Identity essays

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A Global Threat Of Gender Based Violence

Every day we hear about another woman brutally murdered and rape, another woman a victim of the cruel reality of gender-based violence and all we can do is ask ourselves why. Gender-based violence is a term used that refers to any harm committed against someone’s will that negatively impacts their psychological and physical health because of their gender (Mpani & Nsibande, 2015). There are numerous types of gender-based violence with different reasons why it is being performed, thus having severe...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Is Racial And Ethnic Profiling Viable?

After the attacks on 11 September 2001, airport scrutiny moved to the top of the American government's priorities. Consequently, the heated debate on which methods would undeniably boost security became just as imperative and fittingly controversial. Whereas many insist racial and ethnic profiling is ineffective in American airports, profiling increases security by limiting terrorists to less effective strategies while maintaining constitutional rights. Terrorist groups typically prefer recruits that are accessible such as those of their own race and belief; racial...
2 Pages 1077 Words

Lack of Identity in The Handmaid's Tale and Brave New World

In both The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the writers explore how control and oppression establish a lack of identity in individuals. This exploration is achieved by focusing the novels around how the main characters live under governments who manipulate individuality, relationships and knowledge to create their own visions of stability. Huxley’s government in Brave New World is known as the World State, who are responsible for the entire planet aside from a...
4 Pages 1863 Words

The Idea of European Cultural Identity

The term “fault line” has its origin in the geological definition of a phenomenon in the formation of the Earth’s structure in different eras, from different materials, whence rifts develop and proceed to tear apart the very ground we stand on (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007). Likewise, Europe has been sedimented throughout the past centuries from a multitude of socio-cultural, economic, and political pebbles, creating the base upon which the European Union started and continues to be built. Our current socio-political balance...
4 Pages 1761 Words

The Attributes of Cultural Identity

The attributes related with an implied application of an empirical idea of flat global space for cultural encounter and its relationship to the dominant Universalist view of cultural supremacy as a kind of pre-ordained right in multiculturalism. Resulting suffering egoism of this notion through recent developments of cultural ideological wars must thus, be shifted towards an acceptance of the rationality with an initial assumption of this flat global space of cultural encounter as a kind of tabular rasa devoid of...
4 Pages 1962 Words

Intercultural Identity and Cultural Resilience through Art

Globalisation, development, international migration, and the creation and mobilization of innovative expressions of identity have impacted the world in far reaching ways. In consequence of the cultural change, which underpins these processes, conceptualizations such as ‘identity’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘freedom of expression’, ‘religion’, ‘ideology’, ‘human rights’ etc. have come under considerable scrutiny in popular, policy, and intellectual circles. This has precipitated the erosion of scholarly assumptions and implicit understandings concerning terminology, taxonomy, and definition. Nonetheless re‐comprehension and readjustment within certain disciplinary traditions...
1 Page 580 Words

The Headscarf and its Relation to Cultural Identity

The headscarf has become a normalised object in our society and is seen every day. However, there are many controversies about whether the headscarf is an object of cultural identity or an act of the repression of women. There have been many discussions globally about this debate. Many political parties have discussed the possible legislation of the prohibition of headscarves in public locations, especially in primary schools. This discussion has brought up quite some controversy. Many people argue this legislation...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Construction of Cultural Identity in Immigrant Youth

Introduction The study of acculturation is rooted in a number of subfields of psychology including social psychology, counselling psychology and cross-cultural psychology (e.g. Liebkind, 1996; Wang, Schwartz, & Zamboanga, 2010; Yoon, Hacker, Hewitt, Abrams, & Cleary, 2012). A number of studies have defined acculturation to be a concept involving two different processes of cultural and psychological changes that take place due to contact between at least two cultural groups and their individual group members (e.g. Berry, 2005, Smith & Khawaja,...
5 Pages 2369 Words

The Evolution Of Rights For The LGBTQI Community

Rights are “those things that one is morally or legally entitled to do or have” . They are the minimum threshold of equality in modern society. Today, however, the rights of certain sectors of society are not equal, rather they are frequently under recognised, depressed or absent depending on the societal group that individuals associate with. That said, rights have been, and are, constantly evolving, particularly so when consideration is given to matters of race, gender, ethnicity etc. Indeed, in...
6 Pages 2629 Words

Discrimination Toward Lower Middle Class Sex Workers In Thailand

Prostitution has been described as the oldest profession in the world (Phukaew, 2018; Simmons & McCarron, 2008). However, toward the global lens particularly in Thailand, it is not seen this career as a respectful “profession” as other occupations. This essay is going to discuss some perspectives of the job on how discrimination has occurred, how it functions with the lower middle class - which is the main focus of this article, and how it could be solved as well as...
5 Pages 2180 Words

Socio-economic Affirmative Action

Higher-level education has become the main differentiation for economic prospects and job opportunities for many working-class individuals. Who receives this education has come to the forefront of many public discussions. In the past, college admissions have been based on intellectual capacity with favors for minority races through the process of affirmative action. However, recently, due to the gap in the economic status of citizens in the United States, a new method has been introduced: socioeconomic affirmative action. In order to...
1 Page 551 Words

Why To Study Anthem By Ayn Rand And Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury In Schools?

