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Goals Setting: Reflective Essay

6 Pages 2573 Words
One time, I was talking to my students and they said: “Mrs. Jumana you always find ways to be optimistic about the future and that’s so beautiful but the reality is different, life is so hard! We’re living in a bad situation, we are surrounded by social and political crisis…... Look all around you, everything is a disaster and no...

Friendship of University Students: Qualitative Account Essay

4 Pages 1929 Words
Previous research within this field have found discrepancies on what factors are truly important to university friendships. They have found proximity appears to be the most consistent factor contributing to friendships forming, however, in regard to emotional support and depth within friendships there has been inconsistent findings. The purpose of this study is to identify the key, important components of...

Essay on Time Is Gold

3 Pages 1451 Words
Growing up it is often emphasized that ‘Time is gold’. It is a common 'favorite motto' that is usually written in every grade school's journal or diary. Though at the young age I haven't got a clue of what that means until I get to the point that also in high school, I get to comply to lecture requirements. Teacher...

Effects of University Relationships on Students

5 Pages 2226 Words
University education is an important milestone in the life of a person who has had the privilege of going through one. The purpose of university education is to train the mind to learn to think and develop virtues that will prepare you for life. University education is essentially the last step a person takes before venturing into their prospective careers....

Effects of Social Stigma on University Students

3 Pages 1186 Words
What exactly are the right characteristics, that one must have, in order for society to approve of them? Who is responsible for approving the wanted characteristics for the most part of their lives, when the youth struggle for individuality? Doing this, results in them subconsciously conforming to the social norms, set by pre-existing values and standards of society. Émile Durkheim...

Effects of Gluten-Free Diet on Food Intake of Second-Year Bachelor of Nutrition Science Students

5 Pages 2310 Words
In today’s world, diet has become an important part of one’s life. Food is related to a person’s well-being. High or low levels of specific macronutrients can lead to different types of problems. Different diets have different impacts on different bodies. Gluten is a part of protein family called prolamins (glutenin and gliadin) which are the storage parts of protein...

Depression among University Students

3 Pages 1372 Words
Depression is a mental illness that affects 11.3% of adults in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016). Although seemingly a low percentage, depression affects people of all ages at different parts of their life. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 50% of the Canadian population will have, or have had, a mental illness by age 40 (Public...

Cultural Clashes between International Students at UCLan

5 Pages 2531 Words
The United Kingdom’s universities are the second most popular choice for higher education in the world for students from overseas. Furthermore, the interesting fact is that 15% of the student population in the United Kingdom, mostly in England are international students (Al-Quhen, KY, 2012). Purpose of this essay is to provide international students perceptions of their educational experiences at English...

Analytical Thinking of University Students against Conspiracy Beliefs

3 Pages 1371 Words
Conspiracy theories have been around for decades there will always be people who will believe in conspiracy ideation examples: assassination of John F. Kennedy, 9/11 terrorist attacks or government cover-ups of alien visitation. Aaronovitch (2009) describes conspiracy belief as “the unnecessary assumption of conspiracy when other explanations are more probable”. Does this mean that there is something wrong with believing...

Analysis of the Causes of University Students' Discontent in France in 1968

5 Pages 2240 Words
May 1968 saw some of the largest protests in contemporary French history witnessing a month of demonstrations, university buildings being taken over and economic standstill resulting in a snap legislative election. An article published in The Guardian on May 13th highlighted a number of reasons why these protests had broken out such as a lack of lecturers, the expansion of...

Alcohol Consumption and Stress within University Students

2 Pages 1116 Words
Alcohol consumption is one of the most significant health concerns around the world. It varies from country to country, but Europe is the heaviest drinking continent in the world with high level of alcohol consumption within United Kingdom and Ireland. One uniquely endangered group is university students mostly young adults aged between 18 and 29 years of age that drink...

Alcohol and Drugs as Challenges for University Students

2 Pages 741 Words
From juggling deadlines to a part time job student life is not as easy as it seems. Money is in short supply and a considerable number of students leave home and move into student accommodation to get the freedom that adolescents desire. There are many new challenges individuals face when becoming independent for the first time such as experiencing a...

Passion for Engineering

1 Page 632 Words
The aspect I admire most about engineering is its problem-solving approach which combines physics and mathematics to face problems of increasing complexity. Engineering is both used to solve human problems as well as satisfy human curiosity. A great example is NASA's rover Opportunity, which survived almost 15 years longer than expected against all odds. We can attribute opportunity's success to...

