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Drinking Warm or Cold Water - Which is Healthier?

2 Pages 751 Words
How do you prefer a glass of water: lukewarm or nicely chilled? An internist and a nutrition expert explain the advantages and disadvantages of the temperature of the drinking water for digestion, circulation, pain perception and calories burned. Especially in summer on hot days you long for a sip of cold water to cool off. But that is not particularly...

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type and Diagnostic Criteria

3 Pages 1339 Words
Background Alzheimer disease is one of the major debilitating brain diseases whose effects are loss of memory and important mental functions among patients, a consideration which impacts on their social skills, ability to think and make judgment. Crooks et al. (2008) indicate that this form of dementia has varied ways of developing on different people. As such, it is imperative...

Dementia – The Disease of the Older Generation

9 Pages 3869 Words
Introduction Dementia was an illness which consisted of a group of symptoms characterized by reduction in memory, impairment in the reasoning skills and slow decline of skills required for daily living. Changes in the brain, both structural and biochemical, caused these illnesses. The condition was defined as “a syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic or...

Dementia – Health Issues and Caregiver Burden

3 Pages 1406 Words
Definition of Dementia and Personal Experience Dementia is not, despite widespread belief otherwise, a specific illness. Instead, Dementia is a term used to collectively describe a wide range of conditions that lead to cognitive decline, memory impairment, and other brain disorders [1]. The most prevalent form of Dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a debilitating illness characterized by progressive and...

Competition in the Fast Food Industry

1 Page 509 Words
Threat of Entrance The growing demand for fast food over the past years has caused quite an attraction for possible new entries into the industry. However, competing with the already well known and profitable businesses such as McDonalds and KFC would require an enormous initial sum of money, or possibly an already branded foreign multinational corporation could obtain a strong...

Cause and Effect of Eating Junk Food

2 Pages 788 Words
Wherever we go into the supermarket or convenience store, it seems easy to find those mouth-watering food which may not be considered as healthy food. We so called this kind of food as “junk food.” There are lots of reasons for why people getting more and more unhealthy, such as sitting all day long, seldom drinking water or without doing...

Bottled Water Should be Banned Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1955 Words
Introduction: Examining the Rise in Bottled Water Consumption Water is the most important and vital issue in our everyday life, it has a significant effect on our well-being , hence most governments have tried to provide clean and safe drinking water to its inhabitants. However, a rising global consumption of plastic bottled water has been noticed recently either in developing...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

2 Pages 822 Words
Dementia is considered a general term for impairments in mostly remembering, moving, and thinking that serve as obstacles in a person’s everyday activity. However, the term is also strongly associated with the following problems: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and communication. Furthermore, dementia is extended to numerous diseases with the most accurately identified symptoms. Overall, dementia outcomes stem from its negative influence...

Advantages of Eating Healthy Food

1 Page 616 Words
Do yourself ever conceive that why are we taking food also whatever does the benefit from it? Considerable amount of the population in the world getting their meals without any awareness of the gain of it. Just because of a repetition that they have practiced for a longer period. However, a healthy plate offers you plenty of benefits to your...

Advantages of Drinking Coffee

3 Pages 1538 Words
Hey, guys if you are here with your coffee then that's great but if you are not then you should because today we will going to have a coffee party just like a tea party. Internationally people start their day with a cup of coffee I,m not talking about the milk one just simple black coffee and if you are...

Abortion: My Body, My Choice

2 Pages 953 Words
Earlier this month, Alabama's governor, Kay Ivey, signed into law the most restrictive abortion legislation in the United States. The legislation bans abortion in nearly all circumstances, including rape and incest; with the only exception to the ban being when a woman's health is at serious risk. However, due to ongoing legal challenges, these bans have yet to be put...

The Role of Family in Youth’s Drug Addiction

1 Page 586 Words
Drug abuse is a prevalent problem among Pakistan's youth, who account for 28% of the whole population of Pakistan (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2013). Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. Youngsters, both girls and boys, experiment with illegal drugs and other addictive...

The Truth About Health in Syria

3 Pages 1366 Words
Talking about Syria can trigger a range of emotions and thoughts that are all rather negative and there is usually not a happy story to tell due to the fact that the country has faced a brutal civil war for the last decade. Then why, when looking at the World Health Organization’s report of statistics for the sustainable development goals,...

The Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone: A Reflective Report

3 Pages 1186 Words
As a rule, developing countries tend to lack comprehensive and stable civilian structures for dealing with disasters, therefore disaster response in these countries often relies almost entirely upon the military as well as on international civilian and military assistance. Military engagement in disaster relief may contain the negative consequences of major disasters and prevent the crisis from spilling across borders....