“War. Death. Despair. Oppression. Environmental ruin. Yup, when it comes to demoralizing literature, dystopian novels have it all! Yet many of us love this genre, and there are good reasons we do” states The Huffington Post. Dystopian novels are loved among many people, but there is also criticism of having these negative novels. Dystopian novels such as Anthem by Ayn Rand and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury are popular in schools. There are many purposes of teaching these novels in...
4 Pages 1637 Words

The Aspects of Cultural Identity

How can one define a person’s identity? Is it their personality traits, where they live, or the history of their family? Someone’s background can directly correlate with they are as a person. Each of these factors contribute to an understanding of the concept of identity, yet, in a globalized world, they cannot determine identity. Identity can be categorized in so many different ways, particularly through fluidity and hybridization. Most people base their personal identities off of personal experiences, preferences and...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Discrimination Of Sexual Minorities In Work Environments

For the past few years, the LGBTQ+ community has been making groundbreaking progress towards being accepted in the United States for the past few years. For example, in 2014 the Supreme Court ruled to have same-sex marriage legalized in the across all 50 states. However, sexual minorities continue to face hardships in another area, the workplace. Everyday millions of LGBTQ+ employees across America face discrimination in their jobs from their coworkers, bosses, and clients. This constant discrimination and mistreatment can...
2 Pages 1001 Words

The Globalization of Cultural Identity

Introduction This paper aims to survey the recent research on globalization and growth, with an emphasis on research of how cultural globalization occurring around us. To understand cultural globalization, we should first understand what the term actually globalization means. Globalization is the process in which people, ideas and goods spread throughout the world, prodding more interaction and integration between the world's societies, governments and economies. The term is most much of the time utilized in reference to making a coordinated...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Discrimination Against The Indigenous Minorities

A literature review includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic and works as secondary source of data of the topic. My research is on, “Against the Indigenous minorities: Socio-economic and political discrimination and social mobility among the Bagdi community of Jhenidah”. In this chapter some relevant literatures have been analyzed and reviewed to improve understanding about the different discrimination against indigenous minorities of Bangladesh. Indigenous people, minority groups, these...
6 Pages 2851 Words

The Emphasis on Identity, Self and Community in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlett Letter is somewhat considered romance novel written in 1850 and set in Puritan Colonial America. Nathanial Hawthorne, its author, invites us on a journey that follows the life and death of Hester Prynne, a young woman left alone by her husband who has long been gone, and feared to have been killed by native Americans during war. She ends up having a child through the crime of adultery, leading to much judgement and her eventual ostracization from the...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Is Denmark A Multicultural Society?

Introduction Multicultural societies are characterized in the same community by people of various races, ethnicity, and nationalities alike. Multiculturalism can occur on a national scale, or within the communities of a nation. People retain, pass, celebrate, and share their unique cultural ways of life, languages, art, traditions, and behaviours in multicultural communities. The society maintains, respects, and even promotes culture. Not only does it enhance itself but it also allows various cultures to peacefully coexist. Multiculturalism is the key to...
4 Pages 2012 Words

The Benefits and Detriments For Affirmative Action and Employment At Will

Introduction Affirmative action and employment at will are topics of legitimate concern, especially for employers and employees. Previously, but more imperatively, managers and companies should be mindful of the legal ramifications that may happen if they neglect to properly understand the importance of discrimination in the workplace. Albeit union affiliations, Congress did not have a hand in many cases for discrimination until 1963, where Martin Luther King Jr. led the civil rights March on Washington. This march encompassed people of...
5 Pages 2215 Words

The Psychology Of Suicide: Do The Means Predict The Motive?

