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What Will Happen When Covid-19 And The Flu Collide?

Nowadays, we are facing a bad situation because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many reports stated that covid-19 does not have effects during the summer season but it is totally faded out.and it is also makes suffered lots of people by this disease. As a result, winter is also nearing along with the Covid-19 pandemic. Doctors called this a twindemic. However, it is spoiling our life completely, and we could not know what to control and stop spreading this virus. So,...
2 Pages 789 Words

The Impact Of COVID-19 On Modern Slavery

Alliance 8.7 published the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery in 2017 in which it confirmed there to be approximately 40,000,000 people who were believed to be affected by modern slavery in 2016. There is currently thought to be 152 ,000,000 children suffering from exploitation. Modern slavery is the term referred to when discussing exploitation whereby the victim is unable to say no to what is being demanded of him or her, or cannot leave due to the exploiter threatening them,...
2 Pages 864 Words

Role Of Parents In The Autism Affected Child

Generally, parents play an important role in any child's life until they reach adulthood. However, when it comes to the kids diagnosed with Autism, in this scenario, the parents' role becomes more crucial. To support their child to cope with the disorder. Parents have to play different roles like a teacher, therapist, and so on. In the process, parents may not be able to concentrate on the other kids in the family. As they focus their full attention on the...
1 Page 611 Words

Covid 19 Reflection Essay

Before the pandemic, life was advancing and moving on faster than ever. There was a time and place for everything whether it was attending university lectures or visiting placement. Now that the pandemic has arrived, life changed drastically and it became limiting. Everything outside our homes came to a stand-still and it has completely changed the way society will now work and operate. I have realised because of this pandemic that it will never be the same, and that social...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Will The World Be A Better Place After Covid-19?

Over the last few weeks, we have all been trying to find the positive side to the pandemic; academics and leaders have also joined this trend in an effort to provide us all with inspiration and positivity. For example, Marc Andreessen an entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer advocates for building something — anything — that moves society forward from here. In his essay, he says that to “reboot the American dream” we need to “demand more of our political leaders,...
1 Page 486 Words

Why Finding A Coronavirus Vaccine Takes So Long

Between the discovery of a virus and the development of a vaccine, it usually takes several years. But the health emergency can speed up the process. Eighteen months: this is the time evaluated and hoped for by the researchers for the development of a vaccine against the new coronavirus. This period may seem long for a confined population, prohibited from leaving for lack of treatment. However, the health emergency of the situation has meant that this period has been greatly...
3 Pages 1208 Words

The Psychological Challenges Of Rehabilitation For Injured Athletes

As a result of many athletes spending hours engaging in rigorous training programmes and competitions, the prevalence of sporting injuries has increased (Kraus & Conroy, 1984). Regardless of their level of involvement, a vast majority of athletes will experience an injury that will keep them away from their sport for an unwanted period of time, it is an evitable risk associated within partaking in sport. A general notion amongst most athletes suggests returning to sport sooner than later is the...
6 Pages 2511 Words

Injury Prevention And Safe Practice In Dance And Theatre Performers

Injury prevention and Safe practice are two vital instruments dancers and musical theatre performers should prioritise in their daily lives as they have direct benefits to the longevity of a dancers career, without these two tools their careers could end before they reach their 30’s or even mid 20’s. Injury prevention has two essential categories: internal and external. Internal injury prevention focuses on injuries generated because of risk factors such as, lack of technical knowledge, fatigue, lack of sleep, rest,...
4 Pages 1643 Words

Sickle Cell Anaemia Genetic Basis

Sickle Cell Anaemia is an autosomal recessive disorder which is passed through generations; meaning it is a hereditary disease. To inherit Sickle Cell Anaemia an individual must receive a mutated gene from both their paternal and maternal side. Those who only receive one mutated gene are said to be carriers of the disease but are not affected. Sickle Cell Anaemia is most commonly found in Mediterranean countries which have African descent. According to (, 2019) Sickle Cell Anaemia affects 1...
3 Pages 1253 Words

A Succinct Look Into Sickle Cell Anemia

What is sickle-cell anaemia Sickle-cell anaemia is a hereditary, homozygous, genetic blood disorder that occurs within a person who has abnormal haemoglobin on their red blood cells. The Haemoglobin are sensitive to low amounts of oxygen in the body which makes them transform into sickle or crescent shapes. This causes the abnormal haemoglobin to become stiff and sticky blocking blood flow to important organs and tissues. Healthy red blood cells will survive within the body for 120 days however, sickle-cells...
2 Pages 831 Words

