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Medicaid Waivers: Work and Reporting Requirements

The new provision of work requirements and reporting was proposed by the Trump Administration’s Centers of Medicare and Medicaid in 2018 (Latham, 2018). This provision requires people to either involve in 80 hours of job or community engagement per month to be eligible for Medicaid unless they get an exemption. Exemption of these requirements applies to pregnant, 50 years and older populations, students, caregivers and people with disabilities, who are deemed unfit for any kinds of jobs (Anna L.Goldman, Steffie...
2 Pages 715 Words

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma

Parents want what is best for their children, and do what they can to provide for them. Protecting them from any harm or negative experiences they may face. Children have yet to go through development to be able to process different life experiences. Complex topics that children are not able to grasp just yet, such as death, war, poverty, natural disasters and things of that nature. With a full future ahead, their caregiver attempts to shield them from this in...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Pros and Cons of Video Games

Video games are an amazing escape for anyone, they act as a story that you can control and can help you fully understand a character and empathise with them better than in any other media such as book or film. If you ask a person who plays video games, a moment that stuck with them for example a death of their favourite character. But there have been many cases of shootings and violence were people have blamed games. But a...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Opioid Epidemic in the USA and Its Main Causes

In 2017 the number of overdose deaths involving opioids which includes prescribed medication and illegal drugs such as heroin and manufactured fentanyl was six times higher than in previous decades. 60 million Americans take opioids every day, that is 60 million Americans at risk for addiction (King). Opioids are a type of drug or painkiller that contains highly addictive components and can be prescribed to you or bought illegally. They could potentially become highly addictive and leave your body dependent...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Purified Beta-Galactosidase for the Treatment of Lactose Intolerance

β-galactosidase is a bacterial enzyme. Study of this enzyme allowed researchers to develop operon model and determine the role of the enzyme in regulating gene expression. Besides this historic significance, β-galactosidase also have essential enzymatic functions, including to hydrolyze lactose into glucose and galactose, to synthesize allolactose by transgalactosylation of lactose, and to produce monosaccharides by cleaving allolactose . Ability of β-galactosidase to hydrolyze lactose is vital for energy production. Resulting products of lactose hydrolyzes enter glycolysis and are converted...
2 Pages 886 Words

The Ways to Achieve Measles Eradication

Measles virus, a paramyxovirus is one of the main causes of death in children in developing countries and responsible for some deaths in industrialized nations. Infection resorts to immunosuppression, making the host more susceptible to secondary infections with a range of viral and bacterial pathogens and causing most measles associated (Carter et al, 2007). Measles is an acute highly viral infectious disease. Before vaccines, infection was nearly universal during childhood. It has no known animal reservoir and no asymptomatic carrier...
4 Pages 1577 Words

Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior of Chinese Youth in Kuala Lumpur City

The ideology and term of suicide or killing oneself to get out of life is turning into a trend in this modern society. Most of the ones that expresses the idea meant it as a joke and do not mean to actually conduct a self-harm activity. Many memes and jokes regarding killing themselves because they’ve succumb to a difficult task, seeing something ‘stupid that it hurts their brains’ and even merely wanting to get out of life can be seen...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Arguments for Why Schools Should Start Later

On average, schools in Canada start at 8:30 a.m. but some schools in our region such as Silver Stream start at 8:05 a.m. and others such as in the United States even start at 7:30. Even though this may not seem like a big difference, it actually is, and even the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) is concerned about kids that go to schools that start early. Furthermore, physicians recommend teens to get at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours...
2 Pages 765 Words

Perspectives in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive neurological disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and its pathogenesis has been associated with auto-immune mechanisms underlying the inflammatory demyelination of neurons. Myelin is the sheathed coating of neurons which provides multifaceted functions like neuroprotection and enhances synaptic transmission throughout brain regions. Therefore, the pathological demyelination of neurons results in distorted, slow or even the absence of neuronal communication. This consequently leads to the onset of many symptoms that characterise MS. Symptoms include...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Multiple Sclerosis: Pathogenesis and Treatment Options

Multiple Sclerosis, widely referred to as MS, is a lifelong, progressive medical condition that affects the central nervous system. There are currently around two million people worldwide that suffer from the condition and it is currently incurable. It affects both white and grey matters of the CNS and it’s underlying neuropathology leads to loss of myelin/oligodendrocyte complex, as well as neuronal and axonal degeneration. It can cause minor or serious disability, and although it may be possible to treat the...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Importance of the Utmost Caring for the Older Person