In the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, the main character Hannah Baker violently completes suicide after experiencing bullying and sexual assault. She leaves seven cassette tapes of the 13 reasons why she completes suicide. The Netflix series received significant backlash from the mental health community for its graphic and sensationalized treatment of suicide. The controversy that followed the airing of the film made me think about various motives that cause people to take such dramatic action. A common belief of...
4 Pages 1914 Words

The Features of Australian Cultural Identity

In my first topic of two i have chosen arguably one of Australia's most famous traits “AFL”, when people think of Australia people think of absurd stereotypes like “riding a kangaroo” and always having a “shrimp on the barbie” and one of the very few stereotypes everyone “loves AFL” and AFL was a sport that really transformed Australia into a prestigious country. Football was created in 1857 by a man named Tom willis Football was advocated in the winter, football...
2 Pages 696 Words

Ethiopian LGBTQ+ Rights As Legal Human Rights

The Ethiopian government has always been in essence, a religiously backed government. With 62.8 of the population being of Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith, The country’s community is fairly conservative. This in itself isn’t wrong, but it does inadvertently cause damage to Ethiopian human rights, especially concerning LGBTQ+ communities. This majority in the country gives religious organizations a lot of power in the area, especially concerning the ability to sway opinion, in turn impacting lawmakers decisions of controversial topics. For example,...
1 Page 553 Words

The Kite Runner and The Great Gatsby: Personal Identity Development

Identity can be defined as the way you think about yourself, the way you view the world and the characteristics that define you. It is a typical feature for authors to create unique identities for their characters which shapes the rest of the book. Both novels explore the ambitions, dreams and personality of their protagonists in order to portray their sense of identity. Firstly, both Gatsby in ‘The Great Gatsby’ and Baba in ‘The Kite Runner’ attempt to create an...
7 Pages 3130 Words

The Peculiarities of African Cultural Identity

It is unfair to define African identity, without drawing the attention on cultural identity in its broad and narrow sense. According to Ndubuisi, cultural identity can be understood as a 'geo-political and socio-cultural entity' (Ndubuisi 2). That is to say, as Poole puts it in his book Nation and Identity, 'It may well be that every significant identity carries with it a sense of place and provides its bearers with a special relationship to that place.' (Poole 127,128) Furthermore, he...
1 Page 460 Words

Affirmative Action Policies Are Outdated

In the landmark case of Grutter v. Bollinger, Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor wrote in her majority opinion that the “Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.” Originally, affirmative action policies were meant to support historically disadvantaged groups, like the discriminated Blacks and Hispanics, in employment. Not long after that, several universities would start implementing affirmative action policies by using race as a factor...
3 Pages 1524 Words

LGBTQ Human Rights In Canada

INTRODUCTION Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender have been subject to segregation in numerous social orders around the world. Unlikely LGBTQ in Canada enjoy a few of the most prominent legitimate rights and securities within the world. Homosexuality has been legitimate since the section of the Criminal Law Correction Act (too known asBill C-150) in June 1969.In Canada, same-sex sexual exercises between consenting grown-ups were considered violations culpable by detainment before 1969. That year, the Canadian government passed an omnibus bill...
2 Pages 1131 Words

The Idea of Collective and Individual Identity in The Dead, Daddy, Brave New World and The Handmaid’s Tale

This essay will focus on the ideas of collective and individual identity and how they are presented in ‘The Dead’ (1914) by James Joyce, Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley, ‘Daddy’ (1965) by Silvia Plath and The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) by Margaret Atwood. The idea of identity, in general, is a central theme in all of these texts. Gordon Marshall (1998) describes identity as centred on two distinct areas, namely the psychodynamic and the sociological. An example of sociological...
7 Pages 2999 Words

The Relationship Between Race, Gender And Social Change In The U.S.: Gay Marriage

What is the relationship between race and social change in the U.S.? One of the many unfortunate realities of our society is that race has played a major role in how people are treated—that is, how they have been allocated power, given service (i.e., at restaurants, through government aid, etc.), and acknowledged on the street. Historically, at least in Western cultures, Black people have been targeted more than virtually any other racial group. Before the passing of the 13th, 14th,...
4 Pages 2085 Words

Importance of First Amendment for Being American

What does being American mean? Is it okay to kneel during the National Anthem? Is kneeling during the National Anthem really a disrespectful gesture? Can you be forced to display signs of patriotism? These questions among others have come up a lot in the wake of Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protest. Kaepernick is an ex-NFL quarterback, who began kneeling during the National Anthem in September of 2016. It became a trend throughout the NFL with many teams protesting in their own...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Am I an American: Opinion Essay

Malcolm X was an American Muslim minister and a human rights activist who once said, “Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner, unless you eat some of what’s on that plate.” In other words, just because you say you’re an American it does not make you one unless you know the life and struggle of being one. To be an American means to live and feed off from what it grows, manners, responsibilities, and many more. For most,...
1 Page 444 Words

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