either through vagina or through a Cesarean section. Childbirth is also known as delivery or labor. The most common type of childbirth is the vaginal birth, a natural mode of childbirth. Cesarean Birth, commonly known as C-section is a surgical method of childbirth in which...

Cancer Prevention: Pancreatic Cancer Screening Difficulties and It's Prevention Methods

3 Pages 1258 Words
‘Cancer’ - a word so small yet so destructive. In fact, in 2017, in the UK alone there was an astonishing 4 million cases and 9.56 million deaths worldwide. An inevitable disease that just continues to increase in size. As the philosopher Desiderius Erasmus once said, ‘prevention is better than cure’ - this is most certainly the case with cancer....

Madness in Art: Linking Creativity, Mental Illness and Breakdown in History of Art

7 Pages 3103 Words
Introduction “No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.” Aristotle. The link between creativity and mental health is a very difficult one to define and even harder to prove. Mental illness as long as history can record has been a taboo subject. It has always been something to be feared, hidden and ashamed of. However, displayed in the...

Effect and Side-Effect of Adderall in Treating ADHD and Narcolepsy

2 Pages 854 Words
Adderall is a medication in the class of CNS energizers used to treat consideration deficiency hyperactivity issue (ADHD) and narcolepsy. In any case, it might cause genuine weight reduction, which is very much reported on the web. Weight reduction is one of the conceivable symptoms of taking solution Adderall, a medication regularly recommended for ADHD and narcolepsy in the two...

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