The main focus of this assignment is to provide the utmost care for the older person. We must also ensure that they have a healthy lifestyle and can participate actively in family and social life. Communication is a key factor in all types of caring. It is so important to listen to and encourage the older person to express any anxieties and worries they may have. The organisation I choose to write about is ‘Friends of the Elderly Ireland’. They...
9 Pages 4110 Words

Harman’s Free Radical Theory of Aging and Its Significance for Gerontology

In 1954, the possibility of a nuclear war was on the horizon. The public recognized that increased exposure to radiation was threatening to longevity and that antioxidants could be used to neutralize its effects. Sources of longevity were of importance around this time, as America pushed to increase its average life expectancy (Harman, 2009, p. 774). Along with many others, Denham Harman was interested in what he describes as “the long-expressed desire of ‘man’ to ‘live long but not be...
2 Pages 705 Words

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Heart Disease

Death is a thought that a majority of people are afraid of and nobody really knows what is going be the cause of death for them. That is why it is always good to get a yearly check up with a physician to make sure that you are healthy in order to try to avoid the leading causes of death in America. The top three causes of deaths in America are heart disease, cancer, and accidents (National Center for Health...
2 Pages 709 Words

Tobacco Use Induced Pleasure

Every task we perform in our life has some curiosity hidden inside it, curiosity to experience something new. Unaware of its pros and cons we want to experience it. Once we get a spark of pleasure from that experience it becomes our habit and then slowly that habit becomes our addiction. Everything has developed in its own way in each and every corner of this world may it be science, business or diseases. Yes even diseases have shown development, now...
5 Pages 2429 Words

Synesthesia and Its Extremely Important Role in ‘The Greatness of Film’

“When one sense is activated, another unrelated sense is activated at the same time”, this causes an overwhelming feeling as your senses combine in an unnatural and sometimes unnerving way - this is known as ‘Synesthesia’. For creating this short film, I took on the role of Director as my primary, and Co-editor and my secondary role. Both of these I have prior experience with but wanted to approach both roles with an open mind, ready to learn and take...
5 Pages 2200 Words

Reflections on Whether Elderly People Should Be Put in Nursing Homes

Old age is an inevitable and irreversible process. In general, the old age is a period of regression to physical, mental and cognitive function. The most important problem of old age is the loss of communication with the environment and society. Therefore, nursing homes were established to meet the needs of the elderly people. So elderly people are placed to nursing home because need to be care and loneliness, their family's difficulties for care. But nursing homes are not good...
1 Page 674 Words

Q Fever: Ways of Infection, Typical Symptoms and Prevention

In September of 2014 my grandma was diagnosed with a semi deadly disease known as Q Fever. She was flown out to UK hospital after having a seizure. She was transferred only once to a slightly smaller hospital after getting out of ICU. At the time I was 8 years old. In this speech I will cover three main points. How you get it, what happens when you get it, and best of all how you can prevent it. Q...
1 Page 576 Words

Environmental Effect on Development of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling disease of the central nervous system that mainly affects people in their young age. Pathogenic mechanisms that bring about the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) have yet to be clearly identified, but considerable evidence indicates autoimmunity plays an important role in its etiology. Autoimmune diseases like MS are postulated to arise from complex interactions between individual genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Previous infection with Epstein-Barr virus, vitamin D insufficiency and smoking are established risk...
1 Page 633 Words

The Concept of Neurodiversity and the Social Model of Disability in Relation to Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a Neurodevelopmental disorder this diagnosis can lead to impairments in both verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction and repetitive restricted behaviour - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), according to The American Psychiatric Association (APA 2013). The above statement is a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, if one is reading this for the first time and you are autistic how does it make you feel? The concept of neurodiversity in relation to autism...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance

Taking care of patients is not same as caring for them. Healthcare system is becoming competitive day by day where patients are recognized as clients of healthcare. Nursing care involves identifying patient’s need and overcome the barriers that prevent to deliver quality care. The main issue in delivering proper care to patients is that health care system increased expenditure and turning into more profitable business. It is very necessary to create healing environment for patients to make them feel secure...
1 Page 506 Words