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Hospitality Industry: An Essay

3 Pages 1439 Words
The hospitality industry can be defined as an industry that provides a wide range of services such as hotels, food and beverage service, event planning, entertainment venues, and travel, for example, hotels, pubs, and bars. There are lots of factors that affect the hospitality industry such as cultural factors, economic factors, political factors, and technological factors (Enz, 2009). Economic factors...

Misuse of Antibiotic: A Silent Threat to Bangladesh

2 Pages 824 Words
Antibiotic was working as magic bullet against infection causing bacteria since discovery in 1928. By evolution, some bacteria fight back against antibiotic and become resistant. In 21st century, antimicrobial resistance is one of the biggest threats for the world. All over the world, antibiotic resistant bacteria infect a huge number of people and cause death of a certain number of...

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Potential Negative Effects on Greece, 'Weakened' by the Debt Crisis and Strong Migration Waves

5 Pages 2303 Words
Greece’s international reputation took a battering during the European debt crisis that dominated the first half of the last decade. The country was widely perceived as irresponsible, corrupt and inefficient. The country’s financial situation was sound when it entered the EU in the early 1980s, but it deteriorated substantially over the following next thirty years. While the economy boomed from...

High Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

2 Pages 1034 Words
The maternal mortality Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Sierra Leone needed to achieve by 2015 was 450 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, however, the estimated maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for 2015 was 1,360 deaths per 100,00 live births (WHO, 2015). If the ideal state for maternal mortality is supposed to be 450 maternal deaths per 100,00 live births as set...

Canada's Health Care System Needs Reevaluation: An Essay

1 Page 553 Words
A challenge for Canadian health care is access. Most Canadians have timely access to world-class care for critical emergencies such as stroke, cancer care, and heart problems. However, for less critical problems the wait time can be as long as months or even years. “In Canada, only 38 percent of people report being able to see their primary care provider...

Should Euthanasia Be Legalized in Canada? Essay

5 Pages 2321 Words
Physician assisted suicide has been an ongoing debate since the early years however, it recently sparked more attention in 2009 when Gloria Taylor, an ALS patient, decided to challenge the Canadian courts’ prohibition. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease affecting motor neurons of the spinal cord, which causes progressive weakness and atrophy of muscles. She was soon joined by...

Cherishing the Children of Ireland

3 Pages 1331 Words
The 1916 Proclamation was read by Padraig Pearse on the steps of the GPO Easter Monday. It included this aspiration that all children of Ireland would be cherished equally. The UN convention sanctioned by Ireland on the 28th of September 1992, “committed to promote, protect and fulfil rights of children”. Despite these aspirations and commitments, the economic, civil, political and...

Wide Spread of Tuberculosis in Sudan

3 Pages 1557 Words
Sudan is one of the largest countries located in northeastern Africa. Sudan is located in the desert of Sahara. It is a hard climate condition and unfortunately, lack of instability is contributed for the poor conditions. It is between Egypt of the north and the Central African Republic to the southwest. It has a population of almost 28 million. The...

Sleep Deprivation Among Nurses in Florida and How to Prevent It

3 Pages 1207 Words
Sleep is an essential physiological need. It is a natural process that helps in human well-being, and it facilitates better physical, mental, and overall health (Filip, Tidman, Saheba, Bennett, Wick, Rouse, & Radfar, 2017). Unfortunately, many Americans do not realize that they are sleep deprived, often feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and drowsy throughout the day (Filip et al., 2017). Sleep...

Is a Tax on Junk Food a Good Approach to Combating Global Obesity? Essay

2 Pages 730 Words
Aptly described by WHO as an ‘escalating global epidemic’ (WHO, 2002), the burden of obesity on communities is self-evident: an estimated 3 million deaths and 2 trillion dollars in medical costs (Dobbs et al., 2014). To address the challenge member nations have introduced tax policies to regulate people’s nutrition. The phraseology ‘junk food’ is attributed to sugar sweetened beverages and...

Health Care System in Sudan

2 Pages 902 Words
The Republic of Sudan is situated in the northeast of Africa and is considered to be a low-middle-income country. It is the third largest African country in terms of geographical coverage after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nation has a well-established healthcare system with many drawbacks, mostly due to economic and administrative factors followed by prolonged...

Coronavirus Impact on Indian Economy

3 Pages 1332 Words
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in an ongoing pandemic. As of 25th may 2020 around 5.4 million people are infected around 2.17 million people have recovered and the disease had caused around 3,45,000 deaths....

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy of Georgia

2 Pages 1088 Words
To define the basic concepts of this topic, first of all, it is required to have a good understanding of two things: firstly, what is Сovid-19, and secondly, what is the economy. Covid-19, the new pandemic disease, strongly affected world in many ways. This is new challenge. And it made people think and see things in different ways. Almost all...

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