A Look Into Recently Tested Disease Modifying Interventions Of Sickle Cell Anemia

Abstract Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a globally prevalent, monogenic, life-threatening blood disorder with a complex pathology that remains obscure. A deepened understanding of the malady in the recent years has led to pharmaceutical advancements that target pathophysiology and ultimately ameliorate associated multivariate clinical manifestations. Abnormal cell to cell interactions, endothelial adhesion, induced oxidative stress, intracellular erythrocyte dehydration and concentration levels of fetal hemoglobin are a few factors know to play a key role in microvascular obstruction in individuals with...
3 Pages 1313 Words

Treatment Methods For Sickle Cell Disease

“This disease has impacted my life in so many different ways: good and bad.” These are the words from Natasha Thomas, a woman who was diagnosed with sickle cell disease at the age of seven. Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that affects the red blood cells in the body. A healthy red blood cell is normally round and the sickle cells are half-moon shaped. This irregular shape does not carry enough oxygen throughout the body causing organ damage...
2 Pages 959 Words

Radiography Projections Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis, is a pathology that caused by bacterial infection that spread by air between people. When it comes to lung, the medical term for this pathology are pulmonary tuberculosis. It may cause chest pain, severe coughing, weight loss and many more. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a worldwide problem which is can affected to all age, either young or old age. Tuberculosis can divide to two groups which are active and latent forms. For the active disease, it can occur as...
2 Pages 936 Words

Similarities And Differences Of Alzheimer's Disease And Parkinson's Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder found among older adults at the age of 65 and above (Schwamborn, 2018). Symptoms of AD are memory loss, cognitive declination, disorientation, language deficit, impaired concentration, personal hygiene and self-care declination as well as behaviour and personality changes (Bature, F., Guinn, B. A., Pang, D., & Pappas, Y, 2017). At this point of time, the exact causes of AD are still not being publicized. However, researchers believe that the early-onset of...
1 Page 496 Words

Challenges Face By Employers In Malaysia During Covid-19 Pandemic

Introduction Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by Sars-Cov-2 virus known as corona is the newly discovered respiratory disease where it spread person to person through small droplets from nose or mouth of an infected person and it has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization. Fever, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, diarrhea and dry cough are the sign and symptoms for Covid-19. The total worldwide population that categorized as confirmed case of COVID-19 until today...
3 Pages 1429 Words

Risk Factors Of Hypertension And Its Management Strategies

Abstract Hypertension is a serious health problemoriginates from a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors.Environmental factors are overweight/obesity, bad diet, high dietary sodium, stress, lack of physical activity, smokingand alcohol consumption. Higher degree of BP control can be achieved by providing a care source, maximum adherence, and minimizing therapeutic lethargy. The targeted technique to be followed includes many interventions to raise the awareness among people, provide the right treatment, and control for individuals. Team-base care system is the latest...
3 Pages 1499 Words

The Upbringing Peculiarities Of Children With Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects one's physical, social, and language skills. It is considered to be a very heterogeneous (widely diverse) condition affecting at least 400,000 people in the U.S. alone. Most people with this disease are diagnosed before the age of three and tend to show symptoms like difficulty communicating, abnormalities in socialization, as well as interests. While there is no cure, there is a wide span of treatments targeted towards things like speech and communication. Examples...
4 Pages 1673 Words

How To Help Parents With Autistic Children

What this paper is going to talk about is defining autism, how it affects parents, and what are the treatments to help resolve that issue. Many cases with autism is many children 12 to 18 months are already showing signs that are beyond normal behavior. Autistic children are known to show negative or odd behavior as an adolescent. Researchers do not know the cause of autism, but only find that there is a difference inside their brains of processing information....
4 Pages 1954 Words

Influenza Virus: Microbiology, Effects And Treatment

Microbiology Causing Agent — Influenza occurs due to infection of respiratory tract by Influenza virus, RNA viruses of orthomyxovirus genus. There are four types of influenza virus designated as A, B, C and D. Influenza A and B occurs commonly in humans. It is responsible for outbreak of respiratory illness, mostly in winters. It also increases the chances of hospitalization and death. Influenza A can be further classified as hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), on the basis of two surface...
2 Pages 847 Words

