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The Issue Of Nurse Bullying At The Workplace

For many people, when they think of bullying, it may bring to mind the image of a mean child picking on another either in school or on a playground. Although this is often the case, in some instances, bullying also occurs with adults in the workplace. The profession of nursing is no exception to this. The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines bullying as “repeated, unwanted, harmful actions intended to humiliate, offend, and cause distress in the recipient. Bullying actions include...
1 Page 553 Words

Career Choice Research Paper

Choosing career is most important phase in a student’s life. These days it is very common to find students who are confused or ignorant about their career path. Career planning is no longer an event that just end with the decision of the right university or college. It expands until we get the satisfied job. (Anon., 2019) So, factors that affects one making career choice and set targets; are discussed below: Childhood Fantasies What do you want to be when...
2 Pages 839 Words

The Roles Of Team Work In The Organization

Introduction ARY news is the Pakistani news channel, which was launched in September 26th 2004. It is the part of ARY digital network which is one of the branches of ARY group; it is a bilingual news channel in Urdu and English. This news channel was launched by Pakistani businessman Abdul Razzak Yaqoob. ARY News, the pioneer of News Channel in Pakistan operates under the philosophy of keeping its viewers “Har Lamha Bakhabar.”. Bakhabar is an Urdu word that means...
6 Pages 2566 Words

Why Should The Pharmacist Be The One To Conduct Medication Review?

Medications are identified as substances taken in the body that can harm as well as heal the patient. Several studies stated that approximately 5% to 15% of people are admitted to the hospital due to the harmful effects of some medications. Hence, medication review is essential to conduct so as to prevent any adverse effects of the drugs and improve the quality life of the patient. Medication review is defined as the systematic comprehensive evaluation of patient medications with the...
1 Page 420 Words

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Community Service Organizations

According to my opinion I would like to start the proceedings of this essay by highlighting some of the important areas along with other relevant information which will be clearly illustrated with further explanations which is included in this particular essay. Specifically, the primary objective of this essay is to focus into the strengths and weaknesses of the community organizations in a management perspective. And ways in which they can be contrasted with private and public sector organizations in terms...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Self Reflection On Employability Skills In Hospitality Industry

Introduction In today's hospitality industry employability skills are key factors that an employer takes into consideration while recruiting an employee. I have also been continuously developing some of the employability skills (Conflict, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, and professionalism) by implementing those theoretical learnings into practice. Throughout this entire assessment, I would be reflecting on these four employability skills and will connect with the theories that I have learned from various subjects during campus study. some of the subjects are Delivering Guest Service,...
5 Pages 2216 Words

The Correlation Of Team And Team-work

Team is a group of people who works together to achieve an organisational objective and teamwork is considered as the efforts made by that team from different undertakings for the accomplishment of team’s success rather than the individual interest. Basically, this article reveals that there are some of modern companies that expanded the team-oriented work form in the past few years which mainly emphasizes on effectiveness in team performance and management. (Hills, 2007; Kozlowski & Bell, 2003). It is abstracted...
2 Pages 1047 Words

The Meaning And Features Of Child Labor

A child is legally defined as a human being or person who is under the age of 18, in majority’s perspective a child is someone who is not yet capable to decide on their own and still under the guidance of parents, they were supposed to enjoy their childhood and create dreams for their future. They are our younger generation who holds the future of our nation that is why we should mold them to be a better citizen, help...
4 Pages 1934 Words

Multitasking As Major Source Of Distraction

Besides those positive effects of technology on education, there are a few negative effects too. Nowadays, students became dependent on computers to complete their homework and assignment. They need network connection to the internet to surf for information. However, while they are surfing for useful information online, they tend to surf other irrelevant websites such as YouTube for entertainment. Students are also easily distracted by the power of social media by looking at their phones whenever receiving a notification from...
1 Page 427 Words

Role Of Pharmacist During Covid-19

1.0 Introduction Pharmacists are experts that provide knowledge and supervision on drugs and deal big role in the handling, planning, prevention, safety and promotion of pharmaceutical products and enhancement of health outcomes during this Covid-19 crisis (Thiessen, Usery, Justin, Lopez-Candales, & Angel, 2020). Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that causes shortness of breath, fever, cough, fatigue etc. it all started in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and slowly spread to many countries today (Wikipedia, 2020). They played main...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Life Of Migrant Workers In The Terms Of Coronavirus Pandemic