Comparative Study of Graduate Students' Views on Virtual and Real Learning

3 Pages 1323 Words
Learning is obligatory up to a convinced age. Learning is an extensive intermediate of obtaining necessary knowledge and skills. Learning is inherently split into two types i.e., distance education (virtual learning) and mainstream education (real learning). Has we know learning online is an immense concept. The term online learning, virtual learning, e-learning, distance learning is identical. Each one of them...

Senioritis Definition Essay

1 Page 367 Words
Senioritis is a term used to describe the waning motivation and effort of students in their final year of high school or college. It is often associated with the feeling of apathy, procrastination, and laziness that many students experience near the end of their academic careers. It is a serious issue that can affect a student's academic performance and reputation....

First Generation College Student Essay

2 Pages 811 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction As a first generation college student, I understand the importance of hard work and dedication. I am the first in my family to attend college, and I'm proud to be blazing the trail for future generations. My parents have encouraged me to take this opportunity to create a better future for myself and to set an example for my...

My Experiences During My Time as a Dominican Student

3 Pages 1397 Words
As a student, I am just a regular student who simply enjoys every second of my while at school with my classmates. My four years here in St. Dominic College of Asia is a wonderful journey for me. This journey is the time where I learend a lot of life lessons, a time where I matured as an adult, and...

Misuse of Mobile Phones by Students and Its Impact on Their Academic Performance

4 Pages 1659 Words
In our society today, the use of technology is seen nearly everywhere and as years go on this technology continues to develop farther. Just when you think something cannot possibly be made more useful, that is when something new is developed. The advances that technology has made over the years is astounding and let’s face it, it has made life...

Why Do I Want to Study Cyber Security Engineering at TalTech Information Technology College? Essay

1 Page 625 Words
I humbly wish to further my educational career on the field of Cyber Security Engineering with TalTech Information Technology College. I sat down to look at our world from the past, present and visualize the future of information technology, how advance it has grown over the years. Everything in our day-to-day activities is computerize through the help of information technology,...

Are Studying at UK Universities Worth What We Pay?

2 Pages 1028 Words
University education is an important part of becoming a successful adult, it is a vital component of human development throughout the world. It offers not only the required high-level skills for each field, but also the essential education for educators, doctors, nurses, civil servants, technicians, humanists, businessmen, researchers, social scientists, and a multitude of other personnel. It is these trained...

Proper Air Conditioning in the University Common Room

2 Pages 881 Words
Common room is like a type of shared lounge for people. In university, common room is as shared lounge for student to rest or study. Regular features for this kind of room include couches, table, chair and sometimes has television. Common room may be known as other name depends on the location and the purpose of the room but the...

Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College

1 Page 638 Words
At many colleges, being accused of any types of academic dishonesty is a common issue which affects the future of students. Thus, it becomes an educational concern, so in order to eliminate this behavior of the ethical code. Colleges draw up serious policies towards students who, for example, cheat during the exams and sometimes harsh actions against them such as...

Plagiarism as a Type of Cheating

1 Page 627 Words
According to Ober, (2012) “Plagiarism is a form of scientific misconduct defined as authoring ideas or words produced by someone else or from one’s own previous publication and attempting to publish such work without properly citing to the original author and publications.” Plagiarism policies are for all students, researchers, writers, scientists, philosophers, teachers, and for anyone who publishes the writings....

Causes and Consequences of Sheating

1 Page 413 Words
In this day there are more students consider cheating and not just on tests, it can be many ways such as plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty…etc. Of course, it is highly undesirable for students to cheat. However, to treat a cheating student as a bad person, does the school just remember to give it a clear score and give it...

Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1197 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Elimination of Standardized Testing Before standardized testing, the only way to measure students’ growth and knowledge was through oral testing. In 1915, Frederick J. Kelly published a book containing the first standardized test as well as its instructions for anyone administering the test. Now standardized tests are given to students usually starting in kinder, or even pre-kinder, all the way...

Community Service Scholarship Essay

2 Pages 701 Words
I am currently enrolled in a post-graduate diploma in Project Management at The University of Winnipeg, Professional, Applied, and Continuing Education. I am thoroughly enjoying this program and feel very grateful for all the support that I have been receiving from my peers and instructors. In December 2018, I came to Canada as an international student to study in this...

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