Structural Basis Of Enveloped Zika Virus Specific Antibody Protection

Abstract ZIKV as an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus, belonging to the family of flavivirde.(1-3) The rapid geographical expansion and the rampant effect of zika virus (ZIKV) in the recent years have posed serious threat to human life, which lead World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) against this flavivirus in 2016.(4) Binding and fusion of a virus with the host membrane is the first and one of the most crucial steps in the...
6 Pages 2515 Words

Causes Of Stroke And Its Preventions

Based on studies, there's two principal explanation for stroke that we'd like to grasp. These area units referred to as a blocked artery named ischemia and Hemorrhagic, the abundant of vas within the brain. Also, some persons might solely have a Transient ischaemic Attack (TIA) or short interruption of blood flow that does not cause long-run symptoms. the foremost common kind of stroke is Cerebral ischemia conjointly noted as brain ischemia. If the brain’s blood vessels area unit blocked or...
1 Page 607 Words

The Definition And Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

'Children with autism are colorful - they are often very beautiful and, like the rainbow, they stand out.' (Devine, 2014). In life there are sunny days as well as blustery days, which in some cases can be a great or terrible day. Meeting and knowing an individual that has autism spectrum disorder is an experience for those who do not have autism, to learn that not all people are the same. People with autism are blessings to those who nurtured,...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Can A Cat Have Down Syndrome?

Is Down syndrome in cats possible? This is one of the common questions animal health professionals are constantly faced with. Though the answer to this question comes in the negative, it is quite true that members of the feline population do posses some down syndrome-like symptoms from quirky physical appearances to unusual behavioral traits For this write-up, we will be looking at the possible genetic mutations in kitties that can engender those down syndrome-like qualities including how to know when...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Physiotherapy Intervention To Ease Mobility Of People With Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the fastest growing neurodegenerative diseases in the world and the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease next to Alzheimer’s Disease. What causes it has yet to be discovered, but researchers say that people who are more prone to developing PD are mostly men, aged around 60 or older, and have relatives affected by the disease as well (Brazier, 2018). As the cause of this is unknown, preventive measures have also yet to be...
5 Pages 2323 Words

Asthma Treatment Methods

Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world especially in children it’s an obstructive pulmonary condition which affects airways such as the bronchial tubes. Asthma can be triggered by various factors such as allergies, smoke, weather and many other factors. These triggers could result in a reaction in the airways which could damage them depending on the sensitivity, lifestyle and the genetic history of the person who is at risk of asthma. These triggers cause the muscles...
2 Pages 970 Words

Parkinson’s Disease: Pathophysiology For Nurses

Most of us rely on our physical abilities and cannot imagine life without them. Going for a walk, eating a bowl of cereal, drinking a cup of coffee, dressing ourselves etc. are all abilities that we take for granted. Perhaps one of the most heart rendering, difficult situations I can think of is for someone to have those abilities slowly taken away without any hope of them returning. This is what those suffering from Parkinson’s disease face. Parkinson’s disease was...
4 Pages 1731 Words

Zika Virus As The Treatment For Oncology

Cancer has been among the leading causes of death throughout the world for decades, devastating many families with its commonly low survival rates and limited treatment options. In particular, Glioblastoma, arguably the most aggressive form of cancer, is fatal with the median survival rate being 10 to 12 months[1] (even when accompanied with treatment) due to how developed the grade IV tumour is. Because of this reason, it is also one of the most researched topics within oncology with promising...
5 Pages 2407 Words

Influenza Infection Risk Factors

When the new species arrive in new environment, it will need to adapt that as human appear on the earth try to develop technology and system in order to overcome difficulties. In the past thousands of years, human already vanquished weather, fundamental living condition and becoming dominated the earth, however, there still has a stanch enemy that hasn’t be overcame which is disease. In the history, human faced various of disease. For example, cancer, flu, cough, anxiety, coronary artery diseases,...
3 Pages 1428 Words

Hypertension Management In Newly Diagnosed Patients

The management of hypertension in patients can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of other comorbidities that can arise from being untreated, especially those newly diagnosed. Orem's theory poses the concept of self-care and the abilities that patients have to improve their self-care. An individual’s ability to perform self-care is defined as the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and well-being. This can include the use of self-blood...
6 Pages 2674 Words

The Impact Of Cocoa Powder On Biochemical Parameters Of Hypertension

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally, as many people still their lives to deaths from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Out of these deaths, 85% are due to heart attack and stroke. Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure is a global public health issue. It attributes to the burden of heart disease, stroke and kidney...
3 Pages 1155 Words

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