COVID-19 is the word which has feared the whole world for past few months. The virus which originated in a small city in China has spread to the whole world and affected every single person’s life, the rich as well as the poor. It has brought the ever-busy world to a complete halt. Most of the world countries have started announcing lockdown in their respective countries in order to curb the spread of this pandemic. In India, on 24th March...
1 Page 538 Words

Rights Of A Trade Union As Stipulated In The Trade Union Act 1959

Representation in Court Proceeding As per Trade Unions Act 1959, Section 25 Subsection (6), “in any civil or criminal proceedings in which a registered trade union is a party such trade union may appear in such proceedings by anyone of its officers or by an advocate and solicitor.' To put into perspective, representation could mean someone from the union meeting with management on behalf of a member or a group of staff or discussing a problem with the employer on...
3 Pages 1150 Words

What Is Service?

Service is a word that we always use in our daily lives. It acts as an important role in many businesses and is a leading indicator to measure customer loyalty. Service is a kind of product that is not physical and not tangible such as some medical care and food delivery. These are the things that people cannot touch or feel. Kolter (2000) suggested that a service is an act or performance that one party can offer to another that...
3 Pages 1444 Words

Pharmacist’s Role During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 pandemic was caused by SARS-CoV-2 which was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. The virus spreads between people especially when people are in close content with the person who is affected by it. When people cough, sneezes, or breathes heavily, this virus can be spread from an infected person’s mouth. Besides that, there are other high risks where people can get the virus by not practicing social distancing and the virus enters their body...
3 Pages 1417 Words

Unequal Rights Of Women In The Workforce

Inequality or discrimination of women is that state in which women do not get equal opportunities and rights as that of men. Gender inequality describes the unequal distribution of privileges between men and women when it comes to employment opportunity and wealth. However, women are the mostly affected by this issue of unequal treatment. It is a general fact and observation that there is so much discrimination when it comes to women in the Caribbean. It is evident that, Caribbean...
3 Pages 1524 Words

The Problem Of Child Labor In The United States

In 1870, the federal census published, for the first time, statistics of child employment in the United States, and each succeeding census has done the same thing. During this time, there has been a growing national consciousness about the extent of child labor. There have been many discussions about its resulting evils and plans for reform, but the process of banning child labor in the United States was an extremely difficult one. It was only made possible by significant changes...
2 Pages 1053 Words

The Role Of Pediatrician In Modern Society

Pediatricians are highly experienced doctors who manage the health and well being of all individuals aged 21 years old or younger. They are trained to diagnose and treat infant illnesses, from minor to severe sickness. Pediatricians are an important asset to children's overall health as they grow and develop. They motivate children to live long and healthy lives while improving illnesses that develop in the early years. To become a pediatrician, each pediatric field has a distinct routine, study requirements,...
3 Pages 1338 Words

The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance

A nurse, in simple definition is a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in the hospital. A solid definition nursing can be way more complex due to the fact that it branches into to many subcategories. One type of nurse is the nurse with Baccalaureate Education. They provide the educational framework for the preparation of professional nurses. The main goal is to help provide a safer health care system. Identification Baccalaureate nursing programs puts a strong...
1 Page 588 Words

Work Life Balance: Definition, Roles And Impact

The following section of this project reviews literature related to work-life balance (WLB) and describes why this complex topic with numerous factors and cofactors underpinning its severity calls for much care from business leaders and has captured the attention of many scholars. It also highlights the academic contributions in the interplay between WLB, organizational commitment and workers’ motivation. Definition of WLB Originally introduced in 1972 during the International Labour Relations Conferences (Hian and Einstein, 1990), a large and distinctive body...
6 Pages 2679 Words

A Study Of Employee Work Life Balance In India

Abstract The changing nature at workplace coupled with changes in socio-cultural level has led to imbalance in the work and personal lives of employees all over. Increasing demand, rising awareness among women, increasing stress levels, increasing family levels etc., have made it difficult for people to cope with their work and family lives. With increasing stress levels and demands at the workplaces, attrition rate in organization is increasing. Therefore, the present day organizations are required to create a flexible environment...
6 Pages 2654 Words