Relationship Between Tears and Emotional State

Do you know according to science, only humans tears can come out when they become emotional? There are two reasons for tears: 1) maybe he/she is too much sad; 2) maybe something went into her/his eyes (or maybe he/she lying that something went into eyes). But if you are interested in science then science can tell you if he/she lying or something went into eyes! How? let's find out. Sadness, pain, hurt makes us cry, but why? Tears come out...
2 Pages 747 Words

Explaining the Challenges of Visually Impaired Students

Over the past year universities worldwide has had an increase in the number of admission of visually impaired students drastically. Whereas in the past visually impaired students were disadvantage mostly because of the campuses physical and academic environment. According to research the University of Namibia (UNAM) in 2004 had only 2 visually impaired students and the number has increased in the recent times. This is because of the increase in improvements of physical environments. Through research done the findings of...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Miraculous Metabolism Boosters Do Not Exist

These days individuals have accepted that for each 1 pound of muscle you gain, your body consumes an extra 50 calories. On paper, this sounds great. But it is not true, sadly. When we speak about metabolism like it's something, we can control by swallowing a pill, bringing down some green tea, or running quicker. Let's be evident about one thing: miracle metabolism boosters are not there. Regardless of what you find in promotions or hear in your running circles,...
2 Pages 846 Words

Holly Golightly's Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While some individual personality traits are mistaken for the signs of personality disorders, in some ways how a person acts can show clear signs of a type of personality disorder. There have been plenty of moments in the story ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Truman Capote that Holly Golightly showed she is suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD. Holly Golightly is suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder because, she shows the symptoms of unemotional traits, grandiosity, exaggerated feelings of self-importance, disregard...
3 Pages 1486 Words

The Ability of Whole-Grain Cereal-Based Foods and Oatmeal to Prevent Heart Disease

Coronary ailments (i.e., CHD) is a major reason for death in the top advanced countries and is swiftly expanding in frequency among developing nations. Death rates from cardiovascular problems surpass one million deaths every year in United States of America and record for biggest ailment related expenses to health with the approximate expenses evaluated to surpass 120 dollars billion with reference to each fiscal year. Numerous diet-related factors, including saturated and total fat utilisation, fruits and vegetable intake ratios, are...
1 Page 519 Words

Nursing Home Understaffing in the US: Causes, Consequences, and Coping

Understaffing in nursing homes has increasingly become an issue in the United States with over 90% of nursing homes reporting shortages in staff. This is an issue that effects the patients, families, staff, and the nursing homes as a whole. This creates further health concerns for those involved. Labor costs are often attributed to this issue despite research showing it costs more to understaff. Through research and experimentation, it can be seen there are many solutions to this growing problem....
5 Pages 2311 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of technology and machines to work and react in place of humans, conducting functions that were previously thought to require human reasoning and problem solving skills. That is the ideal definition at least. However, to this day, most AI applications have been only successfully programmed to carry out specific tasks or solve pre-defined problems. AI is not something new, but there have been significant advances made in the field these past few years. It...
4 Pages 1654 Words

Autism: A Disease or a Variant of the Norm

In this research project, I am going to research if autism is either a disease or a variant of the norm. I personally know someone who has autism and have direct contact with them a lot, this made me question myself more and more about, what it involves. Due to the lack of results from the many types of research taking place to know more about it, I decided to combine the information that has been successfully published to reach...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Risk of E. Coli and Listeria Monocytogenes Infections in Pregnant Women

There are two different microbial pathogens we are to discuss namely, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes that affect pregnant women and the unborn foetus upon eating (or coming into contacting) with infected meat. Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative anaerobic bacteria which causes the infection called Listeriosis. Escherichia coli is a bacteria that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm blooded organisms, most E.coli strains are harmless, but some can cause serious food poisoning. Shiga toxin-producing E-coli (STEC) is...
2 Pages 974 Words

Prevention of Heart Disease in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The second leading cause of death in the United States for the Asian and Pacific Islander populations is cardiovascular disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) state that about 22.2% of the Asian and Pacific Islander population die from heart disease. The reduction of mortality rates associated with heart disease can be prevented with the control of modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors that contribute to heart disease include prevention and control of high blood pressure, smoking cessation, and...
5 Pages 2231 Words

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