The Peculiarities Of Division Of Labor

Abstract Economics is based around how productivity is managed; supply and demand is based on the division of labor. Part of understanding what division of labor you have to have an understanding of how things operate. Economy is described as the production and consumption of goods and services are used to fulfill the needs of those living and operating within. From what has been said about the division of labor that if everyone focused on one particular job prices would...
2 Pages 755 Words

Immanuel Kant’s Analysis Of Imperfect Duty

Kants account of Perfect and imperfect duty is recognised and accepted all over the world. If we try to understand perfect and imperfect duty from a layman’s point of view it would go as follows : Perfect duty consists of duties which have a binding nature for example the duty to not to murder someone falls under perfect duty as it applies strict injunction which restricts us to do the act. Now to get a clear picture of imperfect duties...
6 Pages 2929 Words

Managerial Skills And Roles

INTRODUCTION Before discussing about the various roles and skills required by modern day managers, lets discuss about what managers and what are the various types of management roles and skills. Who are “managers”? Managers are people who are responsible of getting organizational work completed not only timely but also effectively and efficiently through its staff. They achieve the goals and objectives laid down by the firm by four basic management functions which are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. What is...
4 Pages 2019 Words

Water Utility Company And Stakeholders

Stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation's objectives. (Friedman and Miles, 2006) Stakeholders have special interest in an organisation and as a result they influence the organisation directly or indirectly. There are two main types of stakeholders, which are internal stakeholders (employees, owners and managers) and external stakeholders (customers, suppliers, government and local community). For the purpose of this assignment, I want to talk about a water utility company....
1 Page 519 Words

Career Plan And Goals For Marine Environmental Expert

I focus on establishing a career as a marine environmental expert. Thus, following returning, I intend to continue my job at the Department of Fisheries. This is a unique public organization to achieve my career goals, to work intimately with both government and development partners. Subsequent to going along with, I need to present my Individual Activity Plan (IAP) to the ministry with subtleties of my procured information and its applied territory. As per the FAO report, Bangladesh is 3rd...
1 Page 474 Words

Logical Argumentation Enhancing Higher Order Language Skills And Logical Thinking

An argument is a valid product of argumentative reasoning consisting of at least one claim and one premise. It is the process by which many claims are offered based on premises and one reaches a conclusion that is relevant and provides good grounds. Argumentation is the process by which arguments are dialogically and dialectically constructed. Logic is the science that we use to explain or represent a consistent argument about a particular topic. Everyone argues their position at one time...
4 Pages 1809 Words

The Main Principles For Engaging Stakeholders

From the interviews, our personal experience, and a review of documents from the Center for Medical Technology Policy, we identified five general principles that contribute to the successful engagement of stakeholders in comparative effectiveness research. The principles are as follows: ensure a balanced representation of all stakeholder groups; get stakeholders to “buy in” to the process and make sure that they clearly understand their roles; provide neutral, expert facilitation of the stakeholder discussions; establish connections among the stakeholders; and keep...
2 Pages 897 Words

Concepts And Roles Of Public Administration

INTRODUCTION This assignment seeks to critically discuss the importance of political parties and elections in South Africa. In this we will also get to know the meaning of a political party and elections. The body consists of subtopics such as, elections and youth, functions of elections on a society, the role of political parties in different spheres of government and the role of politics in the democracy of South Africa. The role of political parties will be critically discussed using...
4 Pages 2010 Words

Factors Prompting Kenyan Domestic Workers To Seek Employment In Saudi Arabia

Kenya’s economic and employment crisis are driving more people to seek jobs outside the country. Women are the most affected because they are underrepresented in various sectors of the workforce, and therefore risky opportunities in the Middle East often seem like the only option.]About 42 percent of Kenyans live below the poverty line; therefore support through working abroad is the only life saver. Furthermore, there are few opportunities for low-skilled workers; and traditionally in Kenya, domestic workers, are underpaid by...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Business Information And Administration

The walls of the organizations work environment, in addition to the entire layout and interior, says a lot about the organizations vision and mission. Everything from employee engagement, financial stability and work theory can be expressed effectively by the means of investing in correct décor and layout in the workplace. Productivity is the soul of an organization, for employees to enhance their productivity, it is all dependant on the structure of the workplace which also includes the flow of communication...
2 Pages 703